Ex General Electric lawyer and whistleblower on $GE corruption and a #MeToo #MeTooIndia survivor who exposed lawyers Soli Sorabjee & Raian Karanjawala being poisoned and #Forcedtobeg
Thursday, 26 December 2019
Grave and Immediate threat to life of Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned #MeToo #MeTooIndia #GE $GE
Gmail Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Grave and Immediate threat to life of Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned #MeToo #MeTooIndia #GE $GE
seema sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com> Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 9:12 PM
To: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>, "fmo@nic.in" <fmo@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov" <newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, Amit Shah <amitshah.bjp@gmail.com>, _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <InfoDesk@ohchr.org>, "Press-Info@ohchr.org" <Press-Info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn" <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, "delamb@um.dk" <delamb@um.dk>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi <ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "info@group30.org" <info@group30.org>, "poststelle@sta.berlin.de" <poststelle@sta.berlin.de>, "public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk" <public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk>, "webmaster.greco@coe.int" <webmaster.greco@coe.int>, "info@eurojust.europa.eu" <info@eurojust.europa.eu>, "poststelle@generalbundesanwalt.de" <poststelle@generalbundesanwalt.de>, "ejn@eurojust.europa.eu" <ejn@eurojust.europa.eu>, "collegesecretariat@eurojust.europa.eu" <collegesecretariat@eurojust.europa.eu>, "poststelle@bgh.bund.de" <poststelle@bgh.bund.de>, "secretariat@cepol.europa.eu" <secretariat@cepol.europa.eu>, "CP@ohchr.org" <CP@ohchr.org>, "zentrale@bundesnachrichtendienst.de" <zentrale@bundesnachrichtendienst.de>, "india@mofa.go.kr" <india@mofa.go.kr>, "consular2@newdelhi.mfa.gov.il" <consular2@newdelhi.mfa.gov.il>, "info@newdelhi.mfa.gov.il" <info@newdelhi.mfa.gov.il>, "mumbai@amchamindia.com" <mumbai@amchamindia.com>, "Directors@corporate.ge.com" <Directors@corporate.ge.com>, "npeltz@trianpartners.com" <npeltz@trianpartners.com>, Mukul Rohatgi <mukul17855@gmail.com>, Kapil Sibal <kapilsibal@hotmail.com>, Rajesh R <1976.rajesh@gmail.com>, Dushyant Dave <dushyantdave@gmail.com>, "rkpslaw@hotmail.com" <rkpslaw@hotmail.com>, "knbhat@yahoo.com" <knbhat@yahoo.com>, "rameshsingh66@gmail.com" <rameshsingh66@gmail.com>, Rebecca John <rebeccamammen@gmail.com>, Gourab Banerji <gkbanerji@gmail.com>, "kaminijaiswal@hotmail.com" <kaminijaiswal@hotmail.com>, "vigneaswara@yahoo.com" <vigneaswara@yahoo.com>, "pradeepkumarpradeep@hotmail.com" <pradeepkumarpradeep@hotmail.com>, Pallav Shishodia <pshishodia@yahoo.com>, sandeep sharma <sandeepsharma21@gmail.com>, "ssabharwal347@yahoo.com" <ssabharwal347@yahoo.com>, "sensanjiv@yahoo.co.in" <sensanjiv@yahoo.co.in>, "vrreddy080@gmail.com" <vrreddy080@gmail.com>, Tapash Ray <tapashray362@gmail.com>, "sr_adv_akpanda@yahoo.co.in" <sr_adv_akpanda@yahoo.co.in>, harin raval <harinraval.office@gmail.com>, Justice Ginsburg <justicerbg@gmail.com>, "swhneysawhney@yahoo.com" <swhneysawhney@yahoo.com>, "nagendraraisradv@gmail.com" <nagendraraisradv@gmail.com>, Salman Khurshid <salmankhurshid100@gmail.com>, "amit.sibal@amitsibal.com" <amit.sibal@amitsibal.com>, "akhil_sibal@hotmail.com" <akhil_sibal@hotmail.com>, "darpan.wadhwa@gmail.com" <darpan.wadhwa@gmail.com>, Vikas