Sunday, 1 December 2019

Application dated 27 September 2019 filed in Supreme Court by Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned #MeToo #MeTooIndia #GE $GE

Gmail Seema Sapra <>
Application dated 27Sep2019 filed in Supreme Court by Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned #MeToo #MeTooIndia #GE $GE
Seema Sapra <> Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 4:43 PM
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Amit Shah <>, _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <>, "" <>, "" <>, indconru indconru <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi <>, _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Mukul Rohatgi <>, Kapil Sibal <>, Rajesh R <>, Dushyant Dave <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Rebecca John <>, Gourab Banerji <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Pallav Shishodia <>, sandeep sharma <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Tapash Ray <>, "" <>, harin raval <>, Justice Ginsburg <>, "" <>, "" <>, Salman Khurshid <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Vikas Pahwa <>, Tushar Mehta <>, Ranjit Kumar <>, "" <>, Maninder Singh <>, Neeraj Kaul <>, Narasimha Pamidighantam <>, Sanjay Jain <>, Ganesaiyer Rajagopalan <>, Rajdeepak Rastogi <>, ASHOK MEHTA <>, Ranjit Kumar <>, Ranjit Kumar <>, Prabhuling K Navadgi <>, "" <>, "" <>, sanjay satydarshi <>, Atmaram Nadkarni <>, pinky anand <>, "" <>, Amit Sharma <>, gopi krishnan <>, Subramanian Swamy <>, Prashant Bhushan <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Abhishek Manu Singhvi <>, "Dr.Waiel Awwad" <>, Murali Krishnan <>, Dhananjay Mahapatra <>, "" <>, Scba India <>, Vikas Singh <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "II C Appeal & SLP (CM)" <>, "Section-1B, Branch Officer" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, hschultz <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Arunabh Chowdhury <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Emergency Medicine, AIIMS" <>, Maninder Acharya <>, sandeep sethi <>, "" <>, rajshekhar rao <>, Rao Adn <>, "" <>, Gopal Subramanium <>, "" <>, "K.N Bhat" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Aman lekhi <>, "" <>, Aman Lekhi <>, "" <>, "" <>, Madhavi Divan <>, "" <>, "" <>, Sanjay Hegde <>, Raian Karanjawala <>, manik karanjawala <>, "Karanjawala & Co." <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Kent Walker <>, Hemant Singh <>, rajiv luthra <>, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok <>, "" <>, Rajeeve Mehra <>, "" <>, Rakesh Khanna <>, "" <>, jitendra sharma <>, "" <>, preeti singh <>, Vikas Bansal <>, "" <>, jayant sud <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Manjeet Singh <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Anjali Chauhan <>, "" <>, Shamshravish Rein <>, "" <>, mukti chowdhary <>, Aditya Singh <>, Amarjeet Singh Singh <>, "" <>, sushma manchanda <>, upendra narayan Mishra <>, "" <>, Rupinder Suri <>, Indira Jaising <>, Upendra Baxi <>, Babu Mathew <>, "madhu05.m m" <>, "" <>, Kavita Krishnan <>, "" <>, pritarani jha <>, Maja Daruwala <>, Miloon Kothari <>, "" <>, Kalpana Viswanath <>, "" <>, Anand Grover <>, Vrinda Grover <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Sapra Consultants <>, "" <>, seema sapra <>, "" <>, "" <>,
I have today on 27 September 2019 filed the application reproduced below (also attached) in the Supreme Court today under filing diary number 150945/2019 in Criminal Appeal No. 1238/2019. 

I am sitting in the Supreme Court in Library 2 and within the last 20 minutes I was again severely poisoned here by some lawyers who targeted me with some highly toxic chemical agent.

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistle-blower 

I.A. NO.             OF 2019

SEEMA SAPRA …Appellant/Petitioner


COURT ON ITS OWN MOTION                 …    Respondent


Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Companion Judges of the Supreme Court of India., the application of the Appellant/ Petitioner most respectfully showeth:-
1. The present appeal has been admitted and the operation of the impugned order stayed by this Hon’ble Court on 14 August 2019, by a common order passed in Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2019 and in Writ Petition Civil 13/2018 and Writ Petition Civil 1027/2018.
2. On 16 August 2019, the Appellant filed IA 123155/2019 in this appeal which has still not been listed for hearing. The following relief has been sought in IA 123155:

