Thursday, 28 February 2019

Grave and Immediate threat to life of Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned #MeToo #MeTooIndia #GE $GE

Seema Sapra <>

Grave and Immediate threat to life of Seema Sapra, General Electric Company whistle-blower and sexual harassment complainant against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee who is being poisoned

Seema Sapra <>Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 9:01 PM

To:,,,,, Amit Shah <>,, _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi <>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi <>, _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <>,,, indconru indconru <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mukul Rohatgi <>, Kapil Sibal <>, Rajesh R <>, Dushyant Dave <>,,,, Rebecca John <>, Gourab Banerji <>,,,, Pallav Shishodia <>, sandeep sharma <>,,,, Tapash Ray <>,, harin raval <>, Justice Ginsburg <>,,, Salman Khurshid <>,,,, Vikas Pahwa <>, Tushar Mehta <>, Ranjit Kumar <>,, Maninder Singh <>, Neeraj Kaul <>, Narasimha Pamidighantam <>, Sanjay Jain <>, Ganesaiyer Rajagopalan <>, Rajdeepak Rastogi <>, ASHOK MEHTA <>, Ranjit Kumar <>, Ranjit Kumar <>, Prabhuling K Navadgi <>,,, sanjay satydarshi <>, Atmaram Nadkarni <>, pinky anand <>,, Amit Sharma <>, gopi krishnan <>, Subramanian Swamy <>, Prashant Bhushan <>,,,, Abhishek Manu Singhvi <>, "Dr.Waiel Awwad" <>, Murali Krishnan <>, Dhananjay Mahapatra <>,, Scba India <>, Vikas Singh <>,,,,,,, "II C Appeal & SLP (CM)" <>, "Section-1B, Branch Officer" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hschultz <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <>,,,, Arunabh Chowdhury <>,,, "Emergency Medicine, AIIMS" <>, Maninder Acharya <>, sandeep sethi <>,, rajshekhar rao <>, Rao Adn <>,, Gopal Subramanium <>,, "K.N Bhat" <>,,, Aman lekhi <>,, Aman Lekhi <>,,, Madhavi Divan <>,,, Sanjay Hegde <>, Raian Karanjawala <>, manik karanjawala <>, "Karanjawala & Co." <>,,,,,,,, Kent Walker <>, Hemant Singh <>, rajiv luthra <>, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok <>,, Rajeeve Mehra <>,, Rakesh Khanna <>,, jitendra sharma <>,, preeti singh <>, Vikas Bansal <>,, jayant sud <>,,,, Manjeet Singh <>,,,, Anjali Chauhan <>,, Shamshravish Rein <>,, mukti chowdhary <>, Aditya Singh <>, Amarjeet Singh Singh <>,, sushma manchanda <>, upendra narayan Mishra <>
Cc: Seema Sapra <>, Sapra Consultants <>, Seema Sapra <>

I continue to be repeatedly poisoned in the New Delhi guesthouse where I am staying. I am being poisoned here with poisonous chemical fumes, nerve agents and anesthetic gases. Some kind of highly poisonous chemical fumes smelling like a pesticide and highly toxic is being released into my hotel room for the last three days and nights. This is irritating my lips, causing a burning sensation in the lungs and causing squeezing and palpitation in the heart. These fumes are also being released in the corridor outside my room and in the washroom that I am using. Staff here are involved. 

I have in the last several weeks been repeatedly attacked and threatened at night outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court by men wielding knives. Attempts have also been made to repeatedly run me over. Last night and the previous night I was again repeatedly poisoned using chemical fumes outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. The residents of C1/49 and CII/50 Bapa Nagar are also being used to poison me. Policemen in PCR vehicle with licence no 3602 are involved in stalking me and having me poisoned outside the Delhi High Court. CCTV records will provide additional evidence. My Uber cab bookings are also being interfered with. Last night two men in a car with licence no. DL3FAE007 with a Home Ministry sticker were used to target, threaten and abuse me outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. Later a man on a motorcycle was used in repeated attempts to run over me. The previous night, two men in a car HR26AL3726 were used in an attempt to run over me outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. They also attempted to throw empty beer bottles at me. Pictures attached.

