Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Police instigated Mob attack on me last night in Rabindra Nagar - Request for Z+ security to Seema Sapra - petitioner in W.P. (Civil) 1280/ 2012 in the matter of Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company and Others

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From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 8:02 PM
Subject: Police instigated Mob attack on me last night in Rabindra Nagar - Request for Z+ security to Seema Sapra - petitioner in W.P. (Civil) 1280/ 2012 in the matter of Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company and Others
To: hkanungo@worldbank.org, sorina.tira@emdiesels.com, joanne.brozovich@emdiesels.com, gary.bates@emdiesels.com, patricia.summers@emdiesels.com, customs@emdiesels.com, Mahesh Batra <itcphq-dl@nic.in>, rtata@tata.com, janpathten@yahoo.com, sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in, sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in, dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in, addl-dcp2-nd-dl@nic.in, acp1ndd@gmail.com, Ahm Delhi-VivekVihar <ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>, acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in, sodcpeast@gmail.com, sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in, office@rahulgandhi.in, binaysgeorgin@gmail.com, Dayan Krishnan <krishnandayan@gmail.com>, kjhasunil@yahoo.co.in, nigamak@gmail.com, sho-hndin-dl@nic.in, mediaindia@worldbank.org, "indiapic@worldbank.org" <indiapic@worldbank.org>, mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok <achandhiok@gmail.com>, enquiries@in.g4s.com, sona.menezes@securitas-india.com, arjun.wallia@securitas-india.com, kris.van.den.briel@securitas.in, anil.nair@securitas-india.com, amit.dar@securitas.in, jagpreet.sarna@securitas.in, 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<duadel@duaassociates.com>, "ranji@duaassociates.com" <ranji@duaassociates.com>, rajshekhar rao <rao.rajshekhar@gmail.com>, "aglaw@vsnl.com" <aglaw@vsnl.com>, "mail@aglaw.in" <mail@aglaw.in>, "vikram@duaassociates.com" <vikram@duaassociates.com>, "neeraj@duaassociates.com" <neeraj@duaassociates.com>, "sec-jus@gov.in" <sec-jus@gov.in>, "akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in" <akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in>, "pk.malhotra@nic.in" <pk.malhotra@nic.in>, "ramakrishnan.r@nic.in" <ramakrishnan.r@nic.in>, "atulkaushik@nic.in" <atulkaushik@nic.in>, "oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in" <oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in>, "pulok@gov.in" <pulok@gov.in>, "splcp-admin-dl@nic.in" <splcp-admin-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in" <splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in" <splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-security-dl@nic.in" <splcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in" <splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <splcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-armed-dl@nic.in" <splcp-armed-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-operation-dl@nic.in" <splcp-operation-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in" <splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-pl-dl@nic.in" <splcp-pl-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in" <splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in" <splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in>, "jtcpt_dtp@nic.in" <jtcpt_dtp@nic.in>, "jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "jcpsec@rb.nic.in" <jcpsec@rb.nic.in>, "addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in>, "addlcpt-dtp@nic.in" <addlcpt-dtp@nic.in>, "addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "addlcp-security-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in" <dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <dcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "jmg.vc@nic.in" <jmg.vc@nic.in>, "r.sri_kumar@nic.in" <r.sri_kumar@nic.in>, DCP <dcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in" <dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-south-dl@nic.in" <dcp-south-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-central-dl@nic.in" <dcp-central-dl@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "hshso@nic.in" <hshso@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <ncw@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <complaintcell-ncw@nic.in>, "sgnhrc@nic.in" <sgnhrc@nic.in>, "dg-nhrc@nic.in" <dg-nhrc@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov" <newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov" <usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov>, "nalin.jain@ge.com" <nalin.jain@ge.com>, "amit.kumar@ge.com" <amit.kumar@ge.com>, "pradeep.gupta@ge.com" <pradeep.gupta@ge.com>, "sriram.nagarajan@ge.com" <sriram.nagarajan@ge.com>, Abhishek Tewari <abhishek.tewari@azbpartners.com>, Wiltschek Susanne EDA WSU <susanne.wiltschek@eda.admin.ch>, "helpline@eda.admin.ch" <helpline@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi <ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch" <beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch>, "emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, indconru indconru <indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, Ambassaden New Delhi <ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk" <delamb@um.dk>, "emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <InfoDesk@ohchr.org>, "Press-Info@ohchr.org" <Press-Info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "nzhc@airtelmail.in" <nzhc@airtelmail.in>, "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn" <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>, "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com" <advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com>, "sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com" <sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>, Manpreet Lamba <manpreet.lamba@azbpartners.com>, "mr@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mr@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "fc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <fc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "psml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <psml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "me@rb.railnet.gov.in" <me@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "mm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "mt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "aml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <aml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "amm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "varun.arora@azbpartners.com" <varun.arora@azbpartners.com>, "peter.loscher@siemens.com" <peter.loscher@siemens.com>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "sunand.sharma@alstom.com" <sunand.sharma@alstom.com>, "hiren.vyas@alstom.com" <hiren.vyas@alstom.com>, "vandana.dhir@alstom.com" <vandana.dhir@alstom.com>, "jojo.alexander@alstom.com" <jojo.alexander@alstom.com>, "patrick.ledermann@alstom.com" <patrick.ledermann@alstom.com>, "rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "Eglash, Jeffrey C (GE, Corporate)" <jeffrey.eglash@ge.com>, Nanju Ganpathy <nanju.ganpathy@azbpartners.com>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "brackett.denniston@ge.com" <brackett.denniston@ge.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, "john.flannery@ge.com" <john.flannery@ge.com>, "delhihighcourt@nic.in" <delhihighcourt@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "cp.neerajkumar@nic.in" <cp.neerajkumar@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in" <cvc@nic.in>, "askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@SEC.GOV" <CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "radhakrishnan.k@ge.com" <radhakrishnan.k@ge.com>, "tejal.singh@ge.com" <tejal.singh@ge.com>, Sonali Mathur <sonali.mathur@azbpartners.com>, Kartik Yadav <kartik.yadav@azbpartners.com>, "lanny.breuer@usdoj.com" <lanny.breuer@usdoj.com>, "eric.holder@usdoj.com" <eric.holder@usdoj.com>, "preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <NDwebmail@state.gov>, "Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov" <ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov" <gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov" <william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov" <edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov" <richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov" <robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com" <kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com>, "rcohen@lowey.com" <rcohen@lowey.com>, "ffetf@usdoj.gov" <ffetf@usdoj.gov>, "Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "fja@federaljudgesassoc.org" <fja@federaljudgesassoc.org>, "supremecourt@nic.in" <supremecourt@nic.in>, "Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Ronald J. Keating" <RKeating@bermandevalerio.com>, "jblock@bermandevalerio.com" <jblock@bermandevalerio.com>, jtabacco@bermandevalerio.com, bhart@lowey.com, rharwood@hfesq.com, fbottini@cfsblaw.com, Joseph Guglielmo <jguglielmo@scott-scott.com>, drscott@scott-scott.com, "ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com" <ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com>, Directors@corporate.ge.com, Siemens Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>, Sunder.Venkat@aero.bombardier.com, compliance.office@bombardier.com, nilesh.pattanayak@aero.bombardier.com, pierre.beaudoin@bombardier.com, djohnson@mccarthy.ca, douglas.oberhelman@caterpilllar.com, william.ainsworth@caterpillar.com, CATshareservices@cat.com, BusinessPractices@cat.com, patrick.kron@alstom.com, keith.carr@alstom.com, Jean-David.barnea@usdoj.gov, jonathan.streeter@usdoj.gov, reed.brodsky@usdoj.gov, andrew.michaelson@usdoj.gov, ellen.davis@usdoj.gov, david.fein@usdoj.gov, eric.glover@usdoj.gov, paul.murphy@usdoj.gov, sandra.glover@usdoj.gov, robert.spector@usdoj.gov, christopher.connolly@usdoj.gov, joseph.cordaro@usdoj.gov, david.jones6@usdoj.gov, daniel.filor@usdoj.gov, amy.barcelo@usdoj.gov, christopher.harwood@usdoj.gov, michael.byars@usdoj.gov, benjamin.torrance@usdoj.gov, sarah.normand@usdoj.gov, elizabeth.shapiro@usdoj.gov, alicia.simmons@usdoj.gov, joyce.vance@usdoj.gov, kenyen.brown@usdoj.gov, karen.loeffler@usdoj.gov, jane.duke@usdoj.gov, andre.birotte@usdoj.gov, melinda.haag@usdoj.gov, laura.duffy@usdoj.gov, john.walsh@usdoj.gov, david.weiss@usdoj.gov, ronald.machen@usdoj.gov, robert.o'neill@usdoj.gov, pamela.marsh@usdoj.gov, wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov, michael.moore@usdoj.gov, sally yates <sally.yates@usdoj.gov>, edward.tarver@usdoj.gov, alicia.limtiaco@usdoj.gov, florence.nakakuni@usdoj.gov, wendy.olson@usdoj.gov, james.lewis@usdoj.gov, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, stephen.wigginton@usdoj.gov, david.capp@usdoj.gov, joseph.hogsett@usdoj.gov, stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov, nick.klinefeldt@usdoj.gov, kerry.harvey@usdoj.gov, david.hale@usdoj.gov, james.letten@usdoj.gov, donald.cazayoux@usdoj.gov, stephanie.finley@usdoj.gov, rod.rosenstein@usdoj.gov, carmen.ortiz@usdoj.gov, barbara.mcquade@usdoj.gov, "Davis, Donald" <donald.davis@usdoj.gov>, b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, william.martin@usdoj.gov, richard.callahan@usdoj.gov, beth.phillips@usdoj.gov, michael.cotter@usdoj.gov, deborah.gilg@usdoj.gov, daniel.bogden@usdoj.gov, john.kacavas@usdoj.gov, paul.fishman@usdoj.gov, kenneth.gonzales@usdoj.gov, loretta.lynch@usdoj.gov, richard.hartunian@usdoj.gov, william.hochul@usdoj.gov, john.stone@usdoj.gov, anne.tompkins@usdoj.gov, tim.purdon@usdoj.gov, steve.dettelbach@usdoj.gov, carter.stewart@usdoj.gov, sandy.coats@usdoj.gov, zane.memeger@usdoj.gov, peter.smith@usdoj.gov, david.hickton@usdoj.gov, peter.neronha@usdoj.gov, bill.nettles@usdoj.gov, william.killian@usdoj.gov, jerry.martin@usdoj.gov, edward.stanton@usdoj.gov, jose.moreno@usdoj.gov, carlie.christensen@usdoj.gov, tristram.coffin@usdoj.gov, ronald.sharpe@usdoj.gov, neil.macbride@usdoj.gov, timothy.heaphy@usdoj.gov, bill.ihlenfeld@usdoj.gov, booth.goodwin@usdoj.gov, james.santelle@usdoj.gov, john.vaudreuil@usdoj.gov, christopher.crofts@usdoj.gov, bprao@bhel.in, opb@bhel.in, akhatua@bhel.in, csverma@bhel.in, vpandhi@bhel.in, saraya@bhel.in, ajay.sinha@emdiesels.com, frank.w.ward@emdiesels.com, "sapnachauhan@hotmail.com" <sapnachauhan@hotmail.com>, "singhadvocate@hotmail.com" <singhadvocate@hotmail.com>, najmiwaziri@hotmail.com, Rajeeve Mehra <mehralaw@gmail.com>, mehralaw@yahoo.co.in, lajita.rajesh@alstom.com, francois.carpentier@alstom.com, frank.ward@emdiesels.com, armin.bruck@siemens.com, sunil.mathur@siemens.com, benoit.martel@bombardier.com, luis.ramos@bombardier.com, harsh.dhingra@bombardier.com, glen.lehman@caterpillar.com, john.newman@caterpillar.com, peter.solmssen@siemens.com, roland.busch@siemens.com, michael.suess@siemens.com, klaus.helmrich@siemens.com, daniel.desjardins@bombardier.com, james.buda@caterpillar.com, adam.smith@emdiesels.com, raj.kanuru@emdiesels.com, glen.lehman@caterpilar.com, glen.lehman@progressrail.com, duane.cantrell@progressrail.com, craig.johnson@caterpillar.com, alert.procedure@alstom.com, danield@bombardier.com, harjeetsinghsachdeva@gmail.com, "Zia Mody (zia.mody@azbpartners.com)" <zia.mody@azbpartners.com>, "Warin, F. Joseph" <fwarin@gibsondunn.com>, "Chesley, John" <JChesley@gibsondunn.com>, pk65sharma@yahoo.co.in, confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, public.enquiries@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, "ohhdl@dalailama.com" <ohhdl@dalailama.com>, dhir@dhirassociates.com, amit.sibal@amitsibal.com, aman_lekhi@rediffmail.com, stephen.vogt@ic.fbi.gov, luis.quesada@ic.fbi.gov, steven.kessler@ic.fbi.gov, henry.gittleman@ic.fbi.gov, renn.cannon@ic.fbi.gov, stephen.gaudin@ic.fbi.gov, eric.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, jeff.bedford@ic.fbi.gov, david.brooks@ic.fbi.gov, robert.clifford@ic.fbi.gov, mary.warren@ic.fbi.gov, bill.nicholson@ic.fbi.gov, frank.teixeira@ic.fbi.gov, richard.cavalieros@ic.fbi.gov, timothy.langan@ic.fbi.gov, sharon.kuo@ic.fbi.gov, kingman.wong@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.bodony@ic.fbi.gov, christopher.mcmurray@ic.fbi.gov, ralph.hope@ic.fbi.gov, eric.metz@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.baldwin@ic.fbi.gov, alejandro.barbeito@ic.fbi.gov, cary.gleicher@ic.fbi.gov, paul.haertel@ic.fbi.gov, greg.cox@ic.fbi.gov, lazaro.andino@ic.fbi.gov, gabriel.ramirez@ic.fbi.gov, tom.sobocinski@ic.fbi.gov, benjamin.walker@ic.fbi.gov, kirk.striebich@ic.fbi.gov, "Snyder, David" <david.snyder@ic.fbi.gov>, gregory.cox@ic.fbi.gov, katherine.andrews@ic.fbi.gov, carolyn.willson@ic.fbi.gov, mark.nowak@ic.fbi.gov, stuart.wirtz@ic.fbi.gov, lesley.buckler@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.dudzinski@ic.fbi.gov, william.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, connally.brown@ic.fbi.gov, leo.navarette@ic.fbi.gov, lawrence.futa@ic.fbi.gov, gregory.shaffer@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov, adishaggarwala@yahoo.com, adishaggarwala@hotmail.com, vsondhi@luthra.com, ranarajinder@ymail.com, muraritiwari.adv@gmail.com, adv.priyankatyagi@gmail.com, sarlakaushik@yahoo.com, goswamiandassociates@yahoo.co.in, vedbaldev@rediffmail.com, rakeshtikuadvocate@yahoo.com, kkmanan@rediffmail.com, ars.chauhan.co@gmail.com, Usama Siddiqui <musiddiqui@gmail.com>, Rajiv Khosla <advrajivkhosla@gmail.com>, jagdev_advocate@yahoo.com, rakeshkochar@hotmail.com, khatri.surya@hotmail.com, rakesh.sherawat@yahoo.com, puneet mittal <puneetmittal9@gmail.com>, "advamit.sharma@gmail.com" <advamit.sharma@gmail.com>, akvadvocates@gmail.com, Attorneynitin@yahoo.com, aman_sareen169@yahoo.com, attorney.rmishra@gmail.com, jaibirnagar@gmail.com, arijit.g@gingerhotels.com, ravi.pillai@gingerhotels.com, Reservations Delhi-VivekVihar <reservations.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>, bharati@chintan-india.org, info@chintan-india.org, indu@igsss.net
Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>

Last night, the Delhi Police arranged for a mob of servants to harass me in Rabindra Nagar.

I reached Rabindra Nagar. Driving in, I saw one constable Imran standing with his motorcycle inside gate no. 2.

I parked my car outside D1/107 after speaking to and noting down the names of the police security constables outside Spl CP P N Aggarwal’s house (D1/119).

A short while later, I was sitting up in my car when I saw Constable Neeraj Kumar tell a group of 2-3 women and some teenaged boys not to walk past my car. This group was coming towards where my car was parked from beyond P N Aggarwal’s house. I said nothing. As it was very warm, I got out of my car and was typing on my mobile leaning against my car. A man wearing a vest walked past my car along with a little girl. After they went around P N Aggarwal’s house, I continued to stand in the same spot.

About 5 minutes later, I saw the earlier group (joined by some other women, children, and at least two men) arrive at the road where my car was from another connecting road. These persons then stopped there and faced my car and me. These persons then started to taunt me from a distance. I could hear them abusing me, calling me names, hooting, and gesticulating towards me. For sometime I ignored all of this. However, this group was joined by yet more people and the verbal abuse directed at me continued. I then decided to go up to them. I realised that they would run away if I walked towards them. I therefore got into my car and drove to where they were standing. Seeing my car approach, the entire group started to run in the opposite direction.

I caught up with them. There were at least two men and several grown women (around 4-5). I requested them to stop to speak to me but they continued running. I drove after them to see where they lived. They ran into a back lane and I followed.

I stopped my car and got out. They continued to taunt, abuse me and to mock me. I asked them for the address as I decided to call the Police. They refused to give me an address. After calling 100, I got off my car and followed them. The men quickly disappeared into the homes. Several other women emerged. 

These women then started accusing me. One asked me why I was calling their children. Another stated that I was the one scaring their children.

I told these women that I was a lawyer who had filed a corruption petition. That I was being compelled to sleep in my car as the matter was not being heard. I told them that the Police had been directed to protect me and that the local police knew that I was sleeping in my car.

I also told these persons that I did not even know them, that I had never spoken to them or to their children, that my car was always parked in the vicinity of Mr P N Aggarwal’s guards and that I was audio- recording my entire time in Rabindra Nagar and that I had evidence that I had never interacted with them or their children before.

I told these persons that they had been abusing me and that they were obviously incited by someone (most probably the police) to target me in this manner. I told them that I had called the police.

At this, the group calmed down.

After some time, a PCR jeep arrived. I told the PCR police team what had happened.

The local police also arrived after some time. There was a woman police constable, SI Suresh Pal and at least 4 other male policemen. Constable Imran also appeared on the spot.

As soon as Constable Imran and the local police appeared, one of the women started to shout at me very loudly accusing me of harassing the children and started to call me names. Several other women and two men who emerged from their homes joined in the attack shouting at me at the top of their voices and abusing me and questioning my right to sleep in my car in Rabindra Nagar. 

One woman falsely stated that a child had fallen down and gotten hurt when they ran away from me.

I decided to note down the names of the policemen on the spot.

One policeman refused to identify himself or show me his name badge. I recognised him. I have seen him on several occasions earlier including the night there was an attempt to eliminate me by having me abducted from Rabindra Nagar.  

I asked SI Suresh Pal for the name of this policeman standing next to him. SI Suresh Pal clearly told me that this policeman was not from Tuglak Road police station and that he did not know this man.

After this, this policeman and a couple of other policemen rushed to their motorcycles and started to drive away. I followed them and asked the policeman to stop and tell me his name. I was trying to video record him. He put on his helmet, turned his face away and drove off. At least 2 policemen followed him.

I then went back to where the group, the PCR team and SI Suresh Pal were. The women were still shouting loudly and abusing me and making false allegations against me. SI Suresh Pal also joined in and started to accuse me of intimidating the children and of fighting with this group. I told him that was not the case and that he should listen to me but that I would not talk in such a hostile atmosphere with this mob attacking me. SI Suresh Pal insisted that I talk there. I refused and walked off to my car. A man followed me menacingly and shouted at me to tell him what recordings I had. He then accused me of intending to kidnap his children.

Realising that this group and the local police was trying to frame me and to level false allegations against me and that I was facing a mob, I drove off and parked my car outside Spl CP P N Aggarwal’s house.

I then called 100 again and a PCR jeep reached outside Spl CP P N Aggarwal’s house.

SI Suresh Pal and the woman police constable also reached the spot. I asked the woman police constable for her name. She gave it as Leela. Since her name badge was not visible, I asked her to show it to me. She refused. I repeatedly asked her to show me her name badge but she refused.

I point out (as I also told this woman police constable) that she was obligated to show me her name badge, however she refused. The Delhi Police obviously does not believe in following rules and its officers act as if they are above the law and are not answerable to the public, in this case a woman lawyer who has complained of a threat to her life from the police and the State and even when there are three court orders directing the Delhi Police to protect the petitioner.

I told the PCR officials about what had happened. I also told them that I intended to park my car right in front of Spl CP P N Aggarwal’s house.