(i) Record in a judicial order the statement of the Petitioner that she was being poisoned while staying at the New Delhi YMCA Tourist Hostel where she stayed until 4 July 2019;
(ii) Record in a judicial order the statement of the Appellant that she is homeless and since 4 July 219 she is being forced to sleep or attempt to sleep in a tent in Lodhi Gardens;
(iii) Record in a judicial order the statement of the Appellant that she has not been allowed to work since 2010 and has had no money of her own since September 2012 and since then she is surviving on the charity of lawyers;
(iv) Record in a judicial order that the Appellant is being poisoned in Lodi Gardens where she has been trying to sleep since 4 July 2919 and that she is also not being allowed to sleep or rest, both of which deprivations are life threatening and that she is also being stalked, attacked including physically, threatened, mobbed, taunted, abused and harassed with police complicity when she is at Lodhi Gardens.
(v) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.

3. The Appellant is being poisoned. The Appellant is in grave and immediate danger.
4. On 17 August 2019, the Petitioner filed an application under filing diary number 143636/ 2019 drawing the attention of this Hon’ble Court to her complaints of poisoning made by emails dated 16 and 17 September 2019 sent interalia to the Police and other authorities which are being ignored. In that application the Appellant sought the following relief:
(i) Pass appropriate orders/ directions considering the complaints of poisoning made by the Appellant on 16 and 17 September 2019 and her very serious symptoms which include alarming facial swelling, blisters in her eyes and mouth, heart pain, breathlessness and burning and pain in eyes and the face, all possible symptoms of a severe allergic reaction to toxic chemicals which if aggravated further could lead to anaphylactic shock and immediate death.
(ii) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.

5. The Appellant has been homeless since May 2012. She was deliberately rendered homeless and is being kept homeless in order to target and poison her. The intent is to either finish her off by outright killing her; or to eliminate her by making her gravely ill in a manner which incapacitates her; or incapacitate her by illness or injury so that she can be drugged and kept under control; or to incapacitate her and then use doctors to poison her ;and/ or to drug her by using doctors to falsely label her mentally ill and then drug her for life; or to poison her and then keep her ill or finish her off by using doctors to make a false diagnosis of a fatal illness like cancer. All of these have already been attempted in the case of the Appellant since 2010-2011. The Appellant relies upon the court record of her disposed off and pending cases before the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court.
6. Between 21 September 2019 and 27 September 2019, the Appellant has made more than 84 complaints of poisoning, stalking, targeting, harassment and threat to life. These have been sent interalia to the Police, the Home Ministry, the Supreme Court, the Delhi High Court and to the Supreme Court and Delhi High Court Bar and to several prominent lawyers. All of these complaints have been ignored.
7. The Petitioner was in 2017 and 2018 being compelled to sleep in her car parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court.  
8. The Petitioner stayed at the New Delhi YMCA in 2018 and 2019. She was poisoned there in a planned and systematic manner in collusion with the police.
9. The Petitioner left the New Delhi YMCA Tourist Hostel and from 4 July till 21 August 2019, she slept in a tent in Lodhi Gardens. She was poisoned there. She was stalked, harassed, threatened, physically attacked, abused, insulted, called mentally ill and prevented from getting adequate sleep or rest. Lodhi Garden supervisors, gardens, cleaning staff, security guards, police, vendors and other persons were used to target and poison her.
10. From 21 August until 19 September 2019 the Petitioner was sleeping in an unused office premises in Gautam Nagar close to Gulmohar Park and less than a 100 metres away from the Attorney General Mr K K Venugopal’s personal residence in Neeti Bagh. These premises belong to Advocate Mr Raman Duggal who offered them for use by the Appellant after he heard of her situation.
11. The Appellant understands that the first plan of those targeting her was to attempt to drug her food and water. But that plan was not successful as the appellant did not consume any eatables left at the Gautam Nagar premises nor did she leave food there. After this the poisoning of the appellant with toxic chemicals resumed while she was staying in the Gautam Nagar office premises of Mr Raman Duggal. The Police was again involved.
12. Starting 14 September 2019, the petitioner was poisoned in the Gautam Nagar premises with some extremely toxic and possibly radioactive chemical agents. She sustained chemical burns in her eyes and inside her mouth. The left side of her face and her cheeks and mouth swelled up as a result of a serious allergic reaction triggered by the poisoning.
13. On the intervening night of 18-19 September, the Petitioner was again severely poisoned in the Gautam Nagar premises while she was asleep. The same highly toxic chemicals were used. The ongoing allergic reaction was again aggravated.
14. During the week of 21 September, the Petitioner was targeted with poisonous chemicals again both inside the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court. The chemicals being used were affecting the Petitioners eyes causing severe burning and pain., The Petitioner is now wearing swimming googles to protect her eyes.
15. On the intervening nights of 19/20 and 20/21 September, the Appellant again slept in Lodhi Gardens in a tent. On both these days but more so in the early morning of 21 September 2019, the Petitioner was again poisoned with chemical agents while she was asleep/ in her tent and she has woken up with her chest burning, unable to breathe and with other symptoms of toxic chemical inhalation. The Police is once again being used to facilitate this poisoning. A constable Surender Singh from the Tughlaq Road Police Station is being openly used to facilitate the poisoning and harassment of the Appellant in Lodhi Gardens. Needless to say the SHO of Tuqlak Road thana and senior police officers are complicit.
16. The Petitioner filed IA No. 146620/2019 in Criminal Appeal No. 1238/2019 on 21 September 2019 (still not listed for hearing) where she sought the following relief:
(i) Pass appropriate orders/ directions to the Police to protect the Petitioner when she is in Lodhi Gardens and to cordon off an area around her tent when she is there in order to prevent persons/ policemen from approaching her tent and spraying/releasing toxic chemicals around the tent and to prevent persons from stalking, harassing, targeting and threatening the petitioner in Lodhi Gardens;
(ii) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.

