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From: Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Deliberate dislocation and destruction of my left ankle by Dr Anuj Malhotra (Fortis Hospital) following my leg fracture - Seema Sapra, lawyer - WP Civil 1280/2012 a corruption whistle-blower petition in the Delhi High Court (Seema Sapra v General Electric Company and Others)
To: pmosb <pmosb@gov.in>, Amit Shah <amitshah.bjp@gmail.com>, sanjayjain.chamber@gmail.com, director@aiims.ac.in, lggc.delhi@nic.in, "rg.dhc@nic.in" <rg.dhc@nic.in>, Bhim Sain Bassi <cp.bsbassi@nic.in>, joe.kaeser@siemens.com, dch@nic.in, secypc@nic.in, "splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in" <splcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in>, "splcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <splcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-cr-dl@nic.in, "jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-nr-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-ser-dl@nic.in, jtcp-swr-dl@nic.in, "jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-phq-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-ga-dl@nic.in, "jtcpt_dtp@nic.in" <jtcpt_dtp@nic.in>, "jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in" <jtcp-crime-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-splcell-dl@nic.in, jtcp-sec-dl@nic.in, "jcpsec@rb.nic.in" <jcpsec@rb.nic.in>, "addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-eow-dl@nic.in>, jtcp-vigilance-dl@nic.in, jtcp-sb-dl@nic.in, addlcp-crime-dl@nic.in, "addlcpt-dtp@nic.in" <addlcpt-dtp@nic.in>, "addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-caw-dl@nic.in>, "addlcp-security-dl@nic.in" <addlcp-security-dl@nic.in>, dcp-west-dl@nic.in, addlcp-se-dl@nic.in, 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<vertretung@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch" <beatrice.latteier@eda.admin.ch>, "emb@rusembassy.in" <emb@rusembassy.in>, indconru indconru <indconru@gmail.com>, "web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <web.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk" <conqry.newdelhi@fco.gov.uk>, "LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk" <LegalisationEnquiries@fco.gov.uk>, "delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu" <delegation-india@eeas.europa.eu>, "re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca" <re-india.commerce@international.gc.ca>, "info@new-delhi.diplo.de" <info@new-delhi.diplo.de>, Ambassaden New Delhi <ambassaden.new-delhi@foreign.ministry.se>, "delamb@um.dk" <delamb@um.dk>, "emb.newdelhi@mfa.no" <emb.newdelhi@mfa.no>, "chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "InfoDesk@ohchr.org" <InfoDesk@ohchr.org>, "Press-Info@ohchr.org" <Press-Info@ohchr.org>, "civilsociety@ohchr.org" <civilsociety@ohchr.org>, "nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org" <nationalinstitutions@ohchr.org>, "webmaster@ambafrance-in.org" <webmaster@ambafrance-in.org>, "info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org" <info_visa_delhi@ambafrance-in.org>, "VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch" <VA@ndh.rep.admin.ch>, "indne@unhcr.org" <indne@unhcr.org>, "ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it" <ambasciata.newdelhi@esteri.it>, "chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn>, "chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn" <chinaconsul_mum_in@mfa.gov.cn>, "webmaster@mfa.gov.cn" <webmaster@mfa.gov.cn>, "in@mofcom.gov.cn" <in@mofcom.gov.cn>, "sