Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Revealing exchange with Seema Sapra, General Electric whistle-blower at Legally India news website showing whistle-blower being targeted

A very interesting and revealing exchange at

I have reproduced this exchange below. For some strange reason the links in my comments were disabled at the Legally India website on 21 December but the links are active in the reproduced comments below. 

Read below for the truth about how General Electric Company retaliated against, targeted, poisoned, and physically harmed its own lawyer in India who exposed corruption as a whistle-blower. 

Is this #Nazi or #Stalin inspired India?

Heavy handed? Lawyer Seema Sapra sentenced to 1 month jail for calling judge (and many others) corrupt
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Sapra's blog

Advocate Seema Sapra, who has long-alleged that General Electric and agents acting on its behalf are trying to poison her in retaliation for whistleblowing over alleged corruption at the multinational's India offices, has been sentenced to prison for a month by the Delhi high court for contempt.

She has also been fined Rs 2,000 and barred from practising law for two years, though the jail sentence will only take effect after three months to allow her a chance to appeal, reported Mint.

Sapra had called Delhi high court Justice Vibhu Bakhru corrupt by alleging that he sat on a bench out of turn; she defended herself that she only made the statement in the heat of the moment, which should not count as contempt of court, according to the PTI.

The PTI reported that a Delhi high court bench of justices Valmiki J Mehta and P S Teji held:

Clearly therefore the action of the noticee (Sapra) in calling Justice Vibhu Bakhru as corrupt is an act of criminal contempt of this court. The wholly unsubstantiated statement made against Justice Vibhu Bakhru scandalizes or tends to scandalize this court and also lowers and tends to lower the authority of this court.

The contemptuous statement prejudices or interferes or tends to interfere with the due course of judicial proceedings inasmuch as the unsubstantiated contemptuous statement has caused recusal of a bench of this court from hearing the matter on 6 May, 2015.

The facts of this case show that the contemnor is not in any manner contrite. Contemnor has been seeking to overawe different benches of this court and has caused recusal of different benches hearing the main writ petition.

After recusal by 28 judges of this court the main writ petition was heard by this Court and dismissed in terms of the judgment dated 2 March, 2015. Petitioner has continued in the same vein even in these contempt proceedings as noted in the order dated 30 October, 2015.

That writ petition had been filed by Sapra against General Electric and several of its officials but was dismissed with Rs 2 lakh exemplary costs by the Delhi high court as "totally frivolous and a mala fide  petition, and it is also an abuse of the process of the law" (read judgment):

The present writ petition was never a genuine PIL and it was only an action of a disgruntled employee who was thrown out of her employment and such a petitioner/employee through this PIL is seeking to take vendetta against her erstwhile employer with whom she has enmity. By the time the judgment in the case was reserved vide order dated 3.2.2015, volumes of the writ petition had reached to number 35 ending at page nos. 12,440.

Sapra, who had been an employee of GE in part responsible for internal compliance, had alleged primarily that GE acted improperly in pitching for a tender for the manufacture of railway locomotives, which was later cancelled by the ministry.

She has since alleged that GE has tried to poison and psychologically terrorise her, which she has detailed on her blog and in emails sent to a long list of recipients.

An anonymous blog from 2014 has alleged that she "currently seems to be suffering from mental illness".

Update 18 December 12:54: Sapra has published a response to the high court decision on her blog that she would appeal to the Supreme Court and that the ruling and her imprisonment would "enable my being drugged and poisoned in a prison and my being eventually eliminated":

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Voted! +4
-2 Sensible Reporting 2015-12-18 04:22
Please consider removing last line of the news coverage commenting on the mental condition of Ms. Sapra. The mental status of any person (be it a convict or otherwise) should not be commented so lightly. Moreover, I do not see a comment like this in the coverage of similar news item by B&B.
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Voted! +3
-2 kianganz 2015-12-18 04:41
I agree it's a sensitive issue but we are not making that comment lightly and it is part of a balanced report since her blog with her allegations is linked to.

It is directly relevant to this case, as I don't think she should be held responsible for contempt or that what she has said has "scandalised the court".

If you read her blog, she has made allegations ofcorruption against a lot of people, so for judges to get prickly about this one instance and punish her with jail time seems excessive and insensitive.
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Seema Sapra
Voted! +1
-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-19 06:29
Kian - I do think that you should remove the reference to this Anonymous blog targeting me from your report. First its anonymous. That itself should be a reason to ignore this bull-shit.

It talks bull-shit about me and spreads fiction & lies about me with clear intent to defame me and helps enable persons to target me by making potential well-wishers wary of me.

Some examples of lies in there which have no basis in fact. (Note again this is an anonymous blog which does not cite any supporting material for the lies it spreads.)

Outright Defamatory Lie - "On one occasion, she started screaming at a woman whose house she had parked outside that the woman had been sent to murder her"

Outright Defamatory Lie -".On another occasion, she broke down the front door of a senior police officer who was not taking her call.:

Lie _ "Several Indian courts also found no substance in her complaints and refused to hear her petition." - this statement made in March 2014 was a lie because Writ Petition Civil 1280/ 2012 was still pending hearing then.

Maybe you can ask Amit Sibal if I have ever accused him of blackmail, sexual harassment and attempt to murder. I certainly have not. Again a defamatory lie out of thin air.

Lie out of thin air - "At one point a judge asked the Bar Council to pay for her stay in an expensive hotel, when she pleaded that she had nowhere to go." - You can ask the Bar Council if this is true if you want. Its outright fiction.