I was again targeted in the Delhi High Court both today and yesterday,

Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016 is listed in the Supreme Court on 25 March. The Supreme Court website is showing this date as the tentative date for listing of my other cases, Writ Petition Civil 13/2018 and Writ Petition Civil 1027/2018. 

My life is in grave and immediate danger. 

Persons involved in targeting me and in having me poisoned include: Prat Kumar (Boeing, ex-GE), Deepak Adlakha (ex-GE), Ash Nainar (GE), Raian Karanjawala, Arun Jaitley, Soli Sorabjee, lawyers at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher including John Chesley and F Joseph Warin, Alex Dimitrief (GE), Montek Singh Ahluwalia, John Flannery (ex-GE), Jeffrey Eglash (ex-GE), John Flannery (ex-GE), Scott Bayman (ex-GE), Mukul Rohatgi, Rajiv Nayar, Zia Mody, Nanju Ganpathy, Ripu Adlakha, lawyers like Kirti Uppal, Ajit Doval whose son has close ties to GE, etc. 

Seema Sapra
General Electric Company whistle-blower 

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 10:01 PM Seema Sapra <> wrote:
I continue to be repeatedly poisoned in the New Delhi guesthouse where I am staying. I am being poisoned here with poisonous chemical fumes, nerve agents and anesthetic gases. Some kind of highly poisonous chemical fumes have again been released into my hotel room last night and the whole day today. These are also being released in the corridor outside my room and in the washroom that I am using. Staff here are involved. 

I have in the last several weeks been repeatedly attacked and threatened at night outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court by men wielding knives. Attempts have also been made to repeatedly run me over. Last night I was again repeatedly poisoned using chemical fumes outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. The residents of C1/49 and CII/50 Bapa Nagar are also being used to poison me. Policemen in PCR vehicle with licence no 3602 are involved in stalking me and having me poisoned outside the Delhi High Court. CCTV records will provide additional evidence. My Uber cab bookings are also being interfered with. Last night a cab driver driving a car with licence no. DL1ZB9989 was used to circle me and poison me. He repeatedly attempted to run me over. A short while later a man in another car was used to poison me and attempt to run me over. Pictures attached.

Seema Sapra
General Electric Company whistle-blower 

On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 7:49 PM Seema Sapra <> wrote:
I continue to be repeatedly poisoned in the New Delhi guesthouse where I am staying. I am being poisoned here with poisonous chemical fumes, nerve agents and anesthetic gases. Some kind of highly poisonous chemical fumes have again been released into my hotel room last night and today. These are also being released in the corridor outside my room and in the washroom that I am using. 

I have in the last several weeks been repeatedly attacked and threatened at night outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court by men wielding knives. Attempts have also been made to repeatedly run me over. Last night I was again repeatedly poisoned using chemical fumes outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. The residents of C1/49 and CII/50 Bapa Nagar are also being used to poison me. Policemen in PCR vehicle with licence no 3602 are involved in stalking me and having me poisoned outside the Delhi High Court. CCTV records will provide additional evidence. My Uber cab bookings are also being interfered with. Last night men in a car(SUV)  bearing licence no. UP25CR0017 circled around me, attempted to run me over, and poisoned me outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. They abused and threatened me. A uniformed policeman driving a car with licence no. UP16AK5496 was used to circle me and poison me. He repeatedly attempted to run me over with car. Pictures attached.

I was again attacked on the intervening night of 21 and 22 February 2019 outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. Two Delhi High Court officials were involved. Pictures are attached. They were drunk, abusive, issuing threats and one of them tried to physically assault me. Their licence plate nos. were DL3CBJ3860 and DL2CAS0754. Pictures attached.

I was in the Supreme Court yesterday. Two Policemen were used to target me when I was entering after getting a pass. Pictures attached. Once again, a contempt petition against the Delhi Police Supreme Court Security is something I intend to file. I was again targeted with chemical fumes in the Supreme Court premises.

I was in the Delhi High Court post lunch yesterday and was again poisoned using noxious chemical fumes in the Delhi High Court café.

I met the new Registrar Judicial Mr Surya Pratap Singh yesterday and apprised him of the non-listing of Writ Petition Civil 1027/2018 and Writ Petition Civil 13.2018. He has again directed his staff to have these cases listed.