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com" <sapnachauhan.chauhan192@gmail.com>, "dcbi@cbi.gov.in" <dcbi@cbi.gov.in>, "mr@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mr@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "crb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <crb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "me@rb.railnet.gov.in" <me@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "mm@rb.railnet.gov.in" <mm@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "ms@rb.railnet.gov.in" <ms@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in" <secyrb@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in" <legaladv@rb.railnet.gov.in>, "r_s_chidambaram@cat.com" <r_s_chidambaram@cat.com>, "patrick.ledermann@alstom.com" <patrick.ledermann@alstom.com>, "rathin.basu@alstom.com" <rathin.basu@alstom.com>, "Dimitrief, Alexander (GE, Corporate)" <alexander.dimitrief@ge.com>, "Eglash, Jeffrey C (GE, Corporate)" <jeffrey.eglash@ge.com>, Nanju Ganpathy <nanju.ganpathy@azbpartners.com>, "bradford.berenson@ge.com" <bradford.berenson@ge.com>, "brackett.denniston@ge.com" <brackett.denniston@ge.com>, "jeffrey.immelt@ge.com" <jeffrey.immelt@ge.com>, "john.flannery@ge.com" <john.flannery@ge.com>, "delhihighcourt@nic.in" <delhihighcourt@nic.in>, "pmosb@nic.in" <pmosb@nic.in>, "askdoj@usdoj.gov" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "CHAIRMANOFFICE@SEC.GOV" <CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov>, "help@sec.gov" <help@sec.gov>, "fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov" <fcpa.fraud@usdoj.gov>, "radhakrishnan.k@ge.com" <radhakrishnan.k@ge.com>, "tejal.singh@ge.com" <tejal.singh@ge.com>, "preet.bharara@usdoj.gov" <preet.bharara@usdoj.gov>, "NDwebmail@state.gov" <NDwebmail@state.gov>, "Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Denise_L._Cote@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov" <ruby_krajick@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Leonard_B._Sand@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov" <gloria_rojas@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov" <william_donald@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov" <edward_friedland@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov" <richard_wilson@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov" <robert_rogers@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "rcohen@lowey.com" <rcohen@lowey.com>, "ffetf@usdoj.gov" <ffetf@usdoj.gov>, "Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Harold_Baer@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Jed_S._Rakoff@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Cathy_Seibel@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Victor_Marrero@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "fja@federaljudgesassoc.org" <fja@federaljudgesassoc.org>, "supremecourt@nic.in" <supremecourt@nic.in>, "Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov" <Loretta_A._Preska@nysd.uscourts.gov>, "ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com" <ombudsperson@corporate.ge.com>, Directors@corporate.ge.com, Siemens Ombudsman COM <mail@siemens-ombudsman.com>, compliance.office@bombardier.com, pierre.beaudoin@bombardier.com, djohnson@mccarthy.ca, douglas.oberhelman@caterpilllar.com, william.ainsworth@caterpillar.com, CATshareservices@cat.com, BusinessPractices@cat.com, patrick.kron@alstom.com, keith.carr@alstom.com, Jean-David.barnea@usdoj.gov, reed.brodsky@usdoj.gov, andrew.michaelson@usdoj.gov, ellen.davis@usdoj.gov, eric.glover@usdoj.gov, paul.murphy@usdoj.gov, sandra.glover@usdoj.gov, robert.spector@usdoj.gov, christopher.connolly@usdoj.gov, joseph.cordaro@usdoj.gov, david.jones6@usdoj.gov, daniel.filor@usdoj.gov, amy.barcelo@usdoj.gov, christopher.harwood@usdoj.gov, michael.byars@usdoj.gov, benjamin.torrance@usdoj.gov, sarah.normand@usdoj.gov, elizabeth.shapiro@usdoj.gov, alicia.simmons@usdoj.gov, joyce.vance@usdoj.gov, kenyen.brown@usdoj.gov, karen.loeffler@usdoj.gov, andre.birotte@usdoj.gov, melinda.haag@usdoj.gov, laura.duffy@usdoj.gov, john.walsh@usdoj.gov, david.weiss@usdoj.gov, ronald.machen@usdoj.gov, robert.o'neill@usdoj.gov, pamela.marsh@usdoj.gov, wifredo.ferrer@usdoj.gov, michael.moore@usdoj.gov, sally yates <sally.yates@usdoj.gov>, edward.tarver@usdoj.gov, alicia.limtiaco@usdoj.gov, florence.nakakuni@usdoj.gov, wendy.olson@usdoj.gov, james.lewis@usdoj.gov, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, stephen.wigginton@usdoj.gov, david.capp@usdoj.gov, joseph.hogsett@usdoj.gov, stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov, nick.klinefeldt@usdoj.gov, kerry.harvey@usdoj.gov, david.hale@usdoj.gov, stephanie.finley@usdoj.gov, rod.rosenstein@usdoj.gov, carmen.ortiz@usdoj.gov, barbara.mcquade@usdoj.gov, b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, william.martin@usdoj.gov, richard.callahan@usdoj.gov, beth.phillips@usdoj.gov, michael.cotter@usdoj.gov, deborah.gilg@usdoj.gov, daniel.bogden@usdoj.gov, john.kacavas@usdoj.gov, paul.fishman@usdoj.gov, kenneth.gonzales@usdoj.gov, loretta.lynch@usdoj.gov, richard.hartunian@usdoj.gov, william.hochul@usdoj.gov, john.stone@usdoj.gov, anne.tompkins@usdoj.gov, tim.purdon@usdoj.gov, steve.dettelbach@usdoj.gov, carter.stewart@usdoj.gov, sandy.coats@usdoj.gov, zane.memeger@usdoj.gov, peter.smith@usdoj.gov, david.hickton@usdoj.gov, peter.neronha@usdoj.gov, bill.nettles@usdoj.gov, william.killian@usdoj.gov, jerry.martin@usdoj.gov, edward.stanton@usdoj.gov, jose.moreno@usdoj.gov, carlie.christensen@usdoj.gov, tristram.coffin@usdoj.gov, ronald.sharpe@usdoj.gov, neil.macbride@usdoj.gov, timothy.heaphy@usdoj.gov, bill.ihlenfeld@usdoj.gov, booth.goodwin@usdoj.gov, james.santelle@usdoj.gov, john.vaudreuil@usdoj.gov, christopher.crofts@usdoj.gov, bprao@bhel.in, ajay.sinha@emdiesels.com, armin.bruck@siemens.com, sunil.mathur@siemens.com, benoit.martel@bombardier.com, glen.lehman@caterpillar.com, john.newman@caterpillar.com, roland.busch@siemens.com, michael.suess@siemens.com, klaus.helmrich@siemens.com, daniel.desjardins@bombardier.com, james.buda@caterpillar.com, glen.lehman@progressrail.com, craig.johnson@caterpillar.com, alert.procedure@alstom.com, "Zia Mody (zia.mody@azbpartners.com)" <zia.mody@azbpartners.com>, "Warin, F. Joseph" <fwarin@gibsondunn.com>, "Chesley, John" <JChesley@gibsondunn.com>, pk65sharma@yahoo.co.in, confidential@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, public.enquiries@sfo.gsi.gov.uk, luis.quesada@ic.fbi.gov, steven.kessler@ic.fbi.gov, henry.gittleman@ic.fbi.gov, renn.cannon@ic.fbi.gov, stephen.gaudin@ic.fbi.gov, eric.