Outright lie - that any lawyer arranged for me to stay at the India Habitat Centre. I am a member there and stayed under my own membership account and paid my own bills using my bank card.

The section on suggestions for dealing with me shows that this blog is intended to target me and to prevent people from supporting me or helping me or standing up for me.

According to this blog I should be institutionalized in a mental institution.

This blog is cleverly written. It mixes outright lies with distorted and incomplete and perfunctory references to my actual complaints. And its clear intent is to victimize me by falsely labeling me mentally ill.

At the time this blog was posted my petition in the Delhi High Court had not even been heard. It was pending. So the blog knowingly targeted a whistle-blower & a witness in corruption complaints. I made police complaints about this blog to no effect. They were ignored as have been all my other complaints.

I appeal to all readers here, Please do not help spread vicious lies about me.
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Hello,Adv.Seema Sapra 2015-12-19 11:00
Hello,Madam, I have read the above article about you in LI, and some pages,parts of anonymous blog falsely targeting you. I feel sympathy and attention for your situation. Please can you share correct information about (1). when you registered a complaint to the police against the anonymous blog falsely targeting you? (2). Did you filed RTI petition with the Police Department regarding action taken following your complaint against anonymous blog falsely targeting you? If yes, (3). What was reply from the Police Department ? Hope to hear your accurate answers.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-20 12:16

On 12 April 2014 I had complained by email to the Police about this anonymous blog. This complaint is reproduced on my blog at the above link.

This was followed by other email complaints too all of which were placed on the court record in WP Civil 1280/ 2012. I will look for those and point them out.

I did not file an RTI. I was preoccupied with dealing with other targeting and with the court case.

I am also afraid to go to the Police HQ. I was stopped from entering the Police HQ on an earlier occasion when I wanted to lodge a complaint at the Police Commissioner's office. This was despite court orders operational at that time directing the Police Commissioner to provide me protection. These complaints against the Police were also placed on the court record of WPC 1280/ 2012.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-20 12:27
My affidavit dated 11 October 2012 describing what happened to me at the Police HQ on the night of 1-2 October and on 5 October 2012 can be read here

This was also part of the court record in WPC 1280/ 2012.

It is my belief that no Judge has even read this affidavit.
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Hello,Adv.Seema Sapra, 2015-12-20 19:36
Please I think you being a skillful lawyer know that a petitioner can filed a complaint by registered post with A/D or Email when the situation is not favourable and safety for the petitioner to visit the Police Station/Police HQ.How are you thinking to close down or stop the anonymous blog falsely targeting you? Are you performing any legal work nowadays for any client? Does any members of your family helping or supporting you at this time of your critical situation? Hope to hear your accurate answers.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-19 21:28
Was this malicious anonymous blog not a crime committed against me. It uses and publishes my photograph without permission.

I was at the time this blog was published sleeping in my car - often outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court. I was already complaining of being harassed nightly including by police and by the security personnel in the Delhi High Court. There is evidence of this.

I was complaining that toxic chemicals were being sprayed onto and near me while I was asleep.

When this blog was published there were at least 3 Delhi High Court orders passed in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 directing the Delhi Police Commissioner to provide me security. These orders were never complied with.

Did the publication of this blog not further endanger my life at that time. Does this anonymous blog not continue to endanger my life. Does this blog not violate my right to life and my right to work even today.

Why did the Police not investigate who is behind this blog? I filed this blogs contents on the Court record in my writ petition. Why was this also ignored by the Court?
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Seema Sapra
Voted! +0
-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-20 10:32
Anonymous defamatory malicious blog targeting General Electric whistleblower Seema Sapra

Just to continue to expose this anon blog

It states a Lie out of thin air - "At one point a judge asked the Bar Council to pay for her stay in an expensive hotel, when she pleaded that she had nowhere to go." - You can ask the Bar Council if this is true if you want. Its outright fiction.

Truth - Order dated 1/5/2013 in WP Cvil 1280/2012 (Seema Sapra v General Electric Company) directed as follows: "Consequently a direction is issued to the Secretary of the Delhi Bar Council to urgently examine the petitioner's case under any scheme that it has available for the benefit and welfare of Advocates enrolled with them and submit a report before us."

This was when I was before the Court in several applications seeking shelter, protection and security.

Result - The Bar Council of Delhi (despite communication of this court order) never bothered to comply even with this order, it made no contact with me, it did not file any such report and no Judge took up this issue again. I continued to sleep in my car on the streets until I fractured my leg in June 2014 and when my ankle was deliberate;y dislocated by a doctor in an attempt to force me into surgery and to disable me. Evidence for this also exists.
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Sensible Reporting 2015-12-18 05:06
Thanks Kian ... Din't expect you to publish the comment but you did & replied as well ...
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kianganz 2015-12-18 05:20
Pleasure, always happy to publish comments that are not abusive.
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Supporter 2015-12-18 05:33
She needs help! She was living out of her car till I last heard. I think she needs urgent financial, moral and medical support and counseling. Can some of us LI readers form a group to extend support to her. Of course, if she doesn't want us to get involved, it is upto her.
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kianganz 2015-12-18 06:48
Agree, she's been in a very difficult position for the past few years but I'm not sure if there's an easy way of assisting her.

I believe that she may have a bona fide original complaint that there were some irregularities at GE, though I'm not sure whether those extend to outright corruption or that she'd be able to prove it satisfactorily in a court, particularly when faced with a lot of high-powered lawyers on the other side.

