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From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 2:42 PM
Subject: Copy for the AIIMS Director Re: Complaint of poisoning and events dated 13 March 2014 in Court no. 1 of the Delhi High Court before Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed from General Electric whistleblower and advocate - Seema Sapra - Writ Petition (Civil) 1280/ 2012 - in the matter of Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company and Others in the Delhi High Court
To: director@aiims.ac.in, lggc.delhi@nic.in, "rg.dhc@nic.in" <rg.dhc@nic.in>, Bhim Sain Bassi <cp.bsbassi@nic.in>, joe.kaeser@siemens.com, dch@nic.in, secypc@nic.in, "splcp-admin-dl@nic.in" <splcp-admin-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in" <splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in" <splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-security-dl@nic.in" <splcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in" <splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <splcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-armed-dl@nic.in" <splcp-armed-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-operation-dl@nic.in" <splcp-operation-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in" <splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-pl-dl@nic.in" <splcp-pl-dl@nic.in>, splcp-trg-dl@nic.in, "splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in" <splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-cr-dl@nic.in, "jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-ser-dl@nic.in, jtcp-swr-dl@nic.in, "splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in" <splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-training-dl@nic.in, "jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-ga-dl@nic.in, "jtcpt_dtp@nic.in" <jtcpt_dtp@nic.in>, "jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-splcell-dl@nic.in, jtcp-sec-dl@nic.in, "jcpsec@rb.nic.in" <jcpsec@rb.nic.in>, "addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in, jtcp-sb-dl@nic.in, addlcp-crime-dl@nic.in, "addlcpt-dtp@nic.in" <addlcpt-dtp@nic.in>, "addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "addlcp-security-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-security-dl@nic.in>, addlcp-ptc-dl@nic.in, "addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in>, dcp-west-dl@nic.in, addlcp-se-dl@nic.in, "dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in" <dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <dcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, dcp-eow-dl@nic.in, dcp-splcell-dl@nic.in, dcp-east-dl@nic.in, dcp-northeast-dl@nic.in, "dcp-central-dl@nic.in" <dcp-central-dl@nic.in>, dcp-north-dl@nic.in, dcp-northwest-dl@nic.in, "dcp-south-dl@nic.in" <dcp-south-dl@nic.in>, dcp-outer-dl@nic.in, "dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in" <dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in" <dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in" <dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in>, dcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in, dcp-igiairport-dl@nic.in, "sandeep.bamzai@mailtoday.in" <sandeep.bamzai@mailtoday.in>, "director.iic@nic.in" <director.iic@nic.in>, "secretary.iic@nic.in" <secretary.iic@nic.in>, South Asia Initiative Harvard University <sainit@fas.harvard.edu>, "sorina.tira@emdiesels.com" <sorina.tira@emdiesels.com>, "joanne.brozovich@emdiesels.com" <joanne.brozovich@emdiesels.com>, "customs@emdiesels.com" <customs@emdiesels.com>, Mahesh Batra <itcphq-dl@nic.in>, "janpathten@yahoo.com" <janpathten@yahoo.com>, "sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in" <sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in>, "sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in" <sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in>, "addl-dcp2-nd-dl@nic.in" <addl-dcp2-nd-dl@nic.in>, "acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in" <acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in>, So Dcp <sodcpeast@gmail.com>, "sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in" <sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in>, "office@rahulgandhi.in" <office@rahulgandhi.in>, Dayan Krishnan <krishnandayan@gmail.com>, Arvind Nigam <nigamak@gmail.com>, "sho-hndin-dl@nic.in" <sho-hndin-dl@nic.in>, "mediaindia@worldbank.org" <mediaindia@worldbank.org>, "indiapic@worldbank.org" <indiapic@worldbank.org>, "mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com" <mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com>, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok <achandhiok@gmail.com>, "enquiries@in.g4s.com" <enquiries@in.g4s.com>, "arjun.wallia@securitas-india.com" <arjun.wallia@securitas-india.com>, "kris.van.den.briel@securitas.in" <kris.van.den.briel@securitas.in>, "contact.us@securitas-india.com" <contact.us@securitas-india.com>, "contact@securitasinc.com" <contact@securitasinc.com>, "delhi@eaglehunters.com" <delhi@eaglehunters.com>, "dan.ryan@g4s.com" <dan.ryan@g4s.com>, "grahame.gibson@g4s.com" <grahame.gibson@g4s.com>, "nick.buckles@g4s.com" <nick.buckles@g4s.com>, "s.hameed@nic.in" <s.hameed@nic.in>, "rajendra.pachauri@yale.edu" <rajendra.pachauri@yale.edu>, "Madder, Emily" <emily.madder@siemens.com>, "banmali.agrawala@ge.com" <banmali.agrawala@ge.com>, "peter.loescher@siemens.com" <peter.loescher@siemens.com>, "cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com" <cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com>, "duadel@duaassociates.com" <duadel@duaassociates.com>, "ranji@duaassociates.com" <ranji@duaassociates.com>, rajshekhar rao <rao.rajshekhar@gmail.com>, "mail@aglaw.in" <mail@aglaw.in>, "vikram@duaassociates.com" <vikram@duaassociates.com>, "neeraj@duaassociates.com" <neeraj@duaassociates.com>, "sec-jus@gov.in" <sec-jus@gov.in>, "pk.malhotra@nic.in" <pk.malhotra@nic.in>, "ramakrishnan.r@nic.in" <ramakrishnan.r@nic.in>, "atulkaushik@nic.in" <atulkaushik@nic.in>, "oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in" <oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in>, "pulok@gov.in" <pulok@gov.in>, "jmg.vc@nic.in" <jmg.vc@nic.in>, "r.sri_kumar@nic.in" <r.sri_kumar@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in" <cvc@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "hshso@nic.in" <hshso@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <ncw@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <complaintcell-ncw@nic.in>, "sgnhrc@nic.in" <sgnhrc@nic.in>, "dg-nhrc@nic.in" <dg-nhrc@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov" <newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov" <usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov>, "nalin.jain@ge.com" <nalin.jain@ge.com>, "amit.kumar@ge.com" <amit.kumar@ge.com>, "pradeep.gupta@ge.com" <pradeep.gupta@ge.com>, "sriram.nagarajan@ge.com" <sriram.nagarajan@ge.com>, Wiltschek Susanne EDA WSU <susanne.wiltschek@eda.admin.ch>, "helpline@eda.admin.ch" <helpline@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi <ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch" <beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch>, "emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, indconru indconru <indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, Ambassaden New Delhi <ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk" <delamb@um.dk>, "emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <InfoDesk@ohchr.org>, "Press-Info@ohchr.org" <Press-Info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn" <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>, "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com" <advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com>, "sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com" <sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>, Manpreet Lamba <manpreet.lamba@azbpartners.com>, "mr@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mr@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "fc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <fc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "psml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <psml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "me@rb.railnet.gov.in" <me@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "mm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "mt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "aml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <aml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "amm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "sunand.sharma@alstom.com" <sunand.sharma@alstom.com>, "hiren.vyas@alstom.com" <hiren.vyas@alstom.com>, "vandana.dhir@alstom.com" <vandana.dhir@alstom.com>, "jojo.alexander@alstom.com" <jojo.alexander@alstom.com>, "patrick.ledermann@alstom.com" <patrick.ledermann@alstom.com>, "rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "Eglash, Jeffrey C (GE, Corporate)" <jeffrey.eglash@ge.com>, Nanju Ganpathy <nanju.ganpathy@azbpartners.com>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "brackett.denniston@ge.com" <brackett.denniston@ge.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, "john.flannery@ge.com" <john.flannery@ge.com>, "delhihighcourt@nic.in" <delhihighcourt@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@SEC.GOV" <CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "radhakrishnan.k@ge.com" <radhakrishnan.k@ge.com>, "tejal.singh@ge.com" <tejal.singh@ge.com>, Sonali Mathur <sonali.mathur@azbpartners.com>, eric.holder@usdoj.gov, "preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <NDwebmail@state.gov>, "Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov" <ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov" <gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov" <william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov" <edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov" <richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov" <robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com" <kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com>, "rcohen@lowey.com" <rcohen@lowey.com>, "ffetf@usdoj.gov" <ffetf@usdoj.gov>, "Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "fja@federaljudgesassoc.org" <fja@federaljudgesassoc.org>, "supremecourt@nic.in" <supremecourt@nic.in>, "Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Ronald J. Keating" <RKeating@bermandevalerio.com>, jtabacco@bermandevalerio.com, bhart@lowey.com, rharwood@hfesq.com, Joseph Guglielmo <jguglielmo@scott-scott.com>, drscott@scott-scott.com, "ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com" <ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com>, Directors@corporate.ge.com, Siemens Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>, Sunder.Venkat@aero.bombardier.com, compliance.office@bombardier.com, nilesh.pattanayak@aero.bombardier.com, pierre.beaudoin@bombardier.com, djohnson@mccarthy.ca, douglas.oberhelman@caterpilllar.com, william.ainsworth@caterpillar.com, CATshareservices@cat.com, BusinessPractices@cat.com, patrick.kron@alstom.com, keith.carr@alstom.com, Jean-David.barnea@usdoj.gov, reed.brodsky@usdoj.gov, andrew.michaelson@usdoj.gov, ellen.davis@usdoj.gov, eric.glover@usdoj.gov, paul.murphy@usdoj.gov, sandra.glover@usdoj.gov, robert.spector@usdoj.gov, christopher.connolly@usdoj.gov, joseph.cordaro@usdoj.gov, david.jones6@usdoj.gov, daniel.filor@usdoj.gov, amy.barcelo@usdoj.gov, christopher.harwood@usdoj.gov, michael.byars@usdoj.gov, benjamin.torrance@usdoj.gov, sarah.normand@usdoj.gov, elizabeth.shapiro@usdoj.gov, alicia.simmons@usdoj.gov, joyce.vance@usdoj.gov, kenyen.brown@usdoj.gov, karen.loeffler@usdoj.gov, andre.birotte@usdoj.gov, melinda.haag@usdoj.gov, laura.duffy@usdoj.gov, john.walsh@usdoj.gov, david.weiss@usdoj.gov, ronald.machen@usdoj.gov, robert.o'neill@usdoj.gov, pamela.marsh@usdoj.gov, wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov, michael.moore@usdoj.gov, sally yates <sally.yates@usdoj.gov>, edward.tarver@usdoj.gov, alicia.limtiaco@usdoj.gov, florence.nakakuni@usdoj.gov, wendy.olson@usdoj.gov, james.lewis@usdoj.gov, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, stephen.wigginton@usdoj.gov, david.capp@usdoj.gov, joseph.hogsett@usdoj.gov, stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov, nick.klinefeldt@usdoj.gov, kerry.harvey@usdoj.gov, david.hale@usdoj.gov, stephanie.finley@usdoj.gov, rod.rosenstein@usdoj.gov, carmen.ortiz@usdoj.gov, barbara.mcquade@usdoj.gov, b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, william.martin@usdoj.gov, richard.callahan@usdoj.gov, beth.phillips@usdoj.gov, michael.cotter@usdoj.gov, deborah.gilg@usdoj.gov, daniel.bogden@usdoj.gov, john.kacavas@usdoj.gov, paul.fishman@usdoj.gov, kenneth.gonzales@usdoj.gov, loretta.lynch@usdoj.gov, richard.hartunian@usdoj.gov, william.hochul@usdoj.gov, john.stone@usdoj.gov, anne.tompkins@usdoj.gov, tim.purdon@usdoj.gov, steve.dettelbach@usdoj.gov, carter.stewart@usdoj.gov, sandy.coats@usdoj.gov, zane.memeger@usdoj.gov, peter.smith@usdoj.gov, david.hickton@usdoj.gov, peter.neronha@usdoj.gov, bill.nettles@usdoj.gov, william.killian@usdoj.gov, jerry.martin@usdoj.gov, edward.stanton@usdoj.gov, jose.moreno@usdoj.gov, carlie.christensen@usdoj.gov, tristram.coffin@usdoj.gov, ronald.sharpe@usdoj.gov, neil.macbride@usdoj.gov, timothy.heaphy@usdoj.gov, bill.ihlenfeld@usdoj.gov, booth.goodwin@usdoj.gov, james.santelle@usdoj.gov, john.vaudreuil@usdoj.gov, christopher.crofts@usdoj.gov, bprao@bhel.in, opb@bhel.in, akhatua@bhel.in, csverma@bhel.in, vpandhi@bhel.in, Atul Saraya <saraya@bhel.in>, ajay.sinha@emdiesels.com, "singhadvocate@hotmail.com" <singhadvocate@hotmail.com>, Rajeeve Mehra <mehralaw@gmail.com>, mehralaw@yahoo.co.in, lajita.rajesh@alstom.com, francois.carpentier@alstom.com, armin.bruck@siemens.com, sunil.mathur@siemens.com, benoit.martel@bombardier.com, luis.ramos@bombardier.com, harsh.dhingra@bombardier.com, glen.lehman@caterpillar.com, john.newman@caterpillar.com, peter.solmssen@siemens.com, roland.busch@siemens.com, michael.suess@siemens.com, klaus.helmrich@siemens.com, daniel.desjardins@bombardier.com, james.buda@caterpillar.com, adam.smith@emdiesels.com, glen.lehman@progressrail.com, duane.cantrell@progressrail.com, craig.johnson@caterpillar.com, alert.procedure@alstom.com, harjeetsinghsachdeva@gmail.com, "Zia Mody (zia.mody@azbpartners.com)" <zia.mody@azbpartners.com>, "Warin, F. Joseph" <fwarin@gibsondunn.com>, "Chesley, John" <JChesley@gibsondunn.com>, pk65sharma@yahoo.co.in, confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, public.enquiries@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, "ohhdl@dalailama.com" <ohhdl@dalailama.com>, dhir@dhirassociates.com, amit.sibal@amitsibal.com, stephen.vogt@ic.fbi.gov, luis.quesada@ic.fbi.gov, steven.kessler@ic.fbi.gov, henry.gittleman@ic.fbi.gov, renn.cannon@ic.fbi.gov, stephen.gaudin@ic.fbi.gov, eric.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, jeff.bedford@ic.fbi.gov, david.brooks@ic.fbi.gov, robert.clifford@ic.fbi.gov, mary.warren@ic.fbi.gov, bill.nicholson@ic.fbi.gov, frank.teixeira@ic.fbi.gov, richard.cavalieros@ic.fbi.gov, timothy.langan@ic.fbi.gov, sharon.kuo@ic.fbi.gov, kingman.wong@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.bodony@ic.fbi.gov, christopher.mcmurray@ic.fbi.gov, ralph.hope@ic.fbi.gov, eric.metz@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.baldwin@ic.fbi.gov, alejandro.barbeito@ic.fbi.gov, cary.gleicher@ic.fbi.gov, paul.haertel@ic.fbi.gov, greg.cox@ic.fbi.gov, lazaro.andino@ic.fbi.gov, gabriel.ramirez@ic.fbi.gov, tom.sobocinski@ic.fbi.gov, benjamin.walker@ic.fbi.gov, kirk.striebich@ic.fbi.gov, "Snyder, David" <david.snyder@ic.fbi.gov>, gregory.cox@ic.fbi.gov, katherine.andrews@ic.fbi.gov, carolyn.willson@ic.fbi.gov, mark.nowak@ic.fbi.gov, stuart.wirtz@ic.fbi.gov, lesley.buckler@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.dudzinski@ic.fbi.gov, william.