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, jeff.bedford@ic.fbi.gov, david.brooks@ic.fbi.gov, robert.clifford@ic.fbi.gov, mary.warren@ic.fbi.gov, bill.nicholson@ic.fbi.gov, frank.teixeira@ic.fbi.gov, richard.cavalieros@ic.fbi.gov, timothy.langan@ic.fbi.gov, sharon.kuo@ic.fbi.gov, kingman.wong@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.bodony@ic.fbi.gov, christopher.mcmurray@ic.fbi.gov, ralph.hope@ic.fbi.gov, eric.metz@ic.fbi.gov, alejandro.barbeito@ic.fbi.gov, cary.gleicher@ic.fbi.gov, paul.haertel@ic.fbi.gov, greg.cox@ic.fbi.gov, lazaro.andino@ic.fbi.gov, gabriel.ramirez@ic.fbi.gov, tom.sobocinski@ic.fbi.gov, benjamin.walker@ic.fbi.gov, kirk.striebich@ic.fbi.gov, "Snyder, David" <david.snyder@ic.fbi.gov>, gregory.cox@ic.fbi.gov, katherine.andrews@ic.fbi.gov, carolyn.willson@ic.fbi.gov, mark.nowak@ic.fbi.gov, stuart.wirtz@ic.fbi.gov, lesley.buckler@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.dudzinski@ic.fbi.gov, william.peterson@ic.fbi.gov, connally.brown@ic.fbi.gov, leo.navarette@ic.fbi.gov, lawrence.futa@ic.fbi.gov, gregory.shaffer@ic.fbi.gov, daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov, adishaggarwala@yahoo.com, adishaggarwala@hotmail.com, vsondhi@luthra.com, muraritiwari.adv@gmail.com, adv.priyankatyagi@gmail.com, sarlakaushik@yahoo.com, goswamiandassociates@yahoo.co.in, vedbaldev@rediffmail.com, rakeshtikuadvocate@yahoo.com, kkmanan <kkmanan@rediffmail.com>, ars.chauhan.co@gmail.com, Rajiv Khosla <advrajivkhosla@gmail.com>, rakeshkochar@hotmail.com, khatri.surya@hotmail.com, puneet mittal <puneetmittal9@gmail.com>, "advamit.sharma@gmail.com" <advamit.sharma@gmail.com>, Attorneynitin@yahoo.com, Rajesh Mishra <attorney.rmishra@gmail.com>, jaibirnagar@gmail.com, Sho-lodhicolony-dl@nic.in, csrhw@csrhw.com.cn, cnriec@chinacnr.com, deepak verma <justicedverma@gmail.com>, dridzu@nic.in, Om Prakash <oplawassociates@gmail.com>, Jatan Singh <jatan_singh@yahoo.com>, Abhijat Bal <abhijat.bal@gmail.com>, asutosh lohia <lasutosh@gmail.com>, Vikram Singh Panwar <vikrampanwar2010@gmail.com>, ashok.bhasin@yahoo.co.in, Aruna Tiku <arunatikuadvocate@yahoo.com>, Sunil Mittal <sunilmittaladvocate@gmail.com>, Meghna Sankhla <meghna@sankhla.in>, Amit Sharma with khosla <advocateas@gmail.com>, Pankaj Kapoor <lawyerpankaj@gmail.com>, "P.H. Parekh" <pravin.parekh@pravinparekh.com>, rakesh.sherawat@yahoo.com, jagdev_advocate@yahoo.com, abhay kumar verma <akvadvocates@gmail.com>, aman_sareen169@yahoo.com, Manan Mishra <manankumarmishra@gmail.com>, ZAFAR AHMED Khan <zakhan52@gmail.com>, anirveda_04@sifymail.com, prabakaran.president.tnaa@gmail.com, vbhatt.adv@gmail.com, faisalrizvi@hotmail.com, advajithts@gmail.com, n_ramchanderrao@yahoo.com, Nilesh Kumar <agrnilesh73@gmail.com>, kunals777@yahoo.com, chairman@ses-surat.org, bhojcthakur@yahoo.com, raj mohan singh tanwar <rmsinghadvocate@gmail.com>, Rohinton Nariman <rohintonnariman@gmail.com>, Satish Abarao Deshmukh <satish.adeshmukh@gmail.com>, info@group30.org, poststelle@sta.berlin.de, public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk, webmaster.greco@coe.int, info@eurojust.europa.eu, poststelle@generalbundesanwalt.de, jthuy@eurojust.europa.eu, ejn@eurojust.europa.eu, collegesecretariat@eurojust.europa.eu, poststelle@bgh.bund.de, secretariat@cepol.europa.eu, CP@ohchr.org, siemens-ombudsmann@rae13.de, mariassy@rae13.de, usgrievance@rb.nic.in, cenvigil@nic.in, sdas@cbi.gov.in, adrkd@cbi.gov.in, jdp@cbi.gov.in, hozeo@cbi.gov.in, hozmdma@cbi.gov.in, hozbpl@cbi.gov.in, hozmum1@cbi.gov.in, hozkol@cbi.gov.in, hozac@cbi.gov.in, hozstf@cbi.gov.in, hozsc@cbi.gov.in, hozbsf@cbi.gov.in, hozpat@cbi.gov.in, hozeo2@cbi.gov.in, jda@cbi.gov.in, jdtfc@cbi.gov.in, hozdel@cbi.gov.in, hozchn@cbi.gov.in, hozhyd@cbi.gov.in, hozne@cbi.gov.in, dop@cbi.gov.in, hobac1del@cbi.gov.in, hobac2del@cbi.gov.in, hobac3del@cbi.gov.in, rajiv.vc@nic.in, rajeev.verma@nic.in, cp.ggn@hry.nic.in, rv.dhc@nic.in, mukul17855@yahoo.com, Ranjit Kumar <sgofficerk@gmail.com>, lnageshwararao@hotmail.com, tusharmehta64@yahoo.com, neerajkishankaul@gmail.com, Narasimha