Pahwa <vikaspahwaadv@gmail.com>, Tushar Mehta <tusharmehta.asg@gmail.com>, Ranjit Kumar <kranjit13@gmail.com>, "lnageshwararao@hotmail.com" <lnageshwararao@hotmail.com>, Maninder Singh <ms@singhmaninder.com>, Neeraj Kaul <neerajkishankaul@gmail.com>, Narasimha Pamidighantam <psnarasimha@gmail.com>, Sanjay Jain <sanjayjain.chamber@gmail.com>, Ganesaiyer Rajagopalan <grsenior59@gmail.com>, Rajdeepak Rastogi <advrdrastogi@gmail.com>, ASHOK MEHTA <asgashokmehta@gmail.com>, Ranjit Kumar <sgofficerk@gmail.com>, Ranjit Kumar <ranjitkumarofficial@gmail.com>, Prabhuling K Navadgi <navadgi@gmail.com>, "contact@satyapaljain.com" <contact@satyapaljain.com>, "sdsanjay@hotmail.com" <sdsanjay@hotmail.com>, sanjay satydarshi <sdsanjayadv@gmail.com>, Atmaram Nadkarni <atmaramnsnadkarni@gmail.com>, pinky anand <pinkyanand@gmail.com>, "tusharmehta64@yahoo.com" <tusharmehta64@yahoo.com>, Amit Sharma <advamit.sharma@gmail.com>, gopi krishnan <jgopikrishnan@yahoo.com>, Subramanian Swamy <swamy39@gmail.com>, Prashant Bhushan <prashantbhush@gmail.com>, "pravin@anandandanand.com" <pravin@anandandanand.com>, "pallavi.shroff@amsshardul.com" <pallavi.shroff@amsshardul.com>, "rsethi@snrlaw.in" <rsethi@snrlaw.in>, Abhishek Manu Singhvi <drams59@gmail.com>, "Dr.Waiel Awwad" <dr.awwad@gmail.com>, Murali Krishnan <murali@barandbench.com>, Dhananjay Mahapatra <dhananjay.mahapatra@gmail.com>, "aneesha.mathur@expressindia.com" <aneesha.mathur@expressindia.com>, Scba India <scbaec@gmail.com>, Vikas Singh <singh.vikas60@gmail.com>, "kirti_uppal@yahoo.com" <kirti_uppal@yahoo.com>, "aknigamoffice@gmail.com" <aknigamoffice@gmail.com>, "sci@nic.in" <sci@nic.in>, "reg.ramkumarchoubey@sci.nic.in" <reg.ramkumarchoubey@sci.nic.in>, "sg.rmaithani@sci.nic.in" <sg.rmaithani@sci.nic.in>, "ib-extension@sci.nic.in" <ib-extension@sci.nic.in>, "II C Appeal & SLP (CM)" <sec.ii-c@sci.nic.in>, "Section-1B, Branch Officer" <sec.ib@sci.nic.in>, "bo.anitabhatia@sci.nic.in" <bo.anitabhatia@sci.nic.in>, "sec.ii@sci.nic.in" <sec.ii@sci.nic.in>, "reg.deepakjain@sci.nic.in" <reg.deepakjain@sci.nic.in>, "dyreg.meenasarin@sci.nic.in" <dyreg.meenasarin@sci.nic.in>, "rg.dhc@nic.in" <rg.dhc@nic.in>, "dyreg.rakeshsharma@sci.nic.in" <dyreg.rakeshsharma@sci.nic.in>, "vishal.wanchoo@ge.com" <vishal.wanchoo@ge.com>, "lggc.delhi@nic.in" <lggc.delhi@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "sho-ptstreet-dl@nic.in" <sho-ptstreet-dl@nic.in>, "sho-saket-dl@nic.in" <sho-saket-dl@nic.in>, "cp.amulyapatnaik@delhipolice.gov.in" <cp.amulyapatnaik@delhipolice.gov.in>, "sho-defenceclny-dl@nic.in" <sho-defenceclny-dl@nic.in>, "sho-crpark-dl@nic.in" <sho-crpark-dl@nic.in>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <NDwebmail@state.gov>, "president@whitehouse.gov" <president@whitehouse.gov>, "chairmanoffice@sec.gov" <chairmanoffice@sec.gov>, hschultz <hschultz@starbucks.com>, "cmdelhi@nic.in" <cmdelhi@nic.in>, "Suhel.Daud@ic.fbi.gov" <Suhel.Daud@ic.fbi.gov>, "sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in" <sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in>, "sho-daryaganj-dl@nic.in" <sho-daryaganj-dl@nic.in>, "sho-cp-dl@nic.in" <sho-cp-dl@nic.in>, "sho-safdarjung-dl@nic.in" <sho-safdarjung-dl@nic.in>, "sho-gk-dl@nic.in" <sho-gk-dl@nic.in>, "ashish.sawkar@ic.fbi.gov" <ashish.sawkar@ic.fbi.gov>, "sho-patelngr-dl@nic.in" <sho-patelngr-dl@nic.in>, "cp.ggn@hry.nic.in" <cp.ggn@hry.nic.in>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "sho-hauzkhas-dl@nic.in" <sho-hauzkhas-dl@nic.in>, "sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in" <sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "sho-amarclny-dl@nic.in" <sho-amarclny-dl@nic.in>, "michael.holston@ge.com" <michael.holston@ge.com>, "office@achowdhury.com" <office@achowdhury.com>, Arunabh