And in any case, as held by the high court in March, the majority of her charges are now infructious since no tender was eventually awarded.

I also think that she's had a lot to deal with and GE and others could have been more supportive.

Counselling would be useful in helping her process what's been happening, but I don't think she's amenable to that.

It's clear she's a smart and capable lawyer but I fear that the Delhi HC's approach here is short-sighted and vindictive.
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Sensible Reporting 2015-12-18 06:34
I agree, we should all help her in whatever way we can. The irony is that the readers of this post are able to understand that she needs help but not the "Hon'ble Courts". Kian you better come up with a disclaimer or else they will also hold your website in contempt.
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kianganz 2015-12-18 07:10
I don't think there's any risk of contempt in what we've reported, is there?
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Sensible Reporting 2015-12-18 08:40
You never know ... At times I feel that 'contempt of court' is 'ego of court'. You hurt it and you are booked.
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Humane Judiciary 2015-12-18 07:15
Agree with you Kian. The entire court knows about her condition and instead of demonstrating sensitivity and recommending help for her, the Judges thought it more important to show that they are the almighty and can go to any extent to make people believe that. This judgement is actually more a reflection of the mental health of the judiciary which is definitely contemptuous.
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I think... 2015-12-18 07:33
I think you meant to say, "contemptible" :-)
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kianganz 2015-12-18 07:46
Agree. The judiciary's use of contempt reminds me of the proverb, "when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail".

Prison was clearly an inappropriate remedy in this case and speaks more of frustration than of justice being done.

Here's the previous order passed by the HC on 30 October of this year:

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Mx. X 2015-12-18 09:27
Dear Humane

Without going into the merits, and restricting my comment to Ms. Sapra's so-called condition as stated in your comment, one can only observe that the Court doesn't "know" anything without proof. Until such time, the Court is entitled to claim that it doesn't know what it doesn't know.

Here's hoping that the appeal succeeds!
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Intolerant 2015-12-18 09:24
So much intolerance in fact extreme intolerance. Should I stay in this country or go to the grand Trump plaza. I am afraid to come to open the LI website. Simply intolerable. I hope the Force awakens...and all this comes to an end.
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Voted! +2
-2 Listen people 2015-12-18 10:34
Dont try to sympathise with her so do you call this insensitive of the this rate i should start sympathising with anyone who wastes the court;s time, makes absolutely frivolous allegations, right? Also please do read how very far fetched her allegations are before trying to show the court in poor light...the woman needs help, no doubt...but that is no reason for the courts to allow for all such people and waste the court's time..
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kianganz 2015-12-18 10:34
But is prison the right remedy in this case?
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 14:40
"Listen people" - in the spirit of polite and constructive engagement, could you tell me specifically which complaints of mine you found frivolous or far-fetched and why?

My complaints were and are certainly grave and remain un-adjudicated to date. The DB judgment in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) did not deal with any of my complaints,

If you share your specific concerns, maybe I can set them at rest by showing you evidence and documents available on the court record in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) that establish that my complaints were serious, genuine and borne out by evidence/ material on record.

& me approaching the Court to fight for my right to life is certainly no waste of judicial time.
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Voted! +4
-2 Mukeshji 2015-12-18 11:19
Dear Kian

Is LI a Seema Sapru Sympathy Society?

To an observer this lady has been filing dozens of complaints in every possible forum, court, department, you name it for many years now, always on the same old conspiracy theory. Sure every single court / police station / government department etc. cannot be corrupt or biased??

She writes a lot of comments on LI and most of it is bakwaas (stupid). She may be entitled to her views but her legal concepts are totally rubbish (politely speaking). If she was a judge every allegation would be true till proven guilty. The only thing that is needed is for her to be confined to a mental institution till her sanity returns.

I for one am glad that the court has sent this message. Quite clearly after quite a bit of provocation.
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kianganz 2015-12-18 11:23
I do think sympathy is more useful here than 'sending a message' via prison, yes.
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Seema Sapra
Voted! +1
-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 11:33
Mukeshji, The only case/ complaint I ever filed in any Court or judicial forum was a whistleblower corruption case against General Electric Company in the Delhi High Court being Writ Petition Civil 1280/ 2012.

The rest is in your imagination, or are you deliberately spreading disinformation about me. Lets keep to specifics and facts please.
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Seema Sapra
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-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 11:40
The issues here are the following?

Am I a whistleblower as described by me in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 that I filed against General Electric Company?

Was the decision of the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court dismissing that writ petition correct and sustainable in law?

Yes, I have thus far not appealed that decision for various reasons including hoping to buy peace. I was also targeted in several ways thereby preventing me from file such an appeal.

But that decision dismissing WP 1280/ 2012 was not a ruling on merits. There is no res judicata bar for me to file a fresh whistleblower and right to life petition before the Supreme Court of India.

It now appears as if I will have to file such a petition.
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Seema Sapra
Voted! +0
-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 11:44
WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) was not filed as a PIL nor was meant to be a PIL nor did I ever represent it as a PIL. I deliberately did this because I was seeking protection for myself as a whistleblower, complainant and witness. I was an interested party in this sense.

Yet the DB decision dismissing this petition mis-describes it as a PIL and uses that to penalise me. This is a clear error apparent on the face of the record.
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Seema Sapra
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-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 11:53
WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) - my whistleblower corruption case was according to the DB decision dismissed because it had according to the Bench become infructuous.

