Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Fabrication of facts by Murad Baig targeting General Electric whistleblower Seema Sapra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Fabrication of facts by Murad Baig - General Electric whistleblower
To: Anil Puri <ampuri@gmail.com>, Deepak Mukarji <deepakmukarji@gmail.com>, arvindj356@gmail.com, amit Dahiya Badshah <delhipoetree@gmail.com>, Ashali Varma <ashi.varma@gmail.com>, Arun Guha <arunguha@hotmail.com>, Atul Dev <atuldev@ymail.com>, Chanda Singh <arcadiagra@hotmail.com>, Bittu Ahmadullah <sahmadullah7@gmail.com>, achal@buzzcomm.in, Vikramaditya <adityab1969@gmail.com>, ranbakshi <ranjan@ranbakshi.net>, Raja Menon <raja.menon39@gmail.com>, umesh anand <umesh@civilsocietyonline.com>, Shalinie Rasstogi <shalinierasstogi@gmail.com>, rachna bhattacharya <rachanarana.b@gmail.com>, gogi brar <ssbrar747@hotmail.com>, khalid ali Baig <khalid.ali.baig@gmail.com>, arjun Dasgupta <arjun_dasgupta@hotmail.com>, Bhim Sain Bassi <cp.bsbassi@nic.in>, "rg.dhc@nic.in" <rg.dhc@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "chairmanoffice@sec.gov" <chairmanoffice@sec.gov>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <NDwebmail@state.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, Siemens Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>
Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Ranee Sahaney 2 <ranee.sahaney@gmail.com>, Ranojoy Mukerji <ranojoy.mukerji@gmail.com>, Ranga Bedi <ranga07@jorukaghulam.com>, Darshan Singh <panind@panindiagroup.com>, H Kishie Singh <hkishiesingh@gmail.com>, Paddy Singh <paddy@hindoostantours.com>, Paul Blokland <blokland@segmenty.com>, Naresh 2 Kochhar <nareshbhukochhar1967@gmail.com>, Naresh Dayal <dayalnaresh@hotmail.com>, Naresh Sardana <naresh.sardana@gmail.com>, Romola DSC <info@dsc.edu.in>, Murad Ali Baig <baig.murad@gmail.com>

Note these text messages between Murad Baig and me. Small lies by Murad Baig show how he is now fabricating facts and narratives. In one of these texts he accuses me of not having provided an address. Note the email sent to him on 29 Jan on this issue. 

------ SMS ------
To: +919899555704
To: +919811068234
Sent: Feb 3, 2016 9:14 AM

Murad, Tannie has asked me to leave by 15. She told me your servants complained about me. I told her your servants were targeting me. I will leave on the 7th. You are aware of my complaint of threat to life from GE and that there were court orders directing the police commissioner to protect me. Kindly ensure that I am not targeted in any manner until I leave on the 7th. Seema Sapra

------ SMS ------
To: +919899555704
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 3, 2016 10:57 AM

Murad - I have left your house because Tannie threatened me. My bags are packed in my room which I do not want tampered with. I will collect my things when you are there because I don't want to deal either with Tannie or your staff Sita and Chander who have targeted me. I also have my fan and chest of drawers in the room which I will collect. Kindly ensure that my things are not rifled or damaged. Seema Sapra

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 3, 2016 9:41 AM

We do sympathise but your danger also troubles us

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 3, 2016 11:19 AM

Fear not I'll be back about 7 and all of tomorrow

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 3, 2016 7:19 PM

We are going out to finalise the nano about 10.30 and home all afternoon

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 4, 2016 9:49 AM

Murad - Why did you call? I will be coming by today to pick up my things. Seema Sapra

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 4, 2016 9:51 AM

Just coordinating I will be here all afternoon

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 4, 2016 4:28 PM

Murad - I will coordinate with you and come by either tomorrow or day after to pick up my stuff. Seema Sapra

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 4, 2016 4:30 PM

Whenever it suits you but please let me know so I'm sure to be there

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 6, 2016 8:24 AM

Hi are you coming today? I need to make plans for the day so pl advise the time.