I refused to discuss the matter with SI Suresh Pal and told him that he had been complicit in the attempt on my life when a glass bottle was thrown at me outside Tuglak road police station at night with the occupants of two police jeeps watching.

I then attempted to discuss the matter with the Tuglak road police station SHO Ajay Gupta. I called him several times but he simply refused to let me speak or hear me and kept up a barrage of shouting at me from the other end.

I finally spent the night in my car parked outside Spl CP P N Aggarwal’s house.

In the morning, the police security constables outside Spl CP P N Aggarwal’s house were again mocking me and verbally abusing me within earshot at around 8 am.

In the morning, I went around to the spot where I was mobbed and abused the previous night as I wanted to note down the addresses and the persons staying in those houses.

There are three clusters of apartments. The numbers of the first cluster are 71, 69 (GF) and 72, 70 (FF).

The second cluster is 75, 73 (GF) and 76, 74 (FF).

The third cluster is 79, 77 (GF) and 80, 78 (FF).

The three clusters create an enclosed space where servant quarters for these flats are located. Mainly I was harassed and targeted last night by the occupants of the servant quarters of flats 71, 69, 72, 70 and flats 79, 77, 80 and 78.

Upon enquiring this morning, I found out that flat no. 78 is occupied by an IPS (police) officer, (S N Singh). This explains the use of these occupants of the servant quarters in harassing me.

This morning as well, I saw the same persons who harassed me. They saw me in my car and once again started to abuse me. I simply ignored them.;

I repeat there is a threat to my life from the Delhi Police. 

I also want to point out that I will be seeking recusal by Justice Gita Mittal on the additional ground that there was an intern working in her chamber who is connected to a law firm with close ties to GE and his background raises suspicions about his connection to the CIA. His name is Fahad Siddiqui and he is a Canadian citizen who ought not to have been hired as an intern by Justice Gita Mittal. 

Seema Sapra  

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
All, see the text messages I have sent tonight to the Police.

All, Tonight I have again parked my car in rabindra nagar in full view
of spl CP P N Aggarwal's security guards in D1/119.
ALL, I am being harassed by a group pf servants in Rabindra Nagar. I
called 100 and the police came. Once the local police came they
incited these people to shout at me. There were 2 policemen not from
the tuglak rd PS. I am now standing outside Sp CP P N Aggarwals house.
Seema Sapra
SHO Ajay Gupta, come to SPL CP P N Aggarwals house Immediately. I am
standing outside there. Seema Sapra

This was again the police using local servants to harass me. Why does
the police not place constables next to my carV Seema Sapra

Ajay Gupta is simply shouting me down on the phone. This is a police
attempt to frame me and to use these servants to harass me. Why don't
you comply with the court order and pass written orders to place
guards near my car. Why does ajay gupta want me to come to the PS at
1O am in the morning. I have video and audio recordings of everything.
I have an audio  recording of SI suresh pal admitting that 2 policemen
on the scene were not from Tuglak Rd Ps or from PCR. Who were those
policemen? One of them was also present on the night when an attempt
was made to abduct me from Rabindra Nagar. Seema Sapra

SHO Ajay gupta along with other police officers has been complicit in
two attempts to murder me - One involved abducting me from rabindra
nagar. The other was when a glass bottle was thrown at me outside
tuglak rd PS. Tonight tjese locality servants were used to harass me.
Once I called the police, these servants were used to shout me down
and attempt made to depict me as the party in the wrong. Seema Sapra
Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
My car is now parked right outside Spl CP P N Aggarwals house. It is
less than 15 metres from his police security guards. Seema Sapra