The ruling states in more than one place that the Court therefore would not / did not consider the documents/ material on record.

Yet without considering the material on record, the Court proceeds also to state in its ruling that my complaints were baseless and that I had not produced any evidence in support.

This ruling is clearly wrong and unsustainable.

The Court refused to look at the material, did not permit me to argue and its decision is contrary to the court record.

You can verify this yourself by going through the public court record available at

If you have less time, read one application that was before the Court and is available

I produced sufficient evidence in support of my corruption complaints against General Electric .
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Seema Sapra
Voted! +0
-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 12:12
On the issue that WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) had become infructuous.

There was complaints of bribes, illegal lobbying, tailoring and manipulation of tender documents, fraud, forgery, undue influence, favoritism, violation of disclosure guidelines, violation of conflict of interest provisions, illegal communication with the Railways etc in connection with a multi-billion dollar tender.

When it became clear to the Govt that it was not possible to proceed with the impugned tender with the evidence on record, the Govt cancelled the tender two years into the petitions's pendency.

How does cancellation of the tender render the complaints infructuous especially when the cancellation itself was a cover-up device?

The writ petition prayers including investigation of all complaints plus sought blacklisting in accordance with tender conditions if fraud. forgery, conflict of interest, illegal lobbying etc were proved.

So does the law say that the Govt can ignore corruption by a bidder by cancelling that tender and inviting the same bidder to a fresh tender for the same Project?
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Seema Sapra
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-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 12:26
On the following sentence which appears in the report:

"An anonymous blog from 2014 has alleged that she "currently seems to be suffering from mental illness".

There are two facts here, first this is an anonymous blog created on 10 March 2014 one year before WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) was dismissed.

This blog misrepresented my complaints and spread disinformation about me. It was part of GE's campaign to discredit and destroy me as a witness by repeated and unsuccessful attempts to falsely label me mentally ill.

Whistleblowers who complain about high-powered corruption often face retaliation of this kind.

Read this blog targeting me - it says nonsense.It deliberately misrepresents and caricatures my complaints and my situation.
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Seema Sapra
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-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 13:12
In fact the DB decision in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) does not even refer to the material that I had placed on record in support of my corruption complaints and in support of my complaints that I was being targeted and physically harmed. .

It is a 100 page judgment. Pages 7-18 merely reproduce extracts from SC decisions on PIL misuse when the instant petition was never filed as a PIL nor ever treated as a PIL by the Court or the Court registry from 2012 till 2015.

Pages 19-54 merely selectively reproduce previous orders passed in the matter. I was never provided an opportunity to explain those orders or the circumstances in which they were passed. These orders were then used by the Bench to draw adverse inferences against me. My response to several of those orders which was part of the court record was never considered by the Bench.

Pages 56-88 merely reproduce only the prayer clauses of selective applications which were pending before the Court. None of these nor other detailed applications were considered or taken up or decided by the Bench. But according to the Bench these applications showed my irresponsibility and frivolousness without the Bench going into either the preliminaries or the merits of these applications.
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Seema Sapra
Voted! +0
-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 13:27
On page 78 of the DB judgment in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & Others) is another error apparent on the face of the record. The judgment quotes the title of my application CM 10493 of 2013 but then reproduces the prayer clause of CM 10492 of 2013 which was filed by AZB.
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Seema Sapra
Voted! +0
-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-18 17:56
If the law as laid down in Supreme Court Bar Association of India v. Union of India (1998) 4 SCC 409 still holds, the Delhi High Court DB had no jurisdiction to debar me from practicing the profession of law before it and before subordinate courts for a period of 2 years.

Only the Bar Council of Delhi can suspend or abrogate my right to practice law and that too after following due process.
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Voted! +2
-0 RNR 2015-12-18 20:04
Go Seema Sapra! Fight your Battle! If you believe something, you do. Nobody should be able to tell you otherwise, court! a court does not matter in the spiritual scheme of things. I think the comment on B&B over your mental health and here too, though might fall within the freedoms of speech are of not much literary value and may in many quarters be considered distasteful. Five Six words wasted in pitying you instead of showing creativity! I like a fighter. And i see one in you! Go Seema Sapra!
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Seema Sapra
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-2 Seema Sapra 2015-12-19 08:38
Thank you RNR.

The B&B article displayed lack of journalistic integrity by crossing the line from fair and factual reporting into publishing falsehoods about me without any supporting evidence or citation.

That article states: "Sapra can be spotted regularly in Delhi High Court and is often seen making remarks during the hearing of cases and getting into arguments with other lawyers."

This is not true. I have not even entered a court-room in the Delhi High Court unless it was for my writ or the contempt matters against me for over a year.

Any honest regular in the Delhi High Court will confirm that I do not as falsely stated by B&B disrupt court hearings by making remarks during those hearings.

I have had the occasional argument with a lawyer but I have learnt to avoid those. The fact is that there are lawyers involved/ implicated in my complaints and lawyers close to persons/ entities implicated in my complaints. There is a cartel of lawyers actively working against me in the Delhi High Court especially. I have been told by several well-wishing colleagues that they have been pressured not to talk to me, stand with me, or to support me. Some lawyers have expressed apprehensions that Delhi High Court Judges might get upset if these lawyers are seen to be associating with me or helping me (and not in connection with my cases but even professionally or personally). I am sure many readers here know exactly what I am talking about. I am being professionally and socially blacklisted, isolated, being reduced to a pariah. And this is a deliberate campaign.

