Tuesday 20 December 2016

Fwd: Legal Notice to Intercept Editor-in-Chief Betsy Reed about procured and planned whistleblower retaliation against General Electric Company whistleblower Seema Sapra on the Intercept website

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From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Legal Notice to Intercept Editor-in-Chief Betsy Reed about procured and planned whistleblower retaliation against General Electric Company whistleblower Seema Sapra on the Intercept website
To: Charlotte Greensit <charlotte.greensit@theintercept.com>, laura.poitras@theintercept.com, jeremy.scahill@theintercept.com, roger.hodge@theintercept.com, betsy.reed@theintercept.com, sam.biddle@theintercept.com, matthew.cole@theintercept.com, alleen.brown@theintercept.com, cora.currier@theintercept.com, ryan.devereaux@theintercept.com, alex.emmons@theintercept.com, lee.fang@theintercept.com, dan.froomkin@theintercept.com, ryan.gallagher@theintercept.com, murtaza.hussain@theintercept.com, zaid.jilani@theintercept.com, andrea.jones@theintercept.com, peter.maass@theintercept.com, robert.mackey@theintercept.com, morgan@firstlook.org, jenna.mclaughlin@theintercept.com, sheelagh.mcneill@theintercept.com, mattathias.schwartz@theintercept.com, liliana.segura@theintercept.com, jon.schwarz@theintercept.com, alice.speri@theintercept.com, jordan.smith@theintercept.com, ryan.tate@theintercept.com, moiz.syed@theintercept.com, sharon.weinberger@theintercept.com, margot.williams@theintercept.com, glenn.greenwald@theintercept.com, ti-media@firstlook.org, Travis Mannon <travis.mannon@theintercept.com>, legal@firstlook.org
Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, ashish.sawkar@ic.fbi.gov, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "chairmanoffice@sec.gov" <chairmanoffice@sec.gov>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, CP Delhi <cp.alokkumarverma@delhipolice.gov.in>, "preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>, sg.rmaithani@sci.nic.in, president@whitehouse.gov, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>

All three appear in the latest tab but not in the threads tab. 
This shows that my comments are being screened. 

On the other hand comments of Mona Holand and rrheard who have both targeted me with vicious whistleblower retaliation, false smears and lies about me are not being screened. 

rrheard is a lawyer or so he claims. He invited me to sue him, so do give me his name, his email contact and his IP address. 

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 





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Seema Sapra @SeemaSapraLaw ↪ thelastnamechosen
December 20 2016, 10:11 a.m.
The Snowden archive was intercepted.

↪ Reply

December 20 2016, 10:05 a.m.
The Snowden Archive could not be in safer hands.

↪ Reply

James O'Donnell III
December 20 2016, 9:58 a.m.
So, it's spread beyond Mackey, now. The Intercept is becoming just another propaganda rag, is that it? Why isn't this hack working at WaPo or the NYT? (Perhaps he should read some of the excellent work his colleague, Mr. Greenwald, has been doing on the subject of the "Russian hacks"… or take a journalism course… or both.)

↪ Reply

Maisie ↪ Vic Perry
December 20 2016, 9:28 a.m.

↪ Reply

December 20 2016, 9:25 a.m.
Kyle Kulinski (Secular Talk) shreds what Obama actually did say about the emails:

Obama Thinks The Media Covered WikiLeaks' DNC Emails Too Much (9.30 mins)

↪ Reply

December 20 2016, 9:14 a.m.
As respectful as the Intercept's attempt to stick to the principles of journalism, unfortunately such insistence always draws more criticism than support, due to the participation bias favoring the repulsive over the critical, and disagreement over agreement. I am especially disappointed by the comment section holding a message of genetic fallacy as well-argued.

Besides all the points that Obama has publicized, the core argument of this article is a delay of electoral votes and an intelligence briefing for the electors, both called for by Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA). No ideas or arguments in this article is originally from the author, Mr. Schwartz. It is only a summary of what the Intercept hasn't got around to cover by a sympathetic author.

It may very well be correct that electoral votes should not be delayed, and the electors should not get an intelligence briefing. After all that's Obama's decision, too. But attacking the author is not a good argument.

↪ Reply

Seema Sapra @SeemaSapraLaw
December 20 2016, 9:07 a.m.

"As you all know I am very good at killing people. The total number of people I droned to death in 8 years is __________. This includes _________ children. This includes _________ US citizens. This includes ________ humans who were innocent collateral damage. This includes ___________ humans who I killed but I am not sure if they deserved to be killed. ….."

↪ Reply

nuf said ↪ Mattathias Schwartz
December 20 2016, 9:06 a.m.
I'll tell you what I think of an individual selected by a Board to participate as a "journalist" with people such as Jami Miscik, Co-CEO and Vice Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. on the board.