Pictures of lawyers who appear to have been used to poison me in the Delhi High Court on 20 February are posted on my blog.

The following order was passed by the Supreme Court in Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016 on 15 February 2019. 

"List on 25th March, 2019, along with connected matter, if any."

Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016 filed by me was listed on 15 February 2019 in the Supreme Court of India before J, Bobde and J. Deepak Gupta. I appeared. The Attorney General Mr K K Venugopal did not appear despite court notice to him. Mr A D N Rao engaged by the Delhi High Court (even though the Delhi High Court Registry is not a Party) was also not present.

Writ Petition Civil No. 13 of 2018 filed by me seeking protection and which was listed along with Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016 on 4 September 2018 when the same order was passed in both cases, was not listed by the Registry on 15 February 2019 for some inexplicable reason.

Also note that despite the fact that the order dated 4 September 2018 directed the Registry to list the case “next week”, Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016 was not listed until 15 February 2019.

Further despite the fact that the order dated 4 September 2018 directed the Registry to list the case “next week”, Writ Petition Civil No. 13 of 2018 has still not been listed.  

Writ Petition Civil No. 1027/2018 filed by me which was verified, numbered and registered by the Supreme Court Registry on 29 August 2018 has still not been listed. This case was verified, numbered and registered and is ready for hearing by the Court pursuant to an order passed in the matter by J. Abdul Nazeer. An office report issued by the Registry in this case on 8 September 2018 also states that the case is ready for listing. Despite this for some inexplicable reason Writ Petition Civil No. 1027 of 2018 has not been listed so far. This case did once appear in the causelist of 10 September 2018 but was deleted from the list. The office report dated 8 September 2018 prepared by the Supreme Court Registry in this case is attached. Writ Petition Civil No. 1027/2018 is a petition seeking FIRs and investigation/ inquiry into my complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault against Soli Sorabjee and sexual harassment against Raian Karanjawala.

On 15 February when I appeared before the Supreme Court in Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016, I was told by the Bench that they were adjourning the case to March for hearing on a non-miscellaneous day. I then told the Bench that Writ Petition Civil No. 13/2018 seeking protection had not been listed despite the court order dated 4 September 2018.  I also told them that Writ Petition Civil No. 1027/2018 had not been listed.

J. Bobde and J. Deepak Gupta did not allow me to speak. J. Bobde made some strange comment that I should get my other matters listed through “circulation”. When I asked him what he meant, he laughed, told me that I should go outside court and ask one Mr Jain, a random lawyer sitting in the second row, as I was unable to understand and it would take the Bench too much time to make me understand. For the record let me state that I am a lawyer fully conversant with Supreme Court Rules and Practices and I know that there is no such concept of listing a matter through “circulation”. I then asked J. Bobde if he was “mocking” me along with Mr Jain. I asked him why my sexual harassment petition against Karanjawala and Sorabjee was not getting listed despite registration and verification and court directions for listing. I informed the Bench that I would file a contempt petition against the Registry and also mention the matter before the Chief Justice of India. I told the Court that it was unfortunate that Sorabjee and Karanjawala could exercise such immense influence over the Supreme Court Registry to prevent this matter from getting listed. J. Bobde told me I should talk to the Secretary General. I told him that I would speak to the Registrar Judicial who is the appropriate person to speak to about this issue. I told J. Bobde that I was not a fool and that I had exposed corruption by General Electric Company and that the Bench should read the pleadings.

J. Bobde’s comments resulted in ridiculing and humiliating me and prevented me from speaking before the Court. I was not permitted to tell the Court that I am being poisoned and that my life is in danger.

I propose to file an application putting the above on record and requesting the Court to clarify what is this new method of listing by circulation because to the best of my knowledge it does not exist. Why then did J. Bobde make these comments.

I waited till the end of the board and again attempted to mention my matter. I requested the Bench to grant me a five-minute hearing so that I could present important facts including the fact that I am being poisoned. But J. Bobde and J. Deepak Gupta were already walking out and refused to hear me.