The B&B report also starts by describing me as one who "is known for making allegations against lawyers and judges". Yes I have made some complaints. I have been forced to. But the B&B statement depicts me as someone who makes frivolous complaints without any basis.

By the way B&B blocked me on Twitter for unknown reasons sometime in 2014. They don't allow my comments on their website. And they never reported my corruption case against General Electric Company. Again the influence of the lawyer cartel that is working against me?
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Logically speaking 2015-12-19 09:14
Hey Seema,

There is just one tiny little thing that I wanted to bring to your attention...that is that the world is not organised around to be able to kill you or to abet the same. Had that been the goal, with the giants that you're up against, the mission would have been accomplished a long time ago...look up paranoid personality disorder for your own benefit...
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Seema Sapra
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-2 Seema Sapra 2015-12-19 13:31
If people want to help me, then my foremost and most urgent need is financial assistance and a safe place to stay.

I am presently staying in a room at a B&B where I am paying Rs 50,000 per month. I am trying to raise funds to pay for this accommodation.

Over and above this I need money to spend on food and other living expenses.

Is there some way those who care can help me out here by crowdfunding this. They can do this anonymously.
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Mukeshji 2015-12-20 12:55
Kian, I feel LI should not support or encourage or provide a platform for solicitation of alms in this manner, no matter what your private view [...].
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Voted! +2
-2 Silent 2015-12-20 04:40
When an individual feels they deserve special privileges from the society without having done anything special for the society in return, it indicates a sense of entitlement disorder.

In a civilized society, the state would order an immediate psychiatric evaluation and treatment of such an individual. Empathy is the litmus test that differentiates a civilized society from a barbarian society.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-20 10:49
It takes all kinds of humans to make this world. There is a space for paid trolls too. I choose to ignore you.

His/ her last sentence though is out of place, don't you think.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-20 11:02
Well lets see we are talking of a hypothetical individual here who was honest, upheld her prescribed code of conduct, refused to facilitate corruption and exposed it. She was targeted, including being drugged and poisoned.

She managed somehow to file a writ petition. That petition was not heard for 3 years. She got no preliminary relief either, protection orders were issued but not complied, she continued to be targeted including by attempts to falsely label her mentally ill, her money ran out, she was rendered homeless, her belongings were taken away, she was forced to try and raise money, she started sleeping in her car because she needed less money that way, she continued to be targeted, drugged, poisoned, sprayed with noxious fumes. She continued to fight the corruption battle by drafting affidavits/ applications in cafes, in malls, in the Delhi High Court canteen.

Unfortunately she fractured her fibula on a very hot summer day because she was homeless and being targeted. Three days later, a doctor deliberately dislocated her ankle.

She managed to raise funds and stay in hotels with her broken leg and dislocated ankle which slowly healed. She used a walker to hop first, then a stick, she was in a cast for 1 year 3 months or so. She continued to be targeted.

Story to be continued plus lots of missing bits to be added. Hpefully this gives a flavor.

She is not asking for special privileges, but she needs justice and hopes that there are humane people around who will help her get that. Otherwise she will end up dead and people will say the system killed her.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-20 05:26
Hello all those people who want to help,

I have been staying since October 2015 in a room at a B&B where I am paying Rs 50,000 per month. I have already paid Rs. 10,5000 to the owners of this place, where I have managed to keep myself safe.

I have been told this morning that unless I pay Rs 37500 (three weeks rent) which was due yesterday by tomorrow (Monday), I should vacate the place by Tuesday morning.

It is the dead of winter. I have a dislocated ankle so it is not possible for me to sleep in my car as I was doing earlier. Plus being in a car on the street again places me in danger.

So any people or group of people out there who want to help me with financial assistance so that I can pay for the accommodation? With the way I have been targeted as evidenced by the anonymous blog, you can appreciate that it has been made impossible for me to work and earn money.

You can email me at
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Seema Sapra
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-1 Seema Sapra 2015-12-20 15:48
To this comment –

"There is just one tiny little thing that I wanted to bring to your attention...that is that the world is not organised around to be able to kill you or to abet the same. Had that been the goal, with the giants that you're up against, the mission would have been accomplished a long time ago...look up paranoid personality disorder for your own benefit..."

Now to answer this kind of GE propaganda against me that is intended to drown what I am saying.

Since I came out publicly with my complaints against General Electric, their crisis and PR managers/ agents have attempted to control the way in which I am perceived by the target audience. PR management is a very important part of how Corporates manage PR crises, and my complaints constitute one.

So one kind of propaganda that I face is from persons who are used to repeatedly describe me as mentally ill in public fora and within communities while trying to hide any reference to my whistle-blower complaints against GE. My present condition of being homeless, broke, forced to raise money, my currently dead career are therefore used to depict me as someone who has failed and is now mentally disturbed. All discussion of how I ended up in these circumstances is avoided. Thus someone can call me mentally ill merely by saying she has been begging for money or merely by saying she has been sleeping in her car. These facts itself are enough it seems for some people to term me mentally ill.

The other kind of propaganda is the kind that this commenter "Logically Speaking" is attempting here. He is saying basically that the fact that I am still alive proves that GE agents have not harmed me or tried to harm me. And that the simple fact of me being alive itself disproves my claim that I have been and am being harmed or that there is a threat to my life. My claim according to such propaganda stands disproved without any need for anyone to even see on what basis I am making my complaints or to hear me or to look at any evidence that I might have. And the propaganda goes further to suggest that merely because I am still alive all my complaints of attempts on my life, threat to my life, drugging, poisoning, physical harm are false and that I am merely being paranoid.

