---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:36 AM
Subject: General Electric FCPA, obstruction of justice, & impersonation fraud US SEC complaint TCR1439646785831 & whistle-blower Seema Sapra being poisoned
To: seema sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
Cc: "pmosb@gov.in" <pmosb@gov.in>, "director@aiims.ac.in" <director@aiims.ac.in>, "lggc.delhi@nic.in" <lggc.delhi@nic.in>, "rg.dhc@nic.in" <rg.dhc@nic.in>, "cp.bsbassi@nic.in" <cp.bsbassi@nic.in>, "joe.kaeser@siemens.com" <joe.kaeser@siemens.com>, "dch@nic.in" <dch@nic.in>, "sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in" <sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in>, "sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in" <sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in" <cvc@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "hshso@nic.in" <hshso@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <complaintcell-ncw@nic.in>, "sgnhrc@nic.in" <sgnhrc@nic.in>, "dg-nhrc@nic.in" <dg-nhrc@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov" <newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov" <usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov>, "nalin.jain@ge.com" <nalin.jain@ge.com>, "helpline@eda.admin.ch" <helpline@eda.admin.ch>, "ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch" <ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, "ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch" <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>, "ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch" <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, "indconru@gmail.com" <indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <legalisationenquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, "ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se" <ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk" <delamb@um.dk>, "emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <infodesk@ohchr.org>, "Press-Info@ohchr.org" <press-info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <va@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn" <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>, "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>, "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov" <chairmanoffice@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <ndwebmail@state.gov>, "president@whitehouse.gov" <president@whitehouse.gov>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "alexander.dimitrief@ge.com" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "zentrale@bundesnachrichtendienst.de" <zentrale@bundesnachrichtendienst.de>, "sho-hndin-dl@nic.in" <sho-hndin-dl@nic.in>, "sho-gk-dl@nic.in" <sho-gk-dl@nic.in>, "sho-amarclny-dl@nic.in" <sho-amarclny-dl@nic.in>, "sho-hauzkhas-dl@nic.in" <sho-hauzkhas-dl@nic.in>, "sho-defenceclny-dl@nic.in" <sho-defenceclny-dl@nic.in>, seema gmail <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:36 AM
Subject: General Electric FCPA, obstruction of justice, & impersonation fraud US SEC complaint TCR1439646785831 & whistle-blower Seema Sapra being poisoned
To: seema sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
Cc: "pmosb@gov.in" <pmosb@gov.in>, "director@aiims.ac.in" <director@aiims.ac.in>, "lggc.delhi@nic.in" <lggc.delhi@nic.in>, "rg.dhc@nic.in" <rg.dhc@nic.in>, "cp.bsbassi@nic.in" <cp.bsbassi@nic.in>, "joe.kaeser@siemens.com" <joe.kaeser@siemens.com>, "dch@nic.in" <dch@nic.in>, "sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in" <sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in>, "sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in" <sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in" <cvc@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "hshso@nic.in" <hshso@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <complaintcell-ncw@nic.in>, "sgnhrc@nic.in" <sgnhrc@nic.in>, "dg-nhrc@nic.in" <dg-nhrc@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov" <newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov" <usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov>, "nalin.jain@ge.com" <nalin.jain@ge.com>, "helpline@eda.admin.ch" <helpline@eda.admin.ch>, "ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch" <ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, "ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch" <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>, "ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch" <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, "indconru@gmail.com" <indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <legalisationenquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, "ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se" <ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk" <delamb@um.dk>, "emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <infodesk@ohchr.org>, "Press-Info@ohchr.org" <press-info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <va@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn" <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>, "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>, "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov" <chairmanoffice@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <ndwebmail@state.gov>, "president@whitehouse.gov" <president@whitehouse.gov>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "alexander.dimitrief@ge.com" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "zentrale@bundesnachrichtendienst.de" <zentrale@bundesnachrichtendienst.de>, "sho-hndin-dl@nic.in" <sho-hndin-dl@nic.in>, "sho-gk-dl@nic.in" <sho-gk-dl@nic.in>, "sho-amarclny-dl@nic.in" <sho-amarclny-dl@nic.in>, "sho-hauzkhas-dl@nic.in" <sho-hauzkhas-dl@nic.in>, "sho-defenceclny-dl@nic.in" <sho-defenceclny-dl@nic.in>, seema gmail <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
It is 8:30 am, I was again woken up this morning at around 7:am because of poisonous chemical fumes being released into my room. This has been going on since then. Poisonous chemical fumes were also released into my room all of yesterday. There is some kind of extremely poisonous gas/ pesticide being released which has a perfumed smell. This is being alternated at short intervals by fumes/ a gas which have/ has a foul smell.of rotten eggs or sewage.There is another gas with an extremely unpleasant smell which I cannot identify outright. If this continues my dead body will be found.
