Saturday 17 October 2015

Email received by General Electric whistle-blower from Sanjay Sharma of Cloudatix with complaint against Railway Ministry

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sanjay <>
Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Travesty of Justice

Hi Seema
I accidently came across your blog while trying to find a resolute on the issues that I am facing with Ministry of Railways. It is apparent that that there is high level of corruption and malfeasance rampant among the Railways officials and there is nexus to protect each other right from the bureaucrat to the Ministers. I will be preaching the choir if would narrate the sequel in having knocked all possible doors from the Chairman Railway Board to the Minister for last 6 months. It leaves only one option of Arbitration which will take the case for years by which time these officials either get transferred or retire.

I am writing to you with anticipation that you have gone through this trauma for years and your wisdom could guide me how to go forward in such scenarios. I am enclosing the initial complaint that I had given to Minister of State for Railways for giving you the background on the case. If you feel appropriate, I would like meet you to discuss this.

Sanjay Sharma
Tel No. 9818775557

I have informed Sanjay Sharma that I am unable to help with this matter. The attachment to this email is reproduced below. 

Ref: Cloudatix - Biz / RailtelMOS /2014-15/31
                                                                                                                                                                May 31st, 2015

Hon’ble Shri Manoj Sinha
Minister of State - Railways
Ministry of Railways
Rail Bhawan, New Delhi