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, connally.brown@ic.fbi.gov, leo.navarette@ic.fbi.gov, lawrence.futa@ic.fbi.gov, gregory.shaffer@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov, adishaggarwala@yahoo.com, adishaggarwala@hotmail.com, vsondhi@luthra.com, muraritiwari.adv@gmail.com, adv.priyankatyagi@gmail.com, sarlakaushik@yahoo.com, goswamiandassociates@yahoo.co.in, vedbaldev@rediffmail.com, rakeshtikuadvocate@yahoo.com, kkmanan@rediffmail.com, ars.chauhan.co@gmail.com, Usama Siddiqui <musiddiqui@gmail.com>, Rajiv Khosla <advrajivkhosla@gmail.com>, rakeshkochar@hotmail.com, khatri.surya@hotmail.com, puneet mittal <puneetmittal9@gmail.com>, "advamit.sharma@gmail.com" <advamit.sharma@gmail.com>, Attorneynitin@yahoo.com, Rajesh Mishra <attorney.rmishra@gmail.com>, jaibirnagar@gmail.com, bharati@chintan-india.org, Subramanian Swamy <swamy39@gmail.com>, aman.aggarwal@aricent.com, jsers@mea.gov.in, rkchopra@sansad.nic.in, jsdedel@hub.nic.in, gujralrs@nic.in, praful.kumar@nic.in, rkaur@nic.in, bk.prasad@nic.in, sailesh@nic.in, pandey@ment.delhi.nic.in, asdg_mohfw@nic.in, secyexp@nic.in, kedias mail <kedias.mail@gmail.com>, membert-dot@nic.in, secy.president@rb.nic.in, mathew.thomas@rb.nic.in, trmeena@nic.in, aradhana.johri@nic.in, Sho-lodhicolony-dl@nic.in, as@naco.gov.in, csrhw@csrhw.com.cn, cnriec@chinacnr.com, ashmita.sethi@boeing.com, raymond.l.conner@boeing.com, timothy.keating@boeing.com, "deepak@adlakha.com" <deepak@adlakha.com>, deepak verma <justicedverma@gmail.com>, dridzu@nic.in, radiology@primushospital.com, Manish Sisodia <msisodia@gmail.com>, Sid Luthra <sidluthra@gmail.com>, siddharth@sluthra.in, sidharth@sluthra.in, NDBox Library Reference <Libdel@state.gov>
Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
To the Director of AIIMS - Please read below.
Seema Sapra
On 3/13/14, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 13 March 2014
> To:
> The Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court of India
> The Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court
> The Registrar General of the Delhi High Court
> The Chairman of the Bar Council of Delhi
> All other members of the Bar Council of Delhi
> The Delhi Police Commissioner
> The Registrar Vigilance of the Delhi High Court
> The President and the other executive committee members of the Delhi
> High Court Bar Association
> Director/ CMO of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
> Ref: Whistle-blower corruption and right to life Writ Petition pending
> in the Delhi High Court since February 2012 - Writ Petition (Civil)
> 1280/ 2012 - in the matter of Seema Sapra versus General Electric
> Company & Others AND the petitioner's complaints to the police and to
> the Delhi High Court and other authorities that she is being poisoned
> on an almost daily basis with intent to incapacitate and eventually
> murder/ eliminate her
> The captioned writ petition (which is a whistleblower corruption
> petition and a right to life petition) was filed in February 2012 and
> has been lying unheard since then. I am the petitioner in this matter
> and am a lawyer enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi.
> I have placed several complaints and evidence on the court record that
> I have been poisoned and drugged in the past because of my corruption
> complaints against General Electric Company and against Montek Singh
> Ahluwalia.
> For the last several months I am again being poisoned and especially
> by deliberate exposure to poisonous chemicals, gases and fumes
> including pesticides. This targeting is happening in several places
> that I frequent including while I am sleeping in my car at night
> (which I am being compelled to do as my applications for safe housing
> have still not been heard by the court) and in other places that I
> visit or sit in, including in the Delhi High Court.
> I have been deliberately exposed to poisonous chemicals over the last
> week as well.
> I mentioned this issue before the Acting Chief Justice of the Delhi
> High Court (Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed) in Court No. 1 on 12 March
> 2014, and informed him that my dead body would be found in my car as I
> was being poisoned.
> The Acting Chief Justice shrugged off my statement by telling me that
> "nothing would happen" to me. That night I was again deliberately
> exposed to some very poisonous fumes and I had a severe cough that
> night. I woke up breathless on two occasions during the night.
> Yesterday, my heart rate was between 126 and 156 at rest.
> This morning, I again mentioned this matter before Justice Badar
> Durrez Ahmed in open court in court no. 1 of the Delhi High Court.