17. Since 14 September 2019, the Appellant is being followed and stalked and being repeatedly exposed to some highly corrosive chemicals which are causing respiratory distress, coughing, nausea, vomiting and have made her mouth cavity walls and tongue like sandpaper.
18. Since the Petitioner, fearing for her life, has decided not to use the premises offered by Mr Raman Duggal, she has no recourse other than to continue to sleep in a tent in Lodhi Gardens.
19. The Petitioner is filing a separate petition in the Supreme Court seeking housing from the Government as she is being victimised and targeted for exposing corruption and fraud by General Electric Company in the Indian Railways Marhowra Project for the diesel locomotive factory. She is also being victimised for making complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault and attempted sexual assault against powerful lawyers Soli Sorabjee and Raian Karanjawala. The Petitioner can establish and has evidence to establish that she is a victim of state persecution.
20. The Petitioner is being poisoned and apprehends that she might be found dead, unresponsive or in a critical condition in Lodhi Gardens or elsewhere.
21. The Petitioner has not filed any other Writ Petition in the Delhi High Court.
22. On the early morning of 26 September 2017, at around 4 am, the Petitioner went to Lodhi Gardens with her tent to sleep there. The Petitioner went to sleep inside her tent and between 4.15 am to 9.30 am , she was repeatedly poisoned there by some unknown persons who came close to the tent and released poisonous chemical fumes which causing grievous injury to the petitioner blocked her airways and she could not breathe. These chemicals also caused intense pain and burning in the eyes. The emails sent to the authorities by the Petitioner while at Lodi Gardens on the morning of 26 September are reproduced below.
Gmail Sapra Consultants <>
Re: I am being stalked, targeted and poisoned in Lodhi Gardens
Seema Sapra <> Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 7:24 AM
To:,, Amulya Patnaik <>,,, Sapra Consultants <>, REGISTRAR GENERAL Delhi High Court <>,,,,, Amit Shah <>,,,,,,, Seema Sapra <>,,,,

I am being poisoned inside lodhi gardens
I cannot breathe

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019, 07:23 Seema Sapra <> wrote:
7.23 ongoing attempt to murder #GE $GE whistleblower & #MeToo survivor Seema Sapra in Lodhi Gardens @CPDelhi @DelhiPolice @FBI @TheJusticeDept @DCPNewDelhi @HMOIndia @StateDept @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @PMOIndia @PMOIndia @AmitShah @gurgaonpolic

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019, 06:15 Seema Sapra <> wrote:
At 6.14 4.17 some men  are near my tent and are poisoning me in Lodhi Gardens $GE #GE #MeToo

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019, 04:19 Seema Sapra <> wrote:
At 4.17 a man and woman are near my tent and are poisoning me in Lodhi Gardens $GE #GE #MeToo