Dear Sir,
I want to bring to your kind notice that there is serious corruption and malfeasance rampant in Railtel Corporation of India Ltd, wholly subsidiary of Ministry of Railways which entails in engaging with their partners swaying them to invest in a collaboration project and then asking partners to grease them or else they make it impossible for the partners to survive. I would like to present the facts as below:
·         Cloudatix is a young start-up founded by Mr. Sanjay Sharma possessing over 25 years of IT and Telecom experience in Product and Applications Development having headed the companies such as Alcatel, Lucent, SAS and Reliance. He was Managing Director for SAS and Executive President for Reliance heading their Data Center and Managed Services. Cloudatix is an approved Channel Partner, System Integrator and Managed Service Provider for Railtel and Power Grid for the past two years.
·         Cloudatix has successfully obtained/enabled over Rs 120 Cr business for Railtel with innovative ideas with an objective that Railtel could endeavor into new domains and mutually our company could also grow. Railtel didn’t possess the domain expertise in this area. The major orders won were SASEC Bhutan, Delhi University and Hartron.
·          Enclosure 1 – Delhi University – Rs 23.31 Cr
·          Enclosure 2 – Hartron LOA – Rs 91.6 Cr
·         We have brought the issues of high-handedness of Northern Region and impropriety by the officers of Northern Region on several instances to  CMD – Sh R K Bahuguna and other Board of Directors in writing and in person establishing the impropriety and that its “either their way or highway”
·          Enclosure 3 -  Mail highlighting the few incidents ( More details and evidence can be provided)
·         Sequence of Facts on Hartron – Project (Value is 91.6 Cr with an additional upside of Rs 40-50 Cr) We have won a large project – Hartron for managing the data center and network with a value of Rs 91.6 Cr (with Gross Margin of Rs 33.83 Cr) having additional upside of Rs 40-50 Cr in a 50:50 partnership with Railtel as lead bidder based on a pre-bid agreement for being the technology partner and responsible for executing the project in entirety whereas Railtel will only be a lead bidder.
·          Enclosure 4 – Letter from Cloudatix to Raitel for participating in Hartron RFP
·          Enclosure 5 – Pre-bid agreement signed between Railtel and Cloudatix on 9th May 2014
o   FOR EXECUTION OF HARTRON PROJECT, Railtel and Cloudatix signed a Pre-bid agreement on 9th May 2014 on PROFIT SHARING basis at 50:50 percent with Railtel to bid as a Lead partner and laid down detailed terms and conditions governing the execution of the contract once it is allotted to Railtel by the Haryana Govt.
·          Enclosure 5 - Pre-bid Agreement – Clause 5.4
o   It was specifically mentioned in the Pre-bid agreement that post project allotment, a formal agreement will be signed based on the conditions indicated in the Pre-Bid agreement, which inter alia provided for profit sharing at 50% : 50% basis, management of the project by Joint Committees like Steering Committee, Joint Works Committee, Committee on Expenses, equally represented by Railtel and Cloudatix, and detailed duties, obligations of the two partners, joint committees and procedure for transferring share of profit to partners within 7 days.  On its part, Cloudatix will provide a BG of 3 % of total value in the first year to remain committed for the venture.
·          Enclosure 5 – Pre-bid Agreement – Clause 1.1, Clause 3 and Clause 5.9
o   Based on the Pre-bid conditions and RFP requirement, we started the software development, process development and deployed resources starting from September 2014 and stepped up to deploying over 80 manpower resources on-site as of today.  
·          Enclosure 6 – Mail dated 6th Oct 2014
o    Cloudatix started the first phase implementation on-site at Chandigarh from December with 22 resources but had to step to an emergency situation of Hartron requiring immediate takeover of SDC and SWAN by having to deploy over 80 resources within a week which Cloudatix successfully accomplished and delivered.
o    In utter disregard to the Pre-bid agreement, the Railtel instead of signing a formal agreement for project execution as envisaged in the Pre-bid agreement, started issuing various unilateral internal office procedure orders for project execution activities and even excluded Cloudatix from the various committees, namely, Steering Committee, Committee on Expenses and various other activities and avoiding the formalization of the agreement.
o   Not agreeing to the illegal demands of  Railtel’s NR team ( Shri R K Goel, Executive Director (North)  Shri Jagdeep Singh – General Manager Marketing and Shri B K Chaturvedi  - Deputy General Manager – Finance) demanding special provisions for their personal gains, the group of officers started harassing us, by not signing the formal project execution agreement and continually changing the terms of the agreement so that we can’t sign the agreement
o   As per the Clause 2.3 – Pre-bid Agreement (Enclosure 5), it was agreed that “In the event, Railtel successfully wins the bid, a detailed and excusive management and consultancy agreement incorporating the terms of instant pre-bid teaming agreement will be formulated”
o   As per the Clause 1.2.1 – Pre-bid Agreement (Enclosure 5), it was also agreed that “in case of any discrepancy or conflict between the Management and Consultancy Agreement and Pre-bid teaming agreement, the terms of the Pre-bid teaming agreement shall prevail”
§  Agreement was sent to Railtel by Cloudatix dated 10th Nov based on Pre-bid Agreement
o    Enclosure 7