The argument is that if GE intended to kill me they would have succeeded by now.

Let me now expose this propaganda for what it is.

It is also important to tell my story in chronological form. One disadvantage that I faced in the Delhi High Court was that there was no chronological statement of how I had been targeted. I was complaining in real time.

First a corporate like GE does not have its enemies shot on the road. A corporate like GE would use other methods to get rid of someone who is a threat. They would for instance chronically poison someone to damage their health. They would create conditions in which the death could be passed off as natural. They would use doctors, police, judges, family members, friends etc for this. This is how high-profile enemies are eliminated. Remember the attempts to pass off Sunanda Pushkar's death as natural?

A corporate like GE would use contractors to do their dirty work. These contractors could be ex FBI, ex CIA, ex police, ex-military, security agencies, PR agencies, risk management companies, etc. A corporate like GE would use local police, local security agencies, local intelligence agencies to do their dirty work.

A company like GE would also control a person by covertly drugging that person.

So what has happened to me since 2010 when I became a threat to GE and its executives and lawyers. 
It's a long story …

When I was still working with GE and I became a threat I was being drugged. I realised this only later. This would be June- July, August=September 2010.

I continued to be drugged and possibly also chronically poisoned through 2010 until the end of January 2011 while GE completed its alleged internal investigation.

I fell ill in January 2011 as a result of this drugging/ poisoning. I did not realise that I was being drugged or poisoned.

One evening in January 2011 I had difficulty breathing. I then started coughing out copious amounts of frothy phlegm. This happened a day after I met someone in Defence Colony market where I believe I was drugged/ poisoned.

I coughed copious amounts of phlegm through the whole month of January and part of February. At that time, I actually thought I was dying.

There was a respite of about a month when I started feeling better.

But around March April 2011 when I started challenging GE's internal investigation results the poisoning and drugging recommenced and or intensified.

So I continued to be drugged and poisoned through April, May June 2011. I saw a doctor in June 2011 about a swollen lymph node in the front of my neck which appeared overnight. I still did not suspect drugging or poisoning. In fact, the thought did not even enter my mind.

This doctor at Apollo wrote a strange prescription which prescribed double the dosage of a sedating anti-histamine. I believe this was a deliberate attempt to keep me sedated. This doctor also made a strange attempt to get me to consume a proton pump inhibitor for no reason.

Toxic fumes and gases were also being released into my home since around December 2010 – January 2011.

I smelt a gas called nitrous oxide in my home on more than one occasion. I believe this gas was being released into my home from May 2011 onwards. Nitrous oxide is an anaesthetic. Repeated exposure damages health, depletes vitamin B 12 which in turn causes nerve/ neuron damage and anemia. Exposure to nitrous oxide along with a proton pump inhibitor further exacerbates and hastens vitamin B 12 deficiency.

I had not yet gone to Court. I was at this time mainly confined to my home. I was being drugged and my health was being slowly damaged. The intent appears to have been to keep me drugged and use nitrous oxide and other substances etc to damage my health. Note that I have no way of even knowing what I was being drugged or poisoned with during this time. I can merely describe my symptoms.
But note that though I was kept alive I was controlled by being drugged and I was being slowly poisoned. So I was mainly confined to the house, and the damage I could do to GE during this period was curtailed. Thus far GE prevented me from approaching the Courts. I wasted one year because of this. I did however manage from April-May onwards to email lawyers and the Press about my complaints against GE. I remember a lawyer calling me and telling me not to spread this news. I believe this person was asked to call me and to suggest that I not publicise my complaints. The fact that I did make my complaints public at this time probably saved my life. Otherwise I might never have left that house.

What I believe also saved my life then was the fact that I sensed something was not right and that my maid had something to do with it. I recall thinking not very clearly that she might be tampering with my food. My symptoms in June were weakness in my legs upon waking up. And a pain upon bending forward in the left upper thorax/abdomen area just under my chest.

In June 2011 I also started to be harassed at my home at night.

At the end of June 2011, I curtailed my maids visits to my home and finally terminated her services.

I started feeling better within days and started going out of the house including to both the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court.

It is in July 2011 that with a clearer head and after talking to people in the Courts that I first realised that I was being drugged and poisoned. This was the first time that I understood that my life was in danger.

To be continued ...
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Mukeshji 2015-12-21 01:16
Nitrous Oxide is a ridiculous means to drug someone.

It has very little use today and is hard to procure. The online literature shows that it is not a very toxic gas either and exposure will on the contrary make a 'victim' want to leave the vicinity. For even medical conditions to show 'chronic' use of a high dose for weeks is needed. Less than 6 hours exposure at a time is harmless

There are a zillion ways someone bent on hushing you can do it and if you think Nitrous Oxide is the way you really are as paranoid as they claim you are
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 02:57
I didn't say that nitrous oxide was being used to "drug" me.

Nitrous oxide was only one of several ways in which I have been targeted. It was being used to destroy my health. Something else was being administered to me to drug me.

"Long-term exposure to high concentrations of nitrous oxide may cause megaloblastic bone-marrow depression and neurological symptoms."