23. The following tweets were sent by the Petitioner while she was being poisoned on the morning of 26 September 2019 in Lodhi Gardens. Note that the Petitioner was not allowed to sleep.
Sep 26
9.05 ongoing attempt to murder #GE $GE whistleblower & #MeToo survivor Seema Sapra in Lodhi Gardens @CPDelhi @DelhiPolice @FBI @TheJusticeDept @DCPNewDelhi @HMOIndia  
@StateDept @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse  @PMOIndia @PMOIndia @AmitShah @gurgaonpolic
Seema Sapra
·Sep 26
7.21 ongoing attempt to murder #GE $GE whistleblower & #MeToo survivor Seema Sapra in Lodhi Gardens
@CPDelhi @DelhiPolice @FBI @TheJusticeDept

@DCPNewDelhi @HMOIndia @StateDept
@realDonaldTrump  @WhiteHouse @PMOIndia
 @PMOIndia @AmitShah  @gurgaonpolic
Seema Sapra
·Sep 26
6.14 4.17 some men  are near my tent and are poisoning me in Lodhi Gardens $GE #GE #MeToo
Seema Sapra
Sep 26
4.17 a man and woman are near my tent and are poisoning me in Lodhi Gardens $GE #GE #MeToo
Seema Sapra
Sep 26
4.16 ongoing attempt to murder #GE $GE whistleblower & #MeToo survivor Seema Sapra in Lodhi Gardens
@CPDelhi @DelhiPolice @FBI @TheJusticeDept
 @DCPNewDelhi @HMOIndia @StateDept
 @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @PMOIndia
 @PMOIndia @AmitShah @gurgaonpolic
Seema Sapra
Sep 26
4.02 ongoing attempt to murder #GE $GE whistleblower & #MeToo survivor Seema Sapra in Lodhi Gardens
@CPDelhi @DelhiPolice @FBI @TheJusticeDept
 @DCPNewDelhi @HMOIndia @StateDept @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @PMOIndia
 @PMOIndia @AmitShah  @gurgaonpolic
Seema Sapra
Sep 26
4.01  ongoing attempt to murder #GE $GE whistleblower & #MeToo survivor Seema Sapra in Lodhi Gardens
@CPDelhi @DelhiPolice @FBI @TheJusticeDept
 @DCPNewDelhi @HMOIndia @StateDept
 @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @PMOIndia
 @PMOIndia @AmitShah @gurgaonpolic

24. The Petitioner left Lodhi Gardens and came to the Supreme Court. She went to the High Court around 3 pm. The Petitioner was stalked, targeted and again poisoned with poisonous chemicals both inside the Supreme Court and in the Delhi High Court. But for the purpose of the present application, the Petitioner is not going into details of events in the Supreme Court and in the Delhi High Court on 26 September 2019.
25. The Petitioner left the Delhi High Court and took an auto. This auto driver was especially made to wait outside the Delhi High Court for the Petitioner. The Petitioner first went to Jorbagh and then to Khanna Market and then to Lodhi Gardens in the same auto. Th auto driver spoke to someone on the phone midway. Several men on motorbikes were following the Petitioner.
26. The Petitioner entered Lodhi Gardens through the small gate on the Amrita Shergill Marg Roundabout. She needed to sleep as she had been prevented from sleeping in the morning of 26 September. The Petitioner fell asleep in her tent near the gate itself. Her tent was in a well lighted visible area but away from the footpaths.
27. The Petitioner was repeatedly poisoned in her tent on the evening of 26 September 2019 in Lodhi Gardens with some very poisonous chemical agent and fumes. She was unable to breathe. The Petitioner tried her best to get some sleep.
28. The Petitioner was finally compelled to give up further attempts at trying to sleep around 7.30 pm. She packed up her tent, and decided to tell several passers-by that she had been poisoned in her tent. The Petitioners voice recorder was on, She also took pictures. The audio records will indicate that the Petitioner actually spoke to several persons who were involved in this incident of poisoning.
29. As the Petitioner was leaving a man and a woman stopped to speak to the Petitioner. The Petitioner ended up standing and speaking to them for at least half an hour, The conversation has been recorded on audio and will speak for itself. They identified them selves only with first names and minimal information about themselves. The Petitioner looked them up on the internet later that evening and the woman was Queency/ Quincy Bhasn and the man was Geetesh Anand. Queency Bhasin and her husband Satinder Bhasin are facing law emforcement proceedings for a massive builder fraud and scam in the Greater Noida area. Satinder Bhasin has also been arrested.
NewsIndiaPolice file chargesheet against Noida-based builder for Rs 1,300 crore property scam
Police file chargesheet against Noida-based builder for Rs 1,300 crore property scam
Police have filed a chargesheet against the Satinder Singh Bhasin, the promoter of Grand Venice Mall in Greater Noida, in connection with Rs 1,300 crore property scam.
Arvind Ojha
New Delhi
September 10, 2019UPDATED: September 10, 2019 00:10 IST