> I repeatedly requested him to pass a written order stating only two
> things and to provide me with a copy of this order. I requested that
> he record in his order that I had complained that I was being poisoned
> and that he further direct the doctors at the All India Institute of
> Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to examine me for poisoning.
> Despite my repeated requests, Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed refused to
> pass such an order. Instead he summoned the SHO of the Tilak Marg
> Police Station (a new appointee Inspector Sushil Kumar) and directed
> him to register FIRs on my complaints of cognizable offences including
> poisoning.
> Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed informed me that I had two options. I could
> either go to the Tilak Marg police station and the police would take
> me for medical examination after registering an FIR on my complaint of
> poisoning. Or I could request the Bench during the hearing on the writ
> petition tomorrow (i.e., on 14 March 2014) for directions to AIIMS
> doctors to examine me for poisoning.
> I again requested Judge Badar Durrez Ahmed to pass a written order
> recording in his order that I had complained that I was being poisoned
> and further directing the doctors at the All India Institute of
> Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to examine me for poisoning.
> I also told Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed that I had accused the police
> of complicity in the poisoning and that they had for three years
> failed to act on my complaints, they had filed false status reports,
> they had lied to the court that the police had carried out a threat
> assessment, and that they had failed to comply with four orders passed
> in the writ petition directing the police commissioner to take steps
> for protecting me.
> As Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed still refused to pass a written order
> directing doctors at AIIMS to examine me based upon my complaints of
> poisoning, I informed him that I intended to act as follows:
> The police already had my written complaints of poisoning, sent by
> email as well as by phone text messages and the police should register
> FIRs on those complaints.
> I would go to AIIMS myself and meet the Director/ CMO and inform AIIMS
> in writing of my complaints that I am being poisoned and that I need
> medical examination and toxicology tests on this basis.
> Tomorrow I intend to appear in the captioned matter and again seek the
> following order from the Court: "- a written Delhi High Court order
> recording that I have complained that I am being poisoned with
> directions to the doctors at the All India Institute of Medical
> Sciences (AIIMS) to examine me for poisoning.
> Seema Sapra
> Advocate
> seema.sapra@gmail.com
> 9582716748
> Presently homeless and sleeping in her car since 27 February 2013
> D/ 1159/1995
> On 3/12/14, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> I have informed the Acting Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court Judge
>> Badar Durrez Ahmed in open court on 11 March 2014 that I am sleeping
>> in my car parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court and that I am
>> being
>> poisoned in my car at night and early morning by pesticides and
>> poisonous chemicals/ gases being released next to my car. I have
>> informed him that my dead body will be found in the car as a result of
>> this poisoning.
>> Tonight I am sleeping in my car parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi
>> High Court. Delhi High Court orders in WP 1280/ 2012 direct the police
>> to protect my life and property. The Police has failed to provide me
>> with any security/ protection. CP Bassi must comply with the courts
>> directions and provide me with Z+ security. The threat to my life
>> issues from General Electric, Montek Ahluwalia and A S Chandhiok
>> because of my whistleblower complaints in WP 1280/ 2012. The threat
>> also emanates from Soli Sorabjee and Raian Karanjawala, A K Sikri,
>> Gita Mittal, P K Bhasin, Swatanter Kumar and Suresh Kait.
>> I am being poisoned in my car parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi High
>> Court almost every night. Poisonous fumes/ gases are being released
>> next to my car to stop me breathing and to cause death.
>> This type of poisoning can cause death at any time.
>> As a result of being poisoned in this manner two nights ago, my neck was
>> swollen in several places.
>> 6 men are gambling with cards in the park opposite gate 8 of the Delhi
>> High 9ourt right where I have parked my car to sleep for the night.
>> Seema Sapra
>> On 3/12/14, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> All, as a result of the ongoing poisoning and as evidence of it, my
>>> heart rate today afternoon as recorded by a pulse oximeter device is
>>> between 126 and 156.
>>> I showed a heart rate reading of 155 to both Rajiv Mehra and Arvind
>>> Nigam, both of whom are involved in the captioned matter.