On 6/30/13, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
> All, Tonight I have again parked my car in the same spot outside D
> 1/107 rabindra nagar in full view of spl CP P N Aggarwal's guards.
> Seema Sapra
> On 6/27/13, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Last night I was again harassed by the Delhi Police and was the target of
>> a
>> murderous assault when a glass bottle was thrown at me from a moving
>> autorickshaw outside Tuglak Road police station with two police jeeps
>> watching.
>> Events of night of 26-27 June 2013
>> Last night around 10 pm, I parked my car alongside D1/119, Rabindra Nagar
>> occupied by Spl CP for security, P N Aggarwal.
>> A short while later, at around 11.15 pm, two uncouth men approached my
>> car
>> and were peering inside it. I got out of the car to confront them, and
>> they
>> started running and ran around a corner. Unwilling to put up with such
>> planned harassment daily, I started my car and as soon as I drove onto
>> the
>> lane the men had run to, I saw them standing there. Upon seeing my car
>> the
>> two men ran off and disappeared.
>> I questioned the police security guards (Constable Sanjay Kumar and
>> Constable Sunil Yadav) posted at P N Aggarwal’s house about the two men.
>> These police security guards were evasive and rude.
>> I called 100. I spoke to P N Aggarwal on his mobile.
>> A policeman turned up at the spot on a motorcycle. His name badge read
>> Constable Dhirender. He was on a private motorcycle (DL 8SA T 6538) and
>> not
>> a police motorcycle. He was not aware of the Delhi High Court orders
>> directing the Delhi Police to protect me and to provide me with security.
>> I called the Tuglak Road SHO, who refused to answer his phone. I called
>> Inspector Jaswant Singh (anti terrorism cell) who claims to be in-charge
>> of
>> Tuglak Road police station as SHO Ajay Gupta is allegedly on casual
>> leave.
>> Inspector Jaswant Singh was aggressive and rude on the phone with me and
>> told me that the Police would not protect me.
>> The 100 PCR came to the spot only after repeated calls. The PCR was
>> manned
>> by H C Mahesh Pal and Constable Vikas Kumar. The PCR jeep was accompanied
>> by a police motorcycle carrying Constable Dhiraj and SI Suresh Pal from
>> Tuglak Road police station.
>> Neither Constable Dhiraj nor SI Suresh Pal from Tuglak Road police
>> station
>> who were sent to the spot by Inspector Jaswant Singh had been told about
>> the Delhi High Court orders directing the Delhi Police to protect me.
>> Inspector Jaswant Singh himself refused to come to the spot.
>> My PCR call stating that two men had harassed me outside P N Aggarwal’s
>> house and that the police was complicit in this was mis-recorded in
>> Tuglak
>> Road PS records as a complaint by me that there had been a “jhagda”
>> (fight).
>> The PCR policemen discouraged me from reporting my complaint to them but
>> I
>> insisted on writing a short summary in their record book. I told them
>> that
>> I would send a detailed complaint on email.
>> After the PCR jeep left, I drove to the Tuglak Road police station.
>> Inspector Jaswant Singh came to see me. He was rude and aggressive and
>> told
>> me that the police would not protect me and that I should sleep somewhere
>> else. Inspector Jaswant Singh mocked me and misbehaved with me. He
>> refused
>> to address my complaint. He attempted to cover up the ongoing harassment.
>> He then went to his office and did not come out despite repeated phone
>> calls and text messages to him.
>> Faced with the refusal of Inspector Jaswant Singh to address my complaint
>> and because of his misbehaviour and rudeness towards me, I called 100 for
>> help. I had to call 100 29 times over a period of two hours (between
>> 00.43
>> am and 3.02 am) before a PCR team was sent to Tuglak Road police station.
>> No PCR team was sent to Tuglak Road police station initially.
>> Instead ACP Jasvir Malik arrived there and told me that he would not let
>> the PCR jeep come to Tuglak Road police station and that I should not
>> take
>> on the Police. He threatened me that the Police could harm me if I took
>> on
>> the Police. He told the policemen at Tuglak road police station not to
>> listen to anything that I said. ACP Jasvir Singh left after threatening
>> me.
>> I then again called 100 and told them that not only had Inspector Jaswant
>> Singh misbehaved with me but that ACP Jasvir Singh had also threatened
>> me.
>> The police response staff at 100 kept lying to me that a PCR jeep was
>> being
>> sent. At least 6-7 calls to 100 were disconnected by the police response
>> staff without answering. I also started to record my calls to 100.
>> I also spoke with ASI Balwant Singh at 100 and later with Inspector Arun
>> Chauhan in the police command room on 23490310.
>> Finally two men arrived at around 2.30 stating that they were the PCR
>> response team. These two men again first refused to let me write my
>> complaint in their booklet. After I insisted, I wrote a brief summery of
>> my
>> complaint. These two men were then leaving and I asked to see their PCR
>> jeep to confirm if they were really from the PCR.
>> I went outside Tuglak Road police station with these two policemen at
>> around 2.30 am because they told me their jeep was parked outside. The
>> PCR
>> jeep was not parked outside Tuglak Road police station but instead was
>> parked on the adjacent road. I asked them to call the jeep near the
>> Tuglak
>> Road PS entrance. They refused. I was walking towards the jeep and was
>> near
>> the Tuglak road rounabout, when these two men shouted to the driver to
>> drive towards them bypassing me in the middle. The two policemen then
>> hurriedly got into the jeep and asked the driver to drive away. I kept
>> requesting these policemen to wait but they did not wait. At the same
>> time,
>> I saw another police jeep also on the same roundabout outside Tuglak Road
>> PS. I believe this jeep contained ACP Jasvir Malik. Almost immediately, a
>> auto-rickshaw drove up behind me and a glass bottle was thrown at me like
>> a
>> missile. I was moving because I was attempting to get the PCR jeep to
>> wait.
>> The glass bottle failed to hit me because I moved. This glass bottle was
>> intended to hit me, but I survived unhurt because I moved just in the
>> nick
>> of time. I saw both the PCR jeep and the other police jeep still on the
>> spot and both jeeps then sped away. Shocked, I could only take
>> photographs
>> of the broken glass bottle lying on the road near me.
>> I then went inside Tuglak Road police station and told SI Suresh Pal and
>> constable Dhiraj about the bottle attack on me outside Tuglak Road PS. SI
>> Suresh Pal went with me outside and I showed him the broken glass bottle.
>> He used his foot to push some of the broken glass lying in the middle of
>> the road to the side. We then went back inside the police station. SI
>> Suresh Pal did not ask me any questions or do anything else in the
>> matter.
>> I myself narrated what had happened to SI Suresh Pal, to Constable Dhiraj
>> and to Head Constable Hukum Chand (the duty officer).
>> I then again called 100 and told them that I had been attacked by a glass
>> bottle outside Tuglak Rd PS with two police jeeps watching which then
>> sped
>> away after watching the failed attempt on my life.
>> I asked 100 to send another PCR team to the spot.
>> After some time, I could hear my message being relayed to the walkie
>> talkies of SI Suresh Pal and Head Constable Hukum Chand.
>> After sometime two men entered the Tuglak Road police station claiming to
>> be from the PCR when in fact they belonged to Tuglak Road PS. These two
>> men
>> (Constable Ajay and Constable Arun Kumar) lied to me that they were from
>> the PCR. They also told me that they were responding to my call that a
>> glass bottle had been hurled at me outside the Tuglak Road police
>> station.
>> These two men took SI Suresh Pal to the rear of the police station where
>> they had a private conversation with him. Neither of these two men asked
>> me
>> about what had happened.
>> This is when I started to suspect another police conspiracy.
>> While I was calling 100 and recording this attempt on my life on email, I
>> noticed that SI Suresh Pal, HC Hukum Chand and Constable Dhiraj had been
>> joined by another policeman (ASI Dilawar Singh). HC Hukum Chand was
>> writing
>> something in the police diary on the instructions of SI Suresh Pal and
>> ASI
>> Dilawar singh. When I asked what he was recording, he told me that he was
>> recording information about my call and the glass bottle incident.
>> I asked to read what he was writing but he and SI Suresh Pal and ASI
>> Dilawar Singh refused to let me read or to tell me what complaint they
>> had
>> recorded. They snatched the book from my hand and refused to let me look
>> at
>> it.
>> At this point it became clear that the police was again conspiring to
>> eliminate me and was mis-recording my complaint. I was at one point told
>> by
>> HC Hukum Chand that they would take me somewhere.
>> I apprehend that the police seized on my 100 call about the glass bottle
>> and wanted to misrecord that I was badly hurt and to then forcibly convey
>> me to a government hospital. The police would have deliberately harmed
>> me.
>> I could then be drugged or eliminated at the hospital.
>> In order to save my life, I took pictures to show that I was unharmed and
>> sent emails to the Police Commissioner, the Supreme Court and the Delhi
>> High Court and to several embassies describing that an attempt had been
>> made to murder me and that a glass bottle had been hurled at me but that
>> I
>> had escaped unharmed. I also clearly stated that this was an attempt by
>> the
>> police to murder me.
>> Fearing for my life, I then left Tuglak road police station after telling
>> those policemen that I would follow up with an emailed complaint in the
>> morning.
>> I again record that the Delhi Police has failed to comply with the Delhi
>> High Court’s orders to provide me with security. Instead the Delhi Police
>> is continuing with the conspiracy and attempts to eliminate me.
>> I also record that I was at the Delhi High Court this morning and that I
>> have narrated the events of last night to several lawyers.
>> I also record that I have detailed audio recordings, videos and
>> photographs
>> to corroborate the events of last night and the police participation in
>> harming me and in the conspiracy to eliminate me and in attempts on my
>> life.
>> I attach photographs of the broken glass bottle taken immediately after
>> it
>> was hurled towards me.
>> I sent several emails and phone text messages last night.
>> The text messages sent by me last night are reproduced below after the
>> signature.
>> Seema Sapra
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:04 PM
>> Subject: Fw: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 26, 2013 23:42
>> Subject: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> My car was parked next to Spl CP P N Aggarwal's house. His security
>> guards
>> are having me harassed. Two men were sent near my car and they were
>> peering
>> inside. As soon as I got out of the car, they ran off. I followed in my
>> car
>> and saw them standing after a road turn. They saw my car and ran off
>> again.
>> P N Aggarwal's security guards are involved in this. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:05 PM
>> Subject: Fw: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:49
>> Subject: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> This Inspector Jaswant Singh is misbehaving with me at the police
>> Station.
>> He is refusing to comply with the court order and telling me that I
>> should
>> go and sleep somewhere else. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:04 PM
>> Subject: Fw: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 26, 2013 23:42
>> Subject: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> My car was parked next to Spl CP P N Aggarwal's house. His security
>> guards
>> are having me harassed. Two men were sent near my car and they were
>> peering
>> inside. As soon as I got out of the car, they ran off. I followed in my
>> car
>> and saw them standing after a road turn. They saw my car and ran off
>> again.
>> P N Aggarwal's security guards are involved in this. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:05 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I m on leave
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> From: +918750870524
>> Received: Jun 27, 2013 00:06
>> Subject: I m on leave
>> I m on leave
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:06 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:46
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:05 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 01:59
>> Subject: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> I have called 100 at least 18 times sitting in tuglak rd ps because
>> inspector jaswant singh misbehaved with me. No pcr jeep has arrived for
>> over an hour and a half. ACP jasvir malik came and threatened me. Seema
>> Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:06 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:59
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:06 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:59
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:07 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Message emailed to the police...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 04:00
>> Subject: Message emailed to the police...
>> Message emailed to the police comm, the SHO. The court and to embassies,
>> -
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked
>> to see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their
>> jeep when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which
>> missed me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the
>> spot. They both drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was
>> an attempt on my life by the police. Seema Sapra
>> I want to reiterate that the bittle missed me and I was not hurt.
>> I suspect the police was attempting to mosrecord this to show that I
>> was hurt as part of another conspiracy to harm me. I have left the
>> tuglak rd ps and will follow up on this tomorrow.
>> I was not hit by the bottle because I was moving.
>> Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:07 PM
>> Subject: Fw: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:49
>> Subject: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> This Inspector Jaswant Singh is misbehaving with me at the police
>> Station.
>> He is refusing to comply with the court order and telling me that I
>> should
>> go and sleep somewhere else. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:08 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Inspector jaswant singh,
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 26, 2013 23:59
>> Subject: Inspector jaswant singh,
>> Inspector jaswant singh, you are having me harassed. Come to P N
>> Aggarwal's
>> house in Rabindra nagar immediately. D 1/ 119. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:08 PM
>> Subject: Fw: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 26, 2013 23:56
>> Subject: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> My car was parked next to Spl CP P N Aggarwal's house. His security
>> guards
>> are having me harassed. Two men were sent near my car and they were
>> peering
>> inside. As soon as I got out of the car, they ran off. I followed in my
>> car
>> and saw them standing after a road turn. They saw my car and ran off
>> again.
>> P N Aggarwal's security guards are involved in this. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:09 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Why are you not answering my call...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:01
>> Subject: Why are you not answering my call...
>> Why are you not answering my call now? Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:09 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Inspector Jaswant Singh,
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:08
>> Subject: Inspector Jaswant Singh,
>> Inspector Jaswant Singh, kindly come to Rabindra Nagar outside P N
>> Aggarwals house. The police including you are having me harassed. This
>> was
>> clear from your statements on my earlier calls. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:09 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Mr P N Aggarwal,
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:04
>> Subject: Mr P N Aggarwal,
>> Mr P N Aggarwal, why don't you come outside and put a stop to this
>> nightly
>> police harassment that I am facing. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:10 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Inspector jaswant singh,
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:38
>> Subject: Inspector jaswant singh,
>> Inspector jaswant singh, I am in the pS, where are you? Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:10 PM
>> Subject: Fw: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:48
>> Subject: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> This Inspector Jaswant Singh is misbehaving with me at the police
>> Station.
>> He is refusing to comply with the court order and telling me that I
>> should
>> go and sleep somewhere else. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:10 PM
>> Subject: Fw: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:49
>> Subject: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> This Inspector Jaswant Singh is misbehaving with me at the police
>> Station.
>> He is refusing to comply with the court order and telling me that I
>> should
>> go and sleep somewhere else. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:11 PM
>> Subject: Fw:
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> From: +918750870564
>> Received: Jun 27, 2013 00:53
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:11 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Why are you not answering my calls...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870564
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 01:03
>> Subject: Why are you not answering my calls...
>> Why are you not answering my calls now? I am waiting to talk to you at
>> the
>> PS. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:46
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:11 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 01:59
>> Subject: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> I have called 100 at least 18 times sitting in tuglak rd ps because
>> inspector jaswant singh misbehaved with me. No pcr jeep has arrived for
>> over an hour and a half. ACP jasvir malik came and threatened me. Seema
>> Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 01:59
>> Subject: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> I have called 100 at least 18 times sitting in tuglak rd ps because
>> inspector jaswant singh misbehaved with me. No pcr jeep has arrived for
>> over an hour and a half. ACP jasvir malik came and threatened me. Seema
>> Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:46
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:13 PM
>> Subject: Fw: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 26, 2013 23:42
>> Subject: My car was parked next to Spl CP P...
>> My car was parked next to Spl CP P N Aggarwal's house. His security
>> guards
>> are having me harassed. Two men were sent near my car and they were
>> peering
>> inside. As soon as I got out of the car, they ran off. I followed in my
>> car
>> and saw them standing after a road turn. They saw my car and ran off
>> again.
>> P N Aggarwal's security guards are involved in this. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:14 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 01:59
>> Subject: I have called 100 at least 18...
>> I have called 100 at least 18 times sitting in tuglak rd ps because
>> inspector jaswant singh misbehaved with me. No pcr jeep has arrived for
>> over an hour and a half. ACP jasvir malik came and threatened me. Seema
>> Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:13 PM
>> Subject: Fw: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 00:49
>> Subject: This Inspector Jaswant Singh is...
>> This Inspector Jaswant Singh is misbehaving with me at the police
>> Station.
>> He is refusing to comply with the court order and telling me that I
>> should
>> go and sleep somewhere else. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:14 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870564
>> To: +918750870524
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919818099004
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:46
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:15 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099041
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:51
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:15 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:59
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:15 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Message emailed to the police...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 04:00
>> Subject: Message emailed to the police...
>> Message emailed to the police comm, the SHO. The court and to embassies,
>> -
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked
>> to see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their
>> jeep when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which
>> missed me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the
>> spot. They both drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was
>> an attempt on my life by the police. Seema Sapra
>> I want to reiterate that the bittle missed me and I was not hurt.
>> I suspect the police was attempting to mosrecord this to show that I
>> was hurt as part of another conspiracy to harm me. I have left the
>> tuglak rd ps and will follow up on this tomorrow.
>> I was not hit by the bottle because I was moving.
>> Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:16 PM
>> Subject: Fw: ACP - Jasvir Malik - you just came...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: 8750870504
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 01:47
>> Subject: ACP - Jasvir Malik - you just came...
>> ACP - Jasvir Malik - you just came to tuglak rd PS to threaten and
>> intimidate me. I will be filing a complaint against you. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:16 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:59
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:16 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: 8750870504
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:55
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:17 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Message emailed to the police...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 04:00
>> Subject: Message emailed to the police...
>> Message emailed to the police comm, the SHO. The court and to embassies,
>> -
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked
>> to see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their
>> jeep when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which
>> missed me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the
>> spot. They both drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was
>> an attempt on my life by the police. Seema Sapra
>> I want to reiterate that the bittle missed me and I was not hurt.
>> I suspect the police was attempting to mosrecord this to show that I
>> was hurt as part of another conspiracy to harm me. I have left the
>> tuglak rd ps and will follow up on this tomorrow.
>> I was not hit by the bottle because I was moving.
>> Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:17 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:59
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:18 PM
>> Subject: Fw: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: 9582742461
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 02:50
>> Subject: 2 policemen came to tuglak rd...
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked to
>> see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their jeep
>> when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which missed
>> me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the spot. They
>> both
>> drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was an attempt on my
>> life
>> by the police. Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:18 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Message emailed to the police...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: 9582742461
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 04:05
>> Subject: Message emailed to the police...
>> Message emailed to the police comm, the SHO. The court and to embassies,
>> -
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked
>> to see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their
>> jeep when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which
>> missed me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the
>> spot. They both drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was
>> an attempt on my life by the police. Seema Sapra
>> I want to reiterate that the bittle missed me and I was not hurt.
>> I suspect the police was attempting to mosrecord this to show that I
>> was hurt as part of another conspiracy to harm me. I have left the
>> tuglak rd ps and will follow up on this tomorrow.
>> I was not hit by the bottle because I was moving.
>> Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *seema sapra* <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:18 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Message emailed to the police...
>> To: Seema <seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>> ------ SMS ------
>> To: +919818099004
>> To: +918750870526
>> To: +918750870504
>> To: +919818099041
>> To: +919810139248
>> To: +918750870524
>> Sent: Jun 27, 2013 04:00
>> Subject: Message emailed to the police...