On 4 September 2018 when this case was listed before J. Arun Mishra’s Bench, he had made a remark at the outset. He told me that I was filing other petitions and that “we can settle everything”. I answered that my contempt case and other cases needed to be heard on merits including my sexual harassment petition against Karanjawala and Sorabjee. How can a sexual harassment and sexual assault case be “settled” or compromised. How can complaints of poisoning be “settled”. How can an application producing and establishing that AZB & Partners filed forged, invalid and fabricated authority documents before the Delhi High Court in Writ Petition Civil No. 1280/2012 for General Electric Company and its two subsidiaries be “settled”. How can my whistleblower corruption complaints against General Electric Company be “settled”.  

I am constrained to point out Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde ought not to hear my cases pending in the Supreme Court including Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016, Writ Petition Civil 13/2018, and Writ Petition Civil 1027/2018. I will be requesting Justice Bobde to recuse from my cases.

Two close relatives of J. Bobde have had and in once case has very close ties to Karanjawala & Co. Justice Bobde’s brother, Senior Advocate Late Shri. Vinod Arvind Bobde was very frequently briefed to appear in the Supreme Court by Karanjawala & Co. He was very close to Raian and Manik Karanjawala and to Nandini Gore of Karanjawala & Co. His son and J. Bobde’s nephew, Arjun Vinod Bobde is a lawyer who has worked at Karanjawala & Co and continues to have close personal and professional relationships with Karanjawala & Co and its Partners. Arjun Vinod Bobde’s self-published profile at advertises these ties and reads as under:

Having extensive experience and practice in the field of Property, Criminal, Constitutional and Civil Litigation in every possible Forum ranging from the Supreme Court of India to Various State High Courts, Advocate Arjun Vinod Bobde has earned a name for himself amongst the brightest Advocates in the field of law.

Hailing from an eminent legal family spanning back 6 generations, his Father, Late Shri. Vinod Arvind Bobde was an eminent Senior Advocate in the Supreme Court of India, his uncle, Justice S.A. Bobde is a sitting Judge of the Supreme Court of India and his grandfather, the Late Shri. Arvind Bobde was the Advocate General of Maharashtra for two terms. Advocate Arjun Vinod Bobde, after graduation, in the year 2000 from Symbiosis Law College, Pune, joined the Chambers of Mr. K.K. Lahiri, Advocate, for a period of six months. Later he was guided by the M/s. Karanjawala & Co., another well known Law Firm based out of Delhi, which deals solely with litigation. In the course of his engagement with M/s. Karanjawala & Co., he successfully dealt with numerous cases involving Medical Negligence, Criminal Law, Family Law, Debt Recoveries, Company Law, Consumer Protection, Constitutional Law, Foreign Exchange Law, Civil Recoveries, etc.

On returning to India in 2003, Advocate Bobde rejoined M/s Karanjawala & Co. and worked with them till 2004, after which he co-founded his Law Firm, BBPM Law Associates. He has now dissolved the Firm and branched out into Counsel Practice. He has handled matters ranging from ICC Arbitration to Family Law matters and cases involving various Constitutional Questions as well. He has dealt with cases including several landmark issues, an example of which includes Om Hemrajani's case (initiation of criminal proceedings against a defaulter of foreign bank liabilities where the law under section 188 of the Cr.P.C. was laid down in respect of jurisdiction). Advocate Bobde has offices in Delhi, Nagpur, Mumbai and Goa. He is also on the Panel for the State of Goa representing the interests of the State of Goa in the Supreme Court of India.

Advocate Bobde enrolled for the Bar Council of Delhi in the year 2001. He is a member of the Supreme Court Bar Association, Saket District Court Bar Association and the Nagpur High Court Bar Association.

I had filed a letter addressed to the Registrar on 26 September 2018 in Writ Petition Civil No. 13 of 2018. A copy of this letter is attached.

Note how after violating the Supreme Court order dated 4 September 2018 and not listing the case for 5 months, the Supreme Court Registry suddenly listed Criminal Appeal Diary No. 10342/2016 at such short notice. I only received an email on 13 February that the case would be listed on 15 February. I was intensively poisoned over the first two weeks of February to incapacitate me and prevent me from appearing before the Supreme Court today. If I had not managed to appear before J. Bobde’s Bench on 15 February because of being poisoned, I wonder if my appeal would have been dismissed in my absence if I had been prevented from appearing in Court on 15 February 2019.

