Saturday 17 December 2016

Fwd: whistleblower retaliation against General Electric Company whistleblower on the Intercept website

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Seema Sapra <>
Date: Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: whistleblower retaliation against General Electric Company whistleblower on the Intercept website
To: Travis Mannon <>, Charlotte Greensit <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: Seema Sapra <>, "" <>,, "" <>, "" <>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, CP Delhi <>, "" <>,,

​Here are several comments still available online on this thread which target and defame me. My responses however have been deleted. Why? 

Jeff D
December 16 2016, 12:09 p.m.
Geeze you two, get a room! This crap has nothing to do with the article and should be removed.

December 16 2016, 10:18 a.m.
STOP spamming this board with your own stories.

Contact an editor at TI to see if there is an interest in publishing your GE whistleblowing effort here. But w/o their consent you are using TI as your personal soap box, with a story that HAS NOTHING TO DO with the topic(s) at hand.

STOP accusing anybody who doesn't agree with you of being a corporate GE shill: it makes you look like a paranoid, non-evidence based crank, a reputation you already deem to have:

David Engstrom
December 16 2016, 7:15 a.m.
To the Intercept. Should these forums be used for petty attacks by participants on each other (which serve no purpose except to the participants … seemingly), or should they serve to comment on articles written and points made, to improve outcomes of understanding of what is going on and for creating strategies going forward? If these forms are just going to be used for some of the petty bickering seen below there will be no point in my participating or for others that want to have discussions on the articles and how we can go forward to improve democracy in this country and around the world. I assume this will be the choice of the moderators, but these kind of things have a barring on the overall seriousness and reputation of the enterprise.

Gert ↪ J. Spicoli
December 16 2016, 2:19 a.m.
Aaaaand another 'compensated' Seema detractor emerges!


December 16 2016, 12:26 a.m.
Yea…looks like it. Much cleaner now.

I still think they should put a third tab next to the "Threads" and "Latest" tabs and call it "Alternate Thoughts" and place all that sort of stuff there. That way, the public and new users can simply reference it to understand the insanity of some of the posters around here.

-Mona- ↪ Jose
December 15 2016, 11:28 p.m.
GE is a bad actor. But I would never be inclined to accept her claims about them or anyone else. At her web site which she wants everyone to read, she has entry titled: "Deliberate destruction of left foot by orthopaedic doctor on 9 June 2014," which says:

I have audio recordings proving that Dr [Mona's redaction] deliberately destroyed my foot on 9 June 2014 in an attempt to force me into surgery, eliminate me and/ or permanently disable me and to prevent me from being able to walk.

All of these alleged attempts to kill and maim her are attributed to being in cahoots with GE.

If she'd keep it to one or two sub-threads, it wouldn't be so bad. But she spams the board with this and other equally deranged crap. For example, she avidly believes in the whole "Hillary Clinton is running a pedophile ring out of a D.C. pizza restaurant" insanity. She has posted "evidence" ad nauseum on that. And again, with voluminous new posts.

December 15 2016, 11:25 p.m.
It is obvious that Mona Holland's comments targeting me amount to procured and planned whistleblower retaliation against me in which she is being helped and enabled by others such as Gert, Vic Perry, Masie, rrheard, Galactus-36215, etc.

And now Kitt!

Delusions of grandeur too…

Bill Owen
December 15 2016, 11:25 p.m.
You sound insane to me. Also obsessed, probably a liar. Certainly a lowlife informer, and all that aside this is a place to comment and discuss the article, not to promote your own little agenda.

Now please run along and 'report' me too, you silly, deranged person.

Have a nice day.

December 15 2016, 11:14 p.m.
The fact that she's causing so much off-topic content to be posted on the comments of Intercept articles should be enough to justify her banning. She does sound pretty deranged, but I wouldn't wanna dismiss her claims about GE based on that alone.

December 15 2016, 10:34 p.m.
Looks like Google is also out to get you:

We're sorry. You can't access this item because it is in violation of our Terms of Service.

↪ Reply

-Mona- ↪ Galactus-36215
December 15 2016, 10:21 p.m.
but the rest of your responses regarding Mona are childish and obnoxious.

Let me very clear: her behavior has gone well beyond that. She is reporting other, non-anonymous commenters here to the FBI. Politically active people who have every reason not to wish negative attention from the feds, even if the they would eventually realize the person reporting them is…unusual.

An apology wouldn't being to make up for that act. As one of the regulars here told my by email, most decent sites would ban her for that.


December 15 2016, 10:02 p.m.

Lets start with first examining what I have exposed about GE and why I am a threat to them and to their powerful India co-conspirators in high-value corruption.


Let's not please. You and Mona have wasted enough of people's time here. It's rather sad and a complete disservice to Sam Biddle that you trash his comments section with your personal wars. I personally think that the both of you should apologize to Mr. Biddle for your public display of incivility.


I have no problem with you posting your blog link and requesting folks to visit, but the rest of your responses regarding Mona are childish and obnoxious.


December 15 2016, 8:48 p.m.

@Seema Sapra I understand that lawyers like to argue, but this sort of flame war is unproductive. Instead of suing Mona, you should try and get The Intercept to write up the GE case where you are whistle-blowing. I have no idea what GE is alleged to have done (in this case).

You should be building bridges rather than burning them.

Ricardo Camilo López

December 15 2016, 8:16 p.m.

. . . Mona Holland's conduct which is procured retaliation against a whistleblower amounts to a criminal offence which I have and will continue to report to US authorities including the FBI and to the Intercept.

Probably you lawyers think that way, but IMO you are very basically wrong on that count even if you have the decency of doing it in clearly expressed and open ways.

BTW, Mona is not "attacking" you. She is just giving you sh!t as she does pretty much with everybody here at times in very irrational, even hilarious ways. Sometimes I even miss a bit her nonsense ;-). All it takes is teasing her a bit

December 15 2016, 7:26 p.m.
Not only does The Intercept's BTL commenting person supposedly "reports," but they've bragged about it proudly and loudly and have made it an issue themselves by repeatedly posting about it with their deranged reasoning.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:36 PM, Seema Sapra <> wrote:
I have received the following response from Travis Mannon which is very unsatisfactory. 

I am not indulging in personal feuds on the Intercept. I am facing whistleblower retaliation particularly from Mona Holland acting clearly at GE's behest. 

See the two versions of the thread attached. Comments targeting me are still there in the latest version which is online now. Why? 

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Travis Mannon <>
Date: Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:31 PM
Subject: Comment moderation
To: Seema Sapra <>

Hi Seema,

I am writing in response to your questions regarding our comment moderation. Our comment section is not a platform for personal feuds or unrelated topics such as your whistleblowing claim against GE. It is a place for substantive debate about the article at hand.

Moving forward, we will block any and all comments that do not meet this criteria. I ask that you please refrain from engaging in personal attacks against other commenters and that you keep the discussion focused and productive. We have ask Mona to do the same, and we will enforce our commenting guidelines equally.

You can find more specific information about our comment policies here:


Travis Mannon
Social Media Producer
The Intercept

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:29 PM, Seema Sapra <> wrote:
I am emailing the Intercept editorial team because this issue needs their attention.

I was again targeted by Mona Holland and by some other commenters on this thread

Very surprisingly, most of my responses in my defence are being deleted by the Intercept staff almost as if to allow me to be targeted in this manner. Why? 

At the same time, comments clearly defaming and targeting me are still on the thread. 

I attach two versions of the thread to establish this. 

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 

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