>> Message emailed to the police comm, the SHO. The court and to embassies,
>> -
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked
>> to see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their
>> jeep when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which
>> missed me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the
>> spot. They both drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was
>> an attempt on my life by the police. Seema Sapra
>> I want to reiterate that the bittle missed me and I was not hurt.
>> I suspect the police was attempting to mosrecord this to show that I
>> was hurt as part of another conspiracy to harm me. I have left the
>> tuglak rd ps and will follow up on this tomorrow.
>> I was not hit by the bottle because I was moving.
>> Seema Sapra
>> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 3:58 AM
>> Subject: attempt to murder me by the police tonight - Request for Z+
>> security to Seema Sapra - petitioner in W.P. (Civil) 1280/ 2012 in the
>> matter of Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company and Others
>> To: Mahesh Batra <itcphq-dl@nic.in>, rtata@tata.com,
>> janpathten@yahoo.com,
>> sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in, sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in, dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in,
>> addl-dcp2-nd-dl@nic.in, acp1ndd@gmail.com, Ahm Delhi-VivekVihar <
>> ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>, acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in,
>> sodcpeast@gmail.com, sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in, office@rahulgandhi.in,
>> binaysgeorgin@gmail.com, Dayan Krishnan <krishnandayan@gmail.com>,
>> kjhasunil@yahoo.co.in, nigamak@gmail.com, sho-hndin-dl@nic.in,
>> mediaindia@worldbank.org, "indiapic@worldbank.org"
>> <indiapic@worldbank.org>,
>> mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok
>> <achandhiok@gmail.com>,
>> enquiries@in.g4s.com, sona.menezes@securitas-india.com,
>> arjun.wallia@securitas-india.com, kris.van.den.briel@securitas.in,
>> anil.nair@securitas-india.com, amit.dar@securitas.in,
>> jagpreet.sarna@securitas.in, richa.arora@securitas.in,
>> arun.agarwal@securitas-india.com, sudarshan.reddy@securitas-india.com,
>> sujit.choudhury@securitas-india.com,
>> narayan.nadamani@securitas-india.com,
>> kartik.gulani@securitas.in, praveena.kumar@securitas-india.com,
>> sougoto.das@securitas-india.com, gauri.grover@securitas-india.com,
>> contact.us@securitas-india.com, contact@securitasinc.com,
>> delhi@eaglehunters.com, info@eaglehunters.com, gurgaon@eaglehunters.com,
>> dan.ryan@g4s.com, grahame.gibson@g4s.com, nick.buckles@g4s.com,
>> info@indiahabitat.org, s.hameed@nic.in, "Dr. Biswajit Dhar" <
>> biswajit@ris.org.in>, rajendra.pachauri@yale.edu, Dir Ihc <
>> liberhan@indiahabitat.org>, hlrc@indiahabitat.org, "Madder, Emily" <
>> emily.madder@siemens.com>, banmali.agrawala@ge.com,
>> "dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in"
>> <dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in>, "peter.loescher@siemens.com" <
>> peter.loescher@siemens.com>, "cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com" <
>> cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com>, "c_mukund@airtelmail.in" <
>> c_mukund@airtelmail.in>, "duadel@duaassociates.com" <
>> duadel@duaassociates.com>, "ranji@duaassociates.com" <
>> ranji@duaassociates.com>, rajshekhar rao <rao.rajshekhar@gmail.com>, "
>> aglaw@vsnl.com" <aglaw@vsnl.com>, "mail@aglaw.in" <mail@aglaw.in>, "
>> vikram@duaassociates.com" <vikram@duaassociates.com>, "
>> neeraj@duaassociates.com" <neeraj@duaassociates.com>, "sec-jus@gov.in" <
>> sec-jus@gov.in>, "akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in" <akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in>, "
>> pk.malhotra@nic.in" <pk.malhotra@nic.in>, "ramakrishnan.r@nic.in" <
>> ramakrishnan.r@nic.in>, "atulkaushik@nic.in" <atulkaushik@nic.in>, "
>> oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in" <oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in>, "pulok@gov.in"
>> <pulok@gov.in>,
>> "splcp-admin-dl@nic.in" <splcp-admin-dl@nic.in>,
>> "splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in"
>> <splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in" <
>> splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-security-dl@nic.in" <
>> splcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in" <
>> splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-crime-dl@nic.in"
>> <splcp-crime-dl@nic.in>,
>> "splcp-armed-dl@nic.in" <splcp-armed-dl@nic.in>,
>> "splcp-operation-dl@nic.in"
>> <splcp-operation-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in" <
>> splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-pl-dl@nic.in" <splcp-pl-dl@nic.in>, "
>> splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in" <splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in"
>> <
>> jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in>, "
>> jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in" <
>> splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in>, "
>> jtcpt_dtp@nic.in" <jtcpt_dtp@nic.in>, "jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <
>> jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "jcpsec@rb.nic.in" <jcpsec@rb.nic.in>, "
>> addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in>, "addlcpt-dtp@nic.in" <
>> addlcpt-dtp@nic.in>, "addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "
>> addlcp-security-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "
>> addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in" <
>> dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <dcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "
>> jmg.vc@nic.in" <jmg.vc@nic.in>, "r.sri_kumar@nic.in"
>> <r.sri_kumar@nic.in>,
>> DCP <dcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in" <dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in>, "
>> dcp-south-dl@nic.in" <dcp-south-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-central-dl@nic.in" <
>> dcp-central-dl@nic.in>, "hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "hshso@nic.in" <
>> hshso@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <ncw@nic.in>, "
>> complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <complaintcell-ncw@nic.in>, "sgnhrc@nic.in" <
>> sgnhrc@nic.in>, "dg-nhrc@nic.in" <dg-nhrc@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov"
>> <
>> newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "
>> usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov" <usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov>, "nalin.jain@ge.com" <
>> nalin.jain@ge.com>, "amit.kumar@ge.com" <amit.kumar@ge.com>, "
>> pradeep.gupta@ge.com" <pradeep.gupta@ge.com>, "sriram.nagarajan@ge.com" <
>> sriram.nagarajan@ge.com>, Abhishek Tewari
>> <abhishek.tewari@azbpartners.com>,
>> Wiltschek Susanne EDA WSU <susanne.wiltschek@eda.admin.ch>, "
>> helpline@eda.admin.ch" <helpline@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi
>> <
>> ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi
>> <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>,
>> _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "
>> vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "
>> beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch" <beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch>, "
>> emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, indconru indconru <
>> indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>,
>> "
>> conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "
>> LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "
>> delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "
>> re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <
>> re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <
>> info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, Ambassaden New Delhi <
>> ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk" <delamb@um.dk>,
>> "
>> emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <
>> chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <InfoDesk@ohchr.org>, "
>> Press-Info@ohchr.org" <Press-Info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <
>> civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <
>> nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <
>> webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <
>> info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "nzhc@airtelmail.in"
>> <nzhc@airtelmail.in>,
>> "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <
>> indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <
>> ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <
>> chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <
>> chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn"
>> <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>,
>> "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com" <
>> advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com>, "sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com" <
>> sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>,
>> Manpreet Lamba <manpreet.lamba@azbpartners.com>, "mr@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> mr@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>> edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>> msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>> crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "fc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <fc@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>> ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>> ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "psml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <psml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "me@rb.railnet.gov.in" <me@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>> ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "mm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> ms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "mt@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>> mt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>> edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "aml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <aml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>> legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>> amm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>> amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "varun.arora@azbpartners.com" <
>> varun.arora@azbpartners.com>, "peter.loscher@siemens.com" <
>> peter.loscher@siemens.com>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <
>> r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "sunand.sharma@alstom.com" <
>> sunand.sharma@alstom.com>, "hiren.vyas@alstom.com"
>> <hiren.vyas@alstom.com>,
>> "vandana.dhir@alstom.com" <vandana.dhir@alstom.com>, "
>> jojo.alexander@alstom.com" <jojo.alexander@alstom.com>, "
>> patrick.ledermann@alstom.com" <patrick.ledermann@alstom.com>, "
>> rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander
>> (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "Eglash, Jeffrey C (GE,
>> Corporate)" <jeffrey.eglash@ge.com>, Nanju Ganpathy <
>> nanju.ganpathy@azbpartners.com>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <
>> bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "brackett.denniston@ge.com" <
>> brackett.denniston@ge.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com"
>> <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>,
>> "john.flannery@ge.com" <john.flannery@ge.com>, "delhihighcourt@nic.in" <
>> delhihighcourt@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "
>> cp.neerajkumar@nic.in" <cp.neerajkumar@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in"
>> <cvc@nic.in>,
>> "
>> askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@SEC.GOV" <
>> CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "
>> fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "radhakrishnan.k@ge.com" <
>> radhakrishnan.k@ge.com>, "tejal.singh@ge.com" <tejal.singh@ge.com>,
>> Sonali
>> Mathur <sonali.mathur@azbpartners.com>, Kartik Yadav <
>> kartik.yadav@azbpartners.com>, "lanny.breuer@usdoj.com" <
>> lanny.breuer@usdoj.com>, "eric.holder@usdoj.com" <eric.holder@usdoj.com>,
>> "
>> preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>, "NDwebmail@state.gov"
>> <
>> NDwebmail@state.gov>, "Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com" <
>> kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com>, "rcohen@lowey.com"
>> <rcohen@lowey.com>,
>> "ffetf@usdoj.gov" <ffetf@usdoj.gov>, "Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>> Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "fja@federaljudgesassoc.org" <
>> fja@federaljudgesassoc.org>, "supremecourt@nic.in" <supremecourt@nic.in>,
>> "
>> Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>> <Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov>,
>> "Ronald J. Keating" <RKeating@bermandevalerio.com>, "
>> jblock@bermandevalerio.com" <jblock@bermandevalerio.com>,
>> jtabacco@bermandevalerio.com, bhart@lowey.com, rharwood@hfesq.com,
>> fbottini@cfsblaw.com, Joseph Guglielmo <jguglielmo@scott-scott.com>,
>> drscott@scott-scott.com, "ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com" <
>> ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com>, Directors@corporate.ge.com, Siemens
>> Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>,
>> Sunder.Venkat@aero.bombardier.com, compliance.office@bombardier.com,
>> nilesh.pattanayak@aero.bombardier.com, pierre.beaudoin@bombardier.com,
>> djohnson@mccarthy.ca, douglas.oberhelman@caterpilllar.com,
>> william.ainsworth@caterpillar.com, CATshareservices@cat.com,
>> BusinessPractices@cat.com, patrick.kron@alstom.com,
>> keith.carr@alstom.com,
>> Jean-David.barnea@usdoj.gov, jonathan.streeter@usdoj.gov,
>> reed.brodsky@usdoj.gov, andrew.michaelson@usdoj.gov,
>> ellen.davis@usdoj.gov,
>> david.fein@usdoj.gov, eric.glover@usdoj.gov, paul.murphy@usdoj.gov,
>> sandra.glover@usdoj.gov, robert.spector@usdoj.gov,
>> christopher.connolly@usdoj.gov, joseph.cordaro@usdoj.gov,
>> david.jones6@usdoj.gov, daniel.filor@usdoj.gov, amy.barcelo@usdoj.gov,
>> christopher.harwood@usdoj.gov, michael.byars@usdoj.gov,
>> benjamin.torrance@usdoj.gov, sarah.normand@usdoj.gov,
>> elizabeth.shapiro@usdoj.gov, alicia.simmons@usdoj.gov,
>> joyce.vance@usdoj.gov,
>> kenyen.brown@usdoj.gov, karen.loeffler@usdoj.gov, jane.duke@usdoj.gov,
>> andre.birotte@usdoj.gov, melinda.haag@usdoj.gov, laura.duffy@usdoj.gov,
>> john.walsh@usdoj.gov, david.weiss@usdoj.gov, ronald.machen@usdoj.gov,
>> robert.o'neill@usdoj.gov, pamela.marsh@usdoj.gov,
>> wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov,
>> michael.moore@usdoj.gov, sally yates <sally.yates@usdoj.gov>,
>> edward.tarver@usdoj.gov, alicia.limtiaco@usdoj.gov,
>> florence.nakakuni@usdoj.gov, wendy.olson@usdoj.gov,
>> james.lewis@usdoj.gov,
>> patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, stephen.wigginton@usdoj.gov,
>> david.capp@usdoj.gov, joseph.hogsett@usdoj.gov, stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov,
>> nick.klinefeldt@usdoj.gov, kerry.harvey@usdoj.gov, david.hale@usdoj.gov,
>> james.letten@usdoj.gov, donald.cazayoux@usdoj.gov,
>> stephanie.finley@usdoj.gov, rod.rosenstein@usdoj.gov,
>> carmen.ortiz@usdoj.gov,
>> barbara.mcquade@usdoj.gov, "Davis, Donald" <donald.davis@usdoj.gov>,
>> b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, william.martin@usdoj.gov,
>> richard.callahan@usdoj.gov,
>> beth.phillips@usdoj.gov, michael.cotter@usdoj.gov,
>> deborah.gilg@usdoj.gov,
>> daniel.bogden@usdoj.gov, john.kacavas@usdoj.gov, paul.fishman@usdoj.gov,
>> kenneth.gonzales@usdoj.gov, loretta.lynch@usdoj.gov,
>> richard.hartunian@usdoj.gov, william.hochul@usdoj.gov,
>> john.stone@usdoj.gov,
>> anne.tompkins@usdoj.gov, tim.purdon@usdoj.gov,
>> steve.dettelbach@usdoj.gov,
>> carter.stewart@usdoj.gov, sandy.coats@usdoj.gov, zane.memeger@usdoj.gov,
>> peter.smith@usdoj.gov, david.hickton@usdoj.gov, peter.neronha@usdoj.gov,
>> bill.nettles@usdoj.gov, william.killian@usdoj.gov,
>> jerry.martin@usdoj.gov,
>> edward.stanton@usdoj.gov, jose.moreno@usdoj.gov,
>> carlie.christensen@usdoj.gov, tristram.coffin@usdoj.gov,
>> ronald.sharpe@usdoj.gov, neil.macbride@usdoj.gov,
>> timothy.heaphy@usdoj.gov,
>> bill.ihlenfeld@usdoj.gov, booth.goodwin@usdoj.gov,
>> james.santelle@usdoj.gov,
>> john.vaudreuil@usdoj.gov, christopher.crofts@usdoj.gov, bprao@bhel.in,
>> opb@bhel.in, akhatua@bhel.in, csverma@bhel.in, vpandhi@bhel.in,
>> saraya@bhel.in, ajay.sinha@emdiesels.com, frank.w.ward@emdiesels.com, "
>> sapnachauhan@hotmail.com" <sapnachauhan@hotmail.com>, "
>> singhadvocate@hotmail.com" <singhadvocate@hotmail.com>,
>> najmiwaziri@hotmail.com, Rajeeve Mehra <mehralaw@gmail.com>,
>> mehralaw@yahoo.co.in, lajita.rajesh@alstom.com,
>> francois.carpentier@alstom.com, frank.ward@emdiesels.com,
>> armin.bruck@siemens.com, sunil.mathur@siemens.com,
>> benoit.martel@bombardier.com, luis.ramos@bombardier.com,
>> harsh.dhingra@bombardier.com, glen.lehman@caterpillar.com,
>> john.newman@caterpillar.com, peter.solmssen@siemens.com,
>> roland.busch@siemens.com, michael.suess@siemens.com,
>> klaus.helmrich@siemens.com, daniel.desjardins@bombardier.com,
>> james.buda@caterpillar.com, adam.smith@emdiesels.com,
>> raj.kanuru@emdiesels.com, glen.lehman@caterpilar.com,
>> glen.lehman@progressrail.com, duane.cantrell@progressrail.com,
>> craig.johnson@caterpillar.com, alert.procedure@alstom.com,
>> danield@bombardier.com, harjeetsinghsachdeva@gmail.com, "Zia Mody (
>> zia.mody@azbpartners.com)" <zia.mody@azbpartners.com>, "Warin, F. Joseph"
>> <
>> fwarin@gibsondunn.com>, "Chesley, John" <JChesley@gibsondunn.com>,
>> pk65sharma@yahoo.co.in, confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk,
>> public.enquiries@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, "ohhdl@dalailama.com"
>> <ohhdl@dalailama.com>,
>> dhir@dhirassociates.com, amit.sibal@amitsibal.com,
>> aman_lekhi@rediffmail.com,
>> stephen.vogt@ic.fbi.gov, luis.quesada@ic.fbi.gov,
>> steven.kessler@ic.fbi.gov,
>> henry.gittleman@ic.fbi.gov, renn.cannon@ic.fbi.gov,
>> stephen.gaudin@ic.fbi.gov, eric.peterson@ic.fbi.gov,
>> jeff.bedford@ic.fbi.gov,
>> david.brooks@ic.fbi.gov, robert.clifford@ic.fbi.gov,
>> mary.warren@ic.fbi.gov,
>> bill.nicholson@ic.fbi.gov, frank.teixeira@ic.fbi.gov,
>> richard.cavalieros@ic.fbi.gov, timothy.langan@ic.fbi.gov,
>> sharon.kuo@ic.fbi.gov, kingman.wong@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.bodony@ic.fbi.gov,
>> christopher.mcmurray@ic.fbi.gov, ralph.hope@ic.fbi.gov,
>> eric.metz@ic.fbi.gov,
>> daniel.baldwin@ic.fbi.gov, alejandro.barbeito@ic.fbi.gov,
>> cary.gleicher@ic.fbi.gov, paul.haertel@ic.fbi.gov, greg.cox@ic.fbi.gov,
>> lazaro.andino@ic.fbi.gov, gabriel.ramirez@ic.fbi.gov,
>> tom.sobocinski@ic.fbi.gov, benjamin.walker@ic.fbi.gov,
>> kirk.striebich@ic.fbi.gov, "Snyder, David" <david.snyder@ic.fbi.gov>,
>> gregory.cox@ic.fbi.gov, katherine.andrews@ic.fbi.gov,
>> carolyn.willson@ic.fbi.gov, mark.nowak@ic.fbi.gov,
>> stuart.wirtz@ic.fbi.gov,
>> lesley.buckler@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.dudzinski@ic.fbi.gov,
>> william.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, connally.brown@ic.fbi.gov,
>> leo.navarette@ic.fbi.gov, lawrence.futa@ic.fbi.gov,
>> gregory.shaffer@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov,
>> adishaggarwala@yahoo.com, adishaggarwala@hotmail.com, vsondhi@luthra.com,
>> ranarajinder@ymail.com, muraritiwari.adv@gmail.com,
>> adv.priyankatyagi@gmail.com, sarlakaushik@yahoo.com,
>> goswamiandassociates@yahoo.co.in, vedbaldev@rediffmail.com,
>> rakeshtikuadvocate@yahoo.com, kkmanan@rediffmail.com,
>> ars.chauhan.co@gmail.com, Usama Siddiqui <musiddiqui@gmail.com>, Rajiv
>> Khosla <advrajivkhosla@gmail.com>, jagdev_advocate@yahoo.com,
>> rakeshkochar@hotmail.com, khatri.surya@hotmail.com,
>> rakesh.sherawat@yahoo.com, puneet mittal <puneetmittal9@gmail.com>, "
>> advamit.sharma@gmail.com" <advamit.sharma@gmail.com>,
>> akvadvocates@gmail.com,
>> Attorneynitin@yahoo.com, aman_sareen169@yahoo.com,
>> attorney.rmishra@gmail.com, jaibirnagar@gmail.com,
>> arijit.g@gingerhotels.com,
>> ravi.pillai@gingerhotels.com, Reservations Delhi-VivekVihar <
>> reservations.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>,
>> bharati@chintan-india.org,
>> info@chintan-india.org, indu@igsss.net
>> Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra
>> <seemasapra@hotmail.com
>> 2 policemen came to tuglak rd thana saying they were pCR. When I asked
>> to see their jeep, it was hidden outside. I was walking towards their
>> jeep when an autorickshaw went by and threw a glass bottle at me which
>> missed me. I am not hurt. But there was another police jeep on the
>> spot. They both drove away even though I asked them to stop. This was
>> an attempt on my life by the police. Seema Sapra
>> I want to reiterate that the bittle missed me and I was not hurt.
>> I suspect the police was attempting to mosrecord this to show that I
>> was hurt as part of another conspiracy to harm me. I have left the
>> tuglak rd ps and will follow up on this tomorrow.
>> I was not hit by the bottle because I was moving.
>> Seema Sapra
>> On 6/20/13, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Regarding conspiracy and attempt to abduct General Electric
>>> whistleblower
>>> last night from Rabindra Nagar with intent to illegally detain her, and
>>> with intent to drug and poison her thereafter as part of the conspiracy
>>> to
>>> murder/ eliminate her.
>>> To All,
>>> I refer to and rely upon my earlier elaborate emails reproduced at the
>>> end
>>> of this mail.
>>> Last night, I again decided to park my car and sleep in it in Rabindra
>>> Nagar. I reached Rabindra Nagar around 10 pm and I parked my car right
>>> opposite Spl Comm of Police Mr P N Aggarwal’s house. My car was parked
>>> about 25 meters away from the police security guards (Constable Krishan
>>> Kumar and Constable Jai Prakash) outside Mr P N Aggarwal’s gate.
>>> I sent the following text message at 10.13 pm on 19 June 2013 from my
>>> car
>>> parked outside Mr P N Aggarwal’s house.
>>> Text message sent at 10.13 pm on 19 June 2013 to Spl CP P N Aggarwal; Mr
>>> Dayan Krishnan; SHO Tilak Marg, SHO Tuglak Road, DCP Central Delhi ( Mr
>>> S
>> B
>>> S Tyagi)
>>> “FYI - SHO Ajay gupta - I have parked my car right outside P N Aggarwals
>>> house with only 25 m between his security guards and my car. By the way,
>>> Spl CP PN Aggarwal has illegally encroached on public land to extend the
>>> lawn of his govt accommodation. I will be making a complaint about this.
>>> Seema Sapra”
>>> After a short while, a police motorcycle drove up and a policeman spoke
>>> to
>>> the police security guards. The back licence plate was unreadable having
>>> been deliberately obscured. However, I noted the licence plate no. from
>> the
>>> front as DL 1S N 0803.
>>> I went up to the police security guards and was speaking to them when Mr
>>> P
>>> N Aggarwal emerged from the gate. He saw me and spoke to me and told his
>>> police security guards that I could sleep outside his house in my car
>>> and
>>> that the guards should ensure that I am not disturbed. This conversation
>>> with Mr P N Aggarwal was recorded by me.
>>> I then returned to the car and eventually fell asleep.
>>> At 8 minutes past midnight when I was asleep in my car I was woken up.
>>> There were two men and a woman standing next to the car door which was
>> open
>>> with my feet sticking out.
>>> The man identified himself as Indu Prakash Singh and told me that he
>> worked
>>> for an NGO (Indo Global Social Services Society – IGSSS) that provided
>>> assistance to the homeless. I asked him who asked him to contact me and
>>> he
>>> was unable to give a satisfactory answer. I told him that I did not need
>>> his or his NGO’s assistance, that my circumstances were not a fit case
>>> for
>>> an NGO, that the police and the Delhi High Court were aware that I was
>>> sleeping in my car and that the Delhi High Court had directed the Police
>> to
>>> protect me in my car.
>>> Apart from the man who identified himself as Indu Prakash Singh, there
>>> was
>>> another man allegedly called Mukesh Khatri and a woman allegedly called
>>> Bharati Chaturvedi.
>>> The woman was the same woman who had two nights ago (early in the
>>> morning
>>> of 18 June 2013, woken me up in my car at 6 am in the morning when I was
>>> fast asleep. My car at that time was parked outside D1/107 (occupied by
>> one
>>> Mr T R Meena (IAS)).       .
>>> After waking me up on the early morning of 18 June 2013, this woman had
>>> asked me if I was OK, and I had replied that I was fine and that she
>> should
>>> leave me alone. She then asked me if she could get me something and I
>>> had
>>> replied no and had stated that I was completely fine and that she should
>>> leave me alone. This woman had then withdrawn after providing the excuse
>>> that she had been drawn to my car by her dog.
>>> This was the only prior interaction that I had with this woman.
>> Essentially
>>> I was asleep when she woke me and I immediately fell asleep again after
>> she
>>> left. I point out that based upon this limited interaction, this woman
>>> Bharati Chaturvedi could not have known whether or not I was homeless or
>>> why I was asleep in my car or what my circumstances were.
>>> After I was woken up last night by this same woman and the two men with
>>> her, I first decided to go back to sleep. However, I then decided to ask
>>> the security guards at P N Aggarwal’s house as to what they were doing
>> when
>>> these people approached my car. I was shocked to find that both the
>>> security guards posted outside P N Aggarwal’s house were missing from
>> their
>>> post.
>>> I then contacted Mr P N Aggarwal on his phone, called 100 and the local
>> SHO
>>> Ajay Gupta.
>>> A PCR jeep arrived and SHO Mr Ajay Gupta also arrived with one woman
>>> constable and several (at least 7-8) male policemen.
>>> I wrote a detailed note for the PCR team, however Ajay Gupta sent away
>>> the
>>> PCR team in an attempt to cover up and hush the matter. .
>>>  Ajay Gupta did nothing to inquire or investigate. He pretended to
>>> direct