§  Agreement reverted by Jagdeep dated 13th Nov with only one suggested changes  - * Clause 2.1 “ termination clause should be there with some conditions”
o    Enclosure 8 – Clause 2.1
§  The agreement was discussed with Sh Jagdeep and Sh B K Chaturvedi on 17th Nov and it was agreed the termination will as per the pre-bid agreement clause and a clause for consultant be added. Clause 2.1 (Enclosure 9) – “ the same shall be co-terminus with the Hartron Agreement. Neither party shall be entitled to terminate the contract as long as Hartron Agreement is in existence”
o    Enclosure 9 – Clause 2.1 and Clause 2.3
§  Shri Jagdeep sent a final agreement from Railtel’s side on dated 7th January by inserting clause 1.1 for their own internal procedure order and added a clause 2.1 on termination  – “the agreement can be terminated by two months notice due to a) Hartron terminating the contract b) SLA breach for continuous two months c) System integrator intends to quit”. Rest of the agreement was same as enclosure 9
o    Enclosure 10 – Changes in Clause 1.1 and Clause 2.1
§  Shri Jagdeep on March 5th suddenly sent new conditions and changes completely violating the pre-bid agreement and their previous sent agreement to arm twist in meeting their illegal demands. or suffer an approximate loss of Rs 6 Cr - 7 Cr by Cloudatix from its share. The conditions are impossible to be met. :
·         7% of the total revenue (Rs 6.42 Cr) was newly inserted to be deducted from the 50%:50% share, which was against the pre-bid agreement substantially reducing the Cloudatix Profit share.
·         New clause for additional BG for Rs 2.85 Cr was added to be paid by Cloudatix
·         All additional business that will come from Hartron agreement was taken out
·         Unreasonable Railtel expenses were added to be loaded into the Hartron project to cut the profit share of Cloudatix
·         All Railtel indirect expenses to be loaded into Hartron against pre-bid
·         Unreasonable Termination clauses against the pre-bid agreement
o    Enclosure 11
§  The issues of arm twisting and unreasonable terms were brought to the notice of CMD and other board of directors and steering committee comprising of Sh Manohar,  GM - BD and Smt Madhulika – GM Finance were asked to resolve and close the agreement. The agreement was discussed and it was endorsed by the steering committee that terms proposed by NR were violating the pre-bid agreement and it should be signed along the pre-bid agreement. The recommendations were sent to Board of Directors to move the project to corporate office and remove the current team from the project.
§  I believe CMD suggested to his board members that we couldn’t let down NR in front of partner even if NR is wrong so lets find other way for which the steering committee was tasked to explore new options of engagement. Steering committee called me for a meeting on 16th May to devise a new model reducing our scope from the pre-bid agreement and changing from profit share model to a standard SI agreement with 13% commission same as Delhi University agreement. With no alternative left being pushed to wall, we agreed to their terms incurring approximate loss of at least Rs 7 Cr – 8 Cr across 5 years against the original profit sharing model and accepted the agreement with the steering committee and it was sent to the CMD and BODs for final approval.
·          Enclosure 12 dated 16th May 2015
§  On 18th May, CMD suggested to the steering committee if they can convince us with 8% instead of 13% as commission then we can go ahead with the signing of agreement. It meant a further loss for us in the order of Rs 3 – 4 Cr across 5 years but due to the fact that we had huge payments choked at Railtel and with no other channel to address our grievance, we even succumbed to this proposal.
·          Enclosure 13 dated 18th May, 2015
§  Summarizing the above sequence, it can be established that First NR team agreed to go by the standard pre-bid agreement terms but realizing that their % cut is not being concluded they started harassing by adding new terms which are financially unviable and isolating us from the project, OEMs and freezing all the payments for one pretext or the other.
o   Not agreeing to the illegal demands of Railtel NR team who were asking 10% cut of the overall revenue for themselves or 2/3rd of the total profit that Cloudatix will earn for distribution to their officers was  rejected by me, the group of officers started harassing me, stopping my due payments for months together not only for this project but other projects as well, not paying salary payments to 80 workers agreement.
§  Railtel is not raising the invoice for the first quarter at Hartron from January to March despite several reminders from our side of the value of Rs 1.8 Cr to Hartron so that we can’t raise our invoice. This is not only against the accounting practices but it is to harass us for not getting our share of the profit.
§  Railtel has done the same at Delhi University where there was more then Rs 4.8 Cr pending with our share of 13% until March 31st but they delayed raising invoices and not closing on the open issues that is causing financial loss to Railtel and us.
·         Enclosure 14 dated 21st May, 2015
§  Railtel is holding the salary payments of the employees, which is not part of Consultancy agreement or Pre-bid agreement for the best reasons known to them. On one hand they are not paying the salaries and other expenses despite repeated reminders on the other hand they are talking to our employees trying to persuade them to join Railtel through some other agency that is causing huge credibility loss for us and this act is unethical and illegal.