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 6, 2016 9:43 AM

I will coordinate before I drop by. Seema Sapra

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 6, 2016 2:25 PM

Pl come today to avoid another days rent. You had also promised to pay your December rent today.
We need the room and may have to move your bags out. Pl decide what you want to do

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 6, 2016 2:32 PM

Well I need my stuff too and your wife's attacks and threats forced me to leave without taking anything. I will not be paying the rent. You and Tannie facilitated the conspiracy to have me poisoned in your home. I have made a police complaint which was copied to you. Read it online at http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/02/conspiracy-and-attempts-to-murder.html

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 6, 2016 2:45 PM

And I will be picking up my things today. Seema Saprav

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 6, 2016 2:46 PM

Tannie did not threaten you but correctly told you on 3rd morning to pay rent or vacate the room. It is clear that you are making a fuss because you are unwilling or unable to pay rent and are refusing to give an address as is required by police rules. We will now proceed with vacating the room.

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 6, 2016 2:55 PM

I have Tannie's threats recorded on audio as well as several conversations with you. So don't try and fabricate things. I will be picking up my things today.

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 6, 2016 2:58 PM

We have always treated you with respect so pl don't threaten us. What time today?

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 6, 2016 3:14 PM

You were threatening me. I sent you info abt my circumstances with a copy of my licence on email. I mentioned there I had no permanent address. I attached the GE writ court order. We discussed this several times. And now you tell me I did not provide an address. I will let you know what time I can make it.  Seema Sapra

------ SMS ------
To: 09811068234
Sent: Feb 6, 2016 6:38 PM

Murad - I have picked up 4 bags which Chander brought down because I did not want to enter your house. I hope my stuff has not been damaged or rifled or removed. I have returned the house key to Chander. I will have the fan and chest of drawers picked up in a tempo. Seema Sapra

------ SMS ------
From: +919811068234
Received: Feb 6, 2016 6:49 PM

Thank you for your message. No one entered the room or touched your bags. Please inform me when you will collect your chest of drawers and pedestal fan.
What about the January rent that you had promised to pay today?

Note this email sent to Murad on 29 Jan. He and Tannie both knew that I was a GE whistleblower and unable to provide a permanent address from at least mid December onwards when we talked about this. 

They went to the extent of asking me who they should contact if I fell ill or died and I told them to contact the Police. The plan apparently was to hand me over to my family which has been used to target me since 2010/ 2011. 

Seema Sapra 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: My stay at Tree tops
To: Murad Baig <baig.murad@gmail.com>
Cc: Tannie Baigb <tanniebaug13@gmail.com>, Tannie Baig <tanniebaig13@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>

here's the court order attachment 

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:

Attached is a photo of my driving licence. 

Also attached is a copy of a court order dated 10 Jan 2014 passed in my matter against General Electric and the Police directing the Police to protect me. 

There are three more similar orders in this matter which was before the Delhi High Court for 3 years and in which the Police Commissioner was issued notice and directions to protect me.  

I am a whistle-blower against corruption by General Electric Company & though the High Court matter was unlawfully dismissed (by a corrupted 2 Judge Bench) the threat to my life has not receded. I intend to file a petition under Article 32 before the Supreme Court of India seeking protection. 

My life continues to be in grave danger. Police and intelligence agencies are involved in attempts to eliminate me. 

Staff at places I have stayed at earlier have been recruited to target me. That's why you need to warn your staff  They must also not allow their staff quarters above and below my room to be used to target me. Toxic substances could be released into my room or sprayed near me. This has happened in the past. 

I have no current permanent address and there are court docs recording this which I will just email you. I am not in touch with my family and have no family ties. 

The Police Commissioner's office is aware of who I am and of my recent complaints of the continuing threat to my life and of attempts to murder. 

I have no natural illnesses so there is no reason for me to fall sick. However I could be poisoned and made ill and attempts might be made to cover that up as illness. 

Seema Sapra 

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