My case Writ Petition Criminal 437 of 2018 was listed before Judge Mukta Gupta in the Delhi High Court on 22 January.  The order passed on 22 January is reproduced below.
+ W.P.(CRL) 437/2018
SEEMA SAPRA .. Petitioner
Represented by: Petitioner in person
UNION OF INDIA & ORS ... Respondents
Represented by: Mr.Rahul Mehra, Standing Counsel
for the State with Mr.Jamal Akhtar,
Advocate and SI Manjeet, PS Special
Mr.Arun Bhardwaj with Mr.Shashwat
Sharma, Advocate for respondent
No.1 & 2 (UOI)
Ms.Shruttima Ehersa, Advocate for
respondent No.5
% 22.01.2019
Learned counsel for respondent No.5 states that Mr.Yashwant Rai
Grover is the constituted attorney of respondent No.5 and copy of the
authorization in favour of Mr.Yashwant Rai Grover will be filed within two
days. The same be filed within two days with advance copy to the
On the last date of hearing, this Court had directed respondent No.5 to
provide basic subscriber details including the IP address registration
W.P.(CRL) 437/2018 page 1 of 2
details of gmail account to the DCP Cyber
Cell (Crime), Delhi Police. Learned counsel for respondent No.5 states that
the basic subscriber information was e-mailed. On checking the e-mail it is
found that the said e-mail has been sent to the SHO, PS Saket and not to the
DCP Cyber Cell (Crime Branch) and that too on 19th January, 2019. A copy
of the same has been filed in sealed cover before this Court which has been
opened and perused.
Respondent No.5 will send the necessary details as required vide
order dated November, 01, 2018 to the DCP Cyber Cell (Crime Branch)
within a week on the Standing counsel of the Government of NCT Delhi
providing the e-mail address of the DCP Cyber Cell (Crime) to the learned
counsel for respondent No.5 today itself.
On the necessary details being provided by the respondent No.5, DCP
Cyber Cell (Crime) will further investigate in the matter and file a status
report before the next date.
Renotify on 20th March, 2019.
JANUARY 22, 2019" 

Last year a 26 year old woman lawyer was apparently murdered in Bangalore just 4 days after registering an FIR with the Police stating that two male lawyers had been sexually harassing her.

It is quite telling that apart from a tweet from Indira Jaising no other famous Indian lawyer has spoken up in protest against this murder of Pushpa Archana Lall.

Now let me expose both Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee, both of who are involved in having me targeted and poisoned. As you are aware Writ Petition Civil No. 1027/2018 filed by me and pending hearing before the Supreme Court of India seeks FIRs and investigations into my sexual harassment and sexual assault complaints against Raian Karanjawala and Soli Sorabjee.

Pooja Shali the journalist who recently interviewed Soli Sorabjee about my complaint against him tweeted the following after the interview: "Many in legal fraternity have caste (sic) serious aspersions against Mr. Sorabjee but not willing to come out in open", I have a screenshot of this tweet dated 10 October 2018.

I have been told the following about Soli Sorabjee and Raian Karanjawala. 
That lawyer Tasneem Ahmadi's son is actually Soli Sorabjee's son.
That Soli Sorabjee had a sexual affair with another lawyer named Madhu.
That lawyer Nandini Gore's son is actually Raian Karanjawala's son. There is a strong physical resemblance between Raian Karanjawala and Rahul Gore.
That Raian Karanjawala has a "problem" when it comes to needing young women sexually.
That between 2004 and 2007, Raian Karanjawala recruited mostly young female associates some of whom he sexually exploited.
That lawyer Nisha Bagchi is Soli Sorabjee's girlfriend.
That several woman lawyers have used sexual intimacy with Soli Sorabjee to establish their professional careers implying that Soli Sorabjee used professional favors to sexually exploit women, some of whom went along with this.
That Soli Sorabjee's daughter Zia Mody verbally abused Sorabjee in front of another lawyer because of Soli Sorabjee's indiscreet and adulterous sexual liaisons with women. Told this by the lawyer who heard the abusive language used by Zia Mody against Soli Sorabjee. Zia Mody and Soli Sorabjee were estranged for some years. 

