I am being physically harmed. I have been physically harmed since 2010. I am being harmed because of General Electric.
Existing medical evidence and medical tests will establish that I have been poisoned and physically harmed in the past (in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) and that I am being poisoned for the last one year by deliberate exposure to toxic chemical inhalants/ fumes/ gases. Medical tests will establish damage caused to body organs and systems as a result of such ongoing poisoning by exposure to toxic chemicals including organo-phosphates.
I point out that I am being harmed because of General Electric and because of my writ petition against General Electric and against the Indian State. Someone or some persons very powerful are behind this given the scale of the targeting.
An employee of GE India Industrial Private Limited (Director security) sent a complaint against me to the Police Commissioner for Delhi and to the Registrar General of the Delhi High Court behind my back in 2013 making a false complaint that I was researching explosives on the internet, that I was mentally ill, that I posed a danger to others and to myself, and that I should not be allowed to enter the Delhi High Court. This is on the court record as is my pending application seeking criminal prosecution of this GE employee for making a false police complaint against me.
In 2013, I was compelled to file an application in Writ Petition Civil No. 1280/2012 on the issue of my sexual harassment complaint against Soli J Sorabjee (the incidents occurred in 2001). How and why did K Radhakrishnan in an affidavit purporting to be on behalf of General Electric Company state that my complaint of sexual harassment and attempted rape against Soli Sorabjee (Zia Mody's father) was false? Who in General Electric Company authorized Radhakrishnan to make this statement on oath? I have never met Radhakrishnan. He has no personal or official knowledge of the events/ facts leading to my complaint against Soli Sorabjee. How did Radhakrishnan then deny these facts on oath in an affidavit signed on behalf of General Electric Company? This affidavit of Radhakrishnan is also on the court record. See http://solisorabjeealert.blogspot.in/ for my application against Soli Sorabjee. Who in General Electric Company authorized denial of these facts in Radhakrishnan's affidavit filed in the Delhi High Court?
K Radhakrishnan stated in an affidavit filed in my matter in 2012 purportedly on behalf of GE, that the Delhi High court should not issue directions to provide me housing even though I had been rendered homeless. This affidavit by Radhakrishnan filed for and on behalf of General Electric Company is on the court record. Did General Electric Company authorize this statement objecting to my application seeking housing, a basic human right? Who in General Electric Company wanted me to remain homeless and without shelter?
As a result I am still homeless. As a result I slept in my car for a year and a half. As a result I have nowhere to stay since June 2014 even after my ankle was deliberately dislocated. As a result I was sprayed with toxic chemicals while I was asleep in my car. As a result, I am being poisoned with toxic chemicals in hotels that I am being forced to stay in since June 2014.
Who has put up this anonymous blog targeting me.
This blog contains the following false statements (among others) vis-a-vis my writ petition against General Electric.
“She appears to believe that she was fired from General Electric, where she worked as a lawyer, because she “exposed” certain corrupt practices. GE apparently ordered an internal enquiry into her complaints and found them baseless. Several Indian courts also found no substance in her complaints and refused to hear her petition. Moreover, the contract about which she complained was scrapped by the government, rendering her entire complaint a moot issue.”
My writ petition against General Electric is still pending hearing while this blog post misrepresents that the courts have refused to hear my petition or that they have found no substance in my complaints.
My writ petition against General Electric is still pending hearing while this blog post misrepresents that the courts have refused to hear my petition or that they have found no substance in my complaints.
Police officer Ajay Chaudhary has been used to target me at least since 2011. In May 2011, he was appointed as Additional Commissioner of Police South East Delhi to further the conspiracy to eliminate me while I was living in Jangpura Extension. My house was rigged, I was drugged, chemicals & gases were released into my house, and local police, thugs, neighbors etc were used in a planned victimization and intimidation campaign that was intended to murder me and/or to falsely depict me as mentally ill once I approached the authorities.