I was in the house alone the whole day for months. Often the windows and doors were shut. The AC was on. I was in a closed room. Very easy to expose me to poisonous fumes for extended periods of time. I smelt it in my home. I identified it as nitrous oxide after smelling it in Max Hospital in an examination room where I had an ultrasound.

I developed numbness and tingling in my hands, fingers and feet. It has since resolved.

Every thing you have said is wrong. Very easy to procure nitrous oxide. Commonly used by dentists. Commonly available anaesthetic. long term exposure to levels less than anesthetic levels will cause several health problems.

Nitrous oxide can cause analgesia, depersonalisation, derealisation, dizziness, euphoria, and some sound distortion.[22] Research has also found that it increases suggestibility and imagination.[23

Like other NMDA antagonists, N2O was suggested to produce neurotoxicity in the form of Olney's lesions in rodents upon prolonged (several hour) exposure.[52][53][54][55] However, new research has arisen suggesting that Olney's lesions do not occur in humans, and similar drugs like ketamine are now believed not to be acutely neurotoxic.[56][57] It has been argued that, because N
2O has a very short duration under normal circumstances, it is less likely to be neurotoxic than other NMDA antagonists.[58] Indeed, in rodents, short-term exposure results in only mild injury that is rapidly reversible, and permanent neuronal death only occurs after constant and sustained exposure.[52] Nitrous oxide may also cause neurotoxicity after extended exposure because of hypoxia. This is especially true of non-medical formulations such as whipped-cream chargers (also known as "whippets" or "nangs"), which are not necessarily mixed with oxygen.[59]
Additionally, nitrous oxide depletes vitamin B12 levels. This can cause serious neurotoxicity with even acute use if the user has preexisting vitamin B12 deficiency.[60]
Nitrous oxide is also neuroprotective, inhibiting glutamate-induced excitotoxicity.

The major safety hazards of nitrous oxide come from the fact that it is a compressed liquefied gas, an asphyxiation risk, and a dissociative anaesthetic. Exposure to nitrous oxide causes short-term decreases in mental performance, audiovisual ability, and manual dexterity.[61] Abusing nitrous oxide can lead to oxygen deprivation resulting in loss of blood pressure, fainting and even heart attacks. [62]
Long-term exposure can cause vitamin B12 deficiency, numbness, reproductive side effects (in pregnant females), and other problems (see Biological). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends that workers' exposure to nitrous oxide should be controlled during the administration of anaesthetic gas in medical, dental, and veterinary operators.[63] People can be exposed to nitrous oxide in the workplace by breathing it in or getting the liquid on their skin or in their eyes. The National_Institute_for_Oc cupational_Safety_and_Hea lth (NIOSH) has set a Recommended_exposure_limi t (REL) of 25 ppm (46 mg/m3) exposure to waste anaesthetic.[64]

Nitrous oxide inactivates the cobalamin form of vitamin B12 by oxidation. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, including sensory neuropathy, myelopathy, and encephalopathy, can occur within days or weeks of exposure to nitrous oxide anaesthesia in people with subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms are treated with high doses of vitamin B12, but recovery can be slow and incomplete.[68] People with normal vitamin B12 levels have stores to make the effects of nitrous oxide insignificant, unless exposure is repeated and prolonged (nitrous oxide abuse). Vitamin B12 levels should be checked in people with risk factors for vitamin B12 deficiency prior to using nitrous oxide anaesthesia.[69]

In India, for general anaesthesia purposes, nitrous oxide is available as Nitrous Oxide IP. India's gas cylinder rules (1985) permit the transfer of gas from one cylinder to another for breathing purposes. This law benefits remote hospitals, which would otherwise suffer as a result of India's geographic immensity. Nitrous Oxide IP is transferred from bulk cylinders (17,000 litres [600 cu ft] capacity gas) to smaller pin-indexed valve cylinders (1,800 litres [64 cu ft] of gas), which are then connected to the yoke assembly of Boyle's machines. Because India's Food & Drug Authority (FDA-India) rules state that transferring a drug from one container to another (refilling) is equivalent to manufacturing, anyone found doing so must possess a drug manufacturing license.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 02:11
In March 2013, while WP Civil 1280/ 2012 (Seema Sapra v General Electric Company and Others) was still pending, I discovered by chance that one Jayanand - Regional Security Director of GE India had sent a false complaint against me to the Police Commissioner and the Delhi High Court behind my back. This letter from Jayanand (on a GE letterhead) which I read when I inspected the court file falsely alleged that I was researching explosives on the internet and that I was mentally ill and was likely to harm myself or others and that I needed psychiatric treatment.

I moved CM 5007/ 2013 in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 asking for investigation into and prosecution of GE executives including Jayanand for making a false police complaint against me when I was in Court exposing GE corruption.

Note that this application like all my other applications was never taken up for hearing. It was never heard, considered or decided. This was a very serious complaint by me with proof.

This application as placed on the court record can be read at
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 03:30
Since I don't want to waste my time countering GE trolls hell-bent on preventing me from recording all that has been done to me because I exposed GE corruption and because I constitute a threat to GE executives and lawyers, I will ignore Mukeshji's comment on nitrous oxide.

I will only say that everything he has said is wrong and anyone interested can google nitrous oxide themselves.
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Guest123 2015-12-21 10:53
This is Seema Saprra's linked profile:

Can someone who know her from DU/Leicester/AMSS/Karanja wala/Chevening network please help her?