Chowdhury <arunabhchowdhury@gmail.com>, "dn@rayfirm.org" <dn@rayfirm.org>, "dn@dnray.in" <dn@dnray.in>, "Emergency Medicine, AIIMS" <emergencymediaiims@gmail.com>, Maninder Acharya <acharyam100@gmail.com>, sandeep sethi <sandeepsethiadv@gmail.com>, "officeofmr@gov.in" <officeofmr@gov.in>, rajshekhar rao <rao.rajshekhar@gmail.com>, Rao Adn <adnrao@adnrao.com>, "krishna.venugopal@gmail.com" <krishna.venugopal@gmail.com>, Gopal Subramanium <gs@gschambers.org>, "vedantavarma@hotmail.com" <vedantavarma@hotmail.com>, "K.N Bhat" <knbhat@gmail.com>, "knbhat@hotmail.com" <knbhat@hotmail.com>, "senior_advocate_katara@yahoo.com" <senior_advocate_katara@yahoo.com>, Aman lekhi <aman.lekhi@gmail.com>, "krishnan_venugopal@yahoo.com" <krishnan_venugopal@yahoo.com>, Aman Lekhi <lekhi.aman@gmail.com>, "ashokpanda007@yahoo.co.in" <ashokpanda007@yahoo.co.in>, "SeniorAdv@gmail.com" <SeniorAdv@gmail.com>, Madhavi Divan <divanmail@gmail.com>, "shyamdiwan@gmail.com" <shyamdiwan@gmail.com>, "mehtavikas@hotmail.com" <mehtavikas@hotmail.com>, Sanjay Hegde <sanjayrhegde@gmail.com>, Raian Karanjawala <rnk88888@gmail.com>, manik karanjawala <manikkaranjawala@gmail.com>, "Karanjawala & Co." <karanjawala@karanjawala.in>, "Sandeep.kapur@karanjawala.in" <Sandeep.kapur@karanjawala.in>, "apurva.vishwanath@theprint.in" <apurva.vishwanath@theprint.in>, "shekhar.gupta@theprint.in" <shekhar.gupta@theprint.in>, "feedback@theprint.in" <feedback@theprint.in>, "larry.culp@ge.com" <larry.culp@ge.com>, "lawrence.culp@ge.com" <lawrence.culp@ge.com>, "Puneet.Singh@ic.fbi.gov" <Puneet.Singh@ic.fbi.gov>, Kent Walker <kwalker@google.com>, Hemant Singh <hemant@inttladvocare.com>, rajiv luthra <rajiv@luthra.com>, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok <achandhiok@gmail.com>, "cia_foia@ucia.gov" <cia_foia@ucia.gov>, Rajeeve Mehra <mehralaw@gmail.com>, "rakeshkhanna2005@yahoo.co.in" <rakeshkhanna2005@yahoo.co.in>, Rakesh Khanna <rakeshkhanna2005@gmail.com>, "jmsharma@jmsharma.co" <jmsharma@jmsharma.co>, jitendra sharma <jmsharma.ind@gmail.com>, "vikrantyadav@hotmail.com" <vikrantyadav@hotmail.com>, preeti singh <preetisingh1324@gmail.com>, Vikas Bansal <bansalvikas14b@gmail.com>, "rohit.pandey4587@gmail.com" <rohit.pandey4587@gmail.com>, jayant sud <jayantsud@gmail.com>, "janakalyandas@yahoo.co.in" <janakalyandas@yahoo.co.in>, "janakalyandas@gmail.com" <janakalyandas@gmail.com>, "vinaygargin@yahoo.com" <vinaygargin@yahoo.com>, Manjeet Singh <advmanjeet@gmail.com>, "jkashmir@vsnl.com" <jkashmir@vsnl.com>, "jknpp@bol.net.in" <jknpp@bol.net.in>, "pradeep@pradeeprai.com" <pradeep@pradeeprai.com>, Anjali Chauhan <anjalichauhan73@gmail.com>, "anjali.chauhan96@yahoo.in" <anjali.chauhan96@yahoo.in>, Shamshravish Rein <shamshravish@gmail.com>, "sadhanasandhu@yahoo.co.in" <sadhanasandhu@yahoo.co.in>, mukti chowdhary <mukti1805c@gmail.com>, Aditya Singh <lex.aditya@gmail.com>, Amarjeet Singh Singh <amar.abhinav@gmail.com>, "umishra.adv@gmail.com" <umishra.adv@gmail.com>, sushma manchanda <sushmamanchanda6@gmail.com>, upendra narayan Mishra <unmishra.adv@gmail.com>, "dcp.nd@delhipolice.gov.in" <dcp.nd@delhipolice.gov.in>, Rupinder Suri <suri.rupinder@gmail.com>, Indira Jaising <indirajaising@gmail.com>, Upendra Baxi <baxiupendra@gmail.com>, Babu Mathew <babumathewtu@gmail.com>, "madhu05.m m" <madhu05.m@gmail.com>, "pratiksha.baxi@gmail.com" <pratiksha.baxi@gmail.com>, Kavita Krishnan <kavitakrish73@gmail.com>, "anitaabrahm@gmail.com" <anitaabrahm@gmail.com>, pritarani jha <pritarjha@gmail.com>, Maja Daruwala <maja.daruwala@gmail.com>, Miloon Kothari <miloon.kothari@gmail.com>, "suneeta.dhar@jagori.org" <suneeta.dhar@jagori.org>, Kalpana Viswanath <viswanath.kalpana@gmail.com>, "programmes@pldindia.org" <programmes@pldindia.org>, Anand Grover <anandgrover@gmail.com>, Vrinda Grover <vrindagrover@gmail.com>, "wri.delhi@lawyerscollective.org" <wri.delhi@lawyerscollective.org>, "aidslaw1@lawyerscollective.org" <aidslaw1@lawyerscollective.org>, "dcp-nd@delhipolice.gov.in" <dcp-nd@delhipolice.gov.in>, "standingcounselcriminal@gmail.com" <standingcounselcriminal@gmail.com>, "reg.pkgera@sci.nic.in" <reg.pkgera@sci.nic.in>, "sec.x@sci.nic.in" <sec.x@sci.nic.in>, "dcp-cybercell-crime-dl@delhipolice.gov.in" <dcp-cybercell-crime-dl@delhipolice.gov.in>, "a_s_c@airtelmail.in" <a_s_c@airtelmail.in>, "justicekatju@gmail.com" <justicekatju@gmail.com>, "abhijat.bal@gmail.com" <abhijat.bal@gmail.com>, "mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com" <mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com>, "addl-dcp1-nd-dl@delhipolice.gov.in" <addl-dcp1-nd-dl@delhipolice.gov.in>, "pa2addldcpndd@gmail.com" <pa2addldcpndd@gmail.com>, "supremecourt@nic.in" <supremecourt@nic.in>, Sapra Consultants <sapraconsultants@gmail.com>, "sapralegal@gmail.com" <sapralegal@gmail.com>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>, "helpline@eda.admin.ch" <helpline@eda.admin.ch>, "dcp-south-dl@nic.in" <dcp-south-dl@nic.in>, "criminalstandingcounsel@gmail.com" <criminalstandingcounsel@gmail.com>, "reg.avanipalsingh@sci.nic.in" <reg.avanipalsingh@sci.nic.in>, "jpsharma.dir@gmail.com" <jpsharma.dir@gmail.com>, "kpsingh0202@gmail.com" <kpsingh0202@gmail.com>, "director.hoticulture1@ndmc.gov.in" <director.hoticulture1@ndmc.gov.in>, "babukhanaddl.dh@gmail.com" <babukhanaddl.dh@gmail.com>, "horticulture07@gmail.com" <horticulture07@gmail.com>, "bssharmandmc@gmail.com" <bssharmandmc@gmail.com>, "jsdabas45@gmail.com" <jsdabas45@gmail.com>, "ddhorticulture2@ndmc.gov.in" <ddhorticulture2@ndmc.gov.in>, "Sp.ndmc@gmail.com" <Sp.ndmc@gmail.com>, "director.horticulture1@ndmc.gov.in" <director.horticulture1@ndmc.gov.in>, "Jogender.s.dabas@gmail.com" <Jogender.s.dabas@gmail.com>, "dr.vinod_verma@yahoo.co.in" <dr.vinod_verma@yahoo.co.in>, "jkaushik850@gmail.com" <jkaushik850@gmail.com>, "vineetndmc@gmail.com" <vineetndmc@gmail.com>, "dkravi72@gmail.com" <dkravi72@gmail.com>, "rk9911991398@gmail.com" <rk9911991398@gmail.com>, "ajayrn30@gmail.com" <ajayrn30@gmail.com>, "sunilpanwarailum@gmail.com" <sunilpanwarailum@gmail.com>, "tomar1980up@gmail.com" <tomar1980up@gmail.com>, "k.nitin5555@gmail.com" <k.nitin5555@gmail.com>, "sandeepgi.sharma@gmail.com" <sandeepgi.sharma@gmail.com>, "parveenrana24@gmail.com" <parveenrana24@gmail.com>
seema sapra has shared OneDrive files with you. To view them, click the images below.
The events of yesterday 24 December 2019 in the Delhi High Court have shown that the criminal conspiracy to falsely label me as mentally ill and incarcerate me, commit me to a psychiatric institution and to drug and eventually lobotomize me there in the name of "treatment" as a permanent way of silencing me instead of outright killing me is still underway with several powerful lawyers at the helm and with the DHCBA executive committee involved as an active participant and as an agent/ tool which is being used to further this criminal conspiracy.