I was told by a young and pretty lawyer Mansi Gupta in Karanjawala & Co in 2010 that she was shifted against her wish from the Defence Colony office of the firm to the K G Marg office because she was seen as spending too much time with Raian Karanjawala.

Mansi Gupta also told me in 2010 when I worked at Karanjawala & Co for a month in 2010 that I was in real danger there.

I was told that there was a sex scandal concerning Raian Karanjawala and one of his associate junior lawyers named Niharika sometime before 2010.

Raian Karanjawala's secretary Anju died very suddenly of a very sudden illness in what appear to be very suspicious circumstances.

Raian Karanjawala told me sometime around 2003 that I would end up in a ditch. I was confused and hurt by this statement made by him when I told him about my PhD plans but I now realize he was threatening me.

I once heard Nandini Gore emerge after a long chat session in Raian Karanjawala's office and tell lawyer Anupam Lall Das that Raian had remarked the following about Anupam and his wife: Yeh toh bistar todte honge. This happened just around the time Anupam was getting married to his longtime girlfriend.

In 2001 when Soli Sorabjee was the Attorney General handling the Dabhol litigation in which GE (General Electric Company) was involved. and I was working with him, Soli Sorabjee used to visit a female lawyer working with GE and based in Bangalore several times a month. He told me he used to stay at her house and that he liked lying down with his head in her lap.

There was also a scandal regarding Soli Sorabjee and his female secretary when he was IIC Chairman. Her last name was Gosain.

I have also learnt from a lawyer that a long time ago (over 20 years ago), an incident concerning Soli Sorabjee took place in the Supreme Court.  A woman lawyer had publicly shouted at and accused Soli Sorabjee of sexually harassing her and taking undue liberties in his behavior with her. There must be several witnesses to this incident.

I am also reproducing below some more public statements relevant to my sexual harassment case.

Seema Mustafa writing on 10 October 2018 "I respect the woman who has filed a petition against Soli Sorabjee, I too was invited for Dhan Saag once but nothing happened!" see

A Reddit conversation at extracted below:

"Posted byu/Ajaatshatru34
India3 months ago
Imaginary, baseless: Soli Sorabjee rejects MeToo allegations against him

89% Upvoted

What are your thoughts? Log in or Sign up


level 1
8 points
3 months ago
At this age...


level 2
6 points
3 months ago
I seek peace


level 3
2 points
3 months ago
And cemetery


level 1
7 points
3 months ago
For those who don't know Soli Sorabjee, rumor in the legal community is that he was a notorious philanderer and for this reason he is estranged from his daughter, noted corporate lawyer Zia Mody.

Zia is well known in corporate law circles to be a notorious control freak. Apparently this habit is a result of her blaming her mother for not keeping her father 'in check' and not keeping track of him. Her mother was apparently too busy socializing and didn't focus on her marriage much when Zia was young.


level 2
3 points
3 months ago
Really? Him and his daughter were playing happy family in a recent interview with Rajdeep.

I believe the sexual allegations against him. It's more than just "philandering", it's out and out sexual assault and harassment.


level 3
5 points
3 months ago
Really? Him and his daughter were playing happy family in a recent interview with Rajdeep.

Yes, which is why I said it's a rumor. Maintaining appearances is very important among lawyers.

The 'Philandering' just goes on to show how horny the guy is. He may be a legal genius, but he is a super horny legal genius.


level 4
1 point
3 months ago
Yes, which is why I said it's a rumor. Maintaining appearances is very important among lawyers.

Applies to all human beings but certainly to Indians.

The 'Philandering' just goes on to show how horny the guy is. He may be a legal genius, but he is a super horny legal genius.

All men are horny. People don't expect old men to be horny but they are.


level 3
1 point
3 months ago
How do you know he did it. No it's doesn't work that way.


level 1
Comment deleted by user
3 months ago
(1 child)

level 1
South Asia
-1 points
3 months ago
Sleeping around is NOT sexual harrasment.


level 2
1 point
3 months ago
He can philander all he wants. It's the forcing himself on women that people have a problem with."

Tweets from October 2018 by legal journalist Apoorva Mandhani.