Pamidighantam <psnarasimha@gmail.com>, naqvimukhtar@yahoo.com, cpthakur1@rediffmail.com, Jual Oram <oram.jual@gmail.com>, jualoram@rediffmail.com, SS Ahluwalia <tengrg@gmail.com>, ssa@10grg.com, Balbir Punj <punjbalbir@gmail.com>, bkpunj@gmail.com, maliksatyapal@hotmail.com, prabhatjhabjp@gmail.com, vijaya_999@ymail.com, Uma Bharti <umashribharti@gmail.com>, laxmi_chawla@yahoo.com, Kiran Maheshwari <saikiran.udr@gmail.com>, ananth@ananth.org, "T. C. Gehlot" <mptcgehlot@gmail.com>, mp.tcgehlot@bjp.org, jpnadda@gmail.com, Dharmendra Pradhan <dpdharmendrapradhan@gmail.com>, d.pradhan@sansad.nic.in, Tapir Gao <gaotapir@yahoo.com>, fvg001@gmail.com, Anand Chaudhary <anandchaudhary2009@gmail.com>, rudypr@rediffmail.com, p.muralidharrao@rediffmail.com, ramji.bjp@gmail.com, Satish Velankar <shrivsatish@gmail.com>, saudan.singh@bjp.org, piyush@bjp.org, jshyam48@rediffmail.com, bhupender_advocate@rediffmail.com, Bhupender Yadav <bhupenderyadav69@gmail.com>, "P.K Krishnadas" <krishnadasbjp@gmail.com>, "Dr. Anil Jain" <aniljain.dr@gmail.com>, vinod.pandey@bjp.org, TRIVENDRA SINGH RAWAT <tsrawatbjp@gmail.com>, Rameshwar Chaurasia <rpcnokha@gmail.com>, arti_9@yahoo.co.in, vani_tripathi@yahoo.com, dr.sudhayadav@yahoo.co.in, Sudha Malaiya <malaiyasudha@gmail.com>, Poonam Mahajan R <pmahajanr@gmail.com>, drtamilisai@yahoo.co.in, lois.bjp@gmail.com, Arun Jain <bjparun.jain@gmail.com>, Arun Jain <arun.jain@bjp.org>, bjpinparliament@yahoo.com, "V. Shanmuganathan" <vsnathan7666@gmail.com>, PRAKASH JAVADEKAR <pjavadekar@gmail.com>, shahnawaz@sansad.nic.in, shahnawaz.hussain@bjp.org, nsitharaman@gmail.com, "Dr. B S Shastri" <dr.bsshastri@gmail.com>, trivedi.sudhanshu@gmail.com, Meenakshi Lekhi <mrs.mlekhi@gmail.com>, Captain Abhimanyu <abhimanyu.bjp@gmail.com>, mjakbar@hotmail.com, president@bjp.org, ajaitley@sansad.nic.in, sushmaswaraj@hotmail.com, fmo@nic.in, cabinet@nic.in, cabinetsy@nic.in, sho-gk-dl@nic.in, kk manan <kkmananadvocate@gmail.com>, kkmanan@gmail.com, Usama Siddiqui <musiddiqui@gmail.com>, ranarajinder@ymail.com, jawahar@pralaw.in, prem@pralaw.in, secy-mci@nic.in, info@artemishealthsciences.com, enquiries@fortishealthcare.com, shailza18@yahoo.com, sportsmedicinedelhi@yahoo.com, naresh.trehan@medanta.org, delhimedicalcouncil@gmail.com
Cc: gurmeharsistani@gmail.com, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@gmail.com>, Seema Sapra <seemasapra@hotmail.com>
To Prime Minister Narendra Modi and all others including the Chief Justice of India, the Delhi Commissioner of Police, the Medical Councils of India and Delhi, the Bar Councils of India and Delhi, the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court,
I attach two pictures of my ankles taken today. These make it clear that my left foot has been twisted outwards leaving me with a severely dislocated ankle in the valgus postion. This is no mere cosmetic injury but a very serious injury and essentially a permanent deformity which even surgery cannot fix.
On 5 June 2014, I had a simple spiral fibula fracture six-seven inches from the ankle. The bone had not moved out of place. I was placed in a plaster cast. Three doctors (Dr Shalza Agarwal, Dr Fahadand Dr Sandeep Chauhan (he saw only the xray) saw both my xrays and the leg and foot and told me that there was no injury to the ankle and that my fibula fracture would heal in a cast. There was no visible deformity to the ankle and foot on 5 June 2014.
There is no way that doctors who attended to me on 5 June 2014 could have missed such an obvious valgus dislocation of the ankle.