The entire arrangement for cheating potential homebuyers was based on fake documents, added the chargesheet. (Photo: Pixabay/Representational image)
Police file chargesheet in fake property scam case against Greater Noida builder
Noida-based builder Satindar Singh Bhasin was earlier arrested on charges of fraudulently selling properties to homebuyers
Bhasin's wife Quincy and father JS Bhasin set up around 25 shell companies to dupe homebuyers
The Noida police on Monday filed a chargesheet in a district court against the promoter of Grand Venice Mall in Greater Noida for scamming people, state government and banks to the tune of Rs 1,300 crore.

Noida-based builder Satindar Singh Bhasin was earlier arrested on charges of fraudulently selling properties in the to several persons by setting up almost 25 shell companies, through which booking amount was collected.
According to the chargesheet, Bhasin's wife Quincy and father JS Bhasin were also involved in setting up the shell companies. The chargesheet also revealed that the Bhasins colluded with several influential officers from the Uttar Pradesh Development Authority for falsely acquiring land at Greater Noida Park for commercial purposes.
This allotted land at Site-4 of Greater Noida was assigned to the shell companies through which the booking amounts were received. During the course of the investigation, police found that Bhasin neither had the right to construct on the land nor sell property on the land.
The entire arrangement for cheating potential homebuyers was based on fake documents, added the chargesheet.
As per the chargesheet, Satinder Singh Bhasin cheated property buyers to the tune of Rs 700 crore while banks incurred a loss of 238 crore. Meanwhile, the UP government also lost Rs 258.16 crore due to the fraud.

The trio has been charged under several sections of the India Penal Code (IPC) and a total of 85 FIRs have been lodged against the prime accused Satinder Singh Bhasin.

