Wednesday 14 May 2014

Complaint of poisoning dated 14 May 2014 - Whistle-blower corruption and right to life Writ Petition pending in the Delhi High Court since February 2012 – Writ Petition (Civil) 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v General Electric Company and Others)

Tonight I am sleeping in my car parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi
High Court. Delhi High Court orders in WP 1280/ 2012 direct the police
to protect my life and property. The Police has failed to provide me
with any security/ protection. CP Bassi must comply with the courts
directions and provide me with Z+ security.

The threat to my life issues from General Electric, the Indian State
including State intelligence agencies, the police and the judiciary,
Montek Ahluwalia, Gajendra Haldea, A S Chandhiok, Gibson Dunn And
Crutcher, Joseph Warin, John Chesley, Jeffrey Immelt, John Rice,
Brackett Denniston, Jeffrey Eglash, Alexander Dimitrief, John
Flannery, Bradford Berenson, Lorenzo Simonelli, Tara Plimpton, Puneet
Mahajan, Soli Sorabjee, Raian Karanjawala, A K Sikri, Gita Mittal, P K
Bhasin, Swatanter Kumar, Sudershan Kumar Misra, Najmi Waziri, Suresh
Kait, Badar Durrez Ahmed, Maninder Singh, Rajeeve Mehra, Arvind Nigam,
Deepak Adlakha, Ruby Anand, Pratyush Kumar, Ashfaq Nainar, Himali
Arora, Gaurav Negi, Ashish Malhotra, Inderjit Singh, Vinod Sharma, Zia
Mody, Nanju Ganpathy, Manpreet Lamba etc because of my whistleblower
complaints in WP 1280/ 2012.

Necessary FIRs need to be registered for past and ongoing conspiracies
and attempts to murder/ eliminate me.

The intent is to poison and murder/ eliminate or incapacitate me
before this matter can be heard. 15 May 2014 is the date when the
captioned matter is next listed before court.

I am being poisoned on an almost daily basis since November 2013. From
January 2014 I have been sleeping in my car parked outside gate 8 of
the Delhi High Court. I am being poisoned in my car at night by
deliberate release of poisons like nerve agents and chemical agents
near or in my car. This is being done at different times, some times
soon after I park my car, at intervals during the night and also in
the early morning. The intent of such poisoning at night and at dawn
is to stop my breathing and cause death which can then be passed off
as a natural death from a heart attack.

Additionally after I park my car, different men are made to repeatedly
walk past my car to harass me and on several occasions to poison me.
To camouflage this activity and to facilitate such poisoning, persons
living in servant quarters of near by houses in Bapa Ngr are being
made to target me by deliberately using them to walk past my car and
to loiter near it.

I have been sending complaints to the police about the persons and men
who have been targeting me outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court.
Several of these persons are not local residents and are being sent
there by the persons targeting me and by policemen targeting me.

The intent is to slowly and chronically poison me and the cumulative
effect of all these daily and nightly acts of slow poisoning will
eventually cause death suddenly and will appear to an unaware observer
as a natural death.

Anup Pujari, Sundari Subramaniam Pujari, Adit Pujari and Kriti Pujari
are involved in using the occupants of their servant quarters to
target me. The occupants of servant quarters of C 1 47, CII/46 and
CII/ 48 are also being used to target me. CII/46 is occupied by
Brigadier K J Singh. CII/48 is occupied by Air Vice Marshall N B
Singh. Similarly occupants of
servant quarters of CI/ 61 (occupied by Arunava Dutt, Finance
advisor), and CI/62 (occupied by Uday Saxena and Mukti Saxena), of
CI/49 (occupied by IB officer S K Sinha) and of CI/ 47(occupied by
Rajeev Agrawal) are also being used to target me.

Last night I was again poisoned with nerve/ chemical agents including
hydrogen sulfide outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. This was an
attempt to murder me by poisoning me.

An FIR must be registered which must mention Jeffrey Immelt, Brackett
Denniston, Banmali Agrawala, Jeffrey Eglash, Nanju Ganpathy etc as the
master minds, aiders and abettors of this conspiracy and attempt to

CCTV footage from outside gate 8 of the DHC and around the boundary
roads of the DHC must be preserved as evidence.

WP Civil 1280 of 2012 is listed for hearing on 15 May 2014 before a
Division Bench of J. G S Sistani and J. A K Pathak. Neither of them
can hear this matter and I will be seeking their recusal.

Seema Sapra

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