I have been complaining now since a long time that I am being subjected to organized stalking, targeting, harassment and even poisoning inside the Delhi High Court. I have also been repeatedly drugged there and attempts to drug me continue.
In the last two years since I filed Writ Petition Civil 1027/2018 in the Supreme Court, this targeting in the Delhi High Court has escalated.
In the last year, Tahira Karanjawala, the younger daughter of Raian Karanjawla has married the son of a retired Judge of the Delhi High Court, Justice Sudarshan Kumar Mishra.
In the past few months, I have noticed the use of a large number of Delhi High Court staff to stalk, target and poison me. I have been concerned that some senior officers of the Delhi High Court Registry might be involved in targeting me.
On 24 December 2019, which was the last working day of the Delhi High Court before the Winter break, I was being subjected to the usual stalking, targeting, harassment and poisoning.
In the last 2-3 weeks, I have been carrying/ using in enclosed spaces a small battery-operated fan in my hands in order to protect myself to some extent from the poisonous/ toxic chemical fumes/ inhalants that I am being deliberately exposed to. I have been using a fan in the Delhi High Court as well.
On 23 December 2019, I was walking through the Delhi High Court lawyers’ cafeteria with this fan in my hand when someone pushed me. The fan fell down from my hands. The person who pushed me picked it up and gave it to me. The fan was obviously damaged because later that day it stopped working. I could see an internal part displaced.
On 24 December 2019, I was again walking through the Delhi High Court lawyers’ cafeteria with another fan of the same kind in my hand when I was again suddenly pushed from the back and the fan again fell from my hands. I was deliberately pushed by one of two men who had just walked past me. After getting slightly behind me, one of them pushed me from the side on my hand holding the fan and also pressed into my chest area with their hands. I turned around and one of them was smiling and offering a fake apology. I state that this was a deliberate physical assault on me by these men and the intent was to make me drop the fan. In the process the man’s hand/ arm also touched/ pressed against my breast area. I got angry at the nerve of this man and his physical assault on me. I caught hold of him by his shirt collar and held him while I took his picture. I continued to hold him and pushed him back against a wall. I did not physically hurt him. I then pulled him forward when a lawyer intervened. The lawyer was S. S Chadha who has been targeting, abusing, threatening me openly for the past few years and has been part of the groups who have been coordinating the attacks on me in the Delhi High Court. The man touched my breasts, he deliberately pushed and touched me with the intention of making me drop the fan and my reaction to his behaviour was perfectly legitimate and justified. Let me make it very clear that if I am in any manner deliberately assaulted physically and sexually violated as I was by this man touching my breast, I am perfectly entitled to defend myself, catch such person by the collar, take his picture and even slap him. For the record I restrained myself from slapping him.