30. Geetesh Anand appears to be the CFO of JWAL Capital Advisors in Noida in which Quency Bhasin and another person Priyanka Anand are directors. During the conversation, Geetesh Anand disclosed that he used to work with Pavan Ahluwalia (Montek Singh Ahluwalia’s son) in Laburnum Capital earlier and that he knew about the Petitioner and who she was. The record of WP Civil 1280/2012 (Seema Sapra versus General Electric Company and Others) will show that Montek Singh Ahluwalia (then heading the Planning Commission) was involved and implicated in the corruption complaints made by the Petitioner against General Electric Company in connection with the Indian Railways diesel loco project at Mahowra. Montek Singh Aluwalia is one of the persons responsible for having the Petitioner targeted, poisoned and destroyed since 2011 after she made her whistle-blower complaints against General Electric Company. Geetesh Anand started targeting the Petitioner with some noxious chemical while she was talking to them. The Petitioner started coughing and her airways got constricted. He also kept asking the Petitioner several questions including where she would sleep later that night.
31. The Petitioner left Lodhi Gardens around 8.45- 9 pm in an auto which she waited for. It appears as if this auto driver had been tutored by the Police. Some men on mobikes followed the Petitioner and came close to her. At one point during the ride either the auto driver or these men were used to again poison the Petitioner with some highly toxic chemical.
32. The Petitioners eyes and face started burning. The Petitioner went to the Starbucks in Connaught Place A Block. The Petitioner has been repeatedly targeted and poisoned at this place in connivance with the staff and police. Note that the auto driver and the men following the Petitioner knew where she was headed. The Petitioner was again poisoned at this Starbucks between 9 pm to 11 pm on 26 September 2019. Some men sent to stalk and poison the petitioner were involved as was staff. Examination of CCTV records from this Starbucks and outside it between 8 pm to 11pm along with other evidence will help establish what was going on. This CCTV evidence needs to be preserved.
33. Around 11 pm, the Petitioner took an auto to Bhagat Singh Market. Auto drivers are being used to poison the Petitioner. She is not sure whether this driver contributed but by then the petitioners face and eyes were burning and in pain.  
34. The Petitioner took an Uber to Delhi High Court gate 8 where she remained until around 3.30 am. The Petitioner was again repeatedly poisoned near the Delhi High Court during this period with complicity by the Police.
35. Several complaints were sent by the Petitioner on email and she tweeted about these events as well.  
36. This morning, i,e. on 27 September, the Petitioner again went to Lodhi Gardens to sleep where she got a little sleep between 4.30 am till 9.30 am which was again interrupted by poisoning and breathlessness on at least three occasions. The Petitioner was wheezing loudly today while lying down in Lodhi Gardens on the morning of 27 September. It is clear that on 26 and 27 September 2019, the Petitioner was again poisoned with some extremely corrosive substance harmful to human issue and that once again grave internal injuries and burns have been inflicted upon the petitioner through inhalation of this corrosive substance. The Petitioner also suspects that some minute corrosive fine chemical dust is also being used to target her.
37. The Petitioner has audio records from 26 and 27 September when she was at Lodhi Gardens. She took certain relevant pictures.
38. The Petitioner is now in the Supreme Court where she has prepared this application in library 1. She has again been targeted with noxious chemicals and pesticides in library 1 by several lawyers.
39. The SHO of Tuglak Road thana told the Petitioner when she told him that she was being poisoned that - what should I do, how am I concerned. This conversation with the SHO has been recorded on audio and sent to the Police Commissioner.
40. The Conversation on 5 August 2019 between Govind Chauhan SHO Tuglak Road Police Station and Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned is available at!AjwTNhbHYfVvgvYAqy1jeOyTkJyhCA?e=T7Nk6K This conversation is shocking. The conversation starts at 9.09 into the recording. The Petitioners requests the Hon’ble Court to permit her to play this conversation in court during the hearing on this application. The SHO refused to listen to the Petitioner, refused to protect her and used his female police constables to essentially threaten the Petitioner causing the Petitioner to leave in fear for her life.
41. It is also pointed out that an investigation will show that the targeting of the Petitioner over the last 9 nine years  has been facilitated by several lawyers using clients or criminals in difficulty. Which lawyer sent Queensy Bhasin and Geetesh Anand to participate in the criminal conspiracy and attempt to poison me in Lodhi Gardens on 26 September? Who were the other persons on the spot who were involved.
42. The Petitioner also submits that the order dated 14 August 2019 in Criminal Appeal 1238/2018, Writ Petition Civil 13/2018 and Writ Petition 1027 of 2018 incorrectly notes that the Petitioner has moved some petition in the Delhi High Court. The Petitioner has not approached the Delhi High Court.


It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon'ble Court may graciously be pleased to allow this Application and:-

(i) Pass appropriate orders/ directions to summon the Joint and Deputy Commissioners of Police New Delhi to the Hon’ble Supreme Court in connection with the ongoing poisoning of the Petitioner who is being stalked and poisoned wherever she goes and who is being poisoned in Lodhi Gardens where she is being compelled to sleep (until she can obtain appropriate orders from the Supreme Court directing the Home Ministry to provide her independent secure accommodation and Z+ security);
(ii) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.



DRAWN ON: 27/09/2019
FILED ON: 27/09/2019 
I.A. NO.                 OF 2019

SEEMA SAPRA …Appellant/Petitioner
COURT ON ITS OWN MOTION                 …    Respondent

I, Seema Sapra, aged 48 years, D/o Late A. R. Sapra, presently homeless in New Delhi, do hereby solemnly state and affirm as under:
1. That I am the Appellant/ Petitioner and am familiar with the facts and circumstances of the case and am competent and authorized to swear this Affidavit.
2. That I have drafted, read and understood the accompanying Application praying for appropriate orders and directions considering the complaint of poisoning of the Appellant inside Lodhi Gardens on 26 and 27 September 2019, in the Connaught Place A Block Starbucks on 26 September 2019 and outside the Delhi High Court on the intervening night of 26 and 27 September 2019  and  I state that the contents of the application are based on my personal knowledge and on other sources which I believe to be true and correct.


I, the above-named Deponent, do hereby verify that the contents of the above Affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge, no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from.
Verified at New Delhi on this 27th day of September 2019.


2 attachments
SC IA dated 27 Sep 2019.docx
INDEX .docx

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