Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Where Soli Sorabjee's "friend" Murad Ali Baig exposes his sick mindset in targeting a victim of sexual assault

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From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 4:16 PM
Subject: Where Murad Baig exposes his sick mindset in targeting a victim of sexual assault
To: Anil Puri <ampuri@gmail.com>, Deepak Mukarji <deepakmukarji@gmail.com>, Arvind Jadhav <arvindj356@gmail.com>, amit Dahiya Badshah <delhipoetree@gmail.com>, Ashali Varma <ashi.varma@gmail.com>, Arun Guha <arunguha@hotmail.com>, Atul Dev <atuldev@ymail.com>, Chanda Singh <arcadiagra@hotmail.com>, Bittu Ahmadullah <sahmadullah7@gmail.com>, achal@buzzcomm.in, Vikramaditya <adityab1969@gmail.com>, ranbakshi <ranjan@ranbakshi.net>, Raja Menon <raja.menon39@gmail.com>, umesh anand <umesh@civilsocietyonline.com>, Shalinie Rasstogi <shalinierasstogi@gmail.com>, rachna bhattacharya <rachanarana.b@gmail.com>, gogi brar <ssbrar747@hotmail.com>, arjun Dasgupta <arjun_dasgupta@hotmail.com>, Bhim Sain Bassi <cp.bsbassi@nic.in>, "rg.dhc@nic.in" <rg.dhc@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "chairmanoffice@sec.gov" <chairmanoffice@sec.gov>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, Paddy Singh <paddy@hindoostantours.com>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <NDwebmail@state.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, Darshan Singh <panind@panindiagroup.com>, Paul Blokland <blokland@segmenty.com>, H Kishie Singh <hkishiesingh@gmail.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, Naresh 2 Kochhar <nareshbhukochhar1967@gmail.com>, Siemens Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>, Ranga Bedi <ranga07@jorukaghulam.com>, Ranojoy Mukerji <ranojoy.mukerji@gmail.com>, Ranee Sahaney 2 <ranee.sahaney@gmail.com>, Naresh Dayal <dayalnaresh@hotmail.com>, Naresh Sardana <naresh.sardana@gmail.com>, Romola DSC <info@dsc.edu.in>, Murad Ali Baig <baig.murad@gmail.com>, khalid baig <khalid.ali.baig@gmail.com>, Stanislas Dembinski <standembinski@hotmail.com>, Arvind Varma <varmaarvind@hotmail.com>, Sushil Haksar <sushil.haksar@gmail.com>, Rajika Horsborough <rajikah@yahoo.co.uk>, Robin Shah <robinbentex@yahoo.co.uk>, Hormazd Sorabjee <hormazd@autocarindia.com>, ashok mehta <preetipariat@yahoo.com>, Gautam Sen <gautam@gautamsen.com>, Ajay Singh Mehta <ajaysinghmehta1954@gmail.com>, Adil Jal Darukhanawala <adiljal@gmail.com>, Aspy Car Bhathena <a.bhathena@nextgenpublishing.net>, Imran Baig <ib@extrieve.com>, Bijoykumar Y <bky911@gmail.com>, Bunty Peerbhoy <bunty_p@maa.co.in>, Deepak Khosla <deepakkhosla9@gmail.com>, Arvind Swaminathan <arvind.usk@gmail.com>, Kishore Mandhyan <kishoremandhyan@gmail.com>, deesin46 <deesin46@gmail.com>
Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>

In his email dated 9 February 2016 received today at 1:26 pm, Murad Baig exposes his real regressive and sick mindset by writing the following about me.

"The internet information also shows that she claims that she was sexually assaulted by eminent lawyers like Soli Sorabjee and Raian Karanjiwala. Seema, a short fat lady of about 40 years old seems to be a most unlikely target for sexual assault." 

I was born in 1971. 

I worked with Raian Karanjawala from 1995 till around 1999/2000 as a lawyer and have stated that on a work trip to Calcutta, he invited me into his room for a nightcap after a very late dinner with his friends at the Taj Bengal where I had consumed some amount of wine and was as a result extremely drunk or sleepy or both. I refused and after that I was targeted in his office and gently forced out. I was so drunk or sleepy that I did not even register the full implication of what Raian Karanjawala had suggested. 

I worked for Soli Sorabjee in 2000 and 2001 and he sexually harassed me by unwanted touching and unwelcome conversation which he is known to indulge in with most women. But one day he invited me for dinner at his Niti Bagh home on the pretext of work and he got me drunk and then assaulted me, forcibly kissed me, stuck his tongue in my mouth and I managed to extricate myself and leave. Soli Sorabjee continued to hound me with unwelcome contact after that which I avoided for some years. I was overseas for a while and eventually got over my anger and was able to interact with Sorabjee as if he was a dirty old man whose overtures should just be ignored and I was strong and confident enough to maintain a certain space in our future interactions. 

I have written about what happened on my blog at http://solisorabjeealert.blogspot.in/. This complaint is still un-redressed.

So you can do the math. I was in my late twenties at the time. I am reasonably pretty. I was not "fat" at the time. My weight has fluctuated over my lifetime from thin to plump but I am quite attractive in my thin or plump phases and even otherwise. 

I fractured my fibula on 5 June 2014, my left ankle was dislocated on 9 June 2014. My left leg and foot was in a cast from then until the end of September 2015. So during this time I gained weight. I hope to lose that weight soon as my mobility is better now. Murad Baig has known me from October 2015 onwards. 

So Murad Baig is wrong in saying that I was a short fat 40 year old woman when Sorabjee and Karanjawala sexually assaulted and sexually harassed me respectively. 

Not that short fat 40 year old women cannot be and are not sexually assaulted. But this only shows Murad Baig's sick mindset. He is ready to slander and mock me on behalf of his friend Soli Sorabjee.  

I am 5.2 so of average height for an Indian woman. Both Sorabjee and Karanjawala are not exactly 6 ft tall. They are both short men. And Karanjawala was quite fat from the first day I met him in 1995. Sorabjee was ugly, shriveled and over 70 when he assaulted me as a woman in her late twenties. 

So you all now know what kind of a man Murad Baig is to say something like this about a sexual assault victim. 

Seema Sapra 

General Electric Company whistleblower 

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