>>> the woman constable and a male constable to watch my car.
>>> The woman police constable had removed her badge and another male
>> policeman
>>> refused to identify himself or show me his obscured badge again pointing
>> to
>>> the malafide and criminal intent of the Delhi Police and SHO Ajay Gupta.
>>>  By this time, the security guards at P N Aggarwal’s house also
>>> returned.
>>> I asked Ajay Gupta to come with me to locate the woman Bharati
>>> Chaturvedi
>>> but he refused.
>>> I found out where Bharati Chaturvedi was (inside Flat D1/108) and
>>> knocked
>>> on the door and rang the door-bell but she refused to open the door for
>>> over 15 minutes.
>>> Finally Ajay Gupta appeared on the scene and it was obvious that he had
>>> been directed to do so and that he was in contact with the persons
>>> inside
>>> the flat.
>>> Bharati Chaturvedi then opened the door. She apologised to me in front
>>> of
>>> the SHO. The SHO told them that they should not disturb me in my car.
>>> After sometime the SHO left the stairwell of flat D1/108.
>>> Bharati Chaturvedi was unable to explain why she and the two men with
>>> her
>>> knocked on my car. She admitted that she had moved into the flat a few
>> days
>>> ago. She refused to tell me what she did for a living or how she was
>> living
>>> in this flat. She also refused to provide me with her email contact
>>> details.
>>> A white van belonging to this NGO (licence no. DL 2C AA 6574) was parked
>>> outside the flat.
>>> There was no explanation why the two men were still with Bharati
>> Chaturvedi
>>> in her flat even one and a half  hours after they had woken me up in my
>> car
>>> and I had expressly asked them to leave and told them that I did not
>>> want
>>> any assistance from them.
>>> After this the SHO sent his jeep away. He still had policemen on the
>>> spot
>>> and he wanted me to go back to sleeping in my car.
>>> I refused and I told him that I would wake up other neighbours in the
>>> locality because I did not trust him and because it was clear that there
>>> was a conspiracy to abduct me from the spot in the middle of the night
>>> and
>>> that the police including P N Aggarwal and the SHO Ajay Gupta were
>>> clearly
>>> complicit in this conspiracy.
>>> After I threatened to wake up and approach other people in the locality,
>>> Ajay Gupta told his policemen to disperse. The NGO van also left the
>>> spot.
>>> I followed Ajay Gupta on foot and he ran out of the locality towards the
>>> main road on the Khan Market side.
>>> I then returned to my car and scouted the area.
>>> I decided that I was not safe in that locality that night and decided to
>>> move my car somewhere else.
>>> The conspiracy last night was to use this NGO to abduct me and have me
>>> picked up from the spot and to take me somewhere again my will, where I
>>> would have been detained and drugged and poisoned and eventually
>> physically
>>> incapacitated or murdered. This NGO and Indu Prakash Singh and the woman
>>> Bharati Chaturvedi would then have been used to speak on my behalf and
>>> to
>>> misrepresent the true facts.
>>> It appears that an attempt was first made to approach me and to see if I
>>> would accept any kind of assistance from this NGO. The police security
>>> guards outside P N Aggarwal’s house were conveniently made to disappear.
>>> After I categorically refused assistance from this NGO, the two men and
>> the
>>> woman continued to camp in flat No. D1/108, with the van parked outside
>>> in
>>> which I was to be abducted and transported.
>>> The intent thereafter was to get me to bring in the Police which I did.
>>> Ajay Gupta then played his part by trying to make me feel secure and by
>>> asking me to return to my car to sleep and by telling me that he was
>>> placing policemen on the spot. Once again there was no written police
>>> paperwork to show that the policemen were being placed on the spot to
>>> protect me in compliance with the Delhi High Court’s orders.
>>> The intent was to make me fall asleep again and then to render me
>>> unconscious and forcibly abduct me by handing me over to this NGO which
>>> would have been used to detain me. I would have been drugged and
>>> poisoned
>>> while being kept under the supposed care of this NGO, and would have
>>> been
>>> eventually incapacitated or eliminated with the help of medical doctors
>>> or
>>> I would have been what is colloquially referred to as “suicided” i.e. a
>>> murder labelled a suicide. This NGO would then be used to file an
>> affidavit
>>> in court giving a false account of the facts and telling the court that
>>> I
>>> was either physically or mentally ill.
>>> Once detained, my belongings including the evidence I gathered last
>>> night
>>> would have been taken from me. I would also not be given any opportunity
>> of
>>> telling the world or the court as to what was being done to me, with
>>> this
>>> NGO speaking on my behalf and pretending to care for me. The NGO would
>> have
>>> lied to the court that I had gone with them willingly.
>>> This was the conspiracy and an attempt to abduct me was put into effect
>>> last night with the complicity of Mr P N Aggarwal and the SHO Ajay Gupta
>>> and his men.
>>> The reason this conspiracy was not carried to fruition was because I
>>> sent
>>> text messages recording the attempt to abduct me to Mr P N Aggarwal’s
>> phone
>>> and to Ajay Gupta’s phone and because I refused to go back to sleeping
>>> in
>>> my car and because I threatened to wake up and involve other residents
>>> of
>>> the colony in what was going on.
>>> Let me make it very clear.
>>> I am a extremely capable lawyer who is fighting a whistleblower
>>> corruption
>>> petition in the Delhi High Court. I have asked the Government of India
>>> through the PMO/ Home Ministry to provide me with appropriate housing
>>> and
>>> to provide me with whistleblower/ witness protection.
>>> I do not need or want any help from any NGO including any NGO that works
>>> for the homeless or for women in distress.
>>> This is not a normal case of homelessness.
>>> The Delhi High Court has asked the Delhi Police Commissioner to take
>>> adequate steps to protect me while I am sleeping in my car and to
>>> protect
>>> my life and property.
>>> The Delhi Police is not only failing to comply with the court’s
>>> directions
>>> to provide me with security but is actively participating in ongoing
>>> conspiracies to eliminate/ murder me.
>>> Since the police needs to create an alibi of some sort, attempts are
>>> being
>>> made to involve an NGO, which NGO can then be used by the Police to
>> explain
>>> away my elimination.
>>> I reject all attempts to involve any NGO in the matter. I do not want
>>> and
>>> will not accept assistance of any kind from any NGO.
>>> I am fighting my battle in court and will continue to fight it there
>>> until
>>> I obtain appropriate relief. The facts and the law are on my side.
>>> I have also rejected Justice Gita Mittal’s order directing the South
>>> East
>>> District police to involve Navjyoti Development Society, I have asked
>>> Justice Gita Mittal and Justice Deepa Sharma to recuse themselves from
>>> my
>>> case and the recusal application is pending.
>>> I refer to and rely upon my email dated June 1, 2013 in which I had
>>> categorically stated the following.
>>>  “---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: *Seema Sapra* <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
>>> Date: Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 4:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: false compliance report in WP Civil 1280/ 2012 in the
>>> matter
>>> of Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company and others
>>> To: binaysgeorgin@gmail.com, Dayan Krishnan <krishnandayan@gmail.com>,
>>> kjhasunil@yahoo.co.in, nigamak@gmail.com, sho-hndin-dl@nic.in,
>>> mediaindia@worldbank.org, "indiapic@worldbank.org"
>>> <indiapic@worldbank.org>,
>>> mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok
>>> <achandhiok@gmail.com>,
>>> enquiries@in.g4s.com, sona.menezes@securitas-india.com,
>>> arjun.wallia@securitas-india.com, kris.van.den.briel@securitas.in,
>>> anil.nair@securitas-india.com, amit.dar@securitas.in,
>>> jagpreet.sarna@securitas.in, richa.arora@securitas.in,
>>> arun.agarwal@securitas-india.com, sudarshan.reddy@securitas-india.com,
>>> sujit.choudhury@securitas-india.com,
>>> narayan.nadamani@securitas-india.com,
>>> kartik.gulani@securitas.in, praveena.kumar@securitas-india.com,
>>> sougoto.das@securitas-india.com, gauri.grover@securitas-india.com,
>>> contact.us@securitas-india.com, contact@securitasinc.com,
>>> delhi@eaglehunters.com, info@eaglehunters.com, gurgaon@eaglehunters.com,
>>> dan.ryan@g4s.com, grahame.gibson@g4s.com, nick.buckles@g4s.com,
>>> info@indiahabitat.org, s.hameed@nic.in, "Dr. Biswajit Dhar" <
>>> biswajit@ris.org.in>, rajendra.pachauri@yale.edu, Dir Ihc <
>>> liberhan@indiahabitat.org>, hlrc@indiahabitat.org, "Madder, Emily" <
>>> emily.madder@siemens.com>, banmali.agrawala@ge.com,
>>> "dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in"
>>> <dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in>, "peter.loescher@siemens.com" <
>>> peter.loescher@siemens.com>, "cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com" <
>>> cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com>, "c_mukund@airtelmail.in" <
>>> c_mukund@airtelmail.in>, "duadel@duaassociates.com" <
>>> duadel@duaassociates.com>, "ranji@duaassociates.com" <
>>> ranji@duaassociates.com>, rajshekhar rao <rao.rajshekhar@gmail.com>, "
>>> aglaw@vsnl.com" <aglaw@vsnl.com>, "mail@aglaw.in" <mail@aglaw.in>, "
>>> vikram@duaassociates.com" <vikram@duaassociates.com>, "
>>> neeraj@duaassociates.com" <neeraj@duaassociates.com>, "sec-jus@gov.in" <
>>> sec-jus@gov.in>, "akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in" <akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in>, "
>>> pk.malhotra@nic.in" <pk.malhotra@nic.in>, "ramakrishnan.r@nic.in" <
>>> ramakrishnan.r@nic.in>, "atulkaushik@nic.in" <atulkaushik@nic.in>, "
>>> oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in" <oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in>, "pulok@gov.in"
>>> <pulok@gov.in>,
>>> "splcp-admin-dl@nic.in" <splcp-admin-dl@nic.in>,
>>> "splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in"
>>> <splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in" <
>>> splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-security-dl@nic.in" <
>>> splcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in" <
>>> splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-crime-dl@nic.in"
>>> <splcp-crime-dl@nic.in>,
>>> "splcp-armed-dl@nic.in" <splcp-armed-dl@nic.in>,
>>> "splcp-operation-dl@nic.in"
>>> <splcp-operation-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in" <
>>> splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-pl-dl@nic.in" <splcp-pl-dl@nic.in>, "
>>> splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in" <splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in"
>>> <
>>> jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in>, "
>>> jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in" <
>>> splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in>, "
>>> jtcpt_dtp@nic.in" <jtcpt_dtp@nic.in>, "jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <
>>> jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "jcpsec@rb.nic.in" <jcpsec@rb.nic.in>, "
>>> addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in>, "addlcpt-dtp@nic.in" <
>>> addlcpt-dtp@nic.in>, "addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "
>>> addlcp-security-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "
>>> addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in"
>>> <
>>> dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <dcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "
>>> jmg.vc@nic.in" <jmg.vc@nic.in>, "r.sri_kumar@nic.in"
>>> <r.sri_kumar@nic.in>,
>>> DCP <dcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in" <dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in>, "
>>> dcp-south-dl@nic.in" <dcp-south-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-central-dl@nic.in" <
>>> dcp-central-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in"
>>> <dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in>,
>>> "
>>> hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "hshso@nic.in" <hshso@nic.in>, "
>>> complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <ncw@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <
>>> complaintcell-ncw@nic.in>, "sgnhrc@nic.in" <sgnhrc@nic.in>,
>>> "dg-nhrc@nic.in"
>>> <dg-nhrc@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov" <newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "
>>> ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov" <
>>> usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov>, "nalin.jain@ge.com" <nalin.jain@ge.com>, "
>>> amit.kumar@ge.com" <amit.kumar@ge.com>, "pradeep.gupta@ge.com" <
>>> pradeep.gupta@ge.com>, "sriram.nagarajan@ge.com"
>>> <sriram.nagarajan@ge.com
>>> Abhishek Tewari <abhishek.tewari@azbpartners.com>, Wiltschek Susanne EDA
>>> WSU <susanne.wiltschek@eda.admin.ch>, "helpline@eda.admin.ch" <
>>> helpline@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi <
>>> ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi
>>> <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>,
>>> _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "
>>> vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "
>>> beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch" <beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch>, "
>>> emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, indconru indconru <
>>> indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk"
>>> <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>,
>> "
>>> conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "
>>> LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "
>>> delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "
>>> re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <
>>> re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <
>>> info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, Ambassaden New Delhi <
>>> ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk"
>>> <delamb@um.dk>,
>> "
>>> emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <
>>> chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <InfoDesk@ohchr.org>, "
>>> Press-Info@ohchr.org" <Press-Info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <
>>> civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <
>>> nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <
>>> webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <
>>> info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "nzhc@airtelmail.in"
>>> <nzhc@airtelmail.in>,
>>> "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <
>>> indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <
>>> ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <
>>> chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <
>>> chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn"
>>> <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>,
>>> "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com"
>>> <
>>> advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com>, "sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com" <
>>> sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>,
>>> Manpreet Lamba <manpreet.lamba@azbpartners.com>, "mr@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <
>>> mr@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>>> edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>> msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>>> crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "fc@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <fc@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>>> ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "
>>> ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "psml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <psml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "me@rb.railnet.gov.in" <me@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <
>>> ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "mm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> ms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in
>>> "dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "mt@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>>> mt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "aml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <aml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>>> legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>> amm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amm@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>>> amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "varun.arora@azbpartners.com" <
>>> varun.arora@azbpartners.com>, "peter.loscher@siemens.com" <
>>> peter.loscher@siemens.com>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <
>>> r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "sunand.sharma@alstom.com" <
>>> sunand.sharma@alstom.com>, "hiren.vyas@alstom.com"
>>> <hiren.vyas@alstom.com
>>> "vandana.dhir@alstom.com" <vandana.dhir@alstom.com>, "
>>> jojo.alexander@alstom.com" <jojo.alexander@alstom.com>, "
>>> patrick.ledermann@alstom.com" <patrick.ledermann@alstom.com>, "
>>> rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander
>>> (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "Eglash, Jeffrey C (GE,
>>> Corporate)" <jeffrey.eglash@ge.com>, Nanju Ganpathy <
>>> nanju.ganpathy@azbpartners.com>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <
>>> bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "brackett.denniston@ge.com" <
>>> brackett.denniston@ge.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com"
>>> <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>,
>>> "john.flannery@ge.com" <john.flannery@ge.com>, "delhihighcourt@nic.in" <
>>> delhihighcourt@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "
>>> cp.neerajkumar@nic.in" <cp.neerajkumar@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in"
>>> <cvc@nic.in>,
>>> "
>>> askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@SEC.GOV" <
>>> CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "
>>> fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "radhakrishnan.k@ge.com" <
>>> radhakrishnan.k@ge.com>, "tejal.singh@ge.com" <tejal.singh@ge.com>,
>>> Sonali
>>> Mathur <sonali.mathur@azbpartners.com>, Kartik Yadav <
>>> kartik.yadav@azbpartners.com>, "lanny.breuer@usdoj.com" <
>>> lanny.breuer@usdoj.com>, "eric.holder@usdoj.com"
>>> <eric.holder@usdoj.com>,
>> "
>>> preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>,
>>> "NDwebmail@state.gov"
>> <
>>> NDwebmail@state.gov>, "Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>> <
>>> edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>> <
>>> richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com" <
>>> kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com>, "rcohen@lowey.com"
>>> <rcohen@lowey.com
>>> "ffetf@usdoj.gov" <ffetf@usdoj.gov>, "Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "fja@federaljudgesassoc.org" <
>>> fja@federaljudgesassoc.org>, "supremecourt@nic.in"
>>> <supremecourt@nic.in>,
>> "
>>> Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>> <Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov
>>> "Ronald J. Keating" <RKeating@bermandevalerio.com>, "
>>> jblock@bermandevalerio.com" <jblock@bermandevalerio.com>,
>>> jtabacco@bermandevalerio.com, bhart@lowey.com, rharwood@hfesq.com,
>>> fbottini@cfsblaw.com, Joseph Guglielmo <jguglielmo@scott-scott.com>,
>>> drscott@scott-scott.com, "ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com" <
>>> ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com>, Directors@corporate.ge.com, Siemens
>>> Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>,
>>> Sunder.Venkat@aero.bombardier.com, compliance.office@bombardier.com,
>>> nilesh.pattanayak@aero.bombardier.com, pierre.beaudoin@bombardier.com,
>>> djohnson@mccarthy.ca, douglas.oberhelman@caterpilllar.com,
>>> william.ainsworth@caterpillar.com, CATshareservices@cat.com,
>>> BusinessPractices@cat.com, patrick.kron@alstom.com,
>>> keith.carr@alstom.com,
>>> Jean-David.barnea@usdoj.gov, jonathan.streeter@usdoj.gov,
>>> reed.brodsky@usdoj.gov, andrew.michaelson@usdoj.gov,
>>> ellen.davis@usdoj.gov
>> ,
>>> david.fein@usdoj.gov, eric.glover@usdoj.gov, paul.murphy@usdoj.gov,
>>> sandra.glover@usdoj.gov, robert.spector@usdoj.gov,
>>> christopher.connolly@usdoj.gov, joseph.cordaro@usdoj.gov,
>>> david.jones6@usdoj.gov, daniel.filor@usdoj.gov, amy.barcelo@usdoj.gov,
>>> christopher.harwood@usdoj.gov, michael.byars@usdoj.gov,
>>> benjamin.torrance@usdoj.gov, sarah.normand@usdoj.gov,
>>> elizabeth.shapiro@usdoj.gov, alicia.simmons@usdoj.gov,
>>> joyce.vance@usdoj.gov,
>>> kenyen.brown@usdoj.gov, karen.loeffler@usdoj.gov, jane.duke@usdoj.gov,
>>> andre.birotte@usdoj.gov, melinda.haag@usdoj.gov, laura.duffy@usdoj.gov,
>>> john.walsh@usdoj.gov, david.weiss@usdoj.gov, ronald.machen@usdoj.gov,
>>> robert.o'neill@usdoj.gov, pamela.marsh@usdoj.gov,
>>> wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov
>> ,
>>> michael.moore@usdoj.gov, sally yates <sally.yates@usdoj.gov>,
>>> edward.tarver@usdoj.gov, alicia.limtiaco@usdoj.gov,
>>> florence.nakakuni@usdoj.gov, wendy.olson@usdoj.gov,
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>>> patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, stephen.wigginton@usdoj.gov,
>>> david.capp@usdoj.gov, joseph.hogsett@usdoj.gov,
>>> stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov,
>>> nick.klinefeldt@usdoj.gov, kerry.harvey@usdoj.gov, david.hale@usdoj.gov,
>>> james.letten@usdoj.gov, donald.cazayoux@usdoj.gov,
>>> stephanie.finley@usdoj.gov, rod.rosenstein@usdoj.gov,
>>> carmen.ortiz@usdoj.gov,
>>> barbara.mcquade@usdoj.gov, "Davis, Donald" <donald.davis@usdoj.gov>,
>>> b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, william.martin@usdoj.gov,
>>> richard.callahan@usdoj.gov,
>>> beth.phillips@usdoj.gov, michael.cotter@usdoj.gov,
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>>> daniel.bogden@usdoj.gov, john.kacavas@usdoj.gov, paul.fishman@usdoj.gov,
>>> kenneth.gonzales@usdoj.gov, loretta.lynch@usdoj.gov,
>>> richard.hartunian@usdoj.gov, william.hochul@usdoj.gov,
>>> john.stone@usdoj.gov,
>>> anne.tompkins@usdoj.gov, tim.purdon@usdoj.gov,
>>> steve.dettelbach@usdoj.gov,
>>> carter.stewart@usdoj.gov, sandy.coats@usdoj.gov, zane.memeger@usdoj.gov,
>>> peter.smith@usdoj.gov, david.hickton@usdoj.gov, peter.neronha@usdoj.gov,
>>> bill.nettles@usdoj.gov, william.killian@usdoj.gov,
>>> jerry.martin@usdoj.gov,
>>> edward.stanton@usdoj.gov, jose.moreno@usdoj.gov,
>>> carlie.christensen@usdoj.gov, tristram.coffin@usdoj.gov,
>>> ronald.sharpe@usdoj.gov, neil.macbride@usdoj.gov,
>>> timothy.heaphy@usdoj.gov
>> ,
>>> bill.ihlenfeld@usdoj.gov, booth.goodwin@usdoj.gov,
>>> james.santelle@usdoj.gov,
>>> john.vaudreuil@usdoj.gov, christopher.crofts@usdoj.gov, bprao@bhel.in,
>>> opb@bhel.in, akhatua@bhel.in, csverma@bhel.in, vpandhi@bhel.in,
>>> saraya@bhel.in, ajay.sinha@emdiesels.com, frank.w.ward@emdiesels.com, "
>>> sapnachauhan@hotmail.com" <sapnachauhan@hotmail.com>, "
>>> singhadvocate@hotmail.com" <singhadvocate@hotmail.com>,
>>> najmiwaziri@hotmail.com, Rajeeve Mehra <mehralaw@gmail.com>,
>>> mehralaw@yahoo.co.in, lajita.rajesh@alstom.com,
>>> francois.carpentier@alstom.com, frank.ward@emdiesels.com,
>>> armin.bruck@siemens.com, sunil.mathur@siemens.com,
>>> benoit.martel@bombardier.com, luis.ramos@bombardier.com,
>>> harsh.dhingra@bombardier.com, glen.lehman@caterpillar.com,
>>> john.newman@caterpillar.com, peter.solmssen@siemens.com,
>>> roland.busch@siemens.com, michael.suess@siemens.com,
>>> klaus.helmrich@siemens.com, daniel.desjardins@bombardier.com,
>>> james.buda@caterpillar.com, adam.smith@emdiesels.com,
>>> raj.kanuru@emdiesels.com, glen.lehman@caterpilar.com,
>>> glen.lehman@progressrail.com, duane.cantrell@progressrail.com,
>>> craig.johnson@caterpillar.com, alert.procedure@alstom.com,
>>> danield@bombardier.com, harjeetsinghsachdeva@gmail.com, "Zia Mody (
>>> zia.mody@azbpartners.com)" <zia.mody@azbpartners.com>, "Warin, F.
>>> Joseph"
>> <
>>> fwarin@gibsondunn.com>, "Chesley, John" <JChesley@gibsondunn.com>,
>>> pk65sharma@yahoo.co.in, confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk,
>>> public.enquiries@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, "ohhdl@dalailama.com"
>>> <ohhdl@dalailama.com>,
>>> dhir@dhirassociates.com, amit.sibal@amitsibal.com,
>>> aman_lekhi@rediffmail.com,
>>> stephen.vogt@ic.fbi.gov, luis.quesada@ic.fbi.gov,
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>>> stephen.gaudin@ic.fbi.gov, eric.peterson@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> jeff.bedford@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> david.brooks@ic.fbi.gov, robert.clifford@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> mary.warren@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> bill.nicholson@ic.fbi.gov, frank.teixeira@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> richard.cavalieros@ic.fbi.gov, timothy.langan@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> sharon.kuo@ic.fbi.gov, kingman.wong@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> daniel.bodony@ic.fbi.gov,
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>>> tom.sobocinski@ic.fbi.gov, benjamin.walker@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> kirk.striebich@ic.fbi.gov, "Snyder, David" <david.snyder@ic.fbi.gov>,
>>> gregory.cox@ic.fbi.gov, katherine.andrews@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> carolyn.willson@ic.fbi.gov, mark.nowak@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> stuart.wirtz@ic.fbi.gov
>> ,
>>> lesley.buckler@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.dudzinski@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> william.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, connally.brown@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> leo.navarette@ic.fbi.gov, lawrence.futa@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> gregory.shaffer@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> adishaggarwala@yahoo.com, adishaggarwala@hotmail.com,