My belongings and medical records were stolen under his watch with police participation on 30 May 2012. False affidavits targeting me were filed in court using other tainted police officers like Joy Tirkey under Ajay Chaudhary's watch.
Since 2013, he is Officer on Special Duty looking after police and legal affairs in the office of the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi. He is coordinating further attacks against me from that position misusing police resources and power.
Ajay Chaudhary appears to be a venally corrupt man who is involved in extortion, targetings and corruption. A lady Kamini Khanna has uploaded certain revealing complaints against Ajay Chaudhary and his advocate sister Shobha Gupta at http://www.slideshare.net/kaminikhanna/bribery-by-ips-dcp and at http://www.slideshare.net/kaminikhanna/nexus-of-police-with-lawyers-and-courts
Ajay Chaudhary's present position and hold on the Delhi Police explains a lot about how I am being targeted.
More on Ajay Chaudhary's background
Ajay Chaudhary was posted with the Intelligence Bureau and from that position was appointed as Additional Commissioner of South East Delhi in May 2011. See http://www.sureshmehrotra.
"Ajay Chaudhary is back from IB
Ajay Chaudhary is back from the IB. On return 1996-batch IPS officer, has been posted as additional commissioner of southeast Delhi."
Ajay Chaudhary is back from the IB. On return 1996-batch IPS officer, has been posted as additional commissioner of southeast Delhi."
Ajay Chaudhary's posting as Additional DCP South East Delhi was very unusual as his background did not include general policing even at the DCP level. At the same time, the DCP position under him was kept vacant, thereby concentrating all power in Ajay Chaudhary's hands.
Ajay Chaudhary's role in covering up the truth about the Batla House encounter also indicates that he has connections to foreign intelligence agencies like the CIA.
Tainted police officer Joy Tirkey was used to file a false police affidavit targeting me in my GE corruption case. Joy Tirkey was at that time and still is accused and under investigation in a police extortion racket and in the Nehru Place police shootout and for destruction of evidence. There is therefore a threat to my life from Joy Tirkey, currently posted as Additional DCP Crime in Delhi Police.
Even worse, then Additional Standing Counsel for Delhi Police Dayan Krishnan lied to the Delhi High Court on 10 January 2014 that the Delhi Police had undertaken an assessment of the threat to my life. No such exercise has been carried out by the Delhi Police and there is no documentary evidence to support this false claim of Dayan Krishnan which oral statement by him was made in Court on 10 January 2014 without a supporting affidavit and without any instructions (written or otherwise) from the Police. Despite this lie by Dayan Krishnan, the Delhi High Court on 10 January 2014 refused to withdraw its directions to the Police Commissioner to protect me and directed that the protection orders would continue. However, these orders are still not being complied with.
Deliberate destruction of left foot by orthopaedic doctor on 9 June 2014
Xray of Fibula fracture on 5 June 2014
Xray dated 30 July 2014 of subsequent deliberate ankle/ foot dislocation/ destruction by Dr Anuj Malhotra at Fortis Vasant Kunj Hospital on 9 June 2014
Note that in the Xray dated 5 June 2014, the ankle/ foot are in correct position with respect to the calf bones. However, in the Xray dated 30 July 2014, the entire foot has moved outwards to the left with respect to the calf bones
The foot was destroyed by Dr Anuj Malhota in Fortis Hospital on 9 June 2014 under the pretext of removing the cast placed on the fracture at Artemis Hospital on 5 June 2014. Dr Anuj Malhota twisted my foot on 9 June 2014 making me cry out in pain. An Xray taken at Fortis Hospital on 9 June 2014 shows the foot has moved outwards from the ankle, I do not have an Xray scanned image for the Xray dated 9 June 2014, however I have the Xray film dated 9 June 2014 with me.
I have audio recordings proving that Dr Anuj Malhotra deliberately destroyed my foot on 9 June 2014 in an attempt to force me into surgery, eliminate me and/ or permanently disable me and to prevent me from being able to walk. These audio recordings include the exact moment when DR Anuj Malhotra twisted my foot and I cried out in pain.