I was in a cast from 5 - 9 June, staying in Red Fox hotel, using a wheelchair and a walker to hop on my uninjured leg if required. I did not sustain any injury between 5-9 June 2014 before I went to Fortis Vasant Kunj Hospital,
On 9 June, 2014 even after I had warned Dr Anuj Malhotra of the threat to my life, he deliberately twisted my foot wiith great force on the pretext of removing my cast. I cried out in pain and expressed my concern that he had caused further damage and that what he had done was unacceptable.
On 9 June, 2014 my foot and ankle and lower leg had a lot of swelling so the dislocation caused by Dr Anuj Malhotra was not visible externally.
However the Xray taken immediately afterwards in Fortis shows that the foot had twisted outwards from the ankle joint and the talar bone was not in a horizontal position.
An attempt was then made by Dr Anju Malhotra and Dr Pradeep Sharma to force me into surgery but they lied that there was only a partial subluxation of the ankle. I refused surgery after being told that the ankle would heal and that the only risk was development of arthritis in the long term, a risk that I was willing to take. I also made clear my intention that if I needed surgery I would get that after obtaining appropriate court orders. I had even told Dr Anuj Malhotra before he cast was removed that I was happy I did not need surgery as that would have placed my life in great danger.
The Xray of 5 June clearly shows that the ankle and foot were not dislocated on 5 June. The fractured fibula was still in position.
The 9 June Xray shows that while the fractured fibula was still in position, the foot itself had twisted not only outwards but also rotationally in a valgus position, Its not just a valgus deformity but the entire foot has been rotated in an anti clockwise direction and the foot is no longer perpendicular to the tibia and fibula.
There is no way that the fibula fracture could have caused such dislocation of the ankle and foot on its own between 5-9 June. I was in a cast and my foot was protected and there could have been no spontaneous movement of the ankle joint. The type of injury and dislocation visible in the 9 June xray and which is also visible in the 30 July Xray would require a great twisting force and is not commensurate with a mere fall from a height of about 6 inches (a single step).
For the next few weeks, I continued to hope that my leg and ankle would heal and that Dr Anuj Malhotra had not caused any serious injury on 9 June 2014.
On 30 July 2014, Dr Anuj Malhotra covered up the severe dislocation he had caused to my ankle. On that day the foot and ankle were still too swollen for me to be able to clearly see any visible deformity.
Once the swelling started to go down, I noticed the evident deformity and that the ankle joint bones were not in the correct position. I then went to Gangaram Hospital where Dr Prateek Gupta confirmed the valgus injury. However even Dr Prateek Gupta was not completely honest with me. I give him the benefit of doubt however because I did not fill him in on the background facts and on what Dr Anuj Malhotra had done.
Please see the attached pictures. My ankle has been severely damaged and destroyed by Dr Anuj Malhotra. I have earlier made complaints of how doctors were used to target me and now with this ankle destruction by Dr Anuj Malhotra there can be no doubt that the biggest threat to me is that doctors have and can be used to harm me.
Forcing me into surgery would have placed my life at great risk, I could have been murdered during or after surgery or drugged. My ankle could have been further destroyed in a way which would have prevented me from ever walking again.
As it is, Dr Anuj Malhotra was used to destroy my ankle on the pretext of removing my cast.
This destruction of my ankle is almost impossible to repair and will substantially negatively impact my quality of life. Not only can I no longer do several activities but even walking and standing (for a prolonged period) without the aircast is painful and difficult. I am using the aircast to walk outdoors. Indoors I am walking without the aircast boot but very carefully and very slowly with very short steps. There is ankle instability and my foot is not able to get a proper grip.
I attach the scanned Xrays from 5 June and 30 July. I have the 9 June Xrays on film.
A man like Anuj Malhotra should not be allowed to practice medicine.
My left foot appears a bit dirty in the attached pictures because I do not want to risk bending down to scrub it in the shower.
Meanwhiile I continue to be targeted. Some toxic chemicals are being released into my hotel room even today.