Highly poisonous chemical fumes and gases were released into my accommodation throughout the day yesterday. My life is in very grave danger. Since I moved here, I have been poisoned daily using chemical fumes which have included pesticides, organo-phosphates, nerve agents, poisonous and noxious gases, acrid fumes and fumes with kitchen/ diesel exhaust.
State agents and the Police are involved in poisoning me and in ongoing attempts to eliminate me. Staff at the B&B I am staying at and people living in and accessing staff quarters above and below my room are being used to poison me.
I continue to be chronically poisoned because of General Electric Company. Jeffrey Immelt, Alexander Dimitrief, and Bradford Berenson are responsible for my being poisoned.
I once again request that the US Government provide me with witness protection.
I have posted online pics dt 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 Jan 2016 just to show that I am alive despite attempts to murder me by poisoning me and exposing me to toxic chemical inhalants.
Please see my tweets at @SeemaSapraLaw
Read my comments at http://www.legallyindia.com/bar-bench-litigation/heavy-handed-lawyer-seema-sapra-sentenced-to-1-month-jail-for-calling-judge-and-many-others-corrupt and athttp://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2015/12/revealing-exchange-with-seema-sapra.html
Also read my comments at http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2015/12/public-message-to-professor-shamnad.html
My new tweets include
GE Vice Prez Litigation Bradford Berenson executed illegal Power of Attorney in 2013 which violated GE's board res https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxHBZ8fQxNoQdUJzSVFBMUJSLTg/view
GE Vice Prez Litigation Bradford Berenson executed illegal Power of Attorney in 2013 violating GE board res https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxHBZ8fQxNoQdUJzSVFBMUJSLTg/view #corpgov
GE Vice Prez Litigation Bradford Berenson executed illegal Power of Attorney in 2013 violating GE board res #corpgov http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html
GE Vice Prez Lit Berenson executed illegal Power of Attorney http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html
GE top lawyers Alex Dimitrief & Brad Berenson executed illegal Powers of Attorney http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @POTUS @LorettaLynch @JeffImmelt
GE top lawyers Alex Dimitrief & Brad Berenson executed illegal Powers of Attorney http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @LorettaLynch @JeffImmelt #corpgov
GE top lawyers Alex Dimitrief & Brad Berenson executed illegal Powers of Attorney @LorettaLynch @JeffImmelt #corpgov http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html
Obama classmate Brad Berenson executed illegal Power of Attorney for GE http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @LorettaLynch #corpgov @POTUS
GE top lawyers Alex Dimitrief & Brad Berenson executed illegal Powers of Attorney #Marhowra http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @narendramodi @BhimBassi
Former Associate Counsel to @POTUS Brad Berenson executed illegal Power of Attorney for GE http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @LorettaLynch #corpgov
General Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief executed illegal Power of Attorney violating GE's board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html
General Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html#corpgov
GE General Counsel Alex Dimitrief's illegal Power of Attorney violating board resolutionhttp://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @LorettaLynch @JeffImmelt
@generalelectric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html #corpgov
@generalelectric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxHBZ8fQxNoQVEJtd0c2LXNOZVk/view #corpgov
General Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxHBZ8fQxNoQVEJtd0c2LXNOZVk/view #corpgov
Seema Sapra
General Electric whistleblower
For more on General Electric corruption in India in connection with the Indian Rail tenders for the proposed diesel locomotive factory at Marhowra and the proposed electric locomotive factory at Madhepura, see
http://geimpersonationfraud.blogspot.in/ General Electric substituted fake representative/ signatory in Indian corruption legal case
http://gecorruption.blogspot.in/ FCPA alert- General Electric paid bribes to Indian public officials using third party contractor - Aartech Consultants India Private Limited
http://gemarhowracorruption.blogspot.in/ The PwC & Vinod Sharma conflict of interest & GE corruption in Marhowra Project
http://gemarhowracorruptionpart2.blogspot.in/ Shakeel Ahmed, Indian Rail official corruptly vetted GE 2008 bid documents for Marhowra Project
http://gecorruptionpart2.blogspot.in/ General Electric corruptly obtained Indian Rail Marhowra Project bid docs before they were public
http://gecorruptionpart3.blogspot.in/ Wikileaks US Embassy cables on creation of Marhowra loco factory Project for General Electric
http://gecorruptionpart4.blogspot.in/ General Electric corruption & fraud to avoid mandatory disclosures in India tender
http://gecorruptionpart5.blogspot.in/ #FCPA Why is General Electric bidding for India electric loco tender which it does not manufacture