>>> vsondhi@luthra.com,
>>> ranarajinder@ymail.com, muraritiwari.adv@gmail.com,
>>> adv.priyankatyagi@gmail.com, sarlakaushik@yahoo.com,
>>> goswamiandassociates@yahoo.co.in, vedbaldev@rediffmail.com,
>>> rakeshtikuadvocate@yahoo.com, kkmanan@rediffmail.com,
>>> ars.chauhan.co@gmail.com, Usama Siddiqui <musiddiqui@gmail.com>, Rajiv
>>> Khosla <advrajivkhosla@gmail.com>, jagdev_advocate@yahoo.com,
>>> rakeshkochar@hotmail.com, khatri.surya@hotmail.com,
>>> rakesh.sherawat@yahoo.com, puneet mittal <puneetmittal9@gmail.com>, "
>>> advamit.sharma@gmail.com" <advamit.sharma@gmail.com>,
>>> akvadvocates@gmail.com,
>>> Attorneynitin@yahoo.com, aman_sareen169@yahoo.com,
>>> attorney.rmishra@gmail.com, jaibirnagar@gmail.com
>>> Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra
>>> <seemasapra@hotmail.com
>>>  To Mr Dayan Krishnan, to the Delhi Police Commissioner, to the
>>> Registrar
>>> General of the Delhi High Court and to all others,
>>> I attach a typed copy of the order passed by Justice Gita Mittal and
>>> Justice Deepa Sharma of the Delhi High Court on 31 May 2013 in W.P. (C )
>>> 1280/ 2012 in the matter of Seema Sapra v. General Electric Company and
>>> Others.
>>> I am writing to point out and to reiterate that I do not intend to or
>>> want
>>> to interact with the Delhi Police for South East district because I have
>>> complained that the following police  officers and their subordinates
>>> were
>>> party to and complicit in the conspiracy and attempts to murder me, to
>>> victimise me and to falsely label me mentally ill when I was residing in
>>> Jangpura Extension during 2010, 2011 and 2012 because of my
>>> whistleblower
>>> corruption complaints against interalia General Electric and Mr Montek
>>> Singh Ahluwalia and because of my sexual harassment complaints against
>>> Mr
>>> Soli J Sorabjee and Mr Raian Karanjawala.
>>> These police officers include then JCP Amulya Patnaik; Additional
>>> Commmissioner Ajay Chaudhary; then DCP Meghna Yadav; Assistant
>> Commissioner
>>> for south east district; Nizamuddin thana SHO Sunil Kumar Sharma (and
>>> his
>>> precdecessor), Janpura police chowki head SI Sanjiv Kumar (and his
>>> predecessor) and their subordinates.
>>> There is enough evidence on the court record in support of my complaints
>>> against these police officers.
>>> I have not been a resident in the areas falling within the jurisdiction
>>> of
>>> the South-East district since 30 May 2012. It is now a full year that I
>>> have not been a resident of  areas falling within the jurisdiction of
>>> the
>>> South-East district. The south-east district of Delhi Police therefore
>>> has
>>> no jurisdiction in this matter as far as the protection order dated 18
>>> April 2013 is concerned. Yet as part of ongoing attempts to subvert
>>> these
>>> proceedings and to eliminate or incapacitate me from pursuing these writ
>>> proceedings and corruption complaints, those very police officers from
>>> South East district who I have complained against are continuing to be
>> used
>>> to target me.
>>> The status report dated 22 May 2013 filed by the South-East district of
>> the
>>> Delhi Police, a copy of which was only supplied to me on 29 May 2013 and
>>> which is unsupported by an affidavit is false, mischievous and is yet
>>> another attempt to use the Delhi Police to harm, eliminate, incapacitate
>> or
>>> to detain me against my will using a government sponsored NGO.
>>> I point out that I do not reside in the South-east district and having
>>> complained against police officers of the South East district and having
>>> alleged that they are party to the ongoing threat to my life, I do not
>> want
>>> any protection or assistance from the South-East district police or from
>>> their affiliated NGOs, including the Navjyoti Development Society.
>>> I cannot be compelled to deal with police officers I have accused of
>>> attempts to murder me and of crimes that have caused grievous injury to
>>> my
>>> person.
>>> As recorded in the attached order, I made this position very clear to
>>> the
>>> court on 31 May 2013.
>>> I reiterate that I do not need protection in the South East district and
>>> therefore neither the South-East District police nor their affiliated
>>> NGOs
>>> like Navjyoti Foundation are in any way concerned with my security or
>>> protection.
>>> I will be moving appropriate proceedings and will take other appropriate
>>> steps to ensure that the Delhi Police complies with the court order
>>> dated
>>> 18 April 2013.
>>> I again repeat that I do not need protection in the South East district
>> and
>>> I therefore do not want protection from south-east district police.
>>> I also point out that my last known address does not fall within the
>>> jurisdiction of the South east district police.
>>> I also reiterate that I do not want to involve any NGO like Navjyoti
>>> Development Society. I cannot be compelled to involve an NGO against my
>>> will.
>>> The mischievous request in the status report filed by the South East
>>> district is clearly another attempt to forcibly detain me against my
>>> will
>>> by involving Navjyoti Development Society.
>>> This NGO appears to run some kind of a shelter in a jhuggi johpri colony
>>> called Janta Jeevan camp.
>>> I have asked for housing from the Government of India and my
>>> applications
>>> are pending judicial hearing. I have approached relevant NGOs like the
>>> Bar
>>> Council of India, the Bar Council of Delhi, the Supreme Court Bar
>>> Association and the Delhi High Court Bar Association.
>>> Navjyoti Development Society can neither provide me appropriate housing
>>> or
>>> any other kind of assistance. I do not want any assistance from Navjyoti
>>> Development Society.
>>> I again reiterate that I cannot be compelled to accept housing/ shelter
>>> where my life will be in even greater danger, where I can be drugged,
>>> poisoned, victimised or detained against my will, or where someone can
>>> be
>>> used to speak on my behalf.
>>> The DCP police headquarters is requested to contact me on this email
>>> address and I can then inform the Delhi Police as to where I require
>>> protection and the kind of protection required.
>>> My complaints against the police officers from the South East district
>>> are
>>> recorded in several court documents and pleadings including in the court
>>> order dated 25 May 2012 passed in this writ petition which records:
>>> “Today during the course of hearing of the matter the petitioner had
>>> objected to the presence of one S.I. Sanjay Singh in Court stating that
>>> since she has leveled very serious allegations against him as well as
>>> his
>>> immediate boss Inspector Sanjeev Kumar, S.H.O. Sunil Kumar Sharma and
>>> the
>>> Additional Commissioner Ajay Chaudhary he should be asked to leave the
>>> Court and further that these police officers have been intimidating her
>> and
>>> pressurizing her to give up this legal battle she feels apprehensive
>>> about
>>> her life and so she has sought protection. These grievances shall
>>> also be considered on 19th July, 2012.”
>>> The order dated 16 January 2013 passed in this writ petition also
>>> records
>>> the following:
>>> “Pointing out to the police officers present in Court, the petitioner
>>> alleges an attempt being made by them to kill her. The petitioner states
>>> that when she was living in Jangpura these police officers had tried to
>>> poison her and kill her.”
>>> This statement made by me and recorded in the order dated 16 January
>>> 2013
>>> was in respect of the Nizamuddin police station SHO, Sunil Kumar Sharma
>> and
>>> Sub Inspector Sanjiv Kumar who was heading the Jangpura police post and
>> who
>>> were both present for the court hearing on 16 January 2013.
>>> Seema Sapra
>>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Seema Sapra
>>> <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr Dayan Krishnan,
>>> I have received a 12 page document (attached) which is simply a
>>> statement
>>> signed by one of the DCPs for South East District of Delhi police. This
>>> is
>>> not an affidavit. This is not as you describe it a compliance report
>>> filed
>>> on behalf of the "State", as in my matter the PMO, the CVC, the CBI and
>> the
>>> Railways are separate State respondents from the Delhi Police
>> Commissioner.
>>> This statement is not only false and perjurious but it is inappropriate
>> and
>>> an attempt by the Delhi Police to cover up non-compliance with the court
>>> order dated 18 April 2013.
>>> I would like to know who is responsible for filing this document as the
>>> compliance report.
>>> I also attach a brief background on each of the NGOs mentioned in the
>>> annexure to this statement. I fail to see how these NGOs are relevant
>>> and
>>> how these NGOs can help the Police comply with the court order.
>>> The court order was passed interalia on the basis that I was sleeping in
>> my
>>> car. The Police Commissioner was directed to take immediate steps to
>>> protect me and my property. No steps were taken by the Delhi Police.
>>> This statement and the acts described therein are nothing but a
>>> laughable
>>> attempt by the Delhi Police to cover up the non-compliance with the
>>> court
>>> order.
>>> I am also copying a police inspector (Binay George) from Nizamuddin
>>> police
>>> station who has been a party to this false compliance report being filed
>>> and a party to ongoing victimisation and to earlier attempts to murder
>>> me
>>> while I was living in Jangpura. His email address appears in one of the
>>> annexures.
>>> Seema Sapra
>>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Dayan Krishnan
>>> <krishnandayan@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Madam
>>> Please find attached herewith a complete scanned copy of the compliance
>>> report filed on behalf of the State.
>>> Thanking you
>>> Sincerely
>>> Dayan Krishnan”
>>> The events of last night were a carefully planed and executed conspiracy
>> to
>>> eliminate me by using this NGO to abduct me and physically detain me
>>> against my will so that I can be eliminated away from public scrutiny.
>>> Let me very clearly and categorically state that I do not want to deal
>> with
>>> any NGO in this matter.
>>> The only NGOs relevant to my situation are lawyer bodies like the Bar
>>> Council of India, the Bar Council of Delhi, the Supreme Court Bar
>>> Association and the Delhi High Court Bar Association, who I have already
>>> contacted for assistance.
>>> I ask the Delhi Police to restrain IGSSS, Indu Prakash Singh, Bharati
>>> Chaturvedi or any other similar NGO from contacting me.
>>> Reproduced below are other text messages I sent to Spl CP P N Aggarwal’s
>>> mobile phone last night.
>>> Text message sent at 00.48 am on 20 June 2013 to Spl CP P N Aggarwal –
>>> “Where are your security guards. A woman and two men came and disturbed
>>> me
>>> in my car. They woke me Up.”
>>> Text message sent at 00.55 am on 20 June 2013 to Spl CP P N Aggarwal –
>>> “Fyi - message to SHO Ajay Gupta - I have just been threatened by a
>>> woman
>>> and two men outside P N aggarwals house. His security guards are
>>> missing.
>>> Kindly come here immediately. Seema Sapra”
>>> Text message sent at 01.28 am on 20 June 2013 to Spl CP P N Aggarwal –
>>> “This was a conspiracy to abduct me in the middle of the night with
>>> police
>>> complicity. Seema Sapra”
>>> Text message sent at 02.01 am on 20 June 2013 to Spl CP P N Aggarwal –
>>> “Mr P N Aggawal, There was a conspiracy to forcibly abduct me from
>>> outside
>>> your house. Some NGO was sought to be used in this. You and the SHO
>>> appear
>>> to be complicit in this conspiracy and attempt to murder me. Seemq
>>> Sapra”
>>> Seema Sapra
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
>>> Date: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 9:18 PM
>>> Subject: Fwd: Request for Z+ security to Seema Sapra - petitioner in
>>> W.P.
>>> (Civil) 1280/ 2012 in the matter of Seema Sapra v. General Electric
>> Company
>>> and Others
>>> To: Mahesh Batra <itcphq-dl@nic.in>, rtata@tata.com,
>>> janpathten@yahoo.com,
>>> sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in, sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in, dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in,
>>> addl-dcp2-nd-dl@nic.in, acp1ndd@gmail.com, Ahm Delhi-VivekVihar <
>>> ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>, acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in,
>>> sodcpeast@gmail.com, sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in, office@rahulgandhi.in,
>>> binaysgeorgin@gmail.com, Dayan Krishnan <krishnandayan@gmail.com>,
>>> kjhasunil@yahoo.co.in, nigamak@gmail.com, sho-hndin-dl@nic.in,
>>> mediaindia@worldbank.org, "indiapic@worldbank.org"
>>> <indiapic@worldbank.org>,
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>>> <delamb@um.dk>,
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>>> indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <
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>>> sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>,
>>> Manpreet Lamba <manpreet.lamba@azbpartners.com>, "mr@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <
>>> mr@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
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>>> msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>>> crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "fc@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <fc@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
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>>> "edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "
>>> ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "psml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <psml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "me@rb.railnet.gov.in" <me@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <
>>> ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "mm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> ms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in
>>> "dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "mt@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>>> mt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>> edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "aml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>> <aml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>> "
>>> legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>> amm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amm@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>> "amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>> <
>>> amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "varun.arora@azbpartners.com" <
>>> varun.arora@azbpartners.com>, "peter.loscher@siemens.com" <
>>> peter.loscher@siemens.com>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <
>>> r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "sunand.sharma@alstom.com" <
>>> sunand.sharma@alstom.com>, "hiren.vyas@alstom.com"
>>> <hiren.vyas@alstom.com
>>> "vandana.dhir@alstom.com" <vandana.dhir@alstom.com>, "
>>> jojo.alexander@alstom.com" <jojo.alexander@alstom.com>, "
>>> patrick.ledermann@alstom.com" <patrick.ledermann@alstom.com>, "
>>> rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander
>>> (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "Eglash, Jeffrey C (GE,
>>> Corporate)" <jeffrey.eglash@ge.com>, Nanju Ganpathy <
>>> nanju.ganpathy@azbpartners.com>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <
>>> bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "brackett.denniston@ge.com" <
>>> brackett.denniston@ge.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com"
>>> <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>,
>>> "john.flannery@ge.com" <john.flannery@ge.com>, "delhihighcourt@nic.in" <
>>> delhihighcourt@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "
>>> cp.neerajkumar@nic.in" <cp.neerajkumar@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in"
>>> <cvc@nic.in>,
>>> "
>>> askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@SEC.GOV" <
>>> CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "
>>> fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "radhakrishnan.k@ge.com" <
>>> radhakrishnan.k@ge.com>, "tejal.singh@ge.com" <tejal.singh@ge.com>,
>>> Sonali
>>> Mathur <sonali.mathur@azbpartners.com>, Kartik Yadav <
>>> kartik.yadav@azbpartners.com>, "lanny.breuer@usdoj.com" <
>>> lanny.breuer@usdoj.com>, "eric.holder@usdoj.com"
>>> <eric.holder@usdoj.com>,
>> "
>>> preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>,
>>> "NDwebmail@state.gov"
>> <
>>> NDwebmail@state.gov>, "Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>> <
>>> edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>> <
>>> richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com" <
>>> kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com>, "rcohen@lowey.com"
>>> <rcohen@lowey.com
>>> "ffetf@usdoj.gov" <ffetf@usdoj.gov>, "Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>> Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "fja@federaljudgesassoc.org" <
>>> fja@federaljudgesassoc.org>, "supremecourt@nic.in"
>>> <supremecourt@nic.in>,
>> "
>>> Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>> <Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov
>>> "Ronald J. Keating" <RKeating@bermandevalerio.com>, "
>>> jblock@bermandevalerio.com" <jblock@bermandevalerio.com>,
>>> jtabacco@bermandevalerio.com, bhart@lowey.com, rharwood@hfesq.com,
>>> fbottini@cfsblaw.com, Joseph Guglielmo <jguglielmo@scott-scott.com>,
>>> drscott@scott-scott.com, "ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com" <
>>> ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com>, Directors@corporate.ge.com, Siemens
>>> Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>,
>>> Sunder.Venkat@aero.bombardier.com, compliance.office@bombardier.com,
>>> nilesh.pattanayak@aero.bombardier.com, pierre.beaudoin@bombardier.com,
>>> djohnson@mccarthy.ca, douglas.oberhelman@caterpilllar.com,
>>> william.ainsworth@caterpillar.com, CATshareservices@cat.com,
>>> BusinessPractices@cat.com, patrick.kron@alstom.com,
>>> keith.carr@alstom.com,
>>> Jean-David.barnea@usdoj.gov, jonathan.streeter@usdoj.gov,
>>> reed.brodsky@usdoj.gov, andrew.michaelson@usdoj.gov,
>>> ellen.davis@usdoj.gov
>> ,
>>> david.fein@usdoj.gov, eric.glover@usdoj.gov, paul.murphy@usdoj.gov,
>>> sandra.glover@usdoj.gov, robert.spector@usdoj.gov,
>>> christopher.connolly@usdoj.gov, joseph.cordaro@usdoj.gov,
>>> david.jones6@usdoj.gov, daniel.filor@usdoj.gov, amy.barcelo@usdoj.gov,
>>> christopher.harwood@usdoj.gov, michael.byars@usdoj.gov,
>>> benjamin.torrance@usdoj.gov, sarah.normand@usdoj.gov,
>>> elizabeth.shapiro@usdoj.gov, alicia.simmons@usdoj.gov,
>>> joyce.vance@usdoj.gov,
>>> kenyen.brown@usdoj.gov, karen.loeffler@usdoj.gov, jane.duke@usdoj.gov,
>>> andre.birotte@usdoj.gov, melinda.haag@usdoj.gov, laura.duffy@usdoj.gov,
>>> john.walsh@usdoj.gov, david.weiss@usdoj.gov, ronald.machen@usdoj.gov,
>>> robert.o'neill@usdoj.gov, pamela.marsh@usdoj.gov,
>>> wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov
>> ,
>>> michael.moore@usdoj.gov, sally yates <sally.yates@usdoj.gov>,
>>> edward.tarver@usdoj.gov, alicia.limtiaco@usdoj.gov,
>>> florence.nakakuni@usdoj.gov, wendy.olson@usdoj.gov,
>>> james.lewis@usdoj.gov,
>>> patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, stephen.wigginton@usdoj.gov,
>>> david.capp@usdoj.gov, joseph.hogsett@usdoj.gov,
>>> stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov,
>>> nick.klinefeldt@usdoj.gov, kerry.harvey@usdoj.gov, david.hale@usdoj.gov,
>>> james.letten@usdoj.gov, donald.cazayoux@usdoj.gov,
>>> stephanie.finley@usdoj.gov, rod.rosenstein@usdoj.gov,
>>> carmen.ortiz@usdoj.gov,
>>> barbara.mcquade@usdoj.gov, "Davis, Donald" <donald.davis@usdoj.gov>,
>>> b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, william.martin@usdoj.gov,
>>> richard.callahan@usdoj.gov,
>>> beth.phillips@usdoj.gov, michael.cotter@usdoj.gov,
>>> deborah.gilg@usdoj.gov,
>>> daniel.bogden@usdoj.gov, john.kacavas@usdoj.gov, paul.fishman@usdoj.gov,
>>> kenneth.gonzales@usdoj.gov, loretta.lynch@usdoj.gov,
>>> richard.hartunian@usdoj.gov, william.hochul@usdoj.gov,
>>> john.stone@usdoj.gov,
>>> anne.tompkins@usdoj.gov, tim.purdon@usdoj.gov,
>>> steve.dettelbach@usdoj.gov,
>>> carter.stewart@usdoj.gov, sandy.coats@usdoj.gov, zane.memeger@usdoj.gov,
>>> peter.smith@usdoj.gov, david.hickton@usdoj.gov, peter.neronha@usdoj.gov,
>>> bill.nettles@usdoj.gov, william.killian@usdoj.gov,
>>> jerry.martin@usdoj.gov,
>>> edward.stanton@usdoj.gov, jose.moreno@usdoj.gov,
>>> carlie.christensen@usdoj.gov, tristram.coffin@usdoj.gov,
>>> ronald.sharpe@usdoj.gov, neil.macbride@usdoj.gov,
>>> timothy.heaphy@usdoj.gov
>> ,
>>> bill.ihlenfeld@usdoj.gov, booth.goodwin@usdoj.gov,
>>> james.santelle@usdoj.gov,
>>> john.vaudreuil@usdoj.gov, christopher.crofts@usdoj.gov, bprao@bhel.in,
>>> opb@bhel.in, akhatua@bhel.in, csverma@bhel.in, vpandhi@bhel.in,
>>> saraya@bhel.in, ajay.sinha@emdiesels.com, frank.w.ward@emdiesels.com, "
>>> sapnachauhan@hotmail.com" <sapnachauhan@hotmail.com>, "
>>> singhadvocate@hotmail.com" <singhadvocate@hotmail.com>,
>>> najmiwaziri@hotmail.com, Rajeeve Mehra <mehralaw@gmail.com>,
>>> mehralaw@yahoo.co.in, lajita.rajesh@alstom.com,
>>> francois.carpentier@alstom.com, frank.ward@emdiesels.com,
>>> armin.bruck@siemens.com, sunil.mathur@siemens.com,
>>> benoit.martel@bombardier.com, luis.ramos@bombardier.com,
>>> harsh.dhingra@bombardier.com, glen.lehman@caterpillar.com,
>>> john.newman@caterpillar.com, peter.solmssen@siemens.com,
>>> roland.busch@siemens.com, michael.suess@siemens.com,
>>> klaus.helmrich@siemens.com, daniel.desjardins@bombardier.com,
>>> james.buda@caterpillar.com, adam.smith@emdiesels.com,
>>> raj.kanuru@emdiesels.com, glen.lehman@caterpilar.com,
>>> glen.lehman@progressrail.com, duane.cantrell@progressrail.com,
>>> craig.johnson@caterpillar.com, alert.procedure@alstom.com,
>>> danield@bombardier.com, harjeetsinghsachdeva@gmail.com, "Zia Mody (
>>> zia.mody@azbpartners.com)" <zia.mody@azbpartners.com>, "Warin, F.
>>> Joseph"
>> <
>>> fwarin@gibsondunn.com>, "Chesley, John" <JChesley@gibsondunn.com>,
>>> pk65sharma@yahoo.co.in, confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk,
>>> public.enquiries@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, "ohhdl@dalailama.com"
>>> <ohhdl@dalailama.com>,
>>> dhir@dhirassociates.com, amit.sibal@amitsibal.com,
>>> aman_lekhi@rediffmail.com,
>>> stephen.vogt@ic.fbi.gov, luis.quesada@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> steven.kessler@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> henry.gittleman@ic.fbi.gov, renn.cannon@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> stephen.gaudin@ic.fbi.gov, eric.peterson@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> jeff.bedford@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> david.brooks@ic.fbi.gov, robert.clifford@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> mary.warren@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> bill.nicholson@ic.fbi.gov, frank.teixeira@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> richard.cavalieros@ic.fbi.gov, timothy.langan@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> sharon.kuo@ic.fbi.gov, kingman.wong@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> daniel.bodony@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> christopher.mcmurray@ic.fbi.gov, ralph.hope@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> eric.metz@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> daniel.baldwin@ic.fbi.gov, alejandro.barbeito@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> cary.gleicher@ic.fbi.gov, paul.haertel@ic.fbi.gov, greg.cox@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> lazaro.andino@ic.fbi.gov, gabriel.ramirez@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> tom.sobocinski@ic.fbi.gov, benjamin.walker@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> kirk.striebich@ic.fbi.gov, "Snyder, David" <david.snyder@ic.fbi.gov>,
>>> gregory.cox@ic.fbi.gov, katherine.andrews@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> carolyn.willson@ic.fbi.gov, mark.nowak@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> stuart.wirtz@ic.fbi.gov
>> ,
>>> lesley.buckler@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.dudzinski@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> william.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, connally.brown@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> leo.navarette@ic.fbi.gov, lawrence.futa@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> gregory.shaffer@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov,
>>> adishaggarwala@yahoo.com, adishaggarwala@hotmail.com,
>>> vsondhi@luthra.com,
>>> ranarajinder@ymail.com, muraritiwari.adv@gmail.com,
>>> adv.priyankatyagi@gmail.com, sarlakaushik@yahoo.com,
>>> goswamiandassociates@yahoo.co.in, vedbaldev@rediffmail.com,
>>> rakeshtikuadvocate@yahoo.com, kkmanan@rediffmail.com,
>>> ars.chauhan.co@gmail.com, Usama Siddiqui <musiddiqui@gmail.com>, Rajiv
>>> Khosla <advrajivkhosla@gmail.com>, jagdev_advocate@yahoo.com,
>>> rakeshkochar@hotmail.com, khatri.surya@hotmail.com,
>>> rakesh.sherawat@yahoo.com, puneet mittal <puneetmittal9@gmail.com>, "
>>> advamit.sharma@gmail.com" <advamit.sharma@gmail.com>,
>>> akvadvocates@gmail.com,
>>> Attorneynitin@yahoo.com, aman_sareen169@yahoo.com,
>>> attorney.rmishra@gmail.com, jaibirnagar@gmail.com,
>>> arijit.g@gingerhotels.com,
>>> ravi.pillai@gingerhotels.com, Reservations Delhi-VivekVihar <
>>> reservations.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>
>>> Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra
>>> <seemasapra@hotmail.com
>>> To,
>>> The DCP Police Headquarters; Mr Mahesh Batra;  Mr Dayan Krishnan; the
>> Delhi
>>> Police Commissioner; the Registrar General of the Delhi High Court; the
>>> Tughlaq road police station SHO  (Mr Ajay Gupta); the Tilak Marg police
>>> Station SHO (Mr Rajesh Kumar Misra); Mr S B S Tyagi (DCP central Delhi);
>> Mr