>>> Yet both of them and Amit Chadha (a Chandhiok stooge who also wants to
>>> become a High Court judge and who has been repeatedly targeting me)
>>> who was sitting with them in the Delhi High Court canteen subjected me
>>> to loud abuse, intimidation and insults with ASG Rajiv Mehra targeting
>>> me by calling me mentally unbalanced. This is part of the General
>>> Electric strategy and attempts to cover up my corruption complaints by
>>> destroying my credibility. Rajiv Mehra is colluding with General
>>> Electric and Montek Singh Ahluwalia to sabotage the writ petition
>>> against General Electric.
>>> Rajiv Mehra is a corrupt, greedy, manipulative, liar who is sabotaging
>>> this matter and facilitating my elimination to cover up the corruption
>>> complaints against General Electric.
>>> As a result of and during the verbal assault on me today which was
>>> unleashed when I had only asked Rajiv Mehra not to speak to me, I
>>> called Rajiv Mehra a bastard. Rajiv Mehra then incited Arvind Nigam to
>>> use this against me in court.
>>> Arvind Nigam who appeared for a General Electric Company in 2010 has
>>> inserted himself into my contempt matter and was brought in by the
>>> corrupt judge Gita Mittal. I have pointed out in detail why Arvind
>>> Nigam cannot be associated with my matters - either the captioned
>>> corruption writ petition against General Electric Company or the
>>> contempt matter being used to target me and to prevent me from
>>> pursuing the corruption matter against General Electric.
>>> Let me repeat, according to me, Rajiv Mehra is a corrupt, greedy and
>>> dishonest lawyer (mentored by Chandhiok) who is facilitating my
>>> destruction and is eyeing a Delhi High Court judgeship in return.
>>> I have sent him daily complaints of poisoning and he has failed to act.
>>> A few days ago, I sent a text message asking him why he was failing to
>>> act in accordance with law when he was receiving my complaints that I
>>> was being poisoned. He refused to respond. I point out that he has
>>> displayed a total indifference to the facts of me being compelled to
>>> sleep in my car and of my being poisoned.
>>> Yet this morning when he saw me in court 1 of the Delhi High Court, he
>>> attempted to speak to me and was trying to find out what I was sitting
>>> there for. I looked away and did not respond.
>>> Rajiv Mehra has on earlier occasions tried to find out where I was
>>> eating. His questions to me were directed with intent to facilitate my
>>> drugging and poisoning.
>>> On one occasion, Rajiv Mehra and Amit Chadha attempted to drug me in
>>> the Delhi High Court canteen by sending a cake slice to my table.
>>> My heart rate at this time at 5.30 pm has come down to around 110.
>>> Seema Sapra
>>> On 3/11/14, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> I have informed the Acting Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court Judge
>>>> Badar Durrez Ahmed in open court today that I am sleeping in my car
>>>> parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi High Court and that I am being
>>>> poisoned in my car at night and early morning by pesticides and
>>>> poisonous chemicals/ gases being released next to my car. I have
>>>> informed him that my dead body will be found in the car as a result of
>>>> this poisoning.
>>>> Tonight I am sleeping in my car parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi
>>>> High Court. Delhi High Court orders in WP 1280/ 2012 direct the police
>>>> to protect my life and property. The Police has failed to provide me
>>>> with any security/ protection. CP Bassi must comply with the courts
>>>> directions and provide me with Z+ security. The threat to my life
>>>> issues from General Electric, Montek Ahluwalia and A S Chandhiok
>>>> because of my whistleblower complaints in WP 1280/ 2012. The threat
>>>> also emanates from Soli Sorabjee and Raian Karanjawala, A K Sikri,
>>>> Gita Mittal, P K Bhasin and Suresh Kait.
>>>> I am being poisoned in my car parked outside gate 8 of the Delhi High
>>>> Court almost every night. Poisonous fumes/ gases are being released
>>>> next to my car to stop me breathing and to cause death.
>>>> This type of poisoning can cause death at any time.
>>>> As a result of being poisoned in this manner last night, my neck was
>>>> swollen in several places this morning.
>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>> --
>>>> Seema Sapra
>>> --
>>> Seema Sapra
>> --
>> Seema Sapra
> --
> Seema Sapra
Seema Sapra
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