This incident was seen by all the lawyers sitting in the cafeteria, but no one spoke up or intervened except for S. S. Chadha.
After this I was again repeatedly stalked, targeted, followed and poisoned in the Delhi High Court.
After about 2 hours of the incident in the Delhi High Court cafeteria, I decided to speak up and I made the following statement in the Delhi High Court lobby for everyone to hear. I also tweeted this statement.
Lawyer Raian Karanjawala, a very dangerous sexual predator. On a work trip to Calcutta, he drugged my food & when I was about to fall unconscious, he invited me to his room for a night cap. Thankfully I refused, otherwise I would have been unconscious in his hotel room. #MeToo
I was passing through the Delhi High Court lawyers’ cafeteria again. I again made this statement there loudly for everyone to hear. I repeated it at least three times.
A young woman lawyer sitting on a table with three others started sniggering and laughing at me. I asked her loudly if she had any shame that she was laughing at the statement made by me. Suddenly one of the men sitting with her got up and started shouting at me and threatening me. He walked right toward me, invaded my bodily space and threatened me with physical violence. I did not react. I moved away and asked him to move back away from me as his behavior amounted to criminal intimidation and threat of use of violent force. I told the other lawyers watching to note how this man’s behavior amounted to a threat of use of force and criminal intimidation of a woman.
Suddenly lawyer Jatan Singh who is part of the Delhi High Court Bar Association Executive Committee came into the cafeteria and started shouting at me to leave. I told him I was leaving and walked out. Jatan Singh followed me. He tried to stop me from going into the Court building. He told me - court building mein mat jayo. He called some policemen and shouted two or three times - isko High Court se baahar nikalo.
Jatan Singh then collected a mob of lawyers and policemen and policewomen and started following me.
I realized I was in physical danger and I went into the Court building and went in and sat down in Court 4 where the Bench of Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Sanjeev Narula was sitting. A matter was being heard so I waited for the opportunity to address the Bench.
A few minutes later, B S Dhir who is also a member of the DHCBA executive committee burst into court 4. There was a large crowd of lawyers with him including Jatan Singh. He addressed me loudly and told me to come out of the court room. I then got up and addressed the Bench and asked them to protect me as this group of lawyers was assembled to assault me and to use unlawful force against me.
The current President of the DHCBA executive committee Mohit Mathur also turned up.
Here is a brief summary of what happened before Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Sanjeev Narula in Court 4 on 26 December 2019. The plan of the lawyers led by Jatan Singh and Mohit Mathur was to shout me down, prevent me from being heard and tell lies about me to the Court. The lawyer who threatened me with physical violence in the cafeteria was also present pretending to be a person assaulted by me. These three, Mohit Mathur, Jatan Singh and the third man whose picture is attached told the following lies about me to the Bench. (i) That I was screaming at the top of my voice. (ii) That I was assaulting lawyers. (iii) Jatan Singh lied that I had assaulted a lawyer earlier in the day in the cafeteria and that I had banged that man’s head against a wall. (iv) The man who threatened me blatantly lied that I had assaulted him.
I told Jatan Singh to file an FIR against me if he wanted. I told the Court that the DHCBA could institute legal proceedings against me, if they wanted, but they had no right to attempt to physically assault me in the Delhi High Court as a group and to threaten me or to attempt to throw me out physically.
I told the Court that I had been making complaints that I was being stalked, targeted, harassed, abused, victimized, threatened and even poisoned inside the Delhi High Court and that these complaints had been brought to the attention of the Supreme Court in my applications filed there. I told the Court that I was a woman victim and complainant of sexual harassment and that under the sexual harassment act, it was my right to have a safe place of work and the Delhi High Court was my workplace. I told the Court that it was reprehensible the way the Delhi High Court Bar had ganged up against me and was targeting me.