>>> P N Aggarwal (Special Commissioner of Police for Security) and to all
>>> others
>>> ,
>>> This is to again record that I spent last night sleeping in my car
>>> parked
>>> in Rabindra Nagar very close to Special Commissioner for Police, Mr P N
>>> Aggarwal's house. I again had no protection as the Delhi Police and the
>>> Home Ministry have failed to comply with three Delhi High Court orders
>>> to
>>> provide me with security.
>>> Last night, at around 4 am, a truck arrived and parked near my car. I
>>> then
>>> decided to move my car to another spot in Rabindra Nagar itself.
>>> I also point out that while the Delhi Police is refusing to protect me
>>> and
>>> to comply with the Delhi High Court's orders, it is still participating
>>> in
>>> harassing me at night.
>>> Early this morning and yesterday between 6 - 8 am, a man on a bicycle
>>> repeatedly rode past my car shouting loudly. This man was pretending to
>>> be
>>> a kabari-wallah. It should be obvious that no kabariwallah will scout
>>> for
>>> opportunities at that time of the day and in that locality.
>>> Kabariwallah's
>>> and other vendors also do not advertise themselves by shouting out in
>>> localities like Amrita Shergill Marg.
>>> This ongoing harassment is obviously arranged (most likely with police
>>> participation) and targeted at me sleeping in my car.
>>> I have been recording the entire night and mornings and I have audio
>>> recordings of these disturbances.
>>> I again ask that the Government of India and the Delhi Police provide me
>>> with Z+security considering that the threat to my life emanates from one
>> of
>>> the most powerful entities in the world, General Electric Company and
>>> from
>>> one of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's closest aides Mr Montek Singh
>>> Ahluwalia.
>>> I again ask that the Delhi Police and the Home Ministry comply with the
>>> Delhi High Court's orders.
>>> I also have a question for the East Delhi district Police including the
>>> Vivek Vihar SHO Manoj Kumar. Has the Delhi Police officially and in
>> writing
>>> asked Ginger hotel to hand over all CCTV recordings for the entire
>> duration
>>> (including the evening of 14 June 2013) of my stay at the hotel? Has
>> Ginger
>>> hotel complied with this request. I want a copy of these CCTV
>>> recordings.
>>> Seema Sapra
>>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Seema Sapra
>>> <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>wrote:
>>>> To
>>>> the DCP Police Headquarters; Mr Mahesh Batra;  Mr Dayan Krishnan; the
>>>> Delhi Police Commissioner; the Registrar General of the Delhi High
>>>> Court;
>>>> the Tughlaq road police station SHO  (Mr Ajay Gupta); the Tilak Marg
>>>> police
>>>> Station SHO (Mr Rajesh Kumar Misra); Mr S B S Tyagi (DCP central
>>>> Delhi);
>>>> Mr
>>>> P N Aggarwal (Special Commissioner of Police for Security) and to all
>>>> others
>>>> ,
>>>> This is to record that the Delhi Police has still not complied with the
>>>> Delhi High Court's orders to protect me and to provide me security.
>>>> Adequate security in this case will be 24/7 Z+ security considering
>>>> that
>>>> the threat to my life emanates from one of the most powerful entities
>>>> in
>>>> the world, General Electric Company and from one of Prime Minister
>>>> Manmohan
>>>> Singh's closest aides Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia.
>>>> I also record that the court order expressly records that I am homeless
>>>> and sleeping in my car. The Police has been directed to protect me
>>>> while
>>>> I
>>>> sleep in my car. Yet the police by filing a false status report and by
>>>> these fraudulent emails sent allegedly by Mahesh Batra are repeatedly
>>>> asking me to provide an address when the Police knows that I have no
>>>> fixed
>>>> address since May 30, 2012.
>>>> Last night I again slept in my car parked very close to Mr P N
>>>> Aggarwal's
>>>> (Special
>>>> Commissioner of Police for Security) home in Rabindra Nagar. I again
>>>> had
>>>> no security or protection. The SHO of Tughlaq Road police station Ajay
>>>> Gupta pointblank refused to provide me with the requested security
>>>> detail
>>>> when I spoke with him on the phone on 15 June 2013.
>>>> I am again asking that the Delhi Police and the Home Ministry comply
>>>> with
>>>> the Delhi High Court's orders.
>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
>>>> Date: Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 6:07 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Regarding providing of adequate security to Ms. Seema
>>>> Sapra
>>>> To: Mahesh Batra <itcphq-dl@nic.in>, rtata@tata.com,
>>>> janpathten@yahoo.com,
>>>> sho-tilakmarg-dl@nic.in, sho-tuglakrd-dl@nic.in,
>>>> dcp-newdelhi-dl@nic.in,
>>>> addl-dcp2-nd-dl@nic.in, acp1ndd@gmail.com, Ahm Delhi-VivekVihar <
>>>> ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>, acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in,
>>>> sodcpeast@gmail.com, sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in, office@rahulgandhi.in,
>>>> binaysgeorgin@gmail.com, Dayan Krishnan <krishnandayan@gmail.com>,
>>>> kjhasunil@yahoo.co.in, nigamak@gmail.com, sho-hndin-dl@nic.in,
>>>> mediaindia@worldbank.org, "indiapic@worldbank.org"
>>>> <indiapic@worldbank.org>,
>>>> mohitchandmathur@hotmail.com, Amarjit Singh Chandhiok <
>>>> achandhiok@gmail.com>, enquiries@in.g4s.com,
>>>> sona.menezes@securitas-india.com, arjun.wallia@securitas-india.com,
>>>> kris.van.den.briel@securitas.in, anil.nair@securitas-india.com,
>>>> amit.dar@securitas.in, jagpreet.sarna@securitas.in,
>>>> richa.arora@securitas.in, arun.agarwal@securitas-india.com,
>>>> sudarshan.reddy@securitas-india.com,
>>>> sujit.choudhury@securitas-india.com,
>>>> narayan.nadamani@securitas-india.com, kartik.gulani@securitas.in,
>>>> praveena.kumar@securitas-india.com, sougoto.das@securitas-india.com,
>>>> gauri.grover@securitas-india.com, contact.us@securitas-india.com,
>>>> contact@securitasinc.com, delhi@eaglehunters.com,
>>>> info@eaglehunters.com,
>>>> gurgaon@eaglehunters.com, dan.ryan@g4s.com, grahame.gibson@g4s.com,
>>>> nick.buckles@g4s.com, info@indiahabitat.org, s.hameed@nic.in, "Dr.
>>>> Biswajit Dhar" <biswajit@ris.org.in>, rajendra.pachauri@yale.edu, Dir
>>>> Ihc
>>>> <liberhan@indiahabitat.org>, hlrc@indiahabitat.org, "Madder, Emily" <
>>>> emily.madder@siemens.com>, banmali.agrawala@ge.com, "
>>>> dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in" <dcp-southeast-dl@nic.in>, "
>>>> peter.loescher@siemens.com" <peter.loescher@siemens.com>, "
>>>> cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com" <cmukund@mukundcherukuri.com>, "
>>>> c_mukund@airtelmail.in" <c_mukund@airtelmail.in>, "
>>>> duadel@duaassociates.com" <duadel@duaassociates.com>, "
>>>> ranji@duaassociates.com" <ranji@duaassociates.com>, rajshekhar rao <
>>>> rao.rajshekhar@gmail.com>, "aglaw@vsnl.com" <aglaw@vsnl.com>, "
>>>> mail@aglaw.in" <mail@aglaw.in>, "vikram@duaassociates.com" <
>>>> vikram@duaassociates.com>, "neeraj@duaassociates.com" <
>>>> neeraj@duaassociates.com>, "sec-jus@gov.in" <sec-jus@gov.in>, "
>>>> akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in" <akumar@del2.vsnl.net.in>,
>>>> "pk.malhotra@nic.in"
>>>> <
>>>> pk.malhotra@nic.in>, "ramakrishnan.r@nic.in" <ramakrishnan.r@nic.in>, "
>>>> atulkaushik@nic.in" <atulkaushik@nic.in>, "oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in" <
>>>> oo.prlsecypmo@gov.in>, "pulok@gov.in" <pulok@gov.in>, "
>>>> splcp-admin-dl@nic.in" <splcp-admin-dl@nic.in>,
>>>> "splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in"
>>>> <splcp-intandops-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> splcp-antiriotcell-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-security-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> splcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-crime-dl@nic.in"
>>>> <splcp-crime-dl@nic.in>,
>>>> "splcp-armed-dl@nic.in" <splcp-armed-dl@nic.in>, "
>>>> splcp-operation-dl@nic.in" <splcp-operation-dl@nic.in>, "
>>>> splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in" <splcp-traffic-dl@nic.in>,
>>>> "splcp-pl-dl@nic.in"
>>>> <
>>>> splcp-pl-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in"
>>>> <splcp-splcell-dl@nic.in>,
>>>> "jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-ndr-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-sr-dl@nic.in>, "
>>>> splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in" <splcp-pandi-dl@nic.in>, "jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in>, "jtcpt_dtp@nic.in" <jtcpt_dtp@nic.in>, "
>>>> jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "jcpsec@rb.nic.in" <
>>>> jcpsec@rb.nic.in>, "addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in>, "
>>>> addlcpt-dtp@nic.in" <addlcpt-dtp@nic.in>, "addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "addlcp-security-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> addlcp-security-dl@nic.in>, "addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in"
>>>> <addlcp-lic-dl@nic.in>,
>>>> "dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in" <dcp-southwest-dl@nic.in>,
>>>> "dcp-crime-dl@nic.in"
>>>> <dcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, "jmg.vc@nic.in" <jmg.vc@nic.in>, "
>>>> r.sri_kumar@nic.in" <r.sri_kumar@nic.in>, DCP <dcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "
>>>> dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in" <dcp-pcr-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-south-dl@nic.in" <
>>>> dcp-south-dl@nic.in>, "dcp-central-dl@nic.in" <dcp-central-dl@nic.in>,
>>>> "
>>>> hm@nic.in" <hm@nic.in>, "hshso@nic.in" <hshso@nic.in>, "
>>>> complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <ncw@nic.in>, "complaintcell-ncw@nic.in" <
>>>> complaintcell-ncw@nic.in>, "sgnhrc@nic.in" <sgnhrc@nic.in>, "
>>>> dg-nhrc@nic.in" <dg-nhrc@nic.in>, "newhaven@ic.fbi.gov" <
>>>> newhaven@ic.fbi.gov>, "ny1@ic.fbi.gov" <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>, "
>>>> usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov" <usanys.wpcomp@usdoj.gov>, "nalin.jain@ge.com"
>>>> <
>>>> nalin.jain@ge.com>, "amit.kumar@ge.com" <amit.kumar@ge.com>, "
>>>> pradeep.gupta@ge.com" <pradeep.gupta@ge.com>, "sriram.nagarajan@ge.com"
>>>> <
>>>> sriram.nagarajan@ge.com>, Abhishek Tewari
>>>> <abhishek.tewari@azbpartners.com>,
>>>> Wiltschek Susanne EDA WSU <susanne.wiltschek@eda.admin.ch>, "
>>>> helpline@eda.admin.ch" <helpline@eda.admin.ch>,
>>>> _EDA-Vertretung-New-Delhi
>>>> <ndh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch>, _EDA-VISA New-Delhi
>>>> <ndh.visa@eda.admin.ch>,
>>>> _EDA-Etat Civil New Delhi <ndh.etatcivil@eda.admin.ch>, "
>>>> vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "
>>>> beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch" <beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch>, "
>>>> emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, indconru indconru <
>>>> indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk"
>>>> <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>,
>>>> "conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "
>>>> LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "
>>>> delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "
>>>> re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <
>>>> re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <
>>>> info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, Ambassaden New Delhi <
>>>> ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk"
>>>> <delamb@um.dk>,
>>>> "emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <
>>>> chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <InfoDesk@ohchr.org>, "
>>>> Press-Info@ohchr.org" <Press-Info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org"
>>>> <
>>>> civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <
>>>> nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <
>>>> webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <
>>>> info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "nzhc@airtelmail.in" <
>>>> nzhc@airtelmail.in>, "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "
>>>> indne@unhcr.org" <indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <
>>>> ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <
>>>> chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <
>>>> chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn" <
>>>> webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>, "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "
>>>> advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com" <advocatesapnachauhan@yahoo.com>, "
>>>> sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com" <sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com>,
>>>> "
>>>> dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>, Manpreet Lamba <
>>>> manpreet.lamba@azbpartners.com>, "mr@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> mr@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <msrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edpgmsrk@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>>> msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <msrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> srppscrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> osdpri@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> dsconf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "fc@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <fc@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>>> edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <edfc@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "ml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <
>>>> ml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <ppsml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "psml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <psml@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>>> osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "me@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <me@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <ppsme@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in" <osdme@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "mm@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <mm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ms@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "
>>>> ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ppsms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>>> dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in" <dpc1@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "mt@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <
>>>> mt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> srppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> ppsmt@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> dtcord@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> pssecyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> dgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> ppsdgrhs@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> dgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> srppsdgrpf@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in" <
>>>> edcc@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "aml@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <aml@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "
>>>> amm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <amm@rb.railnet.gov.in>,
>>>> "amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in"
>>>> <amplg@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "varun.arora@azbpartners.com" <
>>>> varun.arora@azbpartners.com>, "peter.loscher@siemens.com" <
>>>> peter.loscher@siemens.com>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <
>>>> r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "sunand.sharma@alstom.com" <
>>>> sunand.sharma@alstom.com>, "hiren.vyas@alstom.com"
>>>> <hiren.vyas@alstom.com>,
>>>> "vandana.dhir@alstom.com" <vandana.dhir@alstom.com>, "
>>>> jojo.alexander@alstom.com" <jojo.alexander@alstom.com>, "
>>>> patrick.ledermann@alstom.com" <patrick.ledermann@alstom.com>, "
>>>> rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander
>>>> (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "Eglash, Jeffrey C (GE,
>>>> Corporate)" <jeffrey.eglash@ge.com>, Nanju Ganpathy <
>>>> nanju.ganpathy@azbpartners.com>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <
>>>> bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "brackett.denniston@ge.com" <
>>>> brackett.denniston@ge.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com"
>>>> <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>,
>>>> "john.flannery@ge.com" <john.flannery@ge.com>, "delhihighcourt@nic.in"
>>>> <
>>>> delhihighcourt@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "
>>>> cp.neerajkumar@nic.in" <cp.neerajkumar@nic.in>, "cvc@nic.in"
>>>> <cvc@nic.in>,
>>>> "askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@SEC.GOV" <
>>>> CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "
>>>> fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "radhakrishnan.k@ge.com"
>>>> <
>>>> radhakrishnan.k@ge.com>, "tejal.singh@ge.com" <tejal.singh@ge.com>,
>>>> Sonali Mathur <sonali.mathur@azbpartners.com>, Kartik Yadav <
>>>> kartik.yadav@azbpartners.com>, "lanny.breuer@usdoj.com" <
>>>> lanny.breuer@usdoj.com>, "eric.holder@usdoj.com"
>>>> <eric.holder@usdoj.com>,
>>>> "preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>,
>>>> "NDwebmail@state.gov"
>>>> <NDwebmail@state.gov>, "Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>>> <
>>>> edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>>> <
>>>> richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com"
>>>> <
>>>> kdonovan-maher@bermandevalerio.com>, "rcohen@lowey.com"
>>>> <rcohen@lowey.com>,
>>>> "ffetf@usdoj.gov" <ffetf@usdoj.gov>, "Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov" <
>>>> Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "fja@federaljudgesassoc.org" <
>>>> fja@federaljudgesassoc.org>, "supremecourt@nic.in"
>>>> <supremecourt@nic.in>,
>>>> "Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov"
>>>> <Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov>,
>>>> "Ronald J. Keating" <RKeating@bermandevalerio.com>, "
>>>> jblock@bermandevalerio.com" <jblock@bermandevalerio.com>,
>>>> jtabacco@bermandevalerio.com, bhart@lowey.com, rharwood@hfesq.com,
>>>> fbottini@cfsblaw.com, Joseph Guglielmo <jguglielmo@scott-scott.com>,
>>>> drscott@scott-scott.com, "ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com" <
>>>> ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com>, Directors@corporate.ge.com, Siemens
>>>> Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>,
>>>> Sunder.Venkat@aero.bombardier.com, compliance.office@bombardier.com,
>>>> nilesh.pattanayak@aero.bombardier.com, pierre.beaudoin@bombardier.com,
>>>> djohnson@mccarthy.ca, douglas.oberhelman@caterpilllar.com,
>>>> william.ainsworth@caterpillar.com, CATshareservices@cat.com,
>>>> BusinessPractices@cat.com, patrick.kron@alstom.com,
>>>> keith.carr@alstom.com,
>>>> Jean-David.barnea@usdoj.gov, jonathan.streeter@usdoj.gov,
>>>> reed.brodsky@usdoj.gov, andrew.michaelson@usdoj.gov,
>>>> ellen.davis@usdoj.gov,
>>>> david.fein@usdoj.gov, eric.glover@usdoj.gov, paul.murphy@usdoj.gov,
>>>> sandra.glover@usdoj.gov, robert.spector@usdoj.gov,
>>>> christopher.connolly@usdoj.gov, joseph.cordaro@usdoj.gov,
>>>> david.jones6@usdoj.gov, daniel.filor@usdoj.gov, amy.barcelo@usdoj.gov,
>>>> christopher.harwood@usdoj.gov, michael.byars@usdoj.gov,
>>>> benjamin.torrance@usdoj.gov, sarah.normand@usdoj.gov,
>>>> elizabeth.shapiro@usdoj.gov, alicia.simmons@usdoj.gov,
>>>> joyce.vance@usdoj.gov, kenyen.brown@usdoj.gov,
>>>> karen.loeffler@usdoj.gov,
>>>> jane.duke@usdoj.gov, andre.birotte@usdoj.gov, melinda.haag@usdoj.gov,
>>>> laura.duffy@usdoj.gov, john.walsh@usdoj.gov, david.weiss@usdoj.gov,
>>>> ronald.machen@usdoj.gov, robert.o'neill@usdoj.gov,
>>>> pamela.marsh@usdoj.gov,
>>>> wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov, michael.moore@usdoj.gov, sally yates <
>>>> sally.yates@usdoj.gov>, edward.tarver@usdoj.gov,
>>>> alicia.limtiaco@usdoj.gov,
>>>> florence.nakakuni@usdoj.gov, wendy.olson@usdoj.gov,
>>>> james.lewis@usdoj.gov,
>>>> patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, stephen.wigginton@usdoj.gov,
>>>> david.capp@usdoj.gov, joseph.hogsett@usdoj.gov,
>>>> stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov,
>>>> nick.klinefeldt@usdoj.gov, kerry.harvey@usdoj.gov,
>>>> david.hale@usdoj.gov,
>>>> james.letten@usdoj.gov, donald.cazayoux@usdoj.gov,
>>>> stephanie.finley@usdoj.gov, rod.rosenstein@usdoj.gov,
>>>> carmen.ortiz@usdoj.gov, barbara.mcquade@usdoj.gov, "Davis, Donald" <
>>>> donald.davis@usdoj.gov>, b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov,
>>>> william.martin@usdoj.gov,
>>>> richard.callahan@usdoj.gov, beth.phillips@usdoj.gov,
>>>> michael.cotter@usdoj.gov, deborah.gilg@usdoj.gov,
>>>> daniel.bogden@usdoj.gov,
>>>> john.kacavas@usdoj.gov, paul.fishman@usdoj.gov,
>>>> kenneth.gonzales@usdoj.gov,
>>>> loretta.lynch@usdoj.gov, richard.hartunian@usdoj.gov,
>>>> william.hochul@usdoj.gov, john.stone@usdoj.gov,
>>>> anne.tompkins@usdoj.gov,
>>>> tim.purdon@usdoj.gov, steve.dettelbach@usdoj.gov,
>>>> carter.stewart@usdoj.gov,
>>>> sandy.coats@usdoj.gov, zane.memeger@usdoj.gov, peter.smith@usdoj.gov,
>>>> david.hickton@usdoj.gov, peter.neronha@usdoj.gov,
>>>> bill.nettles@usdoj.gov,
>>>> william.killian@usdoj.gov, jerry.martin@usdoj.gov,
>>>> edward.stanton@usdoj.gov, jose.moreno@usdoj.gov,
>>>> carlie.christensen@usdoj.gov, tristram.coffin@usdoj.gov,
>>>> ronald.sharpe@usdoj.gov, neil.macbride@usdoj.gov,
>>>> timothy.heaphy@usdoj.gov,
>>>> bill.ihlenfeld@usdoj.gov, booth.goodwin@usdoj.gov,
>>>> james.santelle@usdoj.gov, john.vaudreuil@usdoj.gov,
>>>> christopher.crofts@usdoj.gov, bprao@bhel.in, opb@bhel.in,
>>>> akhatua@bhel.in,
>>>> csverma@bhel.in, vpandhi@bhel.in, saraya@bhel.in,
>>>> ajay.sinha@emdiesels.com,
>>>> frank.w.ward@emdiesels.com, "sapnachauhan@hotmail.com" <
>>>> sapnachauhan@hotmail.com>, "singhadvocate@hotmail.com" <
>>>> singhadvocate@hotmail.com>, najmiwaziri@hotmail.com, Rajeeve Mehra <
>>>> mehralaw@gmail.com>, mehralaw@yahoo.co.in, lajita.rajesh@alstom.com,
>>>> francois.carpentier@alstom.com, frank.ward@emdiesels.com,
>>>> armin.bruck@siemens.com, sunil.mathur@siemens.com,
>>>> benoit.martel@bombardier.com, luis.ramos@bombardier.com,
>>>> harsh.dhingra@bombardier.com, glen.lehman@caterpillar.com,
>>>> john.newman@caterpillar.com, peter.solmssen@siemens.com,
>>>> roland.busch@siemens.com, michael.suess@siemens.com,
>>>> klaus.helmrich@siemens.com, daniel.desjardins@bombardier.com,
>>>> james.buda@caterpillar.com, adam.smith@emdiesels.com,
>>>> raj.kanuru@emdiesels.com, glen.lehman@caterpilar.com,
>>>> glen.lehman@progressrail.com, duane.cantrell@progressrail.com,
>>>> craig.johnson@caterpillar.com, alert.procedure@alstom.com,
>>>> danield@bombardier.com, harjeetsinghsachdeva@gmail.com, "Zia Mody (
>>>> zia.mody@azbpartners.com)" <zia.mody@azbpartners.com>, "Warin, F.
>>>> Joseph"
>>>> <fwarin@gibsondunn.com>, "Chesley, John" <JChesley@gibsondunn.com>,
>>>> pk65sharma@yahoo.co.in, confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk,
>>>> public.enquiries@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, "ohhdl@dalailama.com" <
>>>> ohhdl@dalailama.com>, dhir@dhirassociates.com,
>>>> amit.sibal@amitsibal.com,
>>>> aman_lekhi@rediffmail.com, stephen.vogt@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> luis.quesada@ic.fbi.gov, steven.kessler@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> henry.gittleman@ic.fbi.gov, renn.cannon@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> stephen.gaudin@ic.fbi.gov, eric.peterson@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> jeff.bedford@ic.fbi.gov, david.brooks@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> robert.clifford@ic.fbi.gov, mary.warren@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> bill.nicholson@ic.fbi.gov, frank.teixeira@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> richard.cavalieros@ic.fbi.gov, timothy.langan@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> sharon.kuo@ic.fbi.gov, kingman.wong@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> daniel.bodony@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> christopher.mcmurray@ic.fbi.gov, ralph.hope@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> eric.metz@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.baldwin@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> alejandro.barbeito@ic.fbi.gov, cary.gleicher@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> paul.haertel@ic.fbi.gov, greg.cox@ic.fbi.gov, lazaro.andino@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> gabriel.ramirez@ic.fbi.gov, tom.sobocinski@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> benjamin.walker@ic.fbi.gov, kirk.striebich@ic.fbi.gov, "Snyder, David"
>>>> <
>>>> david.snyder@ic.fbi.gov>, gregory.cox@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> katherine.andrews@ic.fbi.gov, carolyn.willson@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> mark.nowak@ic.fbi.gov, stuart.wirtz@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> lesley.buckler@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> daniel.dudzinski@ic.fbi.gov, william.peterson@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> connally.brown@ic.fbi.gov, leo.navarette@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> lawrence.futa@ic.fbi.gov, gregory.shaffer@ic.fbi.gov,
>>>> daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov, adishaggarwala@yahoo.com,
>>>> adishaggarwala@hotmail.com, vsondhi@luthra.com, ranarajinder@ymail.com,
>>>> muraritiwari.adv@gmail.com, adv.priyankatyagi@gmail.com,
>>>> sarlakaushik@yahoo.com, goswamiandassociates@yahoo.co.in,
>>>> vedbaldev@rediffmail.com, rakeshtikuadvocate@yahoo.com,
>>>> kkmanan@rediffmail.com, ars.chauhan.co@gmail.com, Usama Siddiqui <
>>>> musiddiqui@gmail.com>, Rajiv Khosla <advrajivkhosla@gmail.com>,
>>>> jagdev_advocate@yahoo.com, rakeshkochar@hotmail.com,
>>>> khatri.surya@hotmail.com, rakesh.sherawat@yahoo.com, puneet mittal <
>>>> puneetmittal9@gmail.com>, "advamit.sharma@gmail.com" <