http://gemoneylaundering.blogspot.in/ Money laundering by General Electric using NDTV in India
http://seemasapra.blogspot.com/ Seema Sapra - General Electric corruption whistle-blower: the Truth prevails
http://sureshprabhu-alert.blogspot.in/ The Scams, Corruption, Conflict of Interest & Benami Companies of Suresh Prabhu
http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/ Fake Authority Docs for General Electric Company filed in Delhi High Court
On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
It is 8:30 am, I was woken up this morning at around 7 am because of poisonous chemical fumes being released into my room. This has been going on since then. Poisonous chemical fumes were also released into my room all of yesterday. There is some kind of extremely poisonous gas/ pesticide being released which has a perfumed smell. This is being alternated at short intervals by fumes/ a gas which have/ has a foul smell.of rotten eggs or sewage.There is another gas with an extremely unpleasant smell which I cannot identify outright. If this continues my dead body will be found.Highly poisonous chemical fumes and gases were released into my accommodation throughout the day yesterday. My life is in very grave danger. Since I moved here, I have been poisoned daily using chemical fumes which have included pesticides, organo-phosphates, nerve agents, poisonous and noxious gases, acrid fumes and fumes with kitchen/ diesel exhaust.State agents and the Police are involved in poisoning me and in ongoing attempts to eliminate me. Staff at the B&B I am staying at and people living in and accessing staff quarters above and below my room are being used to poison me.I continue to be chronically poisoned because of General Electric Company and Jeffrey Immelt is responsible for my being poisoned.I once again request that the US Government provide me with witness protection.I have posted online pics dt 16, 17, 18 and 19 Jan 2016 just to show that I am alive despite attempts to murder me by poisoning me and exposing me to toxic chemical inhalants.Please see my tweets at @SeemaSapraLawRead my comments at http://www.legallyindia.com/bar-bench-litigation/heavy-handed-lawyer-seema-sapra-sentenced-to-1-month-jail-for-calling-judge-and-many-others-corrupt and athttp://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2015/12/revealing-exchange-with-seema-sapra.htmlAlso read my comments at http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2015/12/public-message-to-professor-shamnad.htmlMy new tweets includeGeneral Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief executed illegal Power of Attorney violating GE's board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.htmlGeneral Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html #corpgovGE General Counsel Alex Dimitrief's illegal Power of Attorney violating board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @LorettaLynch @JeffImmelt@generalelectric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html #corpgov@generalelectric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxHBZ8fQxNoQVEJtd0c2LXNOZVk/view #corpgovGeneral Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxHBZ8fQxNoQVEJtd0c2LXNOZVk/view #corpgovSeema SapraGeneral Electric whistleblowerFor more on General Electric corruption in India in connection with the Indian Rail tenders for the proposed diesel locomotive factory at Marhowra and the proposed electric locomotive factory at Madhepura, seehttp://geimpersonationfraud.blogspot.in/ General Electric substituted fake representative/ signatory in Indian corruption legal casehttp://gecorruption.blogspot.in/ FCPA alert- General Electric paid bribes to Indian public officials using third party contractor - Aartech Consultants India Private Limitedhttp://gemarhowracorruption.blogspot.in/ The PwC & Vinod Sharma conflict of interest & GE corruption in Marhowra Projecthttp://gemarhowracorruptionpart2.blogspot.in/ Shakeel Ahmed, Indian Rail official corruptly vetted GE 2008 bid documents for Marhowra Projecthttp://gecorruptionpart2.blogspot.in/ General Electric corruptly obtained Indian Rail Marhowra Project bid docs before they were publichttp://gecorruptionpart3.blogspot.in/ Wikileaks US Embassy cables on creation of Marhowra loco factory Project for General Electrichttp://gecorruptionpart4.blogspot.in/ General Electric corruption & fraud to avoid mandatory disclosures in India tenderhttp://gecorruptionpart5.blogspot.in/ #FCPA Why is General Electric bidding for India electric loco tender which it does not manufacturehttp://gemoneylaundering.blogspot.in/ Money laundering by General Electric using NDTV in Indiahttp://seemasapra.blogspot.com/ Seema Sapra - General Electric corruption whistle-blower: the Truth prevailshttp://sureshprabhu-alert.blogspot.in/ The Scams, Corruption, Conflict of Interest & Benami Companies of Suresh Prabhuhttp://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/ Fake Authority Docs for General Electric Company filed in Delhi High CourtOn Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 6:48 AM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:I was woken up this morning at around 6 am because of poisonous chemical fumes being released into my