Mohit Mathur stated the following lies. (i) That I was not a DHCBA member. When I replied that the my DHCBA membership had been illegally terminated, he replied that he was not concerned with that. (ii) That I had not made any complaints and he was not aware of any complaints made by me., (My complaints are going to Mohit Mathur’s email as well. (iii) That Mohit Mathur was not aware of my court cases nor aware of my sexual harassment and sexual assault complaints against Soli Sorabjee and Raian Karanjawala. Copies of all my court petitions and pleadings have been emailed to Mohit Mathur.
I told the Court that I would file a writ petition against the DHCBA as it was necessary to probe the criminal conspiracy against me. I told the Court that CCTV records for the last six months are preserved in the Delhi High Court and these records would show how I was being stalked, followed, harassed, targeted and poisoned inside the Delhi High Court.
The statements made before Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Sanjeev Narula on 24 December 2019 by Mohit Mathur and Jatin Singh have completely exposed how the DHCBA is being deployed as a weapon to target and silence me.
Jatan Singh told the Bench to send me “somewhere” where I can get some “treatment”. The Bench refused. Mohit Mathur made a very curious and alarming statement. He told the Bench in a conspiratorial low tone that he had just “been told” that “a’ “Registrar” of the Delhi High Court already had “prepared” the papers necessary to send me to a Magistrate and this could be done immediately if the Judges passed the necessary orders. Mohit Mathur was obviously referring to the role of a Magistrate under the mental health act. The Bench refused to pass the orders that Mohit Mathur and Jatan Singh wanted.
The Bench asked the mob of lawyers assembled by Jatan Singh to leave and advised me to file a writ petition. The mob of lawyers left the courtroom,
I continued sitting in the court for some time. I then went out and saw at least three policewomen, two policemen and some other men waiting for me outside court 4. I went in and told the Bench about this. The Bench summoned the police personnel outside court 4 and told them not to come near me and to leave me alone.
I then left court 4, ran a few errands in the High Court and then left the High Court.
On 24 December, and 25 December, I was targeted, stalked and poisoned outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court at night.
On the intervening night of 25 and 26 December, a man and a woman were used to shout, abuse and threaten me for over two and a half hours (between 11.30 and 2.30) outside gate 8 and 9 of the Delhi High Court. They threw very large stones at me, threatened me with lathis, told me they would burn me alive. They also threatened to harm and kill the dogs I feed. The man was visibly drunk. Once again lawyers are behind this violence directed at me.
I am a whistle-blower who has exposed corruption, fraud, bribery, and forgery by General Electric Company. A very serious fraud has been committed on the Delhi High Court on behalf of General Electric Company lawyers by Zia Mody’s law-firm. This fraud has been documented before the Supreme Court in IA 112422/2018 filed in Criminal Appeal 1238/2019.
I have also made very credible and grave complaints that I was sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by lawyer Soli Sorabjee in 2001 when he was the Attorney General for India and that I was sexually harassed by Raian Karanjawala who drugged my food on a work trip and invited me to his room for a night-cap.
Now in order to silence me, a criminal conspiracy is underway at least since 2012 to falsely label me mentally ill. I have defeated this conspiracy every time but it is still being pushed forward in attempts to silence me.
Powerful lawyers connected to GE, to Karanjawala, to Sorabjee, to their friend Jaitley, to Montek Singh Ahluwalia, and those involved in attempts to cover up my complaints against GE, Karanjawala and Sorabjee are having me harassed, stalked, followed, targeted and even poisoned inside the Delhi High Court in an organized conspiracy. When I react, as I did on 24 December 2019, the DHCBA is used as a tool to target me as happened on 24 December 2019.
Mohit Mathur, Jatan Singh and B S Dhir stand exposed. They won the DHCBA elections by promising to target and silence me and are now being used as tools.
The proof of the criminal conspiracy to silence me now includes the statements made by Mohit Mathur and Jatan Singh before Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Sanjeev Narula of the Delhi High Court.
I was poisoned in Lodhi Garden again on 24, 25 and 26 December. A few days ago, I had purchased an inflatable air mattress to sleep on. Today, the mattress was deflated when I woke up. Someone appears to have punctured it.
Some pictures are attached.
Seema Sapra
General Electric Company whistle-blower
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