>>>> advamit.sharma@gmail.com>, akvadvocates@gmail.com,
>>>> Attorneynitin@yahoo.com,
>>>> aman_sareen169@yahoo.com, attorney.rmishra@gmail.com,
>>>> jaibirnagar@gmail.com, arijit.g@gingerhotels.com,
>>>> ravi.pillai@gingerhotels.com, Reservations Delhi-VivekVihar <
>>>> reservations.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>
>>>> Cc: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra <
>>>> seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>>>> To
>>>> the DCP Police Headquarters; Mr Mahesh Batra;  Mr Dayan Krishnan; the
>>>> Delhi Police Commissioner; the Registrar General of the Delhi High
>>>> Court;
>>>> the Tughlaq road police station SHO  (Mr Ajay Gupta); the Tilak Marg
>>>> police
>>>> Station SHO (Mr Rajesh Kumar Misra); Mr S B S Tyagi (DCP central
>>>> Delhi);
>>>> Mr
>>>> P N Aggarwal (Special Commissioner of Police for Security) and to all
>>>> others
>>>> ,
>>>> Please see my emails below for my present sleeping arrangements and for
>>>> my
>>>> request of security.
>>>> I am homeless and sleeping in my car. The police needs to protect me
>>>> 24/7
>>>> including when I am asleep in my car. These protection directions/
>>>> arrangements need to be made in writing and communicated to me in
>>>> writing.
>>>> I have one question. Why is this email (see below) being sent from Mr
>>>> Mahesh Batra's email when he is not DCP police headquarters nor
>>>> concerned
>>>> with compliance with court orders for provision of security.
>>>> Mr Mahesh Batra, kindly contact the Tuglak Road and Tilak Marg police
>>>> station SHOs for my present sleeping location.
>>>> Mahesh Batra looks after IT in police headquarters. Why has he sent me
>>>> this email?
>>>> This is another attempt by Delhi Police to create false records to
>>>> cover
>>>> up their non-compliance with the court's orders.
>>>> I want a written reply to my request for 24/7 Z+ security and to my
>>>> request for compliance with the attached Delhi High Court orders by the
>>>> Delhi police.
>>>> The documents in W.P. (Civil) 1280/ 2012 can be downloaded from
>> http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2013/06/court-documents-in-wp-civil-1280-2012.html
>>>> i still do not have any protection. The Delhi Police has still not
>>>> complied with the court's directions to provide me with security.
>>>> Last Night I again slept in my car last night parked inside Rabindra
>>>> Nagar
>>>> very close to the house of Mr P N Aggarwal, special commissioner of
>>>> Police
>>>> for security, whose job it is to comply with the court's orders. I have
>>>> slept in my car parked in the same spot on several nights.
>>>> I need to be protected 24/7. I am sleeping in my car because I am
>>>> homeless
>>>> and am being poisoned in hotels including in Tata Ginger hotel.
>>>> The court order directs the Delhi police to protect me even if and
>>>> especially because I am sleeping in my car parked in public places.
>>>> For the record, the Delhi police did not provide me with any protection
>>>> even during my stay at Tata ginger hotel in Vivek vihar and instead
>>>> conspired and participated in attempts to murder me there.
>>>> I attach photographs of the five men who threatened and intimidated me
>>>> in
>>>> the lobby of Ginger hotel on 14 June 2013 in the presence of the Vivek
>>>> Vihar SHO Manoj Kumar. The two alleged lawyers were trying to establish
>>>> a
>>>> connection with me as part of a conspiracy to murder me.
>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Mahesh Batra <itcphq-dl@nic.in> wrote:
>>>>> Ms. Seema Sapra,
>>>>>          You have been staying at 'TATA GINGER' Hotel trans Yamuna
>>>>> (P.S.
>>>>> Vivek Vihar), New Delhi and suddenly checked out for unknown
>>>>> destination.
>>>>> Kindly intimate your present address so that adequate security
>>>>> arrangments
>>>>> could be made as per directions passed by the Hon'ble High Court of
>>>>> Delhi
>>>>> in W.P. (c) 1280/2012.
>>>>>        Sd/-
>>>>> No. 2963/Court Cell(DA-I)/C&T Br./PHQ
>>>>> Dated 17/06/2013
>>>> My earlier emails:
>>>> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Seema Sapra
>>>> <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> To Mr Dayan Krishnan, to the Delhi Police Commissioner, to the
>>>>> Registrar
>>>>> General of the Delhi High Court, to the Tughlaq road police station
>>>>> SHO
>>>>>  (Mr Ajay Gupta), to the Tilak Marg police Station SHO (Mr Rajesh
>>>>> Kumar
>>>>> Misra), to Mr S B S Tyagi (DCP central Delhi), to Mr P N Aggarwal
>>>>> (Special
>>>>> Commissioner of Police for Security) and to all others,
>>>>> I want a written reply to my request for Z+ security and to my request
>>>>> for compliance with the attached Delhi High Court orders by the Delhi
>>>>> police.
>>>>> The documents in W.P. (Civil) 1280/ 2012 can be downloaded from
>> http://seemasapra.blogspot.in/2013/06/court-documents-in-wp-civil-1280-2012.html
>>>>> i still do not have any protection. The Delhi Police has still not
>>>>> complied with the court's directions to provide me with security.
>>>>> i slept in my car last night parked inside Rabindra Nagar very close
>>>>> to
>>>>> the house of Mr P N Aggarwal, special commissioner of Police for
>>>>> security,
>>>>> whose job it is to comply with the court's orders. I have slept in my
>>>>> car
>>>>> parked in the same spot on several nights.
>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>> On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Seema Sapra
>>>>> <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> To Mr Dayan Krishnan, to the Delhi Police Commissioner, to the
>>>>>> Registrar General of the Delhi High Court, to the Tughlaq road police
>>>>>> station SHO  (Ajay Gupta) and to all others,
>>>>>> I am requesting for  Z+ security from the Government of India and the
>>>>>> Delhi Police because of the grave threat to my life. The threat to my
>>>>>> life
>>>>>> also emanates from the Police.
>>>>>> I want a written (email) response on my request for security. When
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> I get this response from the Delhi Police Commissioner?
>>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Seema Sapra <
>>>>>> seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> To Mr Dayan Krishnan, to the Delhi Police Commissioner, to the
>>>>>>> Registrar General of the Delhi High Court, to the Tughlaq road
>>>>>>> police
>>>>>>> station SHO  (Ajay Gupta) and to all others,
>>>>>>> I have had a harrowing experience at the hands of the police over
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> last 24 hours.
>>>>>>> First, as complained I was threatened and intimidated by five men in
>>>>>>> the Vivek Vihar Ginger hotel lobby after I complained of the attempt
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> murder me in Ginger hotel. This intimidation happened in the
>>>>>>> presence
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> SHO Manoj Kumar from Vivek vihar police station.
>>>>>>> Ginger hotel has failed to provide either the police or me with a
>>>>>>> copy
>>>>>>> of the CCTV recordings for my stay at the hotel.
>>>>>>> After checking out from Ginger hotel, I decided to sleep in my car
>>>>>>> last
>>>>>>> night. I parked my car inside Rabindra Nagar very close to the house
>> of
>>>>>>> DIG
>>>>>>> Aggarwal who holds the post of DIG security. I have earlier parked
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> car
>>>>>>> and slept in my car in the same spot on several nights.
>>>>>>> Last night, i sent text messages to both Dayan Krishnan and to Ajay
>>>>>>> Gupta, the SHO of Tughlaq Road police station informing them that I
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> sleeping in my car in Rabindra Nagar.
>>>>>>> Instead of being provided security, I was harassed by dogs being
>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>> to howl and bark near my car for over two hours. A male policeman
>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>> repeatedly drove past my car on a motorcycle without silencers in
>> order
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> disturb me. Three men arrived and stood close to my car after I
>>>>>>> moved
>>>>>>> it to
>>>>>>> another spot at 1.30 am.
>>>>>>> I asked the SHO to provide me with protection including a woman
>>>>>>> constable stationed near my car but he refused and outrageously
>>>>>>> suggested
>>>>>>> that I should sleep in the Police Station.
>>>>>>> There is evidence of several text messages and calls from my phone
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> Mr Ajay Gupta's mobile phone last night.
>>>>>>> I then decided to go to the police station to ask for protection. I
>>>>>>> reached there around 1.40 am.
>>>>>>> I showed the SHO the court order dated 31 May 2013. The SHO again
>>>>>>> refused to provide me protection and told me to sleep in the police
>>>>>>> station. Ajay Gupta already has a copy of the court's order dated 18
>>>>>>> April,
>>>>>>> 2013.
>>>>>>> I refused to sleep in the police station and asked him to provide
>>>>>>> security near my car including a woman police officer but he
>>>>>>> refused.
>>>>>>> Ajay Gupta told me that I should not even tell him or text him about
>>>>>>> where I was sleeping in my car. He said that I should just go out on
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> street and sleep anywhere.
>>>>>>> With what authority of law did the SHO Ajay Gupta ask me, a woman,
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> sleep in the police station and even without any written paperwork.
>>>>>>> It
>>>>>>> would appear that either the SHO wanted to rape me in the police
>>>>>>> station or
>>>>>>> have me murdered in the police station. After that a false story
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> concocted to explain my presence in the police station.
>>>>>>> I complained about this loudly. After obtaining instructions from
>>>>>>> someone on the phone, Ajay Gupta told me that he would send the
>>>>>>> woman
>>>>>>> constable and another policeman with me. I asked him to give these
>>>>>>> instructions in writing and he refused.Once again why did Ajay Gupta
>>>>>>> refuse
>>>>>>> to give written instructions to provide me with protection in
>>>>>>> compliance
>>>>>>> with the court's orders dated 18 April 2013 and 31 May 2013? The
>> intent
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> again malafide. Without written orders, the police itself could harm
>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>> while asleep in my car.
>>>>>>> I called 100 and a PCR jeep arrived at the Tughlaq road police
>>>>>>> station.
>>>>>>> After sometime Ajay Gupta told me to ask for protection in writing
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> that he would pass written orders on that.
>>>>>>> It was nearly 3 am. I did not think it expedient to trust Ajay Gupta
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the middle of the night. I therefore informed him that I would send
>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>> email seeking protection.
>>>>>>> This is that request.
>>>>>>> I will be sleeping in my car in the Tughlaq Road and Tilak Marg
>>>>>>> police
>>>>>>> station areas. I want police protection in compliance with the
>>>>>>> court's
>>>>>>> orders,. I want a 24 hour/ round the clock police escort with at
>>>>>>> least
>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>> male and one female police officer accompanying me at all times. I
>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>> want two male and one female police officer stationed next to my car
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> night or when I am sleeping in my car. As the police will be me
>>>>>>> 24/7,
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> will not need to let them know where I am sleeping on any particular
>>>>>>> night.
>>>>>>> This is the kind of protection that I need and want.
>>>>>>> I request a written communication from the Delhi Police setting out
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> measures it will take to protect me. As of now, the police has not
>>>>>>> provided
>>>>>>> me with any protection. I had no police protection last night or
>>>>>>> today
>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>> though I slept in my car parked on public streets.
>>>>>>> This morning i was again harassed while I was asleep in my car on K
>>>>>>> K
>>>>>>> Birla Lane by G4S guards stationed at the World Bank building. I had
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> call the police and dial 100. These guards have a gutter mentality
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> disturbing a woman sleeping in her car and in then laughing at her
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> group. This is what the G4S guards stationed at the world Bank
>> building
>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>> today. This kind of behaviour is from the gutter.
>>>>>>> I was again not provided with any police protection even after I
>>>>>>> requested it this afternoon.
>>>>>>> The court orders are attached.
>>>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: seema sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:42 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Attempt to murder General Electric whistleblower in Ginger
>>>>>>> hotel and concomitant harassment and victimization
>>>>>>> To: Dayan Krishnan <krishnandayan@gmail.com>, Neeraj Kumar <
>>>>>>> cp.neerajkumar@nic.in>, Ahm Delhi-VivekVihar <
>>>>>>> ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>, "acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in" <
>>>>>>> acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in>, "sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in" <
>>>>>>> sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in>, "chairmanoffice@sec.gov" <
>>>>>>> chairmanoffice@sec.gov>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "
>>>>>>> delhihighcourt@nic.in" <delhihighcourt@nic.in>, seema gmail <
>>>>>>> seema.sapra@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> To Mr Dayan Krishnan, to the Delhi Police Commissioner, to the
>>>>>>> Registrar General of the Delhi High Court and to all other,
>>>>>>> I have checked out of Ginger Hotel and will be sleeping in my car
>>>>>>> again. I was poisoned in the hotel. The police is colluding with the
>>>>>>> hotel
>>>>>>> in a cover-up.
>>>>>>> I have video footage of the two alleged lawyers who accosted me in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> hotel. They wanted to establish some connection with me. This was a
>>>>>>> conspiracy to murder me by disabling me and then to use these two
>>>>>>> alleged
>>>>>>> lawyers as spokesmen on my behalf. The SHO Manoj Kumar and the hotel
>>>>>>> staff
>>>>>>> and the three men including the man called Umesh Kumar were party to
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> conspiracy.
>>>>>>> Attempts to murder me with police complicity continue.
>>>>>>> Why is Tata Ginger hotel hiding the CCTV recordings for my stay? The
>>>>>>> answer is obvious. They are pre-viewing these and intend to tamper
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: seema sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 6:44 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Attempt to murder General Electric whistleblower in
>>>>>>> Ginger
>>>>>>> hotel and concomitant harassment and victimization
>>>>>>> To: Ahm Delhi-VivekVihar <ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>, "
>>>>>>> acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in" <acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in>,
>>>>>>> "sodcpeast@gmail.com"
>>>>>>> <sodcpeast@gmail.com>, "sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in"
>>>>>>> <sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in>,
>>>>>>> seema gmail <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, "krishnandayan@gmail.com" <
>>>>>>> krishnandayan@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Cc: seema sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>> I have been threatened by three men in the Ginger Hotel lobby, one
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> whom called himself Umesh Sharma.
>>>>>>> Two men in civilian clothes claiming to be lawyers and identifying
>>>>>>> themselves as Suvrat Singh Tomar and as Sharad Kochhar both with
>>>>>>> Delhi
>>>>>>> Bar
>>>>>>> Council numbers 2852/2008 and 734/09 were also threatening me.
>>>>>>> All these men threatened me in front of the SHO Manoj Kumar.
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> From: seemasapra@hotmail.com
>>>>>>> To: ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com; acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in;
>>>>>>> sodcpeast@gmail.com; sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in; seema.sapra@gmail.com;
>>>>>>> krishnandayan@gmail.com
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Attempt to murder General Electric whistleblower in
>>>>>>> Ginger
>>>>>>> hotel and concomitant harassment and victimization
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:14:11 +0000
>>>>>>> Mr Manoj Kumar,
>>>>>>> I have been trying your number but you are not answering, Your staff
>>>>>>> told me that the Ginger hotel manager was at the police station and
>> had
>>>>>>> met
>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>> I am waiting for you to come to the ginger Hotel.
>>>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> From: seemasapra@hotmail.com
>>>>>>> To: ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com; acp-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in;
>>>>>>> sodcpeast@gmail.com; sho-vivekvhr-dl@nic.in; seema.sapra@gmail.com;
>>>>>>> seemasapra@hotmail.com
>>>>>>> Subject: Attempt to murder General Electric whistleblower in Ginger
>>>>>>> hotel and concomitant harassment and victimization
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 11:44:41 +0000
>>>>>>> To the Vivek Vihar SHO, Arijit Gupta, to the Police Commissioner and
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> the Registrar General of the Delhi High Court and to all others,
>>>>>>> Yesterday the police team on the spot had asked the hotel for copies
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> all CCTV recordings for cameras placed outside the rooms I have
>>>>>>> occupied. I
>>>>>>> had also requested a copy then and had been assured it would be
>>>>>>> given
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>> Last night I had again asked Arijit Gupta in the presence of the SHO
>>>>>>> for a copy of the CCTV recordings and was told by Mr Arijit Gupta
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> these would be provided to me the next day. He stated that he had
>> asked
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> technicians to come to the hotel for this purpose.
>>>>>>> It is now almost 5 pm the next day, and the CCTV recordings have
>>>>>>> neither been provided to the Police or to me.
>>>>>>> I have requested Mr Arijit Gupta to tell me by when I can get a copy
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> these CCTV recordings and he has told me that he will call back with
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> information in 15 minutes.
>>>>>>> It is surprising that Arijit Gupta has left the hotel with some
>>>>>>> three
>>>>>>> men leaving me sitting in the hotel lobby.
>>>>>>> I just spoke to Arijit Gupta and he is now telling me that there
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> be a delay in getting the CCTV recordings because he needs to get
>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>> codes from Mumbai. This statement appears to be false.
>>>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Seema Sapra <
>>>>>>> seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> To Mr Arijit Gupta,
>>>>>>> This is to record that upon coming down from my room, I met you and
>>>>>>> Prasanta Patra in the lobby. I told you that I was waiting for your
>>>>>>> reply
>>>>>>> on email.
>>>>>>> There are a few other things that I would like to bring to your
>>>>>>> notice.
>>>>>>> 1. Last night, my calls to the reception at around midnight went
>>>>>>> unanswered.
>>>>>>> 2. This morning, after I sent the emails to you, I felt dizzy and
>>>>>>> light-headed in my room,. In addition, my head hurt. I quickly took
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> shower and decided to leave the room. I am certain that some fumes/
>>>>>>> chemical was again introduced into my room.
>>>>>>> 3. Sitting in the lobby, I am feeling fine.
>>>>>>> 4. You have not replied as to who called my room this afternoon
>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> sent the emails.
>>>>>>> 5. I will inform you about my departure date after discussing the
>>>>>>> matter with the Police.
>>>>>>> 6. I want complete CCTV recordings for all CCTV cameras near each
>>>>>>> room
>>>>>>> that I occupied during the duration of my stay. When can I get
>>>>>>> these?
>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>> have confirmed that you will be providing these to me.
>>>>>>> 7. I want to know if the hotel had received any specific
>>>>>>> instructions
>>>>>>> from the Police after I had met the SHO Vivek Vihar and the ACP Amit
>>>>>>> Sharma..What did the hotel do to comply with these instructions. I
>> know
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> a fact from the incident with your staff last night, that the keys
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> rooms and to other adjacent rooms were available to several
>>>>>>> low-level
>>>>>>> staff
>>>>>>> including to security guards posted outside the hotel.
>>>>>>> 8.I want a full list of all hotel and contract staff who have
>>>>>>> entered
>>>>>>> hotel premises for the full duration of my stay. Please also mention
>>>>>>> dates
>>>>>>> and timings.
>>>>>>> 9.I will be paying another advance of Rs. 6000 right now. After this
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> propose to go out and will return to the hotel in the evening. I
>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>> intend to meet the SHO, the ACP and the DCP for the area.
>>>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Seema Sapra <
>>>>>>> seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> To All,
>>>>>>> Yesterday morning I smelt acidic fumes in my room which made me
>>>>>>> breathless and resulted in a cough with mucus. I called the Police
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> Vivek Vihar SHO and a police crime branch team arrived. This
>>>>>>> investigation
>>>>>>> is not over as I am still to give a detailed statement to the
>>>>>>> Police.
>> I
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> told that I would be provided a copy of the CCTV recordings covering
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> room door for the entire period of my stay at Ginger hotel.
>>>>>>> I told the SHO that I would move to another room but if anything
>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>> happened again, I would check out.
>>>>>>> Last night, I wanted to shift to another room, and Ginger hotel
>>>>>>> staff
>>>>>>> (Mohit Sharma and Himanshu Gupta) acting presumably on instructions
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> senior management lied to me that they did not have the floor keys
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>> lied that these keys were in the possession of a contract security
>>>>>>> guard.
>>>>>>>  I was also offered room 505 which was lying open when I went up to
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> a staff member.
>>>>>>> I finally shifted to a new room after I called the police again last
>>>>>>> night and the SHO and a PCR van arrived.
>>>>>>> I am still in my room, and have received this email below, basically
>>>>>>> asking me to vacate.
>>>>>>> For the record, I had not notified a departure date. I had earlier
>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>> told by Prasanta Patra that the hotel might be fully booked from 20
>>>>>>> June
>>>>>>> 2013.
>>>>>>> Needless to say, I will be giving a full statement to the Police and
>>>>>>> filing it in court.
>>>>>>> Seema Sapra
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Ahm Delhi-VivekVihar <
>>>>>>> ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@**gingerhotels.com<
>> ahm.delhi-vivekvihar@gingerhotels.com>
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Madam,
>>>>>>> Greetings!
>>>>>>> Further to the departure date of yours, we would like to send you
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> invoice of you till tomorrow. Would request you to advise the
>>>>>>> departure
>>>>>>> time in order to ensure the smooth departure.
>>>>>>> Please note that we are fully booked for tomorrow, hence it’s really
>>>>>>> not possible from our end to extend the stay.
>>>>>>> Thanking you,
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Prasanta Patra
>>>>>>> Asst Hotel Manager
>>>>>>> Ginger Delhi-Vivek Vihar
>>>>>>> Plot No.C, DDA Community Centre
>>>>>>> Opp. East End Club, Vivek Vihar
>>>>>>> New Delhi-110095
>>>>>>> 011-66663333
>>>>>>> [image: Email signature.jpg]
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> ‘The Best Value Hotel in India’: Lonely Planet Magazine Awards, 2012
>>>>>>> ,
>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>> Data Quest Award for " Leadership in Business Technology" -2013
>>>>>>> ‘Best Budget Hotel’ : Outlook Traveller Awards 2010,2011, 2012 ,
>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>> TAAI Awards 2012 : "Best Hotel in Budget / Value segment" Award
>>>>>>> 'SCURRY' Award for Creating New Market / Category : LeapVault Change
>>>>>>> Leadership Awards 2010
>>>>>>> CNBC Travel Awards 2008 -2009 : "Best Budget Hotel" Award
>>>>>>> ‘Hotel of the Year – Economy Hotel’ : Golden Star Awards 2010,
>>>>>>> 2011,2012, 2013
>>>>>>> SATTE 2008-09 : “ Most successful bench-markers award” – Budget
>>>>>>> Hotels.
>> --
>> Seema Sapra
> --
> Seema Sapra

Seema Sapra

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