You are an apologist for a war criminal. You'll never criticize Kissinger for his murderous policies.
I'll wager on your CIA field trip they told you things that they asked you to keep from your readers … you are now an insider with privileged information …
You. Are. Compromised. You have a positive image of the CIA and you are automatically more likely to spin your work – one way or another – at their suggestion. It's how Betsy operates; I'm sure she gets suggestions from a friend …

I'd read a Bob Job before I'd read your work again.

↪ Reply

Seema Sapra @SeemaSapraLaw
December 20 2016, 9:04 a.m.
So the attempted CIA-Obama-Clinton coup against Donald Trump failed.

"@mike_pence: Congratulations to @RealDonaldTrump; officially elected President of the United States today by the Electoral College!"— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 20, 2016

↪ Reply" 

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 11:42 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
And what of this misrepresentation by rrheard at this thread. This commenter clearly joined Mona Holland in her whistleblower retaliation against me. 

Can I respond? 

December 19 2016, 10:19 p.m.

It would be nice if The Intercept helped itself by not allowing its forum to be used as a platform for that sort of repetitious off topic commenting.

Or at the very least limit certain posters to one post a day that amounts to basically a commercial endorsement (repeatedly linking to your own website) for an individual's legal travails (or claims) in a foreign court system together with illogical accusations against anyone who doesn't agree with her positions as — defaming her and harassing her — and who she will report to various agencies of the US government who have no agency jurisdiction to address those accusations even if true. Just plain absurd on its face.

If a commenter can keep his/her comments roughly on topic (or at least tangentially related) then let him/her comment away.

But The Intercept is doing itself no favors by allowing this crapflooding destruction of its forum by that sort of commenting.

↪ Reply

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 11:34 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:

Am I allowed to respond? 

-Mona- ↪ rrheard
December 19 2016, 10:48 p.m.
Thirded. She Intercept has a responsibility to prevent this suffering person from spamming the board with this delusional material. For her sake, for the sake of those of us she rants about, and for the sake of the readers at large.

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 11:34 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
Ms Betsy Reed, 

Having received no response from you, I am again constrained to bring to your notice as Editor-in-Chief and to the notice of the Intercept that I intend to make a formal complaint to the FBI against procured and planned whistleblower retaliation against me on the Intercept website by Mona Holland and 2 other commenters rrheard and Galactus-36215 among others. 

Mona Holland and these two other commenters have repeatedly targeted me, lied about me, smeared me, and defamed me in their comments on several threads at the Intercept.

I am a GE whistleblower in India and their conduct which appears to be procured retaliation against a whistleblower amounts to a criminal offence which I will be reporting to US authorities. I also intend to initiate legal action against these three in a court of law in Delhi and mention these three in my legal case against GE in the Supreme Court of India.

Galactus-36215 and rrheard have boldly and with impunity invited me to sue them in their comments. Please provide me with their full names and email contacts. 

I take such online attacks against me very seriously as they have the effect of furthering endangering my life and in facilitating my further victimization.

And here is the US legal provision Mona Holland, rrheard and Galactus-36215 violate by targeting me, a GE whistleblower on this website.

Section 1107 of H.R. 3763, codified as 18 U.S.C. 1513(e)

"(e) Whoever knowingly, with the intent to retaliate, takes any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of any Federal offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both."

I am fully within my legal rights to report Mona Holland, rrheard and Galactus-36215  to the FBI and pursue legal remedies against them and any others who similarly target me.

In my case, a former GE in-house counsel and now whistleblower against GE corruption living in India, Mona Holland's attacks and smears against me are not her ordinary BS insults but is planned and procured whistleblower retaliation.

For someone in my position, facing an ongoing threat to my life and fighting for my life, Mona Holland's false smears are intended to achieve two things. First to cover up GE corruption and fraud in India which I have exposed. And second to facilitate my further victimization thereby enhancing the danger to my life, by making it easier for me to be targeted.

She violates US law in doing this and commits a federal criminal offence against me.

And leave alone the moral depravity involved in someone like Mona Holland sitting in the USA and from this position of privilege and safety systematically targeting an Indian woman whistleblower against GE fighting to survive in a place like India.

Her attacks on me have been always unprovoked. The mere fact of my presence on this website is something she objects to. Why is so invested in defending GE and covering up for GE. Has she been recruited to target me.

As I said I will be reporting Mona Holland to the FBI for smearing me, a GE whistleblower based in India. And I intend to sue her personally in a court of law in India. We also have the crime of criminal defamation here in India which will cover her procured, planned and deliberate smears against me perfectly. I will also be including her name and smears in my case against GE in the Supreme Court of India.

I also wish to point out that it is disappointing that the Intercept has allowed this to go on since August 2016. Also on more than one occasion, my defensive responses setting out the correct facts about me and posted to deter Mona Holland, rrheard and Galactus-36215 from smearing me were deleted by someone at the Intercept, whereas the false smears and lies against me were not removed. This appears to have been intended to facilitate my targeting by Mona Holland. I would like an inquiry into this as well. 