room. This has been going on since then and it is now 6 40 am. Poisonous chemical fumes were also released into my room all of yesterday. There is some kind of extremely poisonous gas/ pesticide being released which has a perfumed smell. This is being alternated at short intervals by fumes/ a gas which have/ has a foul smell.of rotten eggs or sewage.There is another gas with an extremely unpleasant smell which I cannot identify outright. If this continues my dead body will be found.The host at my B&B left for a vacation on 8 Jan. That same day, several men arrived at the premises of the house because allegedly a ground/ first floor water pipe had burst. Someone had bored through a water-pipe. This was in the part of the house where my room looks out. A few days later, another water pipe had burst according to a plumber who was closing some valves and this might be in the front of the house. I have been targeted in the past by fittings being deliberately damaged and then workers used to rig the premises. Something strange isn't it for two water pipes to suddenly burst just at this time in the house I am staying at. Yesterday the plumbers again used an excuse of a burst pipe to access the roof. and close some valves. It appears as if one route being used to release fumes into my room is through the water pipes in the attached bathroom to my room.Highly poisonous chemical fumes and gases were released into my accommodation throughout the day yesterday. My life is in very grave danger. Since I moved here, I have been poisoned daily using chemical fumes which have included pesticides, organo-phosphates, nerve agents, poisonous and noxious gases, acrid fumes and fumes with kitchen/ diesel exhaust.State agents and the Police are involved in poisoning me and in ongoing attempts to eliminate me. Staff at the B&B I am staying at and people living in and accessing staff quarters above and below my room are being used to poison me.I continue to be chronically poisoned because of General Electric Company and Jeffrey Immelt is responsible for my being poisoned.I once again request that the US Government provide me with witness protection.I have posted online pics dt 16, 17 and 18 Jan 2016 just to show that I am alive despite attempts to murder me by poisoning me and exposing me to toxic chemical inhalants.Please see my tweets at @SeemaSapraLawRead my comments at http://www.legallyindia.com/bar-bench-litigation/heavy-handed-lawyer-seema-sapra-sentenced-to-1-month-jail-for-calling-judge-and-many-others-corrupt and athttp://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2015/12/revealing-exchange-with-seema-sapra.htmlAlso read my comments at http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2015/12/public-message-to-professor-shamnad.htmlMy new tweets includeGeneral Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief executed illegal Power of Attorney violating GE's board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.htmlGeneral Electric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html #corpgovGE General Counsel Alex Dimitrief's illegal Power of Attorney violating board resolution http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html @LorettaLynch @JeffImmelt@generalelectric General Counsel Alex Dimitrief 's illegal Power of Attorney violating GE board resolution http://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/2016/01/general-electric-company-general.html #corpgovSeema SapraGeneral Electric whistleblowerFor more on General Electric corruption in India in connection with the Indian Rail tenders for the proposed diesel locomotive factory at Marhowra and the proposed electric locomotive factory at Madhepura, seehttp://geimpersonationfraud.blogspot.in/ General Electric substituted fake representative/ signatory in Indian corruption legal casehttp://gecorruption.blogspot.in/ FCPA alert- General Electric paid bribes to Indian public officials using third party contractor - Aartech Consultants India Private Limitedhttp://gemarhowracorruption.blogspot.in/ The PwC & Vinod Sharma conflict of interest & GE corruption in Marhowra Projecthttp://gemarhowracorruptionpart2.blogspot.in/ Shakeel Ahmed, Indian Rail official corruptly vetted GE 2008 bid documents for Marhowra Projecthttp://gecorruptionpart2.blogspot.in/ General Electric corruptly obtained Indian Rail Marhowra Project bid docs before they were publichttp://gecorruptionpart3.blogspot.in/ Wikileaks US Embassy cables on creation of Marhowra loco factory Project for General Electrichttp://gecorruptionpart4.blogspot.in/ General Electric corruption & fraud to avoid mandatory disclosures in India tenderhttp://gecorruptionpart5.blogspot.in/ #FCPA Why is General Electric bidding for India electric loco tender which it does not manufacturehttp://gemoneylaundering.blogspot.in/ Money laundering by General Electric using NDTV in Indiahttp://seemasapra.blogspot.com/ Seema Sapra - General Electric corruption whistle-blower: the Truth prevailshttp://sureshprabhu-alert.blogspot.in/ The Scams, Corruption, Conflict of Interest & Benami Companies of Suresh Prabhuhttp://generalelectricfakeauthoritydocs.blogspot.in/ Fake Authority Docs for General Electric Company filed in Delhi High Court
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