For additional evidence on the deliberate destruction of my foot see http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/p/leg-fracture-and-chest-xrays-from-last.html
Evidence of Ethylene Glycol poisoning in July 2011
The excessive calcium oxalate crystals in my urine on 22 July 2011 establishes poisoning using ethylene glycol.
A heart ECG of the same date 22 July 11 was abnormal with rightward axis.
A lung xray of the same date 22 July 11 was abnormal.
Attempted false diagnosis of thyroid cancer in 2011
On 19 August 2011, Max Hospital at Saket attempted to falsely diagnose me with thyroid cancer to cover up my complaints of poisoning which I had approached the hospital with,
See the neck ultrasound report dated 19 August 2011, which was carried out because of a swollen lymph node on the back of my neck but which was misused to attempt to falsely diagnose me with thyroid cancer. I knew that Max hospital was attempting such a false diagnosis to cover up my complaints of poisoning and to cover up the complaints I had by them made against a particular doctor at Max Hospital.
To obtain evidence of the attempt to falsely diagnose me with thyroid cancer, I obtained another neck ultrasound under an assumed name at another hospital on 20 February 2012.
Note that the ultrasound report of 20 February 2012 shows that the solid nodule concocted by Max Hospital on 19 August 2011 in the right lobe of my thyroid gland is larger in dimensions than the right lobe of my thyroid gland itself.
Conspiracy and attempt to eliminate me on 17 February 2012
On 17 February 2012 ( a Friday), fearing for my life, I told then Acting Chief Justice A K Sikri in open court in the Delhi High Court that I had made corruption complaints against General Electric Company and that I was being poisoned and that specifically my lungs were being poisoned by exposure to toxic chemicals. I told him that I was waking up breathless. I told him that my dead body would be found in my residence if I was not protected. J. Sikri asked me to file a writ petition. I made a written complaint of poisoning to J. Sikri that day. J. Sikri ought to have directed me to be examined by AIIMS for poisoning. Instead I was tricked into going to the Delhi High Court dispensary ostensibly to receive urgent medical attention. The CMO of the Delhi High Court dispensary (Dr K G S Bansal) was used in an attempt to eliminate me. I had complained of poisoning which he ignored. He recorded my blood pressure as 180/ 100 and then wanted to send me off with a prescription for amlodipine (no dosage mentioned) and Alprax (Alprazolam - a Benzodiazepine) which he told me to take at night. Simultaneously, attempts were made to get me to leave the court room that day.
I point out that J. Sikri had directed in open court that a copy of my written complaint of poisoning be given to police standing counsel before I met Dr KG S Bansal. I had also handed over my written complaint of poisoning at the Chief Justice's Secretariat before I met Dr K G S Bansal.
I rejected Dr K G S Bansal's prescription and advice, complained against him to Justice Sikri in open court the same day both in writing and orally in court. I then left the Court and had my blood pressure checked that evening and it was normal.
Later in the evening, a text message was sent to me to create false evidence that I had consumed alcohol that weekend.
I had my blood pressure checked during that weekend again (on 18 February 2012) at two different medical facilities where I went only for this purpose and my BP was normal.
Tainted police officer Joy Tirkey was used to file false police affidavit targeting me in GE corruption case, Joy Tirkey was at that time accused and under investigation in police extortion racket and in Nehru Place police shootout. There is therefore a threat to my life from Joy Tirkey, currently posted as Additional DCP Crime in Delhi Police.
http://www.dailypioneer.com/city/addl-dcp-summoned-in-police-extortion-ring.html and
Even worse, then Additional Standing Counsel for Delhi Police Dayan Krishnan lied to the Delhi High Court that the Delhi Police had undertaken an assessment of the threat to my life. No such exercise has been carried out by the Delhi Police and there is no documentary evidence to support this false claim of Dayan Krishnan which oral statement by him was made in Court on 19 January 2014 without a supporting affidavit and without any instructions (written or otherwise) from the Police.
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