I ask that the Intercept immediately delete all smears, lies and defamatory comments against me posted by Mona Holland on several comment threads on the Intercept and by anyone else following her example. Several of these smears and lies about me are still posted on the website of the Intercept. 

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 10:42 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
Ms Betsy Reed, 

I ask that the Intercept immediately delete all smears, lies and defamatory comments against me posted by Mona Holland on several comment threads on the Intercept and by anyone else following her example. 

Please inform me when this is done. 

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 12:52 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
As yet further example of what I say below, attached is a copy of the Intercept comments thread at https://theintercept.com/2016/11/12/dissecting-a-trump-presidency/ downloaded yesterday. 

It once again establishes the unprovoked, procured and planned targeting and smearing of me, a GE whistleblower based in India by Mona Holland and her enablers. 

The smears, lies and defamatory comments against me posted by Mona Holland are still online in this thread as well. 

An example from this thread smearing me which is still online. 

"Nete Peedham ↪ Seema Sapra (@SeemaSapraLaw)
November 12 2016, 10:21 p.m.

↪ Reply

-Mona- ↪ Nete Peedham
November 12 2016, 10:47 p.m.
She literally is coo-coo. I won't get into demonstrating that unless she persists in her crazy ranting, but believe me — and I can document it — she is in a clinical sense, almost certainly mentally ill. There are many court documents and statements from professional peers and others who know her to back that up.

Hopefully she will back off of ranting here because I'd much rather not see any sub-thread here hijacked with that."

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
As further example of what I say below, attached is a copy of the Intercept comments thread at https://theintercept.com/2016/12/06/disinformation-not-fake-news-got-trump-elected/ downloaded yesterday. 

It establishes the unprovoked, procured and planned targeting and smearing of me, a GE whistleblower based in India by Mona Holland and her enablers. 

The smears, lies and defamatory comments against me posted by Mona Holland are still online in this thread as well. 

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
Ms Betsy Reed, 

This is to bring to your notice and that of the Intercept that I intend to make a formal complaint to the FBI against procured and planned whistleblower retaliation against me on the Intercept website by Mona Holland and 2 other commenters rrheard and Galactus-36215 among others. 

Mona Holland and these two other commenters have repeatedly targeted me, lied about me, smeared me, and defamed me in their comments on several threads at the Intercept.

I am a GE whistleblower in India and their conduct which appears to be procured retaliation against a whistleblower amounts to a criminal offence which I will be reporting to US authorities. I also intend to initiate legal action against these three in a court of law in Delhi and mention these three in my legal case against GE in the Supreme Court of India.

Galactus-36215 and rrheard have boldly and with impunity invited me to sue them in their comments. Please provide me with their full names and email contacts. 

I take such online attacks against me very seriously as they have the effect of furthering endangering my life and in facilitating my further victimization.

And here is the US legal provision Mona Holland, rrheard and Galactus-36215 violate by targeting me, a GE whistleblower on this website.

Section 1107 of H.R. 3763, codified as 18 U.S.C. 1513(e)

"(e) Whoever knowingly, with the intent to retaliate, takes any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of any Federal offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both."

I am fully within my legal rights to report Mona Holland, rrheard and Galactus-36215  to the FBI and pursue legal remedies against them and any others who similarly target me.

In my case, a former GE in-house counsel and now whistleblower against GE corruption living in India, Mona Holland's attacks and smears against me are not her ordinary BS insults but is planned and procured whistleblower retaliation.

For someone in my position, facing an ongoing threat to my life and fighting for my life, Mona Holland's false smears are intended to achieve two things. First to cover up GE corruption and fraud in India which I have exposed. And second to facilitate my further victimization thereby enhancing the danger to my life, by making it easier for me to be targeted.

She violates US law in doing this and commits a federal criminal offence against me.

And leave alone the moral depravity involved in someone like Mona Holland sitting in the USA and from this position of privilege and safety systematically targeting an Indian woman whistleblower against GE fighting to survive in a place like India.

Her attacks on me have been always unprovoked. The mere fact of my presence on this website is something she objects to. Why is so invested in defending GE and covering up for GE. Has she been recruited to target me.

As I said I will be reporting Mona Holland to the FBI for smearing me, a GE whistleblower based in India. And I intend to sue her personally in a court of law in India. We also have the crime of criminal defamation here in India which will cover her procured, planned and deliberate smears against me perfectly. I will also be including her name and smears in my case against GE in the Supreme Court of India.

I also wish to point out that it is disappointing that the Intercept has allowed this to go on since August 2016. Also on more than one occasion, my responses posted as defensive challenges to Mona Holland, rrheard and Galactus-36215 were deleted by someone at the Intercept, whereas the false smears and lies against me were not removed. This appears to have been intended to facilitate my targeting by Mona Holland. I would like an inquiry into this as well. 

Seema Sapra 
General Electric Company whistleblower 

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