13 Oct 2018
Women recollecting their horrors over the past week has been triggering for me for more than one reason. Not only have I recounted my own experiences with several male lawyers over the years, but have also begun to realize how easily we accept these as a part of our lives. #MeToo

13 Oct 2018
It also takes me back to this conversation that I had with a female law firm partner, who told me about a friend who was so traumatised by the harassment by a senior advocate that she gave up her career. The power dynamics in the industry are that skewed. #MeToo

13 Oct 2018
Maybe this is why #MeToo has taken so long to reach the legal industry, because these are men who know how to get past the law. Hell, they do it for a living. I vouch for this because I've been grappling with the possibility of sharing an experience of my own.

13 Oct 2018
This is against a lawyer who I know has done the same to several women. I haven't yet found the strength to voice myself on this. So I know how hard it must have been for women like @divya_krthk, @AnooBhu, @TheRestlessQuil, @AGirlOfHerWords & several others who have come forward.

13 Oct 2018
I do hope to find that strength someday. However, I do know that #MeToo has been a revelation for me, as I have finally reached a point where I can reject the guilt and the shame of having gone through what I did, because I know that the shame is his." 

Journalist Swati Chaturvedi writing in October 2018: "Tejpal and Pachauri got exposed, but there are countless others in the media, movies and across all workplaces, who think preying on women is part of their privileges. Horror stories abound about particular politicians and lawyers, who use their position of authority to prey on virtually all the women they meet. I have heard horror stories from colleagues and have a few myself. Not only is #metoo much needed, it is cry of anguish, a catharsis for women who have faced this for so long." see

Tweet by Journalist Anoo Bhuyan:
29 Aug 2018
More Anoo Bhuyan Retweeted Suriti Chowdhary
The Supreme Court of India is not a safe space for women.
I know because Ive been sexually harassed in the Supreme Court.

This young lawyer was harassed by court clerk of AOR Mansoor Ali.

@ Women in the court, what's your #MeToo? Would you DM me?
Pls RT"

Another tweet by a woman lawyer:
"Damini K

30 Aug 2018
Replying to @AnooBhu @Ghair_Kanooni
Account of friend of victim- Sexual harassment by a leading firm's sole partner with her own senior associate. The matter was settled at a meagre 5lacs. I wonder when victims will be able to speak up against the ultra powerful in the legal fraternity without fear"

Tweets by Journalist Rohini Singh
Rohini Singh

16 Oct 2018
More Rohini Singh Retweeted navika kumar
Great if that indeed happened but the clip you have posted have three men out of four guests! Also, will you do a detailed profile on the law firm hired by Akbar and the powerful people close to Raian? And why Raian in the first place?

Rohini Singh

16 Oct 2018
More Rohini Singh Retweeted navika kumar
Not dictating ma’am. Was asking since you said other people were spreading canards while you people were busy doing meaningful stuff! Raian is an interesting profile to do btw. Ask Mehli Mistry about him!;) 

Another tweet:
Sandhya Menon

Verified account

26 Dec 2018
Ever laywer I know has told me the biggest stories waiting to come forth are from the law and judiciary circles. Mukul Mudgal, former CJ of Punjab and Haryana HC, accused of sexual assault in the 90s. He denies it. Do read  #MetooIndia

Some more tweets talking about Soli Sorabjee's well known reputation as a sex predator.
Follow Follow @NilimDutta
Former SC Judge, AK Ganguli, accused of sexual harassment of intern need not resign as Chair, WBSHC: says Soli Sorabji

Why? Law not same?

3:55 AM - 1 Dec 2013


1 Dec 2013
Replying to @NilimDutta
@NilimDutta Sad.Have heard from credible friends in legal profession,that Soli's conduct with women colleagues not above board

Another tweet by someone who appears to be a woman police officer
Follow Follow @BeckyzINC
There are many more skeletons in Supreme Court , A K Ganguly & Soli Sorabjee are just the beginning #Sexual #Harassment

4:43 AM - 16 Dec 2013

Replies to the above Tweet

16 Dec 2013
Replying to @BeckyzINC
@calmgalin What abou tSoli Sorabjee ?

16 Dec 2013
@WhirlingDervesh Yes, another case is going on in SC

More tweets on Sorabjee
Times of India

Verified account

Follow Follow @timesofindia
Soli Sorabjee stands by Justice Ganguly …

4:35 PM - 1 Dec 2013
4 Retweets 1 Like DrYGPPraneshRajendraKumarChandra Krishnan
11 replies 4 retweets 1 like
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Seema SapraTweet text


