Wednesday 6 July 2016

Message to lawyer Aman Lekhi

------ SMS ------
To: +919810330420
Sent: Jul 6, 2016 5:08 PM

Aman - Why is your staff lying that I pushed a guard. Why would I do that. Your staff tried to stop me from entering your office saying that your dog would bite me. What is this. I only told them that they should control the dog then and not stop me. I did not even touch anyone. I entered, the dog barked at me but soon settled down. And five minutes later, your driver comes and lies that I pushed your guard and you tell me I should not misbehave with your staff. Your staff misbehaved with me. Am I a beggar. I am a lawyer fighting corruption by GE and against injustice. I deserve to be treated with dignity. Why on earth would I misbehave with your staff or push your guard. What is this. Is this some plan to embarass and malign me. So that you will refuse to help me. Does your staff think I am a beggar, an undesirable person? Seema Sapra
Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

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