Saturday, 12 April 2014

Fw: Request for registration of an FIR for poisoning by deliberate exposure to an organophosphate pesticide or other poisonous chemical on 12 April 2014 in Ambience Mall in Gurgaon Seema Sapra - Writ Petition (Civil) 1280/ 2012 - in the matter of Seema Sa

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-----Original Message-----
From: Seema Sapra <>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 12:42:11
To: Sapra<>; Seema Sapra<>; Rajiv Khosla<>; Jatan Singh<>; Abhijat Bal<>; Ashutosh lohia<>; Vikram Singh Panwar<>; Anoop Bagai<>; <>; Aruna Tiku<>; Sunil Mittal<>; Meghna Mittal Sankhla<>; <>; Amit Sharma with khosla<>; Laxmi Chauhan<>; Pankaj Kapoor<>;<>; Bhim Sain Bassi<>;<>;<>;<>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Seema Sapra Alert<>;<>
Subject: Request for registration of an FIR for poisoning by deliberate
exposure to an organophosphate pesticide or other poisonous chemical on 12
April 2014 in Ambience Mall in Gurgaon Seema Sapra - Writ Petition (Civil)
1280/ 2012 - in the matter of Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company and
Others in the Delhi High Court

Request for registration of an FIR for poisoning by deliberate
exposure to an organophosphate pesticide or other poisonous chemical
on 12 April 2014 in Ambience Mall in Gurgaon when I was sitting in the
open Lavazza café on the second floor

This morning I arrived at Ambience Mall and I sat down in the Lavazza
Café on the second floor of the Mall. After sometime I noticed two men
go past from behind me with a pesticide spray can.

Soon after that I intermittently smelt some pesticide/ chemical near
me, and I started to cough.

After some time, I decided to inspect who was doing this. I discovered
that a man was releasing this pesticide next to me from a container
behind me and he was doing this using the pretext of cleaning the shop
windows of a store behind me called iconickids.

I noticed suspicious behaviour by the guard outside this store which
alerted me to what was going on. At a short distance, I found two men,
one wearing a security uniform and the other wearing a housekeeping
uniform. All these men were involved in this release of pesticides in
my vicinity today in the mall. This was a planned operation designed
to look harmless as if this man was merely cleaning the shop windows.
Soon after I questioned these men, the mall Manager Sandeep Dutta
arrived on the scene and was on the phone with someone.

CCTV footage from this area and from other areas of the mall and other
evidence will establish the conspiracy that was put into effect today
to poison me at Ambience Mall at the behest of and instructions of
agents acting for General Electric and Montek Singh Ahluwalia.

Only a criminal investigation after registration of an FIR will
establish the full facts. Kindly register this FIR in accordance with
the Supreme Court of India's directions that the Police must register
an FIR in all cases of complaints involving cognizable offences. This
is a complaint involving conspiracy and attempt to murder and of
poisoning a whistleblower and a witness to corruption complaints.

This FIR must be registered against the men in the attached pictures
who were all involved and against the owners and managers of Ambience
Mall including Mr Sandeep Dutta. The staff of the shop iconickids must
also be named in the FIR. The persons aiding and abetting these
offences must also be identified after registration of an FIR. The FIR
should name Mr Banmali Agrawala and Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia as the
masterminds and the aiders and abettors of these criminal offences.

As has been the practice, I am certain that after this complaint is
emailed by me, a cover up exercise will be put into effect which I
will also record.

I also point out that these incidents happened when no one else was in
the café as it was early in the morning.

Seema Sapra

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Seema Sapra
<> wrote:
> To,
> Can you identify yourself. Who are you? You are anonymously targeting
> me on the internet at I attach a
> document containing the trash and lies you have published about me.
> I have taken screen shots of your post. I will be making police
> complaints against you and seeking criminal prosecution against you.
> Your statements also amount to contempt of the Delhi High Court as
> they are intended to interfere with the administration of justice in
> Writ Petition 1280 of 2012 being heard by the Delhi High Court against
> General Electric Company for corruption, fraud, forgery, bribery etc.
> You are targeting a whistle-blower and a witness in a corruption case.
> Seema Sapra

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