1 Dec 2013
Replying to @timesofindia
@timesofindia Birds of the same feathers?

Screenshots of all these tweets/ statements are available on my blog at

Indira Jasing had tweeted the following on 12 October 2018:
12 Oct 2018
It is not for me to say whether Soli Sorabjee is guilty of the sexual harassment alleged against him, but surely in all fairness ,the Supreme Court must consider removing him from the committee to recommend designation of Senior Counsel , this is what we demand of others

Now despite the fact that Writ Petition Civil No. 1027/2018 is pending before the Supreme Court with my complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault by Soli Sorabjee and of sexual harassment by Raian Karanjawala, and despite the well known fact that Sorabjee is a serial sexual predator, he is participating in the Supreme Court Committee deliberations for designation of new Senior Advocates where he is hobnobbing with Judges. Why are the Supreme Court Judges giving Sorabjee this pass. How will other complainants or witnesses against Soli Sorabjee speak up when he is still seen as exercising this kind of influence over the careers of so many lawyers.

In 2011 around July/August, lawyer Manish Singhvi who was my colleague when I was working with Soli Sorabjee in 2001, told me in the Supreme Court corridor that "you could have become a senior advocate". This statement was made after my sexual harassment complaint against Sorabjee and my GE corruption complaints had been published by me. What was Manish Singhvi trying to tell me and at whose behest.

Copies of relevant court proceedings are attached.

Why are Supreme Court Judges and Supreme Court lawyers turning a blind eye to Soli Sorabjee's sexual predatory past?

My Writ Petition against Sorabjee and Raian Karanjawala is registered and must be heard by the Supreme Court. It has not been listed for hearing despite verification by the Supreme Court Registry in August 2018. Recently a lawyer commented that perhaps the Supreme Court was waiting for Sorabjee to die before listing my petition.

My life remains in grave danger. I hope the Supreme Court is not waiting for me to be eliminated before listing my petition.

Attempts to poison me and eliminate me have become more frequent since the beginning of February 2019. The poisoning has intensified. Every year for the last 8 years I am poisoned during swine flu season so that doctors can be used to finish me off using the excuse of swine flu.

Attempts are being made to poison and incapacitate me and these have intensified with intent to prevent me from appearing in my cases in the Supreme Court which should be getting listed soon under the new listing guidelines, prevent me from entering the Supreme Court which I am now able to do, use the swine flu season as a cover up to finish me, prevent me from pursuing the anon blog writ petition 437/2018 where the police has now been directed to investigate who was behind my being targeted.

My life is in grave and immediate danger.

Persons involved in targeting me and in having me poisoned include: Prat Kumar (Boeing, ex-GE), Deepak Adlakha (ex-GE), Ash Nainar (GE), Raian Karanjawala, Arun Jaitley, Soli Sorabjee, lawyers at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher including John Chesley and F Joseph Warin, Alex Dimitrief (GE), Montek Singh Ahluwalia, John Flannery (ex-GE), Jeffrey Eglash (ex-GE), John Flannery (ex-GE), Scott Bayman (ex-GE), Mukul Rohatgi, Rajiv Nayar, Zia Mody, Nanju Ganpathy, Ripu Adlakha, lawyers like Kirti Uppal, Ajit Doval whose son has close ties to GE, etc.

Seema Sapra
General Electric Company 

14 attachments
SC IA 111244 of 2017 Pinky Anand application.docx
DHC Writ Petition Criminal No 437 of 2018 FIR for Anonymous Blog.docx
SC IA 30030 of 2018 Vikas Singh application.docx
SC Criminal Appeal Diary No 10342 of 2016.docx
CM 7197 of 2013 in WPC 1280 of 2012 on evidence of GE corruption.doc
SC IA 112422 of 2018 impersonation docs application.docx
SC IA 122625 of 2017 application to summon high court records.docx
SC IA 123144 of 2017 5 judge reference application.docx
SC Writ Petition Civil 13 of 2018 poisoning writ.docx
SC Writ Petition Civil 1027 of 2018 sexual harassment.docx

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