o   The Hartron project currently has a gross profit margin of Rs 33.83 Cr against the revenue of Rs 91.6 Cr and cost of Rs 57.8 Cr with a further potential to negotiate with each OEMs for getting higher margin. There are more than 25 OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) in the project costing out of which there are two major OEM components – CISCO  (Network) and Tritronics (UPS) valued at Rs 37.3 Cr and Rs 14 .4 Cr respectively against their cost of Rs 19.79 Cr and Rs 5.6 Cr respectively. NR team is completely keeping us away from the OEM negotiations so as to finalize the agreements at the higher cost against/cost overrun violating the pre-bid agreement– Clause No. 4.1
o    Enclosure 15 – Financial Summary for the Project
§  Cloudatix is an approved Cisco Channel partner but the NR team has intentionally brought a new channel partner – Velocis without following any process including informing us violating the pre-bid agreement. When we questioned them about their entry, it was informed to us that it was mandated by Cisco. On enquiring from Cisco – Sanjay Dewan and Ravi Hadke on dated 30th March 2015, it was revealed in presence of GM – Business Development, Manohar Raja, Shri R K Goel and Shri Jagdeep, it was revealed by Cisco team that for them Cloudatix was a Channel Partner in this whereas NR brought a new partner Velocis into the project that has to add its own margin. Velocis quoted price is higher by Rs 1.9 Cr  not including taxes against the quoted price by Cloudatix for the same Bill of Material.  The activity for finalizing the OEM and price negotiation is part of the joint responsibility of Cloudatix and Railtel through the joint committees as per the pre-bid agreement but Railtel – NR team is intentionally keeping us away from any discussion and price negotiations.
·          Enclosure 16
§  NR team comprising of Shri RK Goel, Shri Jagdeep and Shri B K Chaturvedi has directly completed the negotiations with Tritronics without engaging Cloudatix for new UPS at a higher price then the Uniline quote that was recommended by Cloudatix. The AMC price for Tritronics and Uniline is Rs 11 Cr and Rs 5.9 Cr respectively but NR is still going ahead with Tritronics at the higher prices and have placed the orders to them for new UPS – 4 KVA – 84 Nos and 7.5 KVA  - 9 sets at a total value of Rs 97.3 Lakhs on dated 13th March 2015. We believe, Sh Jagdeep issued this order without going through any due process and approvals. NR team has also placed the order for the repair of UPS and site audit, which is outside the scope of RFP, and proposal submitted to Hartron and will negatively impact the margin for Railtel/Cloudatix..
·           Enclosure : 17
§  If the above method is executed, the potential loss envisaged for only these two OEMs – CISCO and Tritronics would in the order of Rs 8.70 Cr for Railtel/Cloudatix.
o   We have repeatedly approached CMD – Sh R.K Bahuguna and other Board of Directors through various mails and in-person meetings to appraise them with the sufferings we are facing due to NR team. CMD – Sh R K Bahuguna instituted the steering committee comprising of GM – Technology and GM – Finance to investigate the matter which we believe, suggested moving the execution and purchases to Corporate Office and the current team of Railtel should be removed.
o    We believe, it was also seconded and recommended by the two board members – Director Network and Planning – Shri Seshagiri Rao and Director Finance – Shri N K Gupta to immediately move the project to Corporate Office and remove the current Northern Region team. The recommendation is still pending for clearance from CMD – Sh R K Bahuguna for the reasons best known to him. This is intentionally being done to keep us away from the finalization of OEMs and other decision making in the projects, which eventually will cause degeneration of profit and credibility loss for us.
o   We would request for your kind intervention on this by setting a probe against the consortium running the corrupt practices and restoring the justice as per the pre-bid agreement signed. On citing my grievance with some of the good officers in Railtel, I am being told that “we can’t act wiser than the king” or that “this nexus is unstoppable” or that “by the time we go for arbitration and get any ruling in our favor they would have retired long ago” leaves us with no choice but to approach your good office. I am willing to provide further information as may be desired during the probe.
o   Prayer
§  Immediate Probe and restoring justice for Cloudatix
§  Railtel must immediately release all the pending payments and raise the invoices to the customer at least until the March ending so that we can raise our share of the invoice.
§  Railtel must comply with the pre-bid agreement and sign the agreement based on the pre-agreed terms without bringing in new conditions and terms.
§  In reference to the meeting on 9th May with CMD and BODs, Cloudatix has already submitted the BG of Rs 10 Lakhs that will apply up to the Cloudatix – profit share of Rs 3 Cr @ 3% in the first year which is very unlikely. However, should Cloudatix makes more the Rs 3 Cr of revenue in any one year, we shall pay the additional BG for the additional amount at 3%.
§  Railtel must on immediate basis engage us on the OEMs contract finalization and communicate all issues/communications related to the customer and project transparently so that a joint corrective actions can be taken without impacting the profit margin and credibility.
·          Enclosure 18
Sanjay Sharma
Cloudatix – Biz India Ventures Pvt Ltd
Tel No# 98108775557

Copies to:
·         Shri A K Mital – Chairman Railway Board
·         Shri Navin Tandon - Member Electrical

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