I know someone who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. The more you ignore it the worse it gets. But it can be kept under control through medication and you can have a normal life. I wish Ms Sapra could see the film A Beautiful Mind and voluntarily visit a psychiatrist at VIMHANS/NIMHANS.

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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 11:37
All, please avoid this GE-sponsored troll. I intend to take my whistle-blower corruption complaints against General Electric to the Supreme Court including the issue of the fraud committed before the Delhi High Court where K R Radhakrishnan impersonated as the authorized signatory of General Electric Company.

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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 13:56
For those interested, there is a better note on my background at

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Guest123 2015-12-21 10:59
Ms Sapra should also read this article. Maybe this will make her realise she needs help.

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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 11:42
All, once again please avoid these GE-sponsored trolls. Read about General Electric corruption in the Marhowra Project tender instead at

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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 11:48
Read about money laundering by General Electric Company in India which the Enforcement Directorate and Income tax authorities are looking into

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Anonymouse 2015-12-21 11:55
My sympathies are with Ms Sapra, but I think its important someone close to her ensure she receives the care she may require. I've witnessed schizophrenia up-close & think a visit to a good doctor at Max, Fortis, Apollo, CIMBS, VIMHANS, etc is the least her friends & family should do for her in this situation. Given that, what a pity that the Hon'ble Delhi HC has handed a harsh contempt sentencing instead.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 12:00
Here's a message for everyone.

I am completely mentally sane and will fight my battle with General Electric in the Supreme Court of India.

I will use the court process to establish that I am being poisoned. Chronic poisoning shows up in the body in tox screens and in tissue like the hair and nails etc. So I will in my petition seek a court order that the Supreme Court direct AIIMS to test me for poisons and toxins. There is enough medical evidence on the court record in WPC 1280/ 2012 which will also establish any subsequent organ damage due to poisoning.

So don't worry about me. I am under no unmanageable stress and am confident of my abilities to fight my being targeted legally.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 12:14
I remind everyone that I had several applications in my writ petition seeking that the Medical Council of India be brought in to look at my complaints of past poisoning and how my complaints of poisoning had been handled by doctors.

I wanted those applications to be heard and for the MCI to be asked to look at my complaints and medical records which are part of the court record in WPC 1280/2012 including the complaint of deliberate ankle dislocation which is established by Xrays, audio records and doctor reports.

None of those applications were taken up in my writ. Why? Who was afraid of those applications being allowed and for the Medical Council of India to examine my complaints.

I will be impleading the Medical Council of India in my petition in the Supreme Court and will again seek directions that the MCI examine how in the past some doctors ignored and covered up my complaints of poisoning.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 13:27
I had filed CM 5008 of 2012 in WP Civil 1280 of 2012. It can be read at

In this application I had described my complaints that several doctors at two private hospitals both with close ties to General Electric had attempted to cover up my complaints of poisoning and had even attempted to create false medical records, misdiagnose me with thyroid cancer, unlawfully drug me, etc. I had asked that notice be issued both to the Medical Council of India and the Medical Council of Delhi. Both these Councils as well as medical supervisory bodies both in the UK and the US are already aware of these complaints and of the accompanying medical evidence as I sent it to a whole lot of doctors and physician regulators on email.

Why was this application not heard and allowed? If I am wrong then the Medical Council of India would have said so. Obviously the implicated persons and doctors and their co-conspirators at General Electric were afraid of this application. The fact is that the medical records I have filed and the complaints I have made establish what I am asserting.

Also relevant to this application are copies of my medical records which I had filed IN WPC 1280/ 2012 aand are available at

For those who do not know, GE Healthcare is probably the largest healthcare company in the world. It has very close and deep financial and other ties to many hospitals.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 14:40
Deliberate dislocation of ankle by Doctor - complaint and medical records as on the court record in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 - Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company & others.


I remember a Tis Hazari lawyer whose bones were broken by a builder using goons.

General Electric does it in more style - it saw an opportunity and used a doctor to dislocate my ankle.
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Please help Ms Sapra 2015-12-21 15:22
Kian, enough. Please block Ms Sapra's posts and stop making a cruel exhibition of the mentally ill. This is a serious matter and she desperately needs to be admitted under the care of a psychiatrist. Someone must contact the police and forcibly admit her to a good hospital. I cannot believe that you are posting her rants. This is disgusting yellow journalism from you.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 18:14
Another GE troll. Looks like the folks at GE and their lawyers are getting very riled up with the truth getting exposed here.

The trolls are now getting nastier and nastier.

What kind of person are you to defame me like this? I think the readers of this site can see the truth now.
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kianganz 2015-12-21 18:14
Well, the comments are actually not journalism, yellow or otherwise, and this is a very complicated situation.

I also think there is some value for the profession and the judiciary to understand what's going on.

Finally, I don't think your proposed 'solution' is realistic or legal.

In any case, the discussion is not going anywhere new and we'll close the comments on this for a while. Please feel free to email me directly at the usual address if you have any thoughts.
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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 18:16
Here is more dirt on GE corruption in the Marhowra Rail Project - again from the public court record

General Electric corruptly obtained Indian Rail Marhowra Project bid docs before they were public

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Seema Sapra
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-0 Seema Sapra 2015-12-21 18:25
Wikileaks US Embassy cables on creation of Marhowra loco factory Project for General Electric

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-0 AAP ka Aman 2015-12-21 19:00
Please contact Mr. Arvind Kejriwal or Mr. Sisodia. I am sure that they will help you out. They are honest people and so you can expect lots of good from them.
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