Seema Sapra
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:
To Prime Minister Narendra Modi and all others including the Chief Justice of India, the Delhi Commissioner of Police, the Medical Councils of India and Delhi, the Bar Councils of India and Delhi, the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court,
As additional evidence, that Dr Anuj Malhotra (I had mistakenly referred to him as Ajay Malhotra in my complaint below) deliberately dislocated my ankle on 9 June 2014 in the Fortis Vasant Kunj Hospital I present the following:An audio recording of the initial medical advice and treatment at Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon on 5 June 2014 where I was told that there was only a fibula fracture which would heal in a cast. (712_3089)An audio recording of my interaction with doctors including Dr Anuj Malhotra on 9 June 2014 at Fortis Hospital in Vasant Kunj (Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital). At between 24 to 26 minutes into this recording, you can actually hear me scream in pain at the point at which Dr Anuj Malhotra dislocated my ankle. Dr Pradeep Sharma can also be heard on this recording later. (712_3164)An audio recording of my consultation with Dr Anuj Malhotra at Fortis Hospital on 30 July 2014. (712_3362)An audio recording of my consultation with Dr Prateek Gupta at Gangaram Hospital on 4 August 2014. (712_3378)Seema SapraSeema SapraOn Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:33 PM, Seema Sapra <seema.sapra@googlemail.com> wrote:To Prime Minister Narendra Modi and all others including the Chief Justice of India, the Commissioner of Police, the Medical Council of Delhi, the Bar Councils of India and Delhi, the Chief Justice of the Delhi high Court,
I fell down while exiting a cafe (missed a single step or the doormat slipped) and I fractured my fibula on 5 June 2014. My ankle was also severely injured and swollen.This fall happened because of my being targeted, poisoned and because I was trying to evade persons targeting me and was trying to find a safe place to stay. June 5 was a very hot day and I was outside the entire day because of not having a place to stay.I was taken in an ambulance to Artemis Hospital and I got a plaster cast at Artemis Hospital.I stayed at Red Fox Hotel for three nights where pesticides and poisonous chemicals were released into my room and attempts were made to drug me.I checked out on 9 June and took a taxi from the hotel to Fortis Hospital Vasant Kunj. I paid for a consultation with Dr Ajay Malhotra who told me that the leg needed to be xrayed again and the cast needed to be removed.An assistant was asked by Dr Ajay Mahtra to cut off my cast. This assistant cut the cast on one side partially and was then applying force on my ankle to prise the cast apart. I objected and asked him to stop and called Dr Ajay Malhotra to complain.The cast had been cut open from one side only from the top to about just above the ankle bone and the cast was still intact over the foot from near the ankle until the toes. Also the opening was only about 2 inches wide. My foot, ankle and leg are much wider than 2 inches even normally and on 9 June 2014, they were severely swollen as well.Dr Ajay Malhotra suddenly came in and without warning me, he suddenly inserted his hands into the cast, twisted my foot and pulled out the leg and foot. I screamed out in pain because of this and continued to experience pain near the ankle after this was done.I contemporaneously strongly objected to what Dr Ajay Malhotra had done and accused him of having damaged my ankle further.I state that on 9 June 2014, Dr Ajay Malhotra was told to cause further damage to my leg and ankle and he deliberately dislocated my ankle.I was then made to see Dr Pradeep Sharma who verbally told me that I needed surgery.I told both Dr Ajay Malhotra and Dr Pradeep Sharma that I could not risk surgery because of the threat to my life and that I would not have surgery without a court order.I attach several medical documents including records of consultation with doctors on 5 June, 9 June, 30 July and 4 August 2014.Xrays are also attached.These medical records establish that on 5 June my fibula was fractured but there was no ankle dislocation.My ankle was deliberately dislocated by Dr Ajay Malhotra on 9 June 2014 and the intent was to force me to undergo surgery. The surgery could have been used to murder/ incapacitate me or to further damage my ankle and leg with intent to cause permanent disability which would have prevented me from ever walking again.Dr Ajay Malhotra's prescription dated 30 June is based upon the same Xrays as Dr Prateek Gupta's prescription dated 4 August 2014. And I point out the vast difference in the observations of thee two doctors. As of now, I am walking but it is clear that there is some dislocation of bones at the ankle.I cannot have surgery because of my circumstances and also because I apprehend that my ankle might be further deliberately damaged during surgery or I might be harmed in other ways during or after surgery.I ask Fortis Hospital to provide me soft copies of the xrays of my leg and ankle taken there on 9 June 2014. I have the films.Seema Sapra
Leg fracture xrays taken on day of fracture, 5 June 2014:
Chest Xrays
Xray dated 27 January 2011
Xray dated 15 August 2011
Xray dated 24 February 2012
Xray dated 27 